Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “god”

Does Buddhism Have A Creator
Recently, I made a video explaining the common question I get asked in the West. “Do you believe in a creator?” It is a loaded question usually asked by devoted Christians. They are expecting me to say no, but I tell them “Yes”. The real answer is that kamma is the creator.
I quote from the stock phrase below:
“Kammassakomhi, kammadāyādo, kammayoni,
“It is actions that I own, it is actions that I am heir to, it is actions that I am born from,
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Conversations With Christians
Every so often on my alms rounds, or here and there, I encounter Christians who approach me. Usually within the first sentence, they announce themselves as Christians to me as if they were holding a cross near to my face. However, I listen to their questions and give them answers. Many times they are trying to convince me my path is wrong and since it is a predictable pattern for them, I can anticipate what they will say, and put logic into their own path.
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