Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “paḷi”

What Does Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa Mean?
Introduction: Today we will have a short and brief introduction into the meaning of “Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa”. We could easily say it is the most frequently chanted stanza of all Buddhist Pāḷi because this is said before any other type of chant. It is also chanted before every proper Theravāda dhamma talk. We will discuss the word by word meaning and the basic grammar. In short, the phrase means “Reverence to the Buddha.
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Basic Pali Terms for Dhamma
Burmese Pāḷi
I have made a list of the most basic Pāḷi terms which will help you in your Theravāda Buddhist Readings and listening to Dhamma Talks. I could have added more, but there are already 165+ terms. I have decided to sort the words in alphabetical order so I would not have to decide which were the most important. Grouping the words would have also given me the same dilemma.
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The Most Basic Pali Chants to Learn
Myanmar Pali Script (credit at bottom link.. cc-sa-attrib)
There are many different Pāḷi chants to learn, yet I wanted to list the absolute basic chants that one should learn. If you are interested in Pāḷi chanting, these are the first to learn. The most basic and essential chants for beginning lay people should know are listed in order of importance:
Namo Tassa, Triple Gem with the 5 precepts, Bare bones Triple Gem chant of the 24 qualities of the Buddha, Dhamma and Saṅgha.
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