Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “giving”

Alms Is Never A Sure Thing
Just a small “monk life” entry: IIT, Sri Lanka, June 23, 20204
Yesterday was the day after the Full Moon Uposatha Day. We didn’t get a lot of food from the village alms round. I went by myself on my usual route, and another monk went by himself on a different route that he sometimes goes to.
I’m not sure what happened. Maybe the villagers were at the monasteries all night.
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Giving is Always Better
Ven Sunanda (China)
One of the Chinese monks named Venerable Sunanda recently had his birthday. For his birthday, he determined to offer 100 shoulder cloths to various monks and ended up making 123. What is a shoulder cloth? It is a small robe that monks often like to wear underneath their upper robe.
from creative commons attrib nc
We have an abundance of robes in the storage room and with vassa coming up, we will get more and more.
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