Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “ccsu”

Making Helmut Schmidt’s Day
A Story from 1993 from my college days, before the Internet was around.
I remember all the way back in ‘93, when I was in college and I had just spent a few weeks in China for an academic scholarship. Because I was now some type of “International” student, I was asked to attend a “lunch hour” question and answer session with Helmut Schmitt. Although I had international travel experience, I was hardly experienced in “international issues,” and I did not even know who or what he was.
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Learning to Fly
[![hang-glider](/images/hang-glider.webp" >}}](/images/2016/09/hang-glider.webp" >}} Below is a Wrigley’s TV commercial from the 80s which started my lifelong dream to hang-glide and a genuine excuse to get educated. Whenever I saw this commercial as a child, my jaw was to the floor. It was something I had always wanted to do. Thanks to youtube, I can trace it all back.
I was never really college material, I took the SAT’s once and bombed on them.
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