Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “meditation”

Choosing Your Awareness With Selective Attention
Training the Mind to not notice things: It seems strange that mindfulness would be used to not notice things. However, there’s a famous psychological experiment—one that’s only 1 minute and 21 seconds long—that has surprised people for years. I won’t spoil it for you, but if you haven’t seen it yet, watch it first and let me know how many times the ball was passed by the players wearing the white shirts:
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Accused Of Being Psychic
Accused of Being Psychic
A brief video describing this story has been added to this post below. The longer story is below that.
I think it was in 2003 or 2004 when I was at Pa-Auk Meditation Center when this event happened to me. I was at the mountain meditation hall during the meditation break and I saw a yogi dressed in white yogi clothes. His outfit basically looked like pajamas to most Westerners, but if you know the meditation scene and you know how the foreigners usually dress at Pa-Auk, then you would know that he was a serious yogi.
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7 Lockdown Suggestions From A Monk
These days, the lockdowns are in full swing. The question is, “What do you do with your time?” Perhaps you are out of work, or retired like my parents. What do you do? As a monk, lockdowns or “stay at home” orders are not much of a big deal unless a medical problem arises.
Since April, we have been on a more serious lockdown to the point where it has affected the food variety to mostly long shelf-life food items.
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The Mantra of Loving-Kindness
This video is an instruction on how to practice loving-kindness meditation. The simplest way is to repeat the Loving-Kindness phrases (mantras). The discussion goes into the details. I hope you enjoy this.
May you be happy!
May you be happy!
May you be happy!
Repeat “May I be happy” over and over again (in your mind) until the timer goes off.
Repeat “May you be happy” over and over again (in your mind) until the timer goes off.
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Interview: Monk Meditates for 24 Hours
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Interview 1 of 2 Note: Some edits have been made afterwards to make things clear or to protect the anonymity of people.
I am sitting here now with one anonymous monk. He has sat for more than 24 hours in 4th jhāna and I wanted to interview him anonymously to inspire others. So we are here with Bhante (Note: All monks can be called “Bhante”).
I want to ask a few questions.
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Fingernail Meditation
 as a subject of meditation. Although this has probably never been taught before by anyone as a standalone meditation subject, it is a subsection of a meditation instruction that all monks are given on their ordination day. That is called, “The First Five Body Parts,” Yes, it is that well known, but rarely ever or even never taught.
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The Seeds From Long Ago
The Seeds From Long Ago I remember when I first learned how to meditate on my breath some time in 1990, during my university years. Back then, meditation was not so well known. The beat generation’s Zen trend in the 60’s had died out with disco in the 70’s. Barnes and Noble maybe had only a few shelves in a single bookcase labeled with “Eastern Philosophy” that covered all Eastern religions, including Buddhism.
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MP3 of Princeville Dhamma Talk September 2, 2018
mp3 Dhamma Talk September 2, 2018 Another mp3 recording of a happy Guided meditation and discussion at Princeville, Kauai, Hawaii. Expect about 35 minutes discussion, 40 minutes of guided meditation. Topics included discussion on samadhi, chanting of the loving-kindness sutta, anapana guided meditation, loving-kindness guided meditation.
For those who missed it and want to hear, here it is. It is best to use head/ear-phones to improve clarity. 128 kb/s
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The Secret Teachings of Theravāda
If there was a book that had all of the Secret Teachings of Theravāda, The Path of Purification (The Visuddhimagga) would be that book. It explains all the good stuff, like how to attain samādhi concentration; how to attain psychic powers including knowing and seeing the past lives. Lastly, it includes the stages of insight and wisdom that one needs to reach Nibbāna. Books do not get more complete than this.
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The Concept in Breath Meditation
The Concept in Breath Meditation The concept of the breath as it is used in meditation is not well understood. We will discuss this matter in this small article. There are many methods concerned with the breath, but The Ancient Theravāda Commentaries say that one should focus at one area above the upper lip and at the exit of the nostrils. However, if one just limited himself to that one single method, things can still get complicated.
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When To Look At The Light
Is the light a Nimitta and when should one look at it?
When one practices meditation based on the breath, it is possible for the light to come and when that happens and it is stable one can use that light to enter samadhi absorption concentration. However, one should know when to look at the light and when not to look at the light. It is very important to know this difference because progress can stop.
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A Tale of Love and Samādhi Explained: A'capella Inertia
A Tale of Love and Samādhi Explained: A’capella Inertia A little Valentines story for all of you. The topside title is just a description of what the story is generally about. However, the real title of the story is called, “A’capella Inertia.” This is not a short one, but I think you will like this one very much. It has received high marks and it will take about 30 minutes to read.
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General Update Pre-Vassa 2017
Update Aug 5: I am back at Varansi Monastery , Mingaladone as pictured.
This is a general update. There are many sublinks to look at. Enjoy!
I have passed all of my exams and finished my Diploma Course at ITBMU and have elected not to continue further. I wish to do meditation and if I study, want to focus on Pali and the memorization of the 45 page Patimokkha rules in Pali.
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Make The Best Free Meditation Seat: The Samadhi-Sausage
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Tutorial on How to Sit Many times I have given advice to yogis on how to sit properly and I have received raving success. In fact, I asked one fellow student to model for the pictures you will see in this article and he was absolutely amazed at how comfortable he was as soon as he sat down. He spoke loudly with joy and excitement as soon as he was seated in the Samādhi-Sausage, which prompted other people to peek inside the room to see what all of the commotion was about.
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