Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “loving-kindness”

Choosing Your Awareness With Selective Attention
Training the Mind to not notice things: It seems strange that mindfulness would be used to not notice things. However, there’s a famous psychological experiment—one that’s only 1 minute and 21 seconds long—that has surprised people for years. I won’t spoil it for you, but if you haven’t seen it yet, watch it first and let me know how many times the ball was passed by the players wearing the white shirts:
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Three Stories Of Loving-kindness
There are three stories of loving-kindness told in the video posted below. The first story is from Kaua’i, Hawai’i, when a person did not want me on “his” street. Through the power of loving-kindness, things changed. Another story was also from the island in 2015. There were children on bicycles who were yelling at us to go away on multiple days. Through the power of loving-kindness, things changed. The last story is from 2011 during a trip to India.
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What does AI think of Loving-Kindness? Here is a poem.
ai generated art for this post
I asked openai chatGPT to write a buddhist poem on loving-kindness in the style of Dr. Seuss. This is what I got.
With open hearts and open hands,
We spread loving-kindness across the lands.
Like ripples on a pond, it starts with one,
But soon it touches everyone.
With each kind word and thoughtful deed,
We plant the seeds of love, in hearts to breed.
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As Long As You Stand On The Road
That is me going for alms on Aalona Street Kilauea.
I have a Christmas story for you. I have tried to keep it short but it didn’t work out.
When I was in Kaua’i on from 2017-2019, an 18 month run, I made it a point to go for alms by the house to house loving-kindness method on Tuesdays and Wednesdays as a way to get food. Early on, I was invited to Waiapua Road while standing in front of Hanalei Big Save which was my Monday stop.
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The Mantra of Loving-Kindness
This video is an instruction on how to practice loving-kindness meditation. The simplest way is to repeat the Loving-Kindness phrases (mantras). The discussion goes into the details. I hope you enjoy this.
May you be happy!
May you be happy!
May you be happy!
Repeat “May I be happy” over and over again (in your mind) until the timer goes off.
Repeat “May you be happy” over and over again (in your mind) until the timer goes off.
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Fighting Anger With Loving-Kindness and No Money
Recently, I ran into a very angry man who came out of his house yelling at me and coming closer and closer. Eventually, I won the fight with my two big weapons, loving-kindness and my commitment of being free from money for all these years. I have been going for alms in this neighborhood for a little over a year now, and while I did have two girls yell at me, they did not leave their property boundary.
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Guided Four Elements and Loving-Kindness September 9th, 2018
Here is a dhamma talk with a very brief instruction for Four Elements. It is not complete, but gives a small taste of four elements. Loving-kindness is also included as usual. The recording is cleaner using some post processing with the same recorder.
[archiveorg id=BhanteSubhuti2018Sept9 width=520 height=140]
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MP3 of Princeville Dhamma Talk September 2, 2018
mp3 Dhamma Talk September 2, 2018 Another mp3 recording of a happy Guided meditation and discussion at Princeville, Kauai, Hawaii. Expect about 35 minutes discussion, 40 minutes of guided meditation. Topics included discussion on samadhi, chanting of the loving-kindness sutta, anapana guided meditation, loving-kindness guided meditation.
For those who missed it and want to hear, here it is. It is best to use head/ear-phones to improve clarity. 128 kb/s
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Dhamma Talk Princeville August 19 2018
Image not found.
With only 5 minutes left before we were supposed to start, the security guard told us that someone else had the room booked and we would need to move to a smaller amd inferior room. It was a mistake on their part, and while I did ask to see the schedule book, I opted out because we were running out of time and needed to setup the room again.
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Spoken Metta Mix by One Voice
This is a spoken English version of the Discourse on Loving-Kindness (Metta Sutta), mixed with the Pāi chanting of One Voice (EkaSara). I like it and I think you will too. Enjoy! If you get a chance, It is best listened with headphones. There is quite a bit of stereophonic separation included. Feedback welcome. The audio is uploaded here.
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Making Helmut Schmidt’s Day
A Story from 1993 from my college days, before the Internet was around.
I remember all the way back in ‘93, when I was in college and I had just spent a few weeks in China for an academic scholarship. Because I was now some type of “International” student, I was asked to attend a “lunch hour” question and answer session with Helmut Schmitt. Although I had international travel experience, I was hardly experienced in “international issues,” and I did not even know who or what he was.
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A Different Love Trumps Hate
[![pexels-photo-13918](/images/pexels-photo-13918.webp" >}}](/images/2016/07/pexels-photo-13918.webp" >}}
[![hatredlove](/images/hatredlove.webp" >}}](/images/2016/07/hatredlove.webp" >}}
This video clip below came my way and I would hate to say that not only is this guy is correct right near the end of his talk, but he is expressing the same thoughts as the Buddha and myself…well, at least the last part. This link will skip over to 3 minutes 38 seconds. Remainder running time is about 2 minutes. NOTE: There is more I say below after this video: https://www.
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