Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “dhamma”

Buddhism: What Happens After Death?
Warning: This is a long but clear and interesting religious post on what happens after death according to Classical Theravāda Buddhism.
Key Points: The Fully Enlightened do not take a rebirth after death. Immediate rebirth takes place after the death moment for all other beings. Kamma is what determines your next birth Lifetime and Momentary suffering Be careful what you wish for There is no such thing as a guaranteed intermediate stage (Bardo Plane).
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Basic Pali Terms for Dhamma
Burmese Pāḷi
I have made a list of the most basic Pāḷi terms which will help you in your Theravāda Buddhist Readings and listening to Dhamma Talks. I could have added more, but there are already 165+ terms. I have decided to sort the words in alphabetical order so I would not have to decide which were the most important. Grouping the words would have also given me the same dilemma.
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The Dark Side of Ajahn Mun's Biography
Ajahn Mun dark
Did Ajahn Mun say the Buddha congratulated him on the night he attained arahant? His biography books says it for sure.
Venerable Ācariya Mun Būridatta Thera is one of the most revered forest masters of the 20th century. He is the root guru of both the Dhammayut and Ajahn Chah monasteries. He popularized the monastic practice of living under an umbrella in the forest and his relentless energy is fascinating and inspiring.
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A Different Love Trumps Hate
[![pexels-photo-13918](/images/pexels-photo-13918.webp" >}}](/images/2016/07/pexels-photo-13918.webp" >}}
[![hatredlove](/images/hatredlove.webp" >}}](/images/2016/07/hatredlove.webp" >}}
This video clip below came my way and I would hate to say that not only is this guy is correct right near the end of his talk, but he is expressing the same thoughts as the Buddha and myself…well, at least the last part. This link will skip over to 3 minutes 38 seconds. Remainder running time is about 2 minutes. NOTE: There is more I say below after this video: https://www.
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