Tag: 8 requisites

Posts image from New Belt And Pocket

New Belt And Pocket

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Tag: bhikkhu

Posts image from New Belt And Pocket

New Belt And Pocket

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Posts image from Can Homosexuals Ordain as Buddhist Monks?

Can Homosexuals Ordain as Buddhist Monks?

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Posts image from my-ordination-brother-visits


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Posts image from Percentage of Monks Who Do Not Use Money

Percentage of Monks Who Do Not Use Money

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Posts image from International Institute of Theravada

International Institute of Theravada

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Posts image from Kauai Monk Update 3

Kauai Monk Update 3

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Posts image from September 11 and Jeremy Glick

September 11 and Jeremy Glick

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Posts image from Kauai Update Part 2

Kauai Update Part 2

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Posts image from Donation to Sangha or Individuals?

Donation to Sangha or Individuals?

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Posts image from Making A Foot-Rug From Old Robes

Making A Foot-Rug From Old Robes

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Posts image from Kauai Propagation Presentation

Kauai Propagation Presentation

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Tag: monk-robes

Posts image from New Belt And Pocket

New Belt And Pocket

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Posts image from Monk Life and Natural Dyeing

Monk Life and Natural Dyeing

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Posts image from The Robes of Theravadan, Mahayanan, Tibetan Monks

The Robes of Theravadan, Mahayanan, Tibetan Monks

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Tag: robes-and-bowl

Posts image from New Belt And Pocket

New Belt And Pocket

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Posts image from The Buddhist Monk's Bowl

The Buddhist Monk's Bowl

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Tag: sewing

Posts image from New Belt And Pocket

New Belt And Pocket

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Posts image from Giving is Always Better

Giving is Always Better

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Tag: buddhism

Posts image from About The Dhammapada

About The Dhammapada

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Posts image from American Monk Website Has A New Home

American Monk Website Has A New Home

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Posts image from Buddhism and Lists

Buddhism and Lists

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Posts image from Why Is Halloween Bad According To Theravada Buddhism?

Why Is Halloween Bad According To Theravada Buddhism?

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Posts image from Buddhism:  What Happens After Death?

Buddhism: What Happens After Death?

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Posts image from Abhidhamma Lessons: A Top-Down Approach Using Computer Science

Abhidhamma Lessons: A Top-Down Approach Using Computer Science

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Posts image from September 11 and Jeremy Glick

September 11 and Jeremy Glick

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Posts image from Is Collecting Alms (Piṇḍapāta) Legal?

Is Collecting Alms (Piṇḍapāta) Legal?

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Posts image from Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism

Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism

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Posts image from Are You A Buddhist

Are You A Buddhist

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Posts image from Does The Buddha live in Nibbana

Does The Buddha live in Nibbana

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Posts image from Spoken Metta Mix by One Voice

Spoken Metta Mix by One Voice

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Posts image from Buddhism and Abortion

Buddhism and Abortion

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Tag: Buddhist Legends

Posts image from About The Dhammapada

About The Dhammapada

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Posts image from Free Buddha Pictures

Free Buddha Pictures

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Tag: commentaries

Posts image from About The Dhammapada

About The Dhammapada

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Posts image from Only In The West, Only In Asia

Only In The West, Only In Asia

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Tag: dhammapada

Posts image from About The Dhammapada

About The Dhammapada

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Posts image from How The Buddha's Teachings Saved Japan

How The Buddha's Teachings Saved Japan

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Posts image from The Most Common Dhammapāda Chants

The Most Common Dhammapāda Chants

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Tag: dhammapada information

Posts image from About The Dhammapada

About The Dhammapada

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Tag: Free Dhammapada

Posts image from About The Dhammapada

About The Dhammapada

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Tag: memory

Posts image from About The Dhammapada

About The Dhammapada

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Posts image from Patimokkha Chant Feb 15, 2022

Patimokkha Chant Feb 15, 2022

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Posts image from How To Memorize Pāḷi by Rote Method

How To Memorize Pāḷi by Rote Method

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Posts image from Memorizing The Noble Eightfold Path

Memorizing The Noble Eightfold Path

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Tag: theravada

Posts image from About The Dhammapada

About The Dhammapada

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Posts image from What is Theravada Buddhism?

What is Theravada Buddhism?

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Posts image from Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?

Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?

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Posts image from Are Theravada Bhikkhuni Ordinations Valid?

Are Theravada Bhikkhuni Ordinations Valid?

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Posts image from The Robes of Theravadan, Mahayanan, Tibetan Monks

The Robes of Theravadan, Mahayanan, Tibetan Monks

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Posts image from How To Pronounce Theravada

How To Pronounce Theravada

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Posts image from Buddhist Monks' Robes Information

Buddhist Monks' Robes Information

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Posts image from Is Collecting Alms (Piṇḍapāta) Legal?

Is Collecting Alms (Piṇḍapāta) Legal?

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Posts image from Kauai Update Part 2

Kauai Update Part 2

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Posts image from Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism

Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism

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Posts image from How Do Monks Say Grace Before Eating?

How Do Monks Say Grace Before Eating?

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Posts image from Does The Buddha live in Nibbana

Does The Buddha live in Nibbana

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Posts image from Kauai Propagation Presentation

Kauai Propagation Presentation

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Tag: alms

Posts image from Dhammapada 118 Giving Again And Again

Dhammapada 118 Giving Again And Again

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Posts image from My Trip To America In 2024

My Trip To America In 2024

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Posts image from Alms Is Never A Sure Thing

Alms Is Never A Sure Thing

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Posts image from Supermarket Alms In America

Supermarket Alms In America

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Posts image from A Talk On The Monk's Bowl

A Talk On The Monk's Bowl

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Posts image from American Monk Website Has A New Home

American Monk Website Has A New Home

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Posts image from Three Stories Of Loving-kindness

Three Stories Of Loving-kindness

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Posts image from Why A Monk's Empty Bowl Made Me So Happy!

Why A Monk's Empty Bowl Made Me So Happy!

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Posts image from Intelligent Donations: Turning The Tables

Intelligent Donations: Turning The Tables

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Posts image from About Piṇḍapāta:  Why Do Monks Go For Alms in a Village?

About Piṇḍapāta: Why Do Monks Go For Alms in a Village?

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Posts image from A Great Day, 2019

A Great Day, 2019

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Posts image from Leaving Kaua'i On A Jet Plane

Leaving Kaua'i On A Jet Plane

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Posts image from Most Important Buddhist Lesson Learned and Taught

Most Important Buddhist Lesson Learned and Taught

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Posts image from Pa-Auk Monastery Alms Line in Myanmar

Pa-Auk Monastery Alms Line in Myanmar

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Posts image from Fighting Anger With Loving-Kindness and No Money

Fighting Anger With Loving-Kindness and No Money

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Posts image from Koral Inspires Me

Koral Inspires Me

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Posts image from Kauai Update: Lihue

Kauai Update: Lihue

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Posts image from Should Monks Use Mixing Bowls as Monk Bowls?

Should Monks Use Mixing Bowls as Monk Bowls?

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Posts image from Miracle On 3 or 4 Streets

Miracle On 3 or 4 Streets

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Posts image from Kauai Monk Update 3

Kauai Monk Update 3

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Posts image from Results From Collecting Alms In Kauai

Results From Collecting Alms In Kauai

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Posts image from Is Collecting Alms (Piṇḍapāta) Legal?

Is Collecting Alms (Piṇḍapāta) Legal?

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Posts image from Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism

Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism

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Posts image from How Do Monks Say Grace Before Eating?

How Do Monks Say Grace Before Eating?

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Posts image from Why Are Most Monasteries Not Allowable?

Why Are Most Monasteries Not Allowable?

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Posts image from Shining The Inner Core

Shining The Inner Core

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Posts image from Kauai Propagation Presentation

Kauai Propagation Presentation

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Posts image from When It Rains It Pours

When It Rains It Pours

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Posts image from The Benefits of Faith Alms

The Benefits of Faith Alms

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Posts image from Loving Kindness Wins The Race

Loving Kindness Wins The Race

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Posts image from Very Sweet Indeed

Very Sweet Indeed

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Tag: dana

Posts image from Dhammapada 118 Giving Again And Again

Dhammapada 118 Giving Again And Again

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Posts image from Giving is Always Better

Giving is Always Better

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Posts image from Thanks and Giving

Thanks and Giving

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Posts image from Sabbe Satta -All Beings

Sabbe Satta -All Beings

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Posts image from Donation to Sangha or Individuals?

Donation to Sangha or Individuals?

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Tag: donation

Posts image from Dhammapada 118 Giving Again And Again

Dhammapada 118 Giving Again And Again

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Posts image from Alms Is Never A Sure Thing

Alms Is Never A Sure Thing

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Posts image from About Alms In Sri Lanka

About Alms In Sri Lanka

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Posts image from Making Garlands of Merit

Making Garlands of Merit

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Posts image from The Power Of Timing In Donations

The Power Of Timing In Donations

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Posts image from Intelligent Donations: Turning The Tables

Intelligent Donations: Turning The Tables

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Posts image from Only The Best For Buddha

Only The Best For Buddha

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Posts image from 18th Anniversary and Update

18th Anniversary and Update

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Posts image from Donation to Sangha or Individuals?

Donation to Sangha or Individuals?

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Tag: pa-auk

Posts image from Dhammapada 118 Giving Again And Again

Dhammapada 118 Giving Again And Again

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Posts image from Cambodia Was More Than 1000 Times We Expected

Cambodia Was More Than 1000 Times We Expected

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Posts image from Intelligent Donations: Turning The Tables

Intelligent Donations: Turning The Tables

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Posts image from Living as a Monk in Myanmar During Covid and Government Change

Living as a Monk in Myanmar During Covid and Government Change

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Posts image from A Pa-Auk Walk-In Refrigerator

A Pa-Auk Walk-In Refrigerator

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Posts image from Only The Best For Buddha

Only The Best For Buddha

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Posts image from Patimokkha Chant Feb 15, 2022

Patimokkha Chant Feb 15, 2022

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Posts image from Umbrella Shop 2004-2014

Umbrella Shop 2004-2014

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Posts image from Pa-Auk Forest Monastery and Pa-Auk Sayadaw Shared Names

Pa-Auk Forest Monastery and Pa-Auk Sayadaw Shared Names

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Posts image from Mawlamyine Pa-Auk Kitchen 2014

Mawlamyine Pa-Auk Kitchen 2014

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Posts image from Why Is Vassa (Rainy Season) Late Sometimes?

Why Is Vassa (Rainy Season) Late Sometimes?

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Posts image from Monastery-wide Sickness Happens

Monastery-wide Sickness Happens

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Posts image from What is a Kuti?

What is a Kuti?

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Posts image from Having Fun At The Pa-Auk Dentist Clinic

Having Fun At The Pa-Auk Dentist Clinic

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Posts image from Anniversary 19:  I’m Still Standing

Anniversary 19: I’m Still Standing

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Posts image from Why I Ordained Twice

Why I Ordained Twice

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Posts image from Interview: Monk Meditates for 24 Hours

Interview: Monk Meditates for 24 Hours

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Posts image from Pa-Auk Monastery Alms Line in Myanmar

Pa-Auk Monastery Alms Line in Myanmar

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Posts image from Vinaya Comparison of Monastery Allowances

Vinaya Comparison of Monastery Allowances

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Posts image from Racism in Asia, Myanmar, and Monasteries

Racism in Asia, Myanmar, and Monasteries

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Posts image from An Open Letter to Ma Ba Tha

An Open Letter to Ma Ba Tha

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Posts image from Pa-Auk Monastery in Mudon

Pa-Auk Monastery in Mudon

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Posts image from Pa-Auk Forest Monastery HD

Pa-Auk Forest Monastery HD

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Tag: chicago

Posts image from My Trip To America In 2024

My Trip To America In 2024

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Posts image from Chicago Lao Monastery

Chicago Lao Monastery

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Tag: family

Posts image from My Trip To America In 2024

My Trip To America In 2024

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Posts image from All in the Family

All in the Family

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Tag: giving

Posts image from Alms Is Never A Sure Thing

Alms Is Never A Sure Thing

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Posts image from Giving is Always Better

Giving is Always Better

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Tag: dāna

Posts image from About Alms In Sri Lanka

About Alms In Sri Lanka

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Posts image from Making Garlands of Merit

Making Garlands of Merit

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Tag: dhamma-talk

Posts image from About Alms In Sri Lanka

About Alms In Sri Lanka

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Posts image from Making Garlands of Merit

Making Garlands of Merit

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Posts image from A Talk On The Monk's Bowl

A Talk On The Monk's Bowl

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Posts image from Planting Wisdom: Reflections on the Cūḷakammavibhaṅga Sutta and a Meditation Journey

Planting Wisdom: Reflections on the Cūḷakammavibhaṅga Sutta and a Meditation Journey

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Posts image from Dhamma Talk Princeville August 19 2018

Dhamma Talk Princeville August 19 2018

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Tag: bodhi-tree

Posts image from What Is Buddhist Vesak?

What Is Buddhist Vesak?

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Posts image from Only The Best For Buddha

Only The Best For Buddha

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Posts image from Our Bodhi Tree

Our Bodhi Tree

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Tag: buddha

Posts image from What Is Buddhist Vesak?

What Is Buddhist Vesak?

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Posts image from What Does Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa Mean?

What Does Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa Mean?

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Posts image from The Real Buddha Statues

The Real Buddha Statues

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Tag: vesak

Posts image from What Is Buddhist Vesak?

What Is Buddhist Vesak?

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Posts image from Only The Best For Buddha

Only The Best For Buddha

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Tag: homosexual

Posts image from Can Homosexuals Ordain as Buddhist Monks?

Can Homosexuals Ordain as Buddhist Monks?

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Tag: ordination

Posts image from Can Homosexuals Ordain as Buddhist Monks?

Can Homosexuals Ordain as Buddhist Monks?

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Posts image from my-ordination-brother-visits


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Posts image from Why did you become a monk?

Why did you become a monk?

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Posts image from Are Theravada Bhikkhuni Ordinations Valid?

Are Theravada Bhikkhuni Ordinations Valid?

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Posts image from How I Got My Name

How I Got My Name

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Posts image from Why I Ordained Twice

Why I Ordained Twice

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Tag: vinaya

Posts image from Can Homosexuals Ordain as Buddhist Monks?

Can Homosexuals Ordain as Buddhist Monks?

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Posts image from Memorizing The Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha

Memorizing The Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha

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Posts image from Theravāda Buddhist Monk Head Shaving: Traditions, Stories, and Techniques

Theravāda Buddhist Monk Head Shaving: Traditions, Stories, and Techniques

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Posts image from Are Monks Allowed To Perform Marriage Ceremonies?

Are Monks Allowed To Perform Marriage Ceremonies?

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Posts image from International Institute of Theravada

International Institute of Theravada

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Posts image from What Is The Bhikkhu Patimokkha or Buddhist Monk Rules?

What Is The Bhikkhu Patimokkha or Buddhist Monk Rules?

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Posts image from Are Buddhist Monks Allowed To Use Money?

Are Buddhist Monks Allowed To Use Money?

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Posts image from Stay Away From the Fools and Associate with the Wise

Stay Away From the Fools and Associate with the Wise

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Posts image from Making Natural Brooms

Making Natural Brooms

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Posts image from Patimokkha Chant Feb 15, 2022

Patimokkha Chant Feb 15, 2022

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Posts image from Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?

Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?

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Posts image from Monk Towels and Soap

Monk Towels and Soap

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Posts image from When Does Rainy Season Start?

When Does Rainy Season Start?

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Posts image from The Buddha's Intermittent Fasting

The Buddha's Intermittent Fasting

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Posts image from Chicago Lao Monastery

Chicago Lao Monastery

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Posts image from Kauai Update: Lihue

Kauai Update: Lihue

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Posts image from Vinaya Comparison of Monastery Allowances

Vinaya Comparison of Monastery Allowances

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Posts image from Why Are Monk Bowls Black?

Why Are Monk Bowls Black?

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Posts image from Buddhist Monks' Robes Information

Buddhist Monks' Robes Information

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Posts image from Kauai Update Part 2

Kauai Update Part 2

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Posts image from Should We Be Nice To Muslims?

Should We Be Nice To Muslims?

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Posts image from Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism

Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism

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Posts image from Inspire Means To Leave Facebook

Inspire Means To Leave Facebook

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Posts image from Traveling Without a Helper

Traveling Without a Helper

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Posts image from I Finally Did It!

I Finally Did It!

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Posts image from Donation to Sangha or Individuals?

Donation to Sangha or Individuals?

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Posts image from Why Are Most Monasteries Not Allowable?

Why Are Most Monasteries Not Allowable?

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Posts image from Shining The Inner Core

Shining The Inner Core

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Posts image from Inspiration, move me brightly

Inspiration, move me brightly

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Posts image from 5, 8 and 10 Precepts

5, 8 and 10 Precepts

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Posts image from Buddhism and Abortion

Buddhism and Abortion

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Posts image from Visit to Varanasi Monastery, Mingaladon

Visit to Varanasi Monastery, Mingaladon

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Tag: internation-institute-of-theravada

Posts image from my-ordination-brother-visits


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Posts image from About Piṇḍapāta:  Why Do Monks Go For Alms in a Village?

About Piṇḍapāta: Why Do Monks Go For Alms in a Village?

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Tag: sri-lanka

Posts image from my-ordination-brother-visits


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Posts image from A Brief Stay At Spring Hill Forest Monastery

A Brief Stay At Spring Hill Forest Monastery

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Posts image from Percentage of Monks Who Do Not Use Money

Percentage of Monks Who Do Not Use Money

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Posts image from About Piṇḍapāta:  Why Do Monks Go For Alms in a Village?

About Piṇḍapāta: Why Do Monks Go For Alms in a Village?

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Posts image from On The Way Back Home

On The Way Back Home

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Tag: bowls

Posts image from How to Lose Weight as a Buddhist Monk

How to Lose Weight as a Buddhist Monk

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Posts image from Ian (exVen. Visarada) Visits Kauai

Ian (exVen. Visarada) Visits Kauai

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Posts image from Why Are Monk Bowls Black?

Why Are Monk Bowls Black?

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Posts image from Kauai Propagation Presentation

Kauai Propagation Presentation

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Tag: food

Posts image from How to Lose Weight as a Buddhist Monk

How to Lose Weight as a Buddhist Monk

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Posts image from As Long As You Stand On The Road

As Long As You Stand On The Road

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Posts image from Mawlamyine Pa-Auk Kitchen 2014

Mawlamyine Pa-Auk Kitchen 2014

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Posts image from Maymyo Pa-Auk Meals

Maymyo Pa-Auk Meals

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Posts image from Pa-Auk Monastery Alms Line in Myanmar

Pa-Auk Monastery Alms Line in Myanmar

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Posts image from Koral Inspires Me

Koral Inspires Me

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Posts image from Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism

Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism

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Posts image from Shining The Inner Core

Shining The Inner Core

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Posts image from The Benefits of Faith Alms

The Benefits of Faith Alms

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Posts image from Why Are The Monks Fighting Over Food?

Why Are The Monks Fighting Over Food?

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Tag: health

Posts image from How to Lose Weight as a Buddhist Monk

How to Lose Weight as a Buddhist Monk

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Tag: iit

Posts image from How to Lose Weight as a Buddhist Monk

How to Lose Weight as a Buddhist Monk

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Posts image from Changing The Cloth: The Process To Become A Monk In Sri Lanka

Changing The Cloth: The Process To Become A Monk In Sri Lanka

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Posts image from Intelligent Donations: Turning The Tables

Intelligent Donations: Turning The Tables

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Posts image from International Institute of Theravada

International Institute of Theravada

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Tag: international-institute-of-theravada

Posts image from How to Lose Weight as a Buddhist Monk

How to Lose Weight as a Buddhist Monk

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Posts image from Intelligent Donations: Turning The Tables

Intelligent Donations: Turning The Tables

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Posts image from Living as a Monk in Myanmar During Covid and Government Change

Living as a Monk in Myanmar During Covid and Government Change

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Posts image from International Institute of Theravada

International Institute of Theravada

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Tag: lao

Posts image from How to Lose Weight as a Buddhist Monk

How to Lose Weight as a Buddhist Monk

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Posts image from Chicago Lao Monastery

Chicago Lao Monastery

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Tag: piṇḍapata

Posts image from How to Lose Weight as a Buddhist Monk

How to Lose Weight as a Buddhist Monk

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Posts image from Intelligent Donations: Turning The Tables

Intelligent Donations: Turning The Tables

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Posts image from About Piṇḍapāta:  Why Do Monks Go For Alms in a Village?

About Piṇḍapāta: Why Do Monks Go For Alms in a Village?

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Tag: thailand

Posts image from How to Lose Weight as a Buddhist Monk

How to Lose Weight as a Buddhist Monk

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Posts image from My Sabai Thai Trip

My Sabai Thai Trip

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Posts image from The Dark Side of Ajahn Mun's Biography

The Dark Side of Ajahn Mun's Biography

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Tag: bowl

Posts image from A Talk On The Monk's Bowl

A Talk On The Monk's Bowl

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Posts image from The Buddhist Monk's Bowl

The Buddhist Monk's Bowl

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Posts image from My Blackjack Anniversary

My Blackjack Anniversary

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Posts image from What is an Overturned Bowl?

What is an Overturned Bowl?

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Posts image from Koral Inspires Me

Koral Inspires Me

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Posts image from Should Monks Use Mixing Bowls as Monk Bowls?

Should Monks Use Mixing Bowls as Monk Bowls?

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Posts image from Donation to Sangha or Individuals?

Donation to Sangha or Individuals?

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Posts image from The Benefits of Faith Alms

The Benefits of Faith Alms

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Tag: pindapatta

Posts image from A Talk On The Monk's Bowl

A Talk On The Monk's Bowl

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Posts image from Is Collecting Alms (Piṇḍapāta) Legal?

Is Collecting Alms (Piṇḍapāta) Legal?

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Posts image from Kauai Update Part 2

Kauai Update Part 2

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Tag: kauai

Posts image from American Monk Website Has A New Home

American Monk Website Has A New Home

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Posts image from A Great Day, 2019

A Great Day, 2019

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Posts image from Leaving Kaua'i On A Jet Plane

Leaving Kaua'i On A Jet Plane

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Posts image from Ian (exVen. Visarada) Visits Kauai

Ian (exVen. Visarada) Visits Kauai

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Posts image from Koral Inspires Me

Koral Inspires Me

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Posts image from Kauai Update: Lihue

Kauai Update: Lihue

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Posts image from 18th Anniversary and Update

18th Anniversary and Update

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Posts image from An Old Kauai Favorite: KKCR Interview

An Old Kauai Favorite: KKCR Interview

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Posts image from Kauai Monk Update 3

Kauai Monk Update 3

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Posts image from Results From Collecting Alms In Kauai

Results From Collecting Alms In Kauai

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Posts image from Is Collecting Alms (Piṇḍapāta) Legal?

Is Collecting Alms (Piṇḍapāta) Legal?

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Posts image from Kauai Update Part 2

Kauai Update Part 2

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Posts image from Kauai Update

Kauai Update

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Posts image from Traveling Without a Helper

Traveling Without a Helper

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Posts image from Kauai Propagation Presentation

Kauai Propagation Presentation

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Posts image from Homeless and Living Out of a Box.

Homeless and Living Out of a Box.

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Posts image from Kauai Slideshow

Kauai Slideshow

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Posts image from The Blue Room Session and Update

The Blue Room Session and Update

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Posts image from Loving Kindness Wins The Race

Loving Kindness Wins The Race

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Posts image from Our Bodhi Tree

Our Bodhi Tree

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Tag: statistics

Posts image from American Monk Website Has A New Home

American Monk Website Has A New Home

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Posts image from 2023 Year Stats In Review

2023 Year Stats In Review

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Tag: kamma

Posts image from Planting Wisdom: Reflections on the Cūḷakammavibhaṅga Sutta and a Meditation Journey

Planting Wisdom: Reflections on the Cūḷakammavibhaṅga Sutta and a Meditation Journey

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Posts image from The Seeds From Long Ago

The Seeds From Long Ago

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Tag: karma

Posts image from Planting Wisdom: Reflections on the Cūḷakammavibhaṅga Sutta and a Meditation Journey

Planting Wisdom: Reflections on the Cūḷakammavibhaṅga Sutta and a Meditation Journey

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Posts image from Buddhism:  What Happens After Death?

Buddhism: What Happens After Death?

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Tag: glue

Posts image from The Power Of Timing In Donations

The Power Of Timing In Donations

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Tag: hawaii

Posts image from The Power Of Timing In Donations

The Power Of Timing In Donations

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Posts image from Traveling Without a Helper

Traveling Without a Helper

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Posts image from Kauai Propagation Presentation

Kauai Propagation Presentation

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Posts image from Kauai Slideshow

Kauai Slideshow

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Tag: kaladana

Posts image from The Power Of Timing In Donations

The Power Of Timing In Donations

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Tag: mala

Posts image from The Power Of Timing In Donations

The Power Of Timing In Donations

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Tag: miracle

Posts image from The Power Of Timing In Donations

The Power Of Timing In Donations

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Tag: parental-permission

Posts image from How I Got Permission From My Parents

How I Got Permission From My Parents

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Tag: anger

Posts image from Three Stories Of Loving-kindness

Three Stories Of Loving-kindness

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Posts image from Fighting Anger With Loving-Kindness and No Money

Fighting Anger With Loving-Kindness and No Money

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Tag: loving-kindness

Posts image from Three Stories Of Loving-kindness

Three Stories Of Loving-kindness

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Posts image from What does AI think of Loving-Kindness?  Here is a poem.

What does AI think of Loving-Kindness? Here is a poem.

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Posts image from As Long As You Stand On The Road

As Long As You Stand On The Road

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Posts image from The Mantra of Loving-Kindness

The Mantra of Loving-Kindness

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Posts image from Fighting Anger With Loving-Kindness and No Money

Fighting Anger With Loving-Kindness and No Money

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Posts image from Guided Four Elements and Loving-Kindness September 9th, 2018

Guided Four Elements and Loving-Kindness September 9th, 2018

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Posts image from MP3 of Princeville Dhamma Talk September 2, 2018

MP3 of Princeville Dhamma Talk September 2, 2018

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Posts image from Dhamma Talk Princeville August 19 2018

Dhamma Talk Princeville August 19 2018

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Posts image from Spoken Metta Mix by One Voice

Spoken Metta Mix by One Voice

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Posts image from Making Helmut Schmidt’s Day

Making Helmut Schmidt’s Day

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Posts image from A Different Love Trumps Hate

A Different Love Trumps Hate

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Tag: pindapata

Posts image from Three Stories Of Loving-kindness

Three Stories Of Loving-kindness

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Posts image from Why A Monk's Empty Bowl Made Me So Happy!

Why A Monk's Empty Bowl Made Me So Happy!

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Posts image from Intelligent Donations: Turning The Tables

Intelligent Donations: Turning The Tables

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Posts image from Fighting Anger With Loving-Kindness and No Money

Fighting Anger With Loving-Kindness and No Money

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Posts image from Results From Collecting Alms In Kauai

Results From Collecting Alms In Kauai

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Posts image from Is Collecting Alms (Piṇḍapāta) Legal?

Is Collecting Alms (Piṇḍapāta) Legal?

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Posts image from Shining The Inner Core

Shining The Inner Core

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Posts image from Kauai Propagation Presentation

Kauai Propagation Presentation

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Posts image from The Benefits of Faith Alms

The Benefits of Faith Alms

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Posts image from Loving Kindness Wins The Race

Loving Kindness Wins The Race

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Posts image from Very Sweet Indeed

Very Sweet Indeed

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Tag: dana-2

Posts image from Why A Monk's Empty Bowl Made Me So Happy!

Why A Monk's Empty Bowl Made Me So Happy!

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Posts image from Intelligent Donations: Turning The Tables

Intelligent Donations: Turning The Tables

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Tag: saṅgha-donation

Posts image from Why A Monk's Empty Bowl Made Me So Happy!

Why A Monk's Empty Bowl Made Me So Happy!

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Tag: bhikkhuni

Posts image from Memorizing The Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha

Memorizing The Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha

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Posts image from Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?

Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?

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Posts image from Are Theravada Bhikkhuni Ordinations Valid?

Are Theravada Bhikkhuni Ordinations Valid?

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Tag: bhikkhuni-patimokkha

Posts image from Memorizing The Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha

Memorizing The Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha

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Tag: heavy-rules

Posts image from Memorizing The Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha

Memorizing The Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha

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Tag: memorize

Posts image from Memorizing The Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha

Memorizing The Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha

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Posts image from How To Memorize Pāḷi by Rote Method

How To Memorize Pāḷi by Rote Method

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Posts image from Memorizing The Noble Eightfold Path

Memorizing The Noble Eightfold Path

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Tag: nissaya

Posts image from Memorizing The Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha

Memorizing The Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha

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Tag: patimokkha

Posts image from Memorizing The Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha

Memorizing The Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha

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Posts image from What Is The Bhikkhu Patimokkha or Buddhist Monk Rules?

What Is The Bhikkhu Patimokkha or Buddhist Monk Rules?

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Posts image from Are Buddhist Monks Allowed To Use Money?

Are Buddhist Monks Allowed To Use Money?

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Posts image from Patimokkha Chant Feb 15, 2022

Patimokkha Chant Feb 15, 2022

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Posts image from How To Memorize Pāḷi by Rote Method

How To Memorize Pāḷi by Rote Method

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Posts image from I Finally Did It!

I Finally Did It!

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Posts image from Lucky-Draw and Devas

Lucky-Draw and Devas

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Tag: rules

Posts image from Memorizing The Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha

Memorizing The Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha

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Posts image from Are Buddhist Monks Allowed To Use Money?

Are Buddhist Monks Allowed To Use Money?

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Posts image from Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?

Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?

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Posts image from Buddhist Monks' Robes Information

Buddhist Monks' Robes Information

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Posts image from Buddhism and Abortion

Buddhism and Abortion

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Tag: angkor-wat

Posts image from Cambodia Was More Than 1000 Times We Expected

Cambodia Was More Than 1000 Times We Expected

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Tag: cambodia

Posts image from Cambodia Was More Than 1000 Times We Expected

Cambodia Was More Than 1000 Times We Expected

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Tag: naga

Posts image from Cambodia Was More Than 1000 Times We Expected

Cambodia Was More Than 1000 Times We Expected

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Tag: relics

Posts image from Cambodia Was More Than 1000 Times We Expected

Cambodia Was More Than 1000 Times We Expected

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Tag: theravada-2

Posts image from Cambodia Was More Than 1000 Times We Expected

Cambodia Was More Than 1000 Times We Expected

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Posts image from Are Theravada Bhikkhuni Ordinations Valid?

Are Theravada Bhikkhuni Ordinations Valid?

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Tag: leeches

Posts image from A Brief Stay At Spring Hill Forest Monastery

A Brief Stay At Spring Hill Forest Monastery

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Tag: retreat-center

Posts image from A Brief Stay At Spring Hill Forest Monastery

A Brief Stay At Spring Hill Forest Monastery

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Tag: spring-hill-monastery

Posts image from A Brief Stay At Spring Hill Forest Monastery

A Brief Stay At Spring Hill Forest Monastery

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Tag: book

Posts image from Why did you become a monk?

Why did you become a monk?

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Posts image from Free Book: Going For Broke

Free Book: Going For Broke

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Tag: going-for-broke

Posts image from Why did you become a monk?

Why did you become a monk?

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Posts image from My Blackjack Anniversary

My Blackjack Anniversary

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Posts image from Free Book: Going For Broke

Free Book: Going For Broke

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Tag: sai-babba

Posts image from Why did you become a monk?

Why did you become a monk?

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Tag: why-become-a-monk

Posts image from Why did you become a monk?

Why did you become a monk?

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Tag: bhagavato

Posts image from What Does Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa Mean?

What Does Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa Mean?

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Tag: grammar

Posts image from What Does Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa Mean?

What Does Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa Mean?

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Tag: namo-tassa-bhagavato-arahato-sammasambuddhassa

Posts image from What Does Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa Mean?

What Does Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa Mean?

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Tag: paḷi

Posts image from What Does Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa Mean?

What Does Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa Mean?

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Posts image from Basic Pali Terms for Dhamma

Basic Pali Terms for Dhamma

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Posts image from The Most Basic Pali Chants to Learn

The Most Basic Pali Chants to Learn

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Tag: sammasambuddhassa

Posts image from What Does Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa Mean?

What Does Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa Mean?

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Tag: dhp

Posts image from How The Buddha's Teachings Saved Japan

How The Buddha's Teachings Saved Japan

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Tag: japan

Posts image from How The Buddha's Teachings Saved Japan

How The Buddha's Teachings Saved Japan

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Tag: jayewardene

Posts image from How The Buddha's Teachings Saved Japan

How The Buddha's Teachings Saved Japan

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Tag: beard

Posts image from Theravāda Buddhist Monk Head Shaving: Traditions, Stories, and Techniques

Theravāda Buddhist Monk Head Shaving: Traditions, Stories, and Techniques

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Tag: eyebrows

Posts image from Theravāda Buddhist Monk Head Shaving: Traditions, Stories, and Techniques

Theravāda Buddhist Monk Head Shaving: Traditions, Stories, and Techniques

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Tag: hair

Posts image from Theravāda Buddhist Monk Head Shaving: Traditions, Stories, and Techniques

Theravāda Buddhist Monk Head Shaving: Traditions, Stories, and Techniques

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Tag: kesamassu

Posts image from Theravāda Buddhist Monk Head Shaving: Traditions, Stories, and Techniques

Theravāda Buddhist Monk Head Shaving: Traditions, Stories, and Techniques

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Tag: monk-shaving

Posts image from Theravāda Buddhist Monk Head Shaving: Traditions, Stories, and Techniques

Theravāda Buddhist Monk Head Shaving: Traditions, Stories, and Techniques

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Tag: shaving

Posts image from Theravāda Buddhist Monk Head Shaving: Traditions, Stories, and Techniques

Theravāda Buddhist Monk Head Shaving: Traditions, Stories, and Techniques

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Tag: 32-parts

Posts image from Monks Goings To Autopsies

Monks Goings To Autopsies

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Tag: asubha

Posts image from Monks Goings To Autopsies

Monks Goings To Autopsies

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Tag: autopsy

Posts image from Monks Goings To Autopsies

Monks Goings To Autopsies

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Tag: death

Posts image from Monks Goings To Autopsies

Monks Goings To Autopsies

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Posts image from My Sabai Thai Trip

My Sabai Thai Trip

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Posts image from Buddhism:  What Happens After Death?

Buddhism: What Happens After Death?

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Posts image from Why Do Monasteries Have Skeletons?

Why Do Monasteries Have Skeletons?

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Tag: monks

Posts image from Monks Goings To Autopsies

Monks Goings To Autopsies

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Posts image from Kauai Update Part 2

Kauai Update Part 2

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Posts image from Donation to Sangha or Individuals?

Donation to Sangha or Individuals?

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Posts image from Inspiration, move me brightly

Inspiration, move me brightly

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Posts image from 5, 8 and 10 Precepts

5, 8 and 10 Precepts

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Posts image from Buddhism and Abortion

Buddhism and Abortion

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Posts image from Kauai Propagation Presentation

Kauai Propagation Presentation

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Posts image from Why Are The Monks Fighting Over Food?

Why Are The Monks Fighting Over Food?

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Tag: precepts

Posts image from Changing The Cloth: The Process To Become A Monk In Sri Lanka

Changing The Cloth: The Process To Become A Monk In Sri Lanka

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Posts image from Stay Away From the Fools and Associate with the Wise

Stay Away From the Fools and Associate with the Wise

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Posts image from Theravada Buddhism and Sex: The Third Precept on Sexual Misconduct

Theravada Buddhism and Sex: The Third Precept on Sexual Misconduct

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Posts image from 5, 8 and 10 Precepts

5, 8 and 10 Precepts

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Tag: robes

Posts image from Changing The Cloth: The Process To Become A Monk In Sri Lanka

Changing The Cloth: The Process To Become A Monk In Sri Lanka

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Posts image from Giving is Always Better

Giving is Always Better

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Posts image from Patheos Interview On Robes

Patheos Interview On Robes

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Posts image from Monk Life and Natural Dyeing

Monk Life and Natural Dyeing

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Posts image from The Robes of Theravadan, Mahayanan, Tibetan Monks

The Robes of Theravadan, Mahayanan, Tibetan Monks

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Posts image from Buddhist Monks' Robes Information

Buddhist Monks' Robes Information

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Posts image from Making A Foot-Rug From Old Robes

Making A Foot-Rug From Old Robes

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Tag: samaṇera

Posts image from Changing The Cloth: The Process To Become A Monk In Sri Lanka

Changing The Cloth: The Process To Become A Monk In Sri Lanka

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Tag: upasaka

Posts image from Changing The Cloth: The Process To Become A Monk In Sri Lanka

Changing The Cloth: The Process To Become A Monk In Sri Lanka

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Tag: upasako

Posts image from Changing The Cloth: The Process To Become A Monk In Sri Lanka

Changing The Cloth: The Process To Become A Monk In Sri Lanka

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Tag: cakkhupala

Posts image from The Most Common Dhammapāda Chants

The Most Common Dhammapāda Chants

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Tag: popular-verses

Posts image from The Most Common Dhammapāda Chants

The Most Common Dhammapāda Chants

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Tag: ajahn-kola

Posts image from My Sabai Thai Trip

My Sabai Thai Trip

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Tag: ajahn-sam

Posts image from My Sabai Thai Trip

My Sabai Thai Trip

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Tag: laos

Posts image from My Sabai Thai Trip

My Sabai Thai Trip

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Posts image from Chicago Lao Monastery

Chicago Lao Monastery

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Tag: android

Posts image from Buddhist Compass App: Made 90% With Chat GPT

Buddhist Compass App: Made 90% With Chat GPT

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Tag: bodh-gaya

Posts image from Buddhist Compass App: Made 90% With Chat GPT

Buddhist Compass App: Made 90% With Chat GPT

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Tag: buddhist-compass

Posts image from Buddhist Compass App: Made 90% With Chat GPT

Buddhist Compass App: Made 90% With Chat GPT

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Tag: location

Posts image from Buddhist Compass App: Made 90% With Chat GPT

Buddhist Compass App: Made 90% With Chat GPT

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Tag: qibla

Posts image from Buddhist Compass App: Made 90% With Chat GPT

Buddhist Compass App: Made 90% With Chat GPT

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Tag: tables

Posts image from Intelligent Donations: Turning The Tables

Intelligent Donations: Turning The Tables

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Tag: buddhist-monastic-rules

Posts image from Percentage of Monks Who Do Not Use Money

Percentage of Monks Who Do Not Use Money

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Tag: demographics

Posts image from Percentage of Monks Who Do Not Use Money

Percentage of Monks Who Do Not Use Money

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Tag: money

Posts image from Percentage of Monks Who Do Not Use Money

Percentage of Monks Who Do Not Use Money

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Posts image from Are Buddhist Monks Allowed To Use Money?

Are Buddhist Monks Allowed To Use Money?

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Posts image from Chicago Lao Monastery

Chicago Lao Monastery

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Posts image from Why Are Most Monasteries Not Allowable?

Why Are Most Monasteries Not Allowable?

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Posts image from 5, 8 and 10 Precepts

5, 8 and 10 Precepts

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Tag: myanmar

Posts image from Percentage of Monks Who Do Not Use Money

Percentage of Monks Who Do Not Use Money

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Posts image from Making Natural Brooms

Making Natural Brooms

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Posts image from Monk Towels and Soap

Monk Towels and Soap

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Posts image from Covid-19 Lockdown @ Pa-Auk

Covid-19 Lockdown @ Pa-Auk

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Posts image from Pa-Auk Monastery Alms Line in Myanmar

Pa-Auk Monastery Alms Line in Myanmar

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Posts image from Koral Inspires Me

Koral Inspires Me

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Posts image from Kauai Update: Lihue

Kauai Update: Lihue

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Posts image from Should We Be Nice To Muslims?

Should We Be Nice To Muslims?

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Posts image from Shining The Inner Core

Shining The Inner Core

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Posts image from Lucky-Draw and Devas

Lucky-Draw and Devas

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Posts image from A Different Love Trumps Hate

A Different Love Trumps Hate

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Posts image from An Open Letter to Ma Ba Tha

An Open Letter to Ma Ba Tha

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Posts image from Visit to Varanasi Monastery, Mingaladon

Visit to Varanasi Monastery, Mingaladon

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Posts image from License to Spill   (Myanmar Thingyan, New Year)

License to Spill (Myanmar Thingyan, New Year)

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Posts image from Pa-Auk Monastery in Mudon

Pa-Auk Monastery in Mudon

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Tag: population

Posts image from Percentage of Monks Who Do Not Use Money

Percentage of Monks Who Do Not Use Money

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Tag: order-of-monks

Posts image from The Order of Monks: How Seniority Shapes the Buddhist Monastic Life

The Order of Monks: How Seniority Shapes the Buddhist Monastic Life

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Tag: ordination-meaning

Posts image from The Order of Monks: How Seniority Shapes the Buddhist Monastic Life

The Order of Monks: How Seniority Shapes the Buddhist Monastic Life

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Tag: respect-buddhism

Posts image from The Order of Monks: How Seniority Shapes the Buddhist Monastic Life

The Order of Monks: How Seniority Shapes the Buddhist Monastic Life

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Tag: sayadaw-u-revata

Posts image from The Order of Monks: How Seniority Shapes the Buddhist Monastic Life

The Order of Monks: How Seniority Shapes the Buddhist Monastic Life

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Posts image from Only The Best For Buddha

Only The Best For Buddha

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Tag: senority

Posts image from The Order of Monks: How Seniority Shapes the Buddhist Monastic Life

The Order of Monks: How Seniority Shapes the Buddhist Monastic Life

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Tag: vassa

Posts image from The Order of Monks: How Seniority Shapes the Buddhist Monastic Life

The Order of Monks: How Seniority Shapes the Buddhist Monastic Life

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Posts image from Umbrella Shop 2004-2014

Umbrella Shop 2004-2014

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Posts image from When Does Rainy Season Start?

When Does Rainy Season Start?

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Tag: covid

Posts image from Living as a Monk in Myanmar During Covid and Government Change

Living as a Monk in Myanmar During Covid and Government Change

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Posts image from Pa-Auk Lockdown #3:  Living With COVID

Pa-Auk Lockdown #3: Living With COVID

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Posts image from Pa-Auk Vaccination 2021

Pa-Auk Vaccination 2021

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Posts image from Super Quarantine Inside Pa-Auk

Super Quarantine Inside Pa-Auk

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Tag: nld

Posts image from Living as a Monk in Myanmar During Covid and Government Change

Living as a Monk in Myanmar During Covid and Government Change

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Tag: pa-auk-meditation-center

Posts image from Living as a Monk in Myanmar During Covid and Government Change

Living as a Monk in Myanmar During Covid and Government Change

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Posts image from Water Purification

Water Purification

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Posts image from Ajahn Brahmavamso's Dark Jhāna

Ajahn Brahmavamso's Dark Jhāna

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Posts image from 500+ monks at Pa-Auk Main. Some slippers go missing, but not these.

500+ monks at Pa-Auk Main. Some slippers go missing, but not these.

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Posts image from Why I Ordained Twice

Why I Ordained Twice

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Posts image from Back in Myanmar Headed to Pa-Auk Meditation Center

Back in Myanmar Headed to Pa-Auk Meditation Center

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Tag: visa

Posts image from Living as a Monk in Myanmar During Covid and Government Change

Living as a Monk in Myanmar During Covid and Government Change

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Tag: anguttara-nikaya

Posts image from Buddhism and Lists

Buddhism and Lists

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Posts image from Free PTS Sutta eBooks

Free PTS Sutta eBooks

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Tag: four-noble-truths

Posts image from Buddhism and Lists

Buddhism and Lists

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Tag: joke-numbers-prison

Posts image from Buddhism and Lists

Buddhism and Lists

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Tag: lists

Posts image from Buddhism and Lists

Buddhism and Lists

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Tag: wheel

Posts image from Buddhism and Lists

Buddhism and Lists

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Posts image from Buddhism:  What Happens After Death?

Buddhism: What Happens After Death?

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Tag: chatgpt-dhamma

Posts image from About Piṇḍapāta:  Why Do Monks Go For Alms in a Village?

About Piṇḍapāta: Why Do Monks Go For Alms in a Village?

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Tag: cuḷagosiṅgasutta

Posts image from About Piṇḍapāta:  Why Do Monks Go For Alms in a Village?

About Piṇḍapāta: Why Do Monks Go For Alms in a Village?

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Tag: dhammapada-49

Posts image from About Piṇḍapāta:  Why Do Monks Go For Alms in a Village?

About Piṇḍapāta: Why Do Monks Go For Alms in a Village?

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Tag: ai

Posts image from What does AI think of Loving-Kindness?  Here is a poem.

What does AI think of Loving-Kindness? Here is a poem.

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Tag: marry

Posts image from Are Monks Allowed To Perform Marriage Ceremonies?

Are Monks Allowed To Perform Marriage Ceremonies?

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Tag: sanghadisesa

Posts image from Are Monks Allowed To Perform Marriage Ceremonies?

Are Monks Allowed To Perform Marriage Ceremonies?

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Tag: 6-year-program

Posts image from International Institute of Theravada

International Institute of Theravada

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Tag: bhikkhu-training

Posts image from International Institute of Theravada

International Institute of Theravada

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Tag: nissayamuccanaka

Posts image from International Institute of Theravada

International Institute of Theravada

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Tag: pali-class

Posts image from International Institute of Theravada

International Institute of Theravada

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Tag: training

Posts image from International Institute of Theravada

International Institute of Theravada

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Tag: where-to-ordain

Posts image from International Institute of Theravada

International Institute of Theravada

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Tag: 227-rules

Posts image from What Is The Bhikkhu Patimokkha or Buddhist Monk Rules?

What Is The Bhikkhu Patimokkha or Buddhist Monk Rules?

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Tag: bhaddali

Posts image from What Is The Bhikkhu Patimokkha or Buddhist Monk Rules?

What Is The Bhikkhu Patimokkha or Buddhist Monk Rules?

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Tag: khandhaka

Posts image from What Is The Bhikkhu Patimokkha or Buddhist Monk Rules?

What Is The Bhikkhu Patimokkha or Buddhist Monk Rules?

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Tag: costume

Posts image from Why Is Halloween Bad According To Theravada Buddhism?

Why Is Halloween Bad According To Theravada Buddhism?

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Tag: halloween

Posts image from Why Is Halloween Bad According To Theravada Buddhism?

Why Is Halloween Bad According To Theravada Buddhism?

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Posts image from Possessed!  A Halloween Special

Possessed! A Halloween Special

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Posts image from Very Sweet Indeed

Very Sweet Indeed

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Tag: bowl-bag

Posts image from The Buddhist Monk's Bowl

The Buddhist Monk's Bowl

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Tag: bowl-color

Posts image from The Buddhist Monk's Bowl

The Buddhist Monk's Bowl

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Tag: bowl-size

Posts image from The Buddhist Monk's Bowl

The Buddhist Monk's Bowl

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Tag: theravada-bowl

Posts image from The Buddhist Monk's Bowl

The Buddhist Monk's Bowl

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Tag: theravada-monk-bowl

Posts image from The Buddhist Monk's Bowl

The Buddhist Monk's Bowl

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Tag: language

Posts image from Tipitaka Pali Reader

Tipitaka Pali Reader

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Tag: pali

Posts image from Tipitaka Pali Reader

Tipitaka Pali Reader

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Posts image from Patimokkha Chant Feb 15, 2022

Patimokkha Chant Feb 15, 2022

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Posts image from Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?

Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?

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Posts image from How To Memorize Pāḷi by Rote Method

How To Memorize Pāḷi by Rote Method

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Posts image from The Most Basic Pali Chants to Learn

The Most Basic Pali Chants to Learn

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Posts image from Most Important Buddhist Lesson Learned and Taught

Most Important Buddhist Lesson Learned and Taught

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Tag: software

Posts image from Tipitaka Pali Reader

Tipitaka Pali Reader

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Tag: tipitaka-pali-reader

Posts image from Tipitaka Pali Reader

Tipitaka Pali Reader

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Tag: tpr

Posts image from Tipitaka Pali Reader

Tipitaka Pali Reader

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Tag: monk-life

Posts image from Water Purification

Water Purification

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Posts image from Are Buddhist Monks Allowed To Use Money?

Are Buddhist Monks Allowed To Use Money?

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Posts image from Have You Eaten Yet?

Have You Eaten Yet?

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Posts image from Having Fun At The Pa-Auk Dentist Clinic

Having Fun At The Pa-Auk Dentist Clinic

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Posts image from Most Important Buddhist Lesson Learned and Taught

Most Important Buddhist Lesson Learned and Taught

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Posts image from September 11 and Jeremy Glick

September 11 and Jeremy Glick

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Posts image from Kauai Update Part 2

Kauai Update Part 2

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Posts image from Kauai Update

Kauai Update

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Posts image from A Tale of Love and Samādhi Explained:  A'capella Inertia

A Tale of Love and Samādhi Explained: A'capella Inertia

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Posts image from Traveling Without a Helper

Traveling Without a Helper

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Posts image from Possessed!  A Halloween Special

Possessed! A Halloween Special

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Posts image from I Finally Did It!

I Finally Did It!

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Posts image from How Do Monks Say Grace Before Eating?

How Do Monks Say Grace Before Eating?

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Posts image from Why Are Most Monasteries Not Allowable?

Why Are Most Monasteries Not Allowable?

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Tag: water

Posts image from Water Purification

Water Purification

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Posts image from Suttanta Versus Abhidhamma Rivers

Suttanta Versus Abhidhamma Rivers

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Tag: refrigerator

Posts image from A Pa-Auk Walk-In Refrigerator

A Pa-Auk Walk-In Refrigerator

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Tag: deva

Posts image from How To Be Human and Higher

How To Be Human and Higher

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Posts image from Miracle On 3 or 4 Streets

Miracle On 3 or 4 Streets

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Tag: human

Posts image from How To Be Human and Higher

How To Be Human and Higher

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Tag: jhana-2

Posts image from How To Be Human and Higher

How To Be Human and Higher

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Tag: nibbana

Posts image from How To Be Human and Higher

How To Be Human and Higher

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Tag: rebirth

Posts image from How To Be Human and Higher

How To Be Human and Higher

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Posts image from Buddhism:  What Happens After Death?

Buddhism: What Happens After Death?

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Tag: samadhi

Posts image from How To Be Human and Higher

How To Be Human and Higher

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Posts image from Interview: Monk Meditates for 24 Hours

Interview: Monk Meditates for 24 Hours

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Posts image from When To Look At The Light

When To Look At The Light

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Posts image from Acapella Inertia MP3 Audio

Acapella Inertia MP3 Audio

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Posts image from A Tale of Love and Samādhi Explained:  A'capella Inertia

A Tale of Love and Samādhi Explained: A'capella Inertia

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Tag: merit

Posts image from Giving is Always Better

Giving is Always Better

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Posts image from 18th Anniversary and Update

18th Anniversary and Update

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Tag: bardo

Posts image from Buddhism:  What Happens After Death?

Buddhism: What Happens After Death?

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Tag: birth

Posts image from Buddhism:  What Happens After Death?

Buddhism: What Happens After Death?

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Tag: dependent-origination

Posts image from Buddhism:  What Happens After Death?

Buddhism: What Happens After Death?

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Posts image from Most Important Buddhist Lesson Learned and Taught

Most Important Buddhist Lesson Learned and Taught

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Tag: dhamma

Posts image from Buddhism:  What Happens After Death?

Buddhism: What Happens After Death?

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Posts image from Basic Pali Terms for Dhamma

Basic Pali Terms for Dhamma

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Posts image from The Dark Side of Ajahn Mun's Biography

The Dark Side of Ajahn Mun's Biography

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Posts image from A Different Love Trumps Hate

A Different Love Trumps Hate

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Tag: fifth-method

Posts image from Buddhism:  What Happens After Death?

Buddhism: What Happens After Death?

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Tag: paṭisandhi

Posts image from Buddhism:  What Happens After Death?

Buddhism: What Happens After Death?

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Tag: fools

Posts image from Stay Away From the Fools and Associate with the Wise

Stay Away From the Fools and Associate with the Wise

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Tag: mangala

Posts image from Stay Away From the Fools and Associate with the Wise

Stay Away From the Fools and Associate with the Wise

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Posts image from Toothpaste In A Gated Community

Toothpaste In A Gated Community

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Tag: sattigumba

Posts image from Stay Away From the Fools and Associate with the Wise

Stay Away From the Fools and Associate with the Wise

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Tag: wise

Posts image from Stay Away From the Fools and Associate with the Wise

Stay Away From the Fools and Associate with the Wise

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Tag: interview

Posts image from Patheos Interview On Robes

Patheos Interview On Robes

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Posts image from An Old Kauai Favorite: KKCR Interview

An Old Kauai Favorite: KKCR Interview

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Tag: patheos

Posts image from Patheos Interview On Robes

Patheos Interview On Robes

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Tag: lock-down

Posts image from Pa-Auk Lockdown #3:  Living With COVID

Pa-Auk Lockdown #3: Living With COVID

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Tag: lockdown

Posts image from Pa-Auk Lockdown #3:  Living With COVID

Pa-Auk Lockdown #3: Living With COVID

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Posts image from 7 Lockdown Suggestions From A Monk

7 Lockdown Suggestions From A Monk

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Posts image from Covid-19 Lockdown @ Pa-Auk

Covid-19 Lockdown @ Pa-Auk

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Tag: mask

Posts image from Pa-Auk Lockdown #3:  Living With COVID

Pa-Auk Lockdown #3: Living With COVID

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Tag: testing

Posts image from Pa-Auk Lockdown #3:  Living With COVID

Pa-Auk Lockdown #3: Living With COVID

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Tag: broom

Posts image from Making Natural Brooms

Making Natural Brooms

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Tag: natura

Posts image from Making Natural Brooms

Making Natural Brooms

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Tag: knowing-and-seeing-pa-auk

Posts image from Video:  Knowing And Seeing Pa-Auk Forest Monastery

Video: Knowing And Seeing Pa-Auk Forest Monastery

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Tag: mawlamyine

Posts image from Video:  Knowing And Seeing Pa-Auk Forest Monastery

Video: Knowing And Seeing Pa-Auk Forest Monastery

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Posts image from Pa-Auk Forest Monastery and Pa-Auk Sayadaw Shared Names

Pa-Auk Forest Monastery and Pa-Auk Sayadaw Shared Names

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Posts image from Having Fun At The Pa-Auk Dentist Clinic

Having Fun At The Pa-Auk Dentist Clinic

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Posts image from 500+ monks at Pa-Auk Main. Some slippers go missing, but not these.

500+ monks at Pa-Auk Main. Some slippers go missing, but not these.

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Posts image from Pa-Auk Monastery Alms Line in Myanmar

Pa-Auk Monastery Alms Line in Myanmar

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Tag: monastery

Posts image from Video:  Knowing And Seeing Pa-Auk Forest Monastery

Video: Knowing And Seeing Pa-Auk Forest Monastery

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Posts image from Covid-19 Lockdown @ Pa-Auk

Covid-19 Lockdown @ Pa-Auk

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Posts image from Leaving Kaua'i On A Jet Plane

Leaving Kaua'i On A Jet Plane

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Posts image from Racism in Asia, Myanmar, and Monasteries

Racism in Asia, Myanmar, and Monasteries

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Posts image from Inspiration, move me brightly

Inspiration, move me brightly

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Posts image from Visit to Varanasi Monastery, Mingaladon

Visit to Varanasi Monastery, Mingaladon

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Posts image from Pa-Auk Monastery in Mudon

Pa-Auk Monastery in Mudon

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Tag: video

Posts image from Video:  Knowing And Seeing Pa-Auk Forest Monastery

Video: Knowing And Seeing Pa-Auk Forest Monastery

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Posts image from Memorizing The Noble Eightfold Path

Memorizing The Noble Eightfold Path

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Posts image from Pa-Auk Forest Monastery HD

Pa-Auk Forest Monastery HD

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Tag: chant

Posts image from Patimokkha Chant Feb 15, 2022

Patimokkha Chant Feb 15, 2022

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Tag: uposatha

Posts image from Patimokkha Chant Feb 15, 2022

Patimokkha Chant Feb 15, 2022

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Posts image from When Does Rainy Season Start?

When Does Rainy Season Start?

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Tag: anniversary

Posts image from My Blackjack Anniversary

My Blackjack Anniversary

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Tag: kuti

Posts image from My Blackjack Anniversary

My Blackjack Anniversary

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Posts image from What is a Kuti?

What is a Kuti?

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Tag: rainy-season

Posts image from Umbrella Shop 2004-2014

Umbrella Shop 2004-2014

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Posts image from When Does Rainy Season Start?

When Does Rainy Season Start?

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Posts image from Why Is Vassa (Rainy Season) Late Sometimes?

Why Is Vassa (Rainy Season) Late Sometimes?

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Tag: umbrella

Posts image from Umbrella Shop 2004-2014

Umbrella Shop 2004-2014

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Tag: alone

Posts image from Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?

Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?

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Tag: bhikkhuni-vinaya-studies

Posts image from Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?

Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?

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Tag: nun

Posts image from Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?

Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?

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Tag: probation

Posts image from Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?

Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?

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Tag: saghadisesa

Posts image from Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?

Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?

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Tag: sleep

Posts image from Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?

Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?

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Tag: sujato

Posts image from Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?

Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?

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Tag: thilashin

Posts image from Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?

Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?

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Tag: western

Posts image from Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?

Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?

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Tag: accept

Posts image from Happy Boxing Day

Happy Boxing Day

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Tag: day

Posts image from Happy Boxing Day

Happy Boxing Day

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Tag: gifts

Posts image from Happy Boxing Day

Happy Boxing Day

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Tag: earth

Posts image from Accused Of Being Psychic

Accused Of Being Psychic

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Tag: kasina

Posts image from Accused Of Being Psychic

Accused Of Being Psychic

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Tag: meditation

Posts image from Accused Of Being Psychic

Accused Of Being Psychic

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Posts image from 7 Lockdown Suggestions From A Monk

7 Lockdown Suggestions From A Monk

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Posts image from The Mantra of Loving-Kindness

The Mantra of Loving-Kindness

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Posts image from Interview: Monk Meditates for 24 Hours

Interview: Monk Meditates for 24 Hours

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Posts image from Fingernail Meditation

Fingernail Meditation

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Posts image from The Seeds From Long Ago

The Seeds From Long Ago

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Posts image from MP3 of Princeville Dhamma Talk September 2, 2018

MP3 of Princeville Dhamma Talk September 2, 2018

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Posts image from The Secret Teachings of Theravāda

The Secret Teachings of Theravāda

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Posts image from The Concept in Breath Meditation

The Concept in Breath Meditation

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Posts image from When To Look At The Light

When To Look At The Light

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Posts image from A Tale of Love and Samādhi Explained:  A'capella Inertia

A Tale of Love and Samādhi Explained: A'capella Inertia

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Posts image from General Update Pre-Vassa 2017

General Update Pre-Vassa 2017

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Posts image from Make The Best Free Meditation Seat:  The Samadhi-Sausage

Make The Best Free Meditation Seat: The Samadhi-Sausage

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Tag: psychic

Posts image from Accused Of Being Psychic

Accused Of Being Psychic

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Tag: carbolic

Posts image from Monk Towels and Soap

Monk Towels and Soap

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Tag: towel

Posts image from Monk Towels and Soap

Monk Towels and Soap

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Tag: facebook

Posts image from What is an Overturned Bowl?

What is an Overturned Bowl?

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Posts image from Inspire Means To Leave Facebook

Inspire Means To Leave Facebook

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Tag: kings

Posts image from What is an Overturned Bowl?

What is an Overturned Bowl?

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Tag: overturned

Posts image from What is an Overturned Bowl?

What is an Overturned Bowl?

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Tag: protests

Posts image from What is an Overturned Bowl?

What is an Overturned Bowl?

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Tag: transaction

Posts image from What is an Overturned Bowl?

What is an Overturned Bowl?

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Tag: upside-down

Posts image from What is an Overturned Bowl?

What is an Overturned Bowl?

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Tag: vinayakamma

Posts image from What is an Overturned Bowl?

What is an Overturned Bowl?

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Tag: learning

Posts image from How To Memorize Pāḷi by Rote Method

How To Memorize Pāḷi by Rote Method

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Posts image from I Finally Did It!

I Finally Did It!

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Tag: khanda

Posts image from Today I Saved A Cockroach

Today I Saved A Cockroach

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Tag: metta

Posts image from Today I Saved A Cockroach

Today I Saved A Cockroach

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Posts image from Sabbe Satta -All Beings

Sabbe Satta -All Beings

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Posts image from Making Helmut Schmidt’s Day

Making Helmut Schmidt’s Day

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Posts image from The Blue Room Session and Update

The Blue Room Session and Update

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Tag: paritta

Posts image from Today I Saved A Cockroach

Today I Saved A Cockroach

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Tag: save

Posts image from Today I Saved A Cockroach

Today I Saved A Cockroach

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Tag: eightfold

Posts image from Memorizing The Noble Eightfold Path

Memorizing The Noble Eightfold Path

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Tag: noble

Posts image from Memorizing The Noble Eightfold Path

Memorizing The Noble Eightfold Path

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Tag: youtube

Posts image from Memorizing The Noble Eightfold Path

Memorizing The Noble Eightfold Path

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Tag: meswak

Posts image from Toothpaste In A Gated Community

Toothpaste In A Gated Community

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Tag: supirivicky

Posts image from Toothpaste In A Gated Community

Toothpaste In A Gated Community

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Tag: sutta

Posts image from Toothpaste In A Gated Community

Toothpaste In A Gated Community

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Tag: toothpaste

Posts image from Toothpaste In A Gated Community

Toothpaste In A Gated Community

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Tag: 11-ways

Posts image from Suttanta Versus Abhidhamma Rivers

Suttanta Versus Abhidhamma Rivers

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Tag: abhidhamma

Posts image from Suttanta Versus Abhidhamma Rivers

Suttanta Versus Abhidhamma Rivers

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Posts image from Abhidhamma Lessons: A Top-Down Approach Using Computer Science

Abhidhamma Lessons: A Top-Down Approach Using Computer Science

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Tag: comparison

Posts image from Suttanta Versus Abhidhamma Rivers

Suttanta Versus Abhidhamma Rivers

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Tag: kalapa

Posts image from Suttanta Versus Abhidhamma Rivers

Suttanta Versus Abhidhamma Rivers

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Posts image from Did The Buddha Know Einstein's Theory?

Did The Buddha Know Einstein's Theory?

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Tag: particle

Posts image from Suttanta Versus Abhidhamma Rivers

Suttanta Versus Abhidhamma Rivers

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Tag: refresh

Posts image from Suttanta Versus Abhidhamma Rivers

Suttanta Versus Abhidhamma Rivers

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Tag: river

Posts image from Suttanta Versus Abhidhamma Rivers

Suttanta Versus Abhidhamma Rivers

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Tag: stream

Posts image from Suttanta Versus Abhidhamma Rivers

Suttanta Versus Abhidhamma Rivers

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Tag: suttanta

Posts image from Suttanta Versus Abhidhamma Rivers

Suttanta Versus Abhidhamma Rivers

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Tag: dye

Posts image from How Long Do Monk's Robes Last?

How Long Do Monk's Robes Last?

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Posts image from Monk Life and Natural Dyeing

Monk Life and Natural Dyeing

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Tag: kathina

Posts image from How Long Do Monk's Robes Last?

How Long Do Monk's Robes Last?

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Tag: last

Posts image from How Long Do Monk's Robes Last?

How Long Do Monk's Robes Last?

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Tag: killing

Posts image from The Monastery Murder Massacre

The Monastery Murder Massacre

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Tag: massacre

Posts image from The Monastery Murder Massacre

The Monastery Murder Massacre

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Tag: migalaṇḍika

Posts image from The Monastery Murder Massacre

The Monastery Murder Massacre

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Tag: monk

Posts image from The Monastery Murder Massacre

The Monastery Murder Massacre

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Posts image from Can Monks Get Married?

Can Monks Get Married?

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Posts image from As Long As You Stand On The Road

As Long As You Stand On The Road

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Posts image from Ian (exVen. Visarada) Visits Kauai

Ian (exVen. Visarada) Visits Kauai

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Posts image from Fighting Anger With Loving-Kindness and No Money

Fighting Anger With Loving-Kindness and No Money

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Posts image from Koral Inspires Me

Koral Inspires Me

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Posts image from 18th Anniversary and Update

18th Anniversary and Update

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Posts image from Kauai Monk Update 3

Kauai Monk Update 3

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Tag: murder

Posts image from The Monastery Murder Massacre

The Monastery Murder Massacre

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Posts image from Murder He Won't

Murder He Won't

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Tag: parajika

Posts image from The Monastery Murder Massacre

The Monastery Murder Massacre

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Tag: basic

Posts image from Basic Pali Terms for Dhamma

Basic Pali Terms for Dhamma

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Posts image from The Most Basic Pali Chants to Learn

The Most Basic Pali Chants to Learn

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Tag: beginner

Posts image from Basic Pali Terms for Dhamma

Basic Pali Terms for Dhamma

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Posts image from The Most Basic Pali Chants to Learn

The Most Basic Pali Chants to Learn

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Tag: books

Posts image from Basic Pali Terms for Dhamma

Basic Pali Terms for Dhamma

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Tag: talk

Posts image from Basic Pali Terms for Dhamma

Basic Pali Terms for Dhamma

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Tag: words

Posts image from Basic Pali Terms for Dhamma

Basic Pali Terms for Dhamma

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Tag: spray-gun

Posts image from Only In The West, Only In Asia

Only In The West, Only In Asia

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Tag: covid-19

Posts image from Pa-Auk Vaccination 2021

Pa-Auk Vaccination 2021

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Posts image from Covid-19 Lockdown @ Pa-Auk

Covid-19 Lockdown @ Pa-Auk

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Tag: paauk

Posts image from Pa-Auk Vaccination 2021

Pa-Auk Vaccination 2021

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Posts image from Ajahn Brahmavamso's Dark Jhāna

Ajahn Brahmavamso's Dark Jhāna

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Posts image from Back in Myanmar Headed to Pa-Auk Meditation Center

Back in Myanmar Headed to Pa-Auk Meditation Center

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Tag: sinopharm

Posts image from Pa-Auk Vaccination 2021

Pa-Auk Vaccination 2021

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Tag: vaccine

Posts image from Pa-Auk Vaccination 2021

Pa-Auk Vaccination 2021

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Tag: app

Posts image from Buddhist Sun App

Buddhist Sun App

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Tag: buddhist

Posts image from Buddhist Sun App

Buddhist Sun App

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Posts image from Buddhism and Abortion

Buddhism and Abortion

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Tag: buddhist-sun

Posts image from Buddhist Sun App

Buddhist Sun App

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Tag: solar-noon

Posts image from Buddhist Sun App

Buddhist Sun App

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Tag: sun

Posts image from Buddhist Sun App

Buddhist Sun App

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Tag: zenith

Posts image from Buddhist Sun App

Buddhist Sun App

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Tag: 9-11

Posts image from Remembering 9/11

Remembering 9/11

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Posts image from September 11 and Jeremy Glick

September 11 and Jeremy Glick

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Tag: 911

Posts image from Remembering 9/11

Remembering 9/11

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Posts image from September 11 and Jeremy Glick

September 11 and Jeremy Glick

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Tag: bayer

Posts image from Remembering 9/11

Remembering 9/11

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Tag: jeremy-glick

Posts image from Remembering 9/11

Remembering 9/11

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Tag: world-trade-center

Posts image from Remembering 9/11

Remembering 9/11

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Tag: wtc

Posts image from Remembering 9/11

Remembering 9/11

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Tag: controversy

Posts image from Are Theravada Bhikkhuni Ordinations Valid?

Are Theravada Bhikkhuni Ordinations Valid?

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Tag: upasampada

Posts image from Are Theravada Bhikkhuni Ordinations Valid?

Are Theravada Bhikkhuni Ordinations Valid?

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Tag: atoms

Posts image from Did The Buddha Know Einstein's Theory?

Did The Buddha Know Einstein's Theory?

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Tag: einstein

Posts image from Did The Buddha Know Einstein's Theory?

Did The Buddha Know Einstein's Theory?

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Tag: emc2

Posts image from Did The Buddha Know Einstein's Theory?

Did The Buddha Know Einstein's Theory?

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Tag: matter

Posts image from Did The Buddha Know Einstein's Theory?

Did The Buddha Know Einstein's Theory?

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Tag: particles

Posts image from Did The Buddha Know Einstein's Theory?

Did The Buddha Know Einstein's Theory?

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Tag: quarks

Posts image from Did The Buddha Know Einstein's Theory?

Did The Buddha Know Einstein's Theory?

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Tag: rupa

Posts image from Did The Buddha Know Einstein's Theory?

Did The Buddha Know Einstein's Theory?

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Tag: basic-chanting

Posts image from The Most Basic Pali Chants to Learn

The Most Basic Pali Chants to Learn

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Tag: chanting

Posts image from The Most Basic Pali Chants to Learn

The Most Basic Pali Chants to Learn

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Posts image from Most Important Buddhist Lesson Learned and Taught

Most Important Buddhist Lesson Learned and Taught

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Posts image from How Do Monks Say Grace Before Eating?

How Do Monks Say Grace Before Eating?

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Posts image from Spoken Metta Mix by One Voice

Spoken Metta Mix by One Voice

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Posts image from The Blue Room Session and Update

The Blue Room Session and Update

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Posts image from Our Bodhi Tree

Our Bodhi Tree

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Tag: easy

Posts image from The Most Basic Pali Chants to Learn

The Most Basic Pali Chants to Learn

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Tag: dharma-photos

Posts image from Free Buddha Pictures

Free Buddha Pictures

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Tag: free-buddha

Posts image from Free Buddha Pictures

Free Buddha Pictures

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Tag: free-pictures

Posts image from Free Buddha Pictures

Free Buddha Pictures

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Tag: buddhist-holiday

Posts image from When Does Rainy Season Start?

When Does Rainy Season Start?

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Tag: calendar

Posts image from When Does Rainy Season Start?

When Does Rainy Season Start?

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Tag: moon

Posts image from When Does Rainy Season Start?

When Does Rainy Season Start?

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Tag: pannaraso

Posts image from When Does Rainy Season Start?

When Does Rainy Season Start?

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Tag: fasting

Posts image from The Buddha's Intermittent Fasting

The Buddha's Intermittent Fasting

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Tag: intermittent-fasting

Posts image from The Buddha's Intermittent Fasting

The Buddha's Intermittent Fasting

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Tag: mandalay

Posts image from Super Quarantine Inside Pa-Auk

Super Quarantine Inside Pa-Auk

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Tag: quarantine

Posts image from Super Quarantine Inside Pa-Auk

Super Quarantine Inside Pa-Auk

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Tag: teaching

Posts image from Why Do Monasteries Have Skeletons?

Why Do Monasteries Have Skeletons?

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Posts image from 18th Anniversary and Update

18th Anniversary and Update

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Posts image from The Secret Teachings of Theravāda

The Secret Teachings of Theravāda

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Posts image from Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism

Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism

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Posts image from Inspire Means To Leave Facebook

Inspire Means To Leave Facebook

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Posts image from Are You A Buddhist

Are You A Buddhist

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Posts image from The Dark Side of Ajahn Mun's Biography

The Dark Side of Ajahn Mun's Biography

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Posts image from Does The Buddha live in Nibbana

Does The Buddha live in Nibbana

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Tag: 5-precepts

Posts image from A Buddhist Monk's Prayers For The Old And Sick

A Buddhist Monk's Prayers For The Old And Sick

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Posts image from Theravada Buddhism and Sex: The Third Precept on Sexual Misconduct

Theravada Buddhism and Sex: The Third Precept on Sexual Misconduct

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Tag: praying

Posts image from A Buddhist Monk's Prayers For The Old And Sick

A Buddhist Monk's Prayers For The Old And Sick

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Tag: name

Posts image from How I Got My Name

How I Got My Name

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Tag: pa-auk-sayadaw

Posts image from Pa-Auk Forest Monastery and Pa-Auk Sayadaw Shared Names

Pa-Auk Forest Monastery and Pa-Auk Sayadaw Shared Names

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Posts image from Ajahn Brahmavamso's Dark Jhāna

Ajahn Brahmavamso's Dark Jhāna

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Posts image from Why I Ordained Twice

Why I Ordained Twice

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Tag: stats

Posts image from American Monk 2020 Review

American Monk 2020 Review

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Tag: top-ten

Posts image from American Monk 2020 Review

American Monk 2020 Review

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Tag: koral

Posts image from As Long As You Stand On The Road

As Long As You Stand On The Road

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Tag: reclining

Posts image from The Real Buddha Statues

The Real Buddha Statues

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Tag: sleeping-buddha

Posts image from The Real Buddha Statues

The Real Buddha Statues

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Tag: statue

Posts image from The Real Buddha Statues

The Real Buddha Statues

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Tag: story

Posts image from Have You Eaten Yet?

Have You Eaten Yet?

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Posts image from The Seeds From Long Ago

The Seeds From Long Ago

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Tag: maymyo

Posts image from Thanks and Giving

Thanks and Giving

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Posts image from Monastery-wide Sickness Happens

Monastery-wide Sickness Happens

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Posts image from Maymyo Pa-Auk Meals

Maymyo Pa-Auk Meals

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Posts image from Interview: Monk Meditates for 24 Hours

Interview: Monk Meditates for 24 Hours

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Tag: requisite-slips

Posts image from Thanks and Giving

Thanks and Giving

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Tag: ajahn-brahm

Posts image from Ajahn Brahmavamso's Dark Jhāna

Ajahn Brahmavamso's Dark Jhāna

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Tag: ajahn-brahmavamso

Posts image from Ajahn Brahmavamso's Dark Jhāna

Ajahn Brahmavamso's Dark Jhāna

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Tag: concept

Posts image from Ajahn Brahmavamso's Dark Jhāna

Ajahn Brahmavamso's Dark Jhāna

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Posts image from The Concept in Breath Meditation

The Concept in Breath Meditation

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Tag: dark

Posts image from Ajahn Brahmavamso's Dark Jhāna

Ajahn Brahmavamso's Dark Jhāna

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Tag: jhana

Posts image from Ajahn Brahmavamso's Dark Jhāna

Ajahn Brahmavamso's Dark Jhāna

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Posts image from Interview: Monk Meditates for 24 Hours

Interview: Monk Meditates for 24 Hours

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Tag: light

Posts image from Ajahn Brahmavamso's Dark Jhāna

Ajahn Brahmavamso's Dark Jhāna

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Tag: diet

Posts image from 7 Lockdown Suggestions From A Monk

7 Lockdown Suggestions From A Monk

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Tag: internet

Posts image from 7 Lockdown Suggestions From A Monk

7 Lockdown Suggestions From A Monk

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Tag: birthday

Posts image from Turning 50

Turning 50

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Tag: good-friends-sutta

Posts image from Turning 50

Turning 50

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Tag: reflection

Posts image from Turning 50

Turning 50

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Tag: congee

Posts image from Rice Soup in Buddhist Culture?

Rice Soup in Buddhist Culture?

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Tag: conjey

Posts image from Rice Soup in Buddhist Culture?

Rice Soup in Buddhist Culture?

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Tag: rice-soup

Posts image from Rice Soup in Buddhist Culture?

Rice Soup in Buddhist Culture?

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Tag: yagu

Posts image from Rice Soup in Buddhist Culture?

Rice Soup in Buddhist Culture?

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Tag: color

Posts image from Monk Life and Natural Dyeing

Monk Life and Natural Dyeing

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Tag: natural-dye

Posts image from Monk Life and Natural Dyeing

Monk Life and Natural Dyeing

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Tag: tree-bark

Posts image from Monk Life and Natural Dyeing

Monk Life and Natural Dyeing

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Tag: learn-pali

Posts image from Tipiṭaka Pāḷi Projector (unsupported)

Tipiṭaka Pāḷi Projector (unsupported)

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Tag: bhutan

Posts image from The Robes of Theravadan, Mahayanan, Tibetan Monks

The Robes of Theravadan, Mahayanan, Tibetan Monks

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Tag: mahayana

Posts image from The Robes of Theravadan, Mahayanan, Tibetan Monks

The Robes of Theravadan, Mahayanan, Tibetan Monks

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Tag: tibetan

Posts image from The Robes of Theravadan, Mahayanan, Tibetan Monks

The Robes of Theravadan, Mahayanan, Tibetan Monks

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Tag: calming-the-mind

Posts image from Murder He Won't

Murder He Won't

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Tag: meditation-prevents-violence

Posts image from Murder He Won't

Murder He Won't

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Tag: pyin-oo-lwin

Posts image from Monastery-wide Sickness Happens

Monastery-wide Sickness Happens

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Posts image from What is a Kuti?

What is a Kuti?

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Posts image from Maymyo Pa-Auk Meals

Maymyo Pa-Auk Meals

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Tag: sickness

Posts image from Monastery-wide Sickness Happens

Monastery-wide Sickness Happens

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Tag: monk-lodging

Posts image from What is a Kuti?

What is a Kuti?

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Tag: corona

Posts image from Covid-19 Lockdown @ Pa-Auk

Covid-19 Lockdown @ Pa-Auk

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Tag: pa-auk-pyin-oo-lwin

Posts image from Covid-19 Lockdown @ Pa-Auk

Covid-19 Lockdown @ Pa-Auk

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Posts image from Anniversary 19:  I’m Still Standing

Anniversary 19: I’m Still Standing

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Posts image from On The Way Back Home

On The Way Back Home

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Tag: virus

Posts image from Covid-19 Lockdown @ Pa-Auk

Covid-19 Lockdown @ Pa-Auk

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Tag: dentist

Posts image from Having Fun At The Pa-Auk Dentist Clinic

Having Fun At The Pa-Auk Dentist Clinic

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Tag: generosity

Posts image from Sabbe Satta -All Beings

Sabbe Satta -All Beings

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Tag: love

Posts image from Sabbe Satta -All Beings

Sabbe Satta -All Beings

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Posts image from Acapella Inertia MP3 Audio

Acapella Inertia MP3 Audio

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Posts image from A Tale of Love and Samādhi Explained:  A'capella Inertia

A Tale of Love and Samādhi Explained: A'capella Inertia

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Tag: samanera

Posts image from Sabbe Satta -All Beings

Sabbe Satta -All Beings

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Tag: annivasary

Posts image from Anniversary 19:  I’m Still Standing

Anniversary 19: I’m Still Standing

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Tag: digha-nikaya

Posts image from Free PTS Sutta eBooks

Free PTS Sutta eBooks

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Tag: free-pts-books

Posts image from Free PTS Sutta eBooks

Free PTS Sutta eBooks

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Tag: majjhima-nikaya

Posts image from Free PTS Sutta eBooks

Free PTS Sutta eBooks

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Tag: samyutta-nikaya

Posts image from Free PTS Sutta eBooks

Free PTS Sutta eBooks

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Tag: bagan

Posts image from On The Way Back Home

On The Way Back Home

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Posts image from Shining The Inner Core

Shining The Inner Core

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Tag: sri-maha-bodhi-tree

Posts image from On The Way Back Home

On The Way Back Home

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Tag: swedagon

Posts image from On The Way Back Home

On The Way Back Home

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Tag: wat-khao-sanamchai

Posts image from On The Way Back Home

On The Way Back Home

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Tag: elgin

Posts image from Chicago Lao Monastery

Chicago Lao Monastery

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Tag: kukrit

Posts image from Chicago Lao Monastery

Chicago Lao Monastery

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Tag: anini

Posts image from Leaving Kaua'i On A Jet Plane

Leaving Kaua'i On A Jet Plane

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Tag: garden

Posts image from Leaving Kaua'i On A Jet Plane

Leaving Kaua'i On A Jet Plane

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Tag: propagation

Posts image from Leaving Kaua'i On A Jet Plane

Leaving Kaua'i On A Jet Plane

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Tag: fire-bowls

Posts image from Ian (exVen. Visarada) Visits Kauai

Ian (exVen. Visarada) Visits Kauai

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Posts image from Why Are Monk Bowls Black?

Why Are Monk Bowls Black?

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Tag: ian-sloan

Posts image from Ian (exVen. Visarada) Visits Kauai

Ian (exVen. Visarada) Visits Kauai

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Tag: visarada

Posts image from Ian (exVen. Visarada) Visits Kauai

Ian (exVen. Visarada) Visits Kauai

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Tag: visit

Posts image from Ian (exVen. Visarada) Visits Kauai

Ian (exVen. Visarada) Visits Kauai

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Tag: waimea-canyon

Posts image from Ian (exVen. Visarada) Visits Kauai

Ian (exVen. Visarada) Visits Kauai

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Tag: waterfalls

Posts image from Ian (exVen. Visarada) Visits Kauai

Ian (exVen. Visarada) Visits Kauai

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Tag: galduwa

Posts image from Why I Ordained Twice

Why I Ordained Twice

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Tag: kamma-vaca

Posts image from Why I Ordained Twice

Why I Ordained Twice

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Tag: na-uyana

Posts image from Why I Ordained Twice

Why I Ordained Twice

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Posts image from Koral Inspires Me

Koral Inspires Me

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Tag: cause-effect

Posts image from Most Important Buddhist Lesson Learned and Taught

Most Important Buddhist Lesson Learned and Taught

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Tag: 24-hours

Posts image from Interview: Monk Meditates for 24 Hours

Interview: Monk Meditates for 24 Hours

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Tag: anapana

Posts image from Interview: Monk Meditates for 24 Hours

Interview: Monk Meditates for 24 Hours

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Posts image from MP3 of Princeville Dhamma Talk September 2, 2018

MP3 of Princeville Dhamma Talk September 2, 2018

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Posts image from The Concept in Breath Meditation

The Concept in Breath Meditation

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Tag: breath

Posts image from Interview: Monk Meditates for 24 Hours

Interview: Monk Meditates for 24 Hours

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Posts image from The Concept in Breath Meditation

The Concept in Breath Meditation

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Tag: juana

Posts image from Interview: Monk Meditates for 24 Hours

Interview: Monk Meditates for 24 Hours

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Tag: embassy

Posts image from Meditation or Religious Visas

Meditation or Religious Visas

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Tag: meditation-visa

Posts image from Meditation or Religious Visas

Meditation or Religious Visas

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Tag: christian

Posts image from Conversations With Christians

Conversations With Christians

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Tag: god

Posts image from Conversations With Christians

Conversations With Christians

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Tag: jesus-said-i-dont-know-you

Posts image from Conversations With Christians

Conversations With Christians

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Tag: matthew-722-23

Posts image from Conversations With Christians

Conversations With Christians

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Tag: morality

Posts image from Conversations With Christians

Conversations With Christians

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Posts image from Theravada Buddhism and Sex: The Third Precept on Sexual Misconduct

Theravada Buddhism and Sex: The Third Precept on Sexual Misconduct

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Posts image from 5, 8 and 10 Precepts

5, 8 and 10 Precepts

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Tag: walk-with-jesus

Posts image from Conversations With Christians

Conversations With Christians

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Tag: meal

Posts image from Pa-Auk Monastery Alms Line in Myanmar

Pa-Auk Monastery Alms Line in Myanmar

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Tag: buddhist-kauai-monk

Posts image from Fighting Anger With Loving-Kindness and No Money

Fighting Anger With Loving-Kindness and No Money

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Posts image from Bhikkhu Subhuti’s Blog has moved!

Bhikkhu Subhuti’s Blog has moved!

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Tag: kauai-monk

Posts image from Fighting Anger With Loving-Kindness and No Money

Fighting Anger With Loving-Kindness and No Money

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Posts image from Kauai Update: Lihue

Kauai Update: Lihue

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Posts image from An Old Kauai Favorite: KKCR Interview

An Old Kauai Favorite: KKCR Interview

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Posts image from Kauai Monk Update 3

Kauai Monk Update 3

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Posts image from Bhikkhu Subhuti’s Blog has moved!

Bhikkhu Subhuti’s Blog has moved!

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Tag: lihue

Posts image from Kauai Update: Lihue

Kauai Update: Lihue

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Tag: princeville

Posts image from Kauai Update: Lihue

Kauai Update: Lihue

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Tag: bhante-bhikkhu-subhuti

Posts image from Legal Name Change

Legal Name Change

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Tag: name-change-kauai

Posts image from Legal Name Change

Legal Name Change

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Tag: new-passport

Posts image from Legal Name Change

Legal Name Change

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Tag: cattaro-dhamma

Posts image from 18th Anniversary and Update

18th Anniversary and Update

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Tag: tears-of-faith

Posts image from 18th Anniversary and Update

18th Anniversary and Update

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Tag: mixing-bowl

Posts image from Should Monks Use Mixing Bowls as Monk Bowls?

Should Monks Use Mixing Bowls as Monk Bowls?

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Tag: kkcr

Posts image from An Old Kauai Favorite: KKCR Interview

An Old Kauai Favorite: KKCR Interview

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Tag: radio

Posts image from An Old Kauai Favorite: KKCR Interview

An Old Kauai Favorite: KKCR Interview

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Tag: radio-interview

Posts image from An Old Kauai Favorite: KKCR Interview

An Old Kauai Favorite: KKCR Interview

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Tag: dhammatalk

Posts image from Fingernail Meditation

Fingernail Meditation

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Tag: nakha

Posts image from Fingernail Meditation

Fingernail Meditation

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Tag: samatha

Posts image from Fingernail Meditation

Fingernail Meditation

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Posts image from The Concept in Breath Meditation

The Concept in Breath Meditation

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Tag: devi

Posts image from Miracle On 3 or 4 Streets

Miracle On 3 or 4 Streets

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Tag: helicopter-tour

Posts image from Kauai Monk Update 3

Kauai Monk Update 3

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Tag: secret-beach

Posts image from Kauai Monk Update 3

Kauai Monk Update 3

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Tag: sukhothai-cafe

Posts image from Kauai Monk Update 3

Kauai Monk Update 3

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Tag: 10-day-meditation

Posts image from Free 10-Day Meditation Course

Free 10-Day Meditation Course

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Tag: free-meditation

Posts image from Free 10-Day Meditation Course

Free 10-Day Meditation Course

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Tag: s-n-goenka

Posts image from Free 10-Day Meditation Course

Free 10-Day Meditation Course

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Tag: vipassana

Posts image from Free 10-Day Meditation Course

Free 10-Day Meditation Course

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Tag: cheese

Posts image from Vinaya Comparison of Monastery Allowances

Vinaya Comparison of Monastery Allowances

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Tag: chocolate

Posts image from Vinaya Comparison of Monastery Allowances

Vinaya Comparison of Monastery Allowances

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Tag: wat-khao-sanamachai

Posts image from Vinaya Comparison of Monastery Allowances

Vinaya Comparison of Monastery Allowances

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Tag: wat-pa-nanachat

Posts image from Vinaya Comparison of Monastery Allowances

Vinaya Comparison of Monastery Allowances

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Tag: bake-bowls

Posts image from Why Are Monk Bowls Black?

Why Are Monk Bowls Black?

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Tag: black-bowls

Posts image from Why Are Monk Bowls Black?

Why Are Monk Bowls Black?

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Tag: monk-bowls

Posts image from Why Are Monk Bowls Black?

Why Are Monk Bowls Black?

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Tag: sesame-oil

Posts image from Why Are Monk Bowls Black?

Why Are Monk Bowls Black?

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Tag: audio

Posts image from How To Pronounce Theravada

How To Pronounce Theravada

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Tag: pronounciation

Posts image from How To Pronounce Theravada

How To Pronounce Theravada

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Tag: the-seed-from-long-ago

Posts image from Free Book: Going For Broke

Free Book: Going For Broke

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Tag: watch-story

Posts image from Free Book: Going For Broke

Free Book: Going For Broke

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Tag: abhidhamma-lessons

Posts image from Abhidhamma Lessons: A Top-Down Approach Using Computer Science

Abhidhamma Lessons: A Top-Down Approach Using Computer Science

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Tag: buddhism-and-computers

Posts image from Abhidhamma Lessons: A Top-Down Approach Using Computer Science

Abhidhamma Lessons: A Top-Down Approach Using Computer Science

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Tag: computers

Posts image from Abhidhamma Lessons: A Top-Down Approach Using Computer Science

Abhidhamma Lessons: A Top-Down Approach Using Computer Science

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Tag: digital-circuits

Posts image from Abhidhamma Lessons: A Top-Down Approach Using Computer Science

Abhidhamma Lessons: A Top-Down Approach Using Computer Science

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Tag: subhuti

Posts image from Abhidhamma Lessons: A Top-Down Approach Using Computer Science

Abhidhamma Lessons: A Top-Down Approach Using Computer Science

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Tag: seeds

Posts image from The Seeds From Long Ago

The Seeds From Long Ago

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Tag: four-elements

Posts image from Guided Four Elements and Loving-Kindness September 9th, 2018

Guided Four Elements and Loving-Kindness September 9th, 2018

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Tag: guided-meditation

Posts image from Guided Four Elements and Loving-Kindness September 9th, 2018

Guided Four Elements and Loving-Kindness September 9th, 2018

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Posts image from Dhamma Talk Princeville August 19 2018

Dhamma Talk Princeville August 19 2018

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Tag: buddhism-and-sex

Posts image from Theravada Buddhism and Sex: The Third Precept on Sexual Misconduct

Theravada Buddhism and Sex: The Third Precept on Sexual Misconduct

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Tag: five-precepts

Posts image from Theravada Buddhism and Sex: The Third Precept on Sexual Misconduct

Theravada Buddhism and Sex: The Third Precept on Sexual Misconduct

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Tag: precept-3

Posts image from Theravada Buddhism and Sex: The Third Precept on Sexual Misconduct

Theravada Buddhism and Sex: The Third Precept on Sexual Misconduct

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Tag: third-precept

Posts image from Theravada Buddhism and Sex: The Third Precept on Sexual Misconduct

Theravada Buddhism and Sex: The Third Precept on Sexual Misconduct

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Tag: kilauea

Posts image from Results From Collecting Alms In Kauai

Results From Collecting Alms In Kauai

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Tag: discussion

Posts image from MP3 of Princeville Dhamma Talk September 2, 2018

MP3 of Princeville Dhamma Talk September 2, 2018

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Tag: mp3

Posts image from MP3 of Princeville Dhamma Talk September 2, 2018

MP3 of Princeville Dhamma Talk September 2, 2018

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Tag: kaui

Posts image from Dhamma Talk Princeville August 19 2018

Dhamma Talk Princeville August 19 2018

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Tag: monk-in-kauai

Posts image from Dhamma Talk Princeville August 19 2018

Dhamma Talk Princeville August 19 2018

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Tag: bhante

Posts image from Bhikkhu Subhuti’s Blog has moved!

Bhikkhu Subhuti’s Blog has moved!

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Tag: blog

Posts image from Bhikkhu Subhuti’s Blog has moved!

Bhikkhu Subhuti’s Blog has moved!

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Tag: culture

Posts image from Bhikkhu Subhuti’s Blog has moved!

Bhikkhu Subhuti’s Blog has moved!

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Tag: domain

Posts image from Bhikkhu Subhuti’s Blog has moved!

Bhikkhu Subhuti’s Blog has moved!

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Tag: names

Posts image from Bhikkhu Subhuti’s Blog has moved!

Bhikkhu Subhuti’s Blog has moved!

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Tag: path-of-purification

Posts image from The Secret Teachings of Theravāda

The Secret Teachings of Theravāda

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Tag: psychic-power

Posts image from The Secret Teachings of Theravāda

The Secret Teachings of Theravāda

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Tag: purification

Posts image from The Secret Teachings of Theravāda

The Secret Teachings of Theravāda

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Tag: visuddhimagga

Posts image from The Secret Teachings of Theravāda

The Secret Teachings of Theravāda

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Tag: 2001

Posts image from September 11 and Jeremy Glick

September 11 and Jeremy Glick

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Tag: september-11

Posts image from September 11 and Jeremy Glick

September 11 and Jeremy Glick

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Tag: begging

Posts image from Is Collecting Alms (Piṇḍapāta) Legal?

Is Collecting Alms (Piṇḍapāta) Legal?

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Tag: first-buddhist-council

Posts image from Should We Be Nice To Muslims?

Should We Be Nice To Muslims?

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Tag: ma-ba-tha

Posts image from Should We Be Nice To Muslims?

Should We Be Nice To Muslims?

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Posts image from An Open Letter to Ma Ba Tha

An Open Letter to Ma Ba Tha

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Tag: mahakassapa

Posts image from Should We Be Nice To Muslims?

Should We Be Nice To Muslims?

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Tag: muslims

Posts image from Should We Be Nice To Muslims?

Should We Be Nice To Muslims?

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Posts image from A Different Love Trumps Hate

A Different Love Trumps Hate

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Tag: needle-case

Posts image from Monk's Needle Case

Monk's Needle Case

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Tag: tutorial

Posts image from Monk's Needle Case

Monk's Needle Case

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Tag: meat

Posts image from Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism

Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism

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Tag: vegetarianism

Posts image from Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism

Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism

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Tag: yakkha

Posts image from Possessed!  A Halloween Special

Possessed! A Halloween Special

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Tag: ajahn-mun

Posts image from The Dark Side of Ajahn Mun's Biography

The Dark Side of Ajahn Mun's Biography

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Tag: thai-forest-tradition

Posts image from The Dark Side of Ajahn Mun's Biography

The Dark Side of Ajahn Mun's Biography

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Tag: pariyatti

Posts image from I Finally Did It!

I Finally Did It!

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Tag: eating

Posts image from How Do Monks Say Grace Before Eating?

How Do Monks Say Grace Before Eating?

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Tag: grace

Posts image from How Do Monks Say Grace Before Eating?

How Do Monks Say Grace Before Eating?

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Tag: racism

Posts image from Racism in Asia, Myanmar, and Monasteries

Racism in Asia, Myanmar, and Monasteries

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Tag: rohingya

Posts image from Racism in Asia, Myanmar, and Monasteries

Racism in Asia, Myanmar, and Monasteries

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Tag: sangha

Posts image from Donation to Sangha or Individuals?

Donation to Sangha or Individuals?

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Tag: foot-rug

Posts image from Making A Foot-Rug From Old Robes

Making A Foot-Rug From Old Robes

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Tag: mahasi

Posts image from General Update Pre-Vassa 2017

General Update Pre-Vassa 2017

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Tag: panditarama

Posts image from General Update Pre-Vassa 2017

General Update Pre-Vassa 2017

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Tag: varansi

Posts image from General Update Pre-Vassa 2017

General Update Pre-Vassa 2017

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Posts image from Inspiration, move me brightly

Inspiration, move me brightly

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Tag: viral

Posts image from Shining The Inner Core

Shining The Inner Core

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Tag: ekasara

Posts image from Spoken Metta Mix by One Voice

Spoken Metta Mix by One Voice

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Tag: one-voice

Posts image from Spoken Metta Mix by One Voice

Spoken Metta Mix by One Voice

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Tag: bhikkhus

Posts image from Inspiration, move me brightly

Inspiration, move me brightly

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Tag: inspriration

Posts image from Inspiration, move me brightly

Inspiration, move me brightly

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Tag: birds

Posts image from Throwing Rice at Weddings and Birds

Throwing Rice at Weddings and Birds

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Tag: eat

Posts image from Throwing Rice at Weddings and Birds

Throwing Rice at Weddings and Birds

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Tag: myth

Posts image from Throwing Rice at Weddings and Birds

Throwing Rice at Weddings and Birds

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Tag: rice

Posts image from Throwing Rice at Weddings and Birds

Throwing Rice at Weddings and Birds

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Tag: wedding

Posts image from Throwing Rice at Weddings and Birds

Throwing Rice at Weddings and Birds

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Tag: abortion

Posts image from Buddhism and Abortion

Buddhism and Abortion

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Tag: qsp

Posts image from No TV Huh? Part I

No TV Huh? Part I

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Tag: readers-digest

Posts image from No TV Huh? Part I

No TV Huh? Part I

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Tag: seinfeld

Posts image from No TV Huh? Part I

No TV Huh? Part I

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Tag: television

Posts image from No TV Huh? Part I

No TV Huh? Part I

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Tag: tv

Posts image from No TV Huh? Part I

No TV Huh? Part I

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Tag: ccsu

Posts image from Making Helmut Schmidt’s Day

Making Helmut Schmidt’s Day

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Posts image from Learning to Fly

Learning to Fly

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Tag: helmut-schmidt

Posts image from Making Helmut Schmidt’s Day

Making Helmut Schmidt’s Day

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Tag: devas

Posts image from Lucky-Draw and Devas

Lucky-Draw and Devas

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Tag: itbbmu

Posts image from Lucky-Draw and Devas

Lucky-Draw and Devas

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Tag: hang-gliding

Posts image from Learning to Fly

Learning to Fly

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Tag: school

Posts image from Learning to Fly

Learning to Fly

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Tag: blanket

Posts image from Make The Best Free Meditation Seat:  The Samadhi-Sausage

Make The Best Free Meditation Seat: The Samadhi-Sausage

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Tag: cushion

Posts image from Make The Best Free Meditation Seat:  The Samadhi-Sausage

Make The Best Free Meditation Seat: The Samadhi-Sausage

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Tag: meditation-cushion

Posts image from Make The Best Free Meditation Seat:  The Samadhi-Sausage

Make The Best Free Meditation Seat: The Samadhi-Sausage

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Tag: meditation-seat

Posts image from Make The Best Free Meditation Seat:  The Samadhi-Sausage

Make The Best Free Meditation Seat: The Samadhi-Sausage

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Tag: samadhi-sausage

Posts image from Make The Best Free Meditation Seat:  The Samadhi-Sausage

Make The Best Free Meditation Seat: The Samadhi-Sausage

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Tag: sausage

Posts image from Make The Best Free Meditation Seat:  The Samadhi-Sausage

Make The Best Free Meditation Seat: The Samadhi-Sausage

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Tag: donors

Posts image from Kauai Propagation Presentation

Kauai Propagation Presentation

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Tag: monks-in-hawaii

Posts image from Kauai Propagation Presentation

Kauai Propagation Presentation

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Tag: hate

Posts image from A Different Love Trumps Hate

A Different Love Trumps Hate

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Tag: bottle

Posts image from The Coolest Incense Holder

The Coolest Incense Holder

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Tag: coolest

Posts image from The Coolest Incense Holder

The Coolest Incense Holder

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Tag: incense

Posts image from The Coolest Incense Holder

The Coolest Incense Holder

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Tag: incense-holder

Posts image from The Coolest Incense Holder

The Coolest Incense Holder

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Tag: plastic-bottle

Posts image from The Coolest Incense Holder

The Coolest Incense Holder

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Tag: itbmu

Posts image from When It Rains It Pours

When It Rains It Pours

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Posts image from The Benefits of Faith Alms

The Benefits of Faith Alms

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Posts image from An Open Letter to Ma Ba Tha

An Open Letter to Ma Ba Tha

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Tag: yangon

Posts image from The Benefits of Faith Alms

The Benefits of Faith Alms

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Tag: burma

Posts image from An Open Letter to Ma Ba Tha

An Open Letter to Ma Ba Tha

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Posts image from License to Spill   (Myanmar Thingyan, New Year)

License to Spill (Myanmar Thingyan, New Year)

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Tag: muslim

Posts image from An Open Letter to Ma Ba Tha

An Open Letter to Ma Ba Tha

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Tag: varanasi

Posts image from Visit to Varanasi Monastery, Mingaladon

Visit to Varanasi Monastery, Mingaladon

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Tag: box

Posts image from Homeless and Living Out of a Box.

Homeless and Living Out of a Box.

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Tag: luggage

Posts image from Homeless and Living Out of a Box.

Homeless and Living Out of a Box.

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Tag: playskool

Posts image from Homeless and Living Out of a Box.

Homeless and Living Out of a Box.

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Tag: travel

Posts image from Homeless and Living Out of a Box.

Homeless and Living Out of a Box.

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Tag: fighting

Posts image from Why Are The Monks Fighting Over Food?

Why Are The Monks Fighting Over Food?

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Tag: mudon

Posts image from Why Are The Monks Fighting Over Food?

Why Are The Monks Fighting Over Food?

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Posts image from Pa-Auk Monastery in Mudon

Pa-Auk Monastery in Mudon

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Tag: dullabho

Posts image from License to Spill   (Myanmar Thingyan, New Year)

License to Spill (Myanmar Thingyan, New Year)

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Tag: new-year

Posts image from License to Spill   (Myanmar Thingyan, New Year)

License to Spill (Myanmar Thingyan, New Year)

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Tag: temporary-ordination

Posts image from License to Spill   (Myanmar Thingyan, New Year)

License to Spill (Myanmar Thingyan, New Year)

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Tag: thingyan

Posts image from License to Spill   (Myanmar Thingyan, New Year)

License to Spill (Myanmar Thingyan, New Year)

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Tag: water-festival

Posts image from License to Spill   (Myanmar Thingyan, New Year)

License to Spill (Myanmar Thingyan, New Year)

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Tag: forest-monastery

Posts image from Pa-Auk Monastery in Mudon

Pa-Auk Monastery in Mudon

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Posts image from Pa-Auk Forest Monastery HD

Pa-Auk Forest Monastery HD

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Tag: featured

Posts image from Kauai Slideshow

Kauai Slideshow

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Posts image from Back in Myanmar Headed to Pa-Auk Meditation Center

Back in Myanmar Headed to Pa-Auk Meditation Center

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Tag: bus

Posts image from Back in Myanmar Headed to Pa-Auk Meditation Center

Back in Myanmar Headed to Pa-Auk Meditation Center

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Tag: blue-room

Posts image from The Blue Room Session and Update

The Blue Room Session and Update

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Tag: cave

Posts image from The Blue Room Session and Update

The Blue Room Session and Update

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Tag: tisarana

Posts image from The Blue Room Session and Update

The Blue Room Session and Update

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Tag: liliuokalani

Posts image from Loving Kindness Wins The Race

Loving Kindness Wins The Race

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Tag: knowing-and-seeing

Posts image from Pa-Auk Forest Monastery HD

Pa-Auk Forest Monastery HD

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Tag: vandana

Posts image from Our Bodhi Tree

Our Bodhi Tree

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Tag: food-line

Posts image from Getting Alms At Pa-Auk

Getting Alms At Pa-Auk

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Tag: monastery-food

Posts image from Getting Alms At Pa-Auk

Getting Alms At Pa-Auk

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Tag: monk-alms

Posts image from Getting Alms At Pa-Auk

Getting Alms At Pa-Auk

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Tag: myanmar-monastery-food

Posts image from Getting Alms At Pa-Auk

Getting Alms At Pa-Auk

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Tag: paauk-meal

Posts image from Getting Alms At Pa-Auk

Getting Alms At Pa-Auk

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Tag: asian-shower

Posts image from For those of you who do not know what an Asian Shower is

For those of you who do not know what an Asian Shower is

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