Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “pa-auk-meditation-center”

Living as a Monk in Myanmar During Covid and Government Change
Introduction Foreigner monk gets a COVID vaccine jab during the times of the new Myanmar government
In this article, I want to share with you some of my experiences of living as a monk in Myanmar during the covid pandemic and the government change that happened recently. I also want to explain why I left Myanmar at the end of 2022 and what I am doing now.
I am an American Buddhist monk who has been living in Myanmar for many years.
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Water Purification
Water Purification Diagram
While the first step of meditation is called Sīlavisuddhi (Purification of morality), another important part of our monastery is the water purification system. We basically have our own industrial Reverse Osmosis water purification plant with enough capacity to supply a whole village with drinking water. However, since we normally have 500+ residents, we only supply our own monastery instead of going into business.
Ven Kāruṇika is one of the worker monks who keeps our water filtration machine in tip top condition, or shall we say “purerr-ing” ?
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Ajahn Brahm's Dark Jhāna
Does Ajahn Brahm Jhāna Have a Nimitta? Ajahn Brahm (“Ajahn Brahmavamso”) teaches about a samādhi nimitta. However, during jhāna, he says that there is no perception of light. He says that “The nimitta is the gateway to jhāna, but not the object of jhāna itself. Pīti or sukha are the objects of jhāna”.
If you follow Ajahn Brahm, this article will help you follow his teachings better. If you follow another method, this article will help you distinguish the difference.
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500+ monks at Pa-Auk Main. Some slippers go missing, but not these.
500+ monks at paauk main. Some slippers go missing so people mark them with different patterns as a passive way to prevent loss. However, the slippers in the center were not as passive. (Reposted and fixed lost picture from 2013)
Look at the writing on the slippers “No for Your” (Not for you).
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Why I Ordained Twice
Many people who have learned that I have re-ordained and actually know what that means have asked me why I did it. It is a long story, but I will try to be brief. During my first ordination in 2001, at Pa-Auk Main Branch with Venerable Pa-Auk Sayadaw as my preceptor, I was asked 13 questions. According to tradition, every monk is asked these 13 qualifying questions in the ordination ceremony twice.
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Back in Myanmar Headed to Pa-Auk Meditation Center
From the pamc lookout. I am back in Myanmar from Kauai, Hawaii. I will begin the Bus trip to Pa-Auk Meditation Center this morning. What a long transit back that was. Here is a picture taken from Pa-Auk Lookout point that friends and I had fun taking a while back. I will begin the Bus trip to Pa-Auk Meditation Center this morning.
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