Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “karma”

Planting Wisdom: Reflections on the Cūḷakammavibhaṅga Sutta and a Meditation Journey
In this talk, I explore the Cūḷakammavibhaṅga Sutta and share the story of reconnecting with my first meditation teacher after nearly two decades. The focus is on the seeds of kamma that we plant continuously through our actions. What kind of seeds are we planting right now?
The Seeds From Long Ago The Seeds From Long Ago I remember when I first learned how to meditate on my breath some time in 1990, during my university years.
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Buddhism: What Happens After Death?
Warning: This is a long but clear and interesting religious post on what happens after death according to Classical Theravāda Buddhism.
Key Points: The Fully Enlightened do not take a rebirth after death. Immediate rebirth takes place after the death moment for all other beings. Kamma is what determines your next birth Lifetime and Momentary suffering Be careful what you wish for There is no such thing as a guaranteed intermediate stage (Bardo Plane).
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