There are rumors that Venerable Pa-Auk Sayadawkyi will be coming to Pa-Auk Tawya main for the famous...
There are rumors that Venerable Pa-Auk Sayadawkyi will be coming to Pa-Auk Tawya main for the famous February meeting of teachers. Venerable Sayadawkyi is still in Vietnam and will continue to be in Vietnam until the Doctors say it is OK to leave.
This information was confirmed today by Venerable Kumei Sayadaw, U Cando, and U Kumudha, directly to me.
This picture is from 2004 and seems to be the Buddha that is housed in MettaVihari Female meditation Hall Pa-Auk Main, Mawlamyine, Mon State, Myanmar.
The Buddha was hoisted onto the floor when it was finished. Then the rest of the construction took place around it until the building was completed.
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