Tag: buddhist-sun

My Digital Projects For Buddhism
Introduction In this post, I introduce some of the key digital projects I’ve been working on to support the study, practice, and expansion of Orthodox Theravāda Buddhism. These tools are designed to make Pāḷi texts more accessible, enhance Buddhist study, and provide practical applications for practicing Buddhist teachings through technology. Read on to learn more about each project, and watch the video at the end of this post for a full overview.
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Buddhist Sun App
Download Android App Download iOS App Recently I made a mobile app to help me know when the Solar Noon is approaching and past.
Why Is the Sun Important for Bhikkhus? Why Is The Sun Important for 8 & 10 Precepts? If you are a monk, nun or a practicing yogi who has vowed to not eat after Noon, you will benefit from this app. The real Solar Noon is not 12:00 pm when it comes to the Buddhist rules because there were no clocks back then.
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My Digital Projects For Buddhism
Introduction In this post, I introduce some of the key digital projects I’ve been working on to support the study, practice, and expansion of Orthodox Theravāda Buddhism. These tools are designed to make Pāḷi texts more accessible, enhance Buddhist study, and provide practical applications for practicing Buddhist teachings through technology. Read on to learn more about each project, and watch the video at the end of this post for a full overview.
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My Digital Projects For Buddhism
Introduction In this post, I introduce some of the key digital projects I’ve been working on to support the study, practice, and expansion of Orthodox Theravāda Buddhism. These tools are designed to make Pāḷi texts more accessible, enhance Buddhist study, and provide practical applications for practicing Buddhist teachings through technology. Read on to learn more about each project, and watch the video at the end of this post for a full overview.
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My Digital Projects For Buddhism
Introduction In this post, I introduce some of the key digital projects I’ve been working on to support the study, practice, and expansion of Orthodox Theravāda Buddhism. These tools are designed to make Pāḷi texts more accessible, enhance Buddhist study, and provide practical applications for practicing Buddhist teachings through technology. Read on to learn more about each project, and watch the video at the end of this post for a full overview.
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My Digital Projects For Buddhism
Introduction In this post, I introduce some of the key digital projects I’ve been working on to support the study, practice, and expansion of Orthodox Theravāda Buddhism. These tools are designed to make Pāḷi texts more accessible, enhance Buddhist study, and provide practical applications for practicing Buddhist teachings through technology. Read on to learn more about each project, and watch the video at the end of this post for a full overview.
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About The Dhammapada
Introduction One of the most famous Theravāda dhamma books would be The Dhammapada. It is a book of Buddhist Poetry consisting of 423 verses. It has been translated numerous times in English and might be the most widely translated Buddhist Book in the world. Some of the translated titles are below:
The Teachings Of The Buddha Footprint Of The Buddha The words Of The Buddha The verses Of The Buddha YouTube Video Of This Article Free downloads You can find some translated versions of the Dhammapada text here (as shown in the video):
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What is Theravada Buddhism?
Monk at The Bodhi Tree located at International Institute of Theravāda
Theravada (Theravāda) is one of the major branches of Buddhism and is often referred to as the “School of the Elders.” It is the oldest surviving Buddhist school and it is the predominant religion of Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia. Because of its age and orthodoxy, it can also be loosely translated as “Old School Buddhism” in some ways too.
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Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?
Copyright notice.. picture by Kim Traynor cc-by-sa
Note: This post is not for everyone. Those who claim to be bhikkhunis and supporters of the movement, and monks and nuns in general will find this interesting.
Did you know that bhikkhunis (nuns) are not allowed to sleep alone or travel alone and if they do, they are sentenced to 2 weeks of rehabilitation and lose their full status as bhikkhunis during this period?
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Are Theravada Bhikkhuni Ordinations Valid?
cc0 picture https://pxhere.com/en/photo/489726
There is not much written in English explaining why bhikkhuni ordinations are rejected by the Theravāda Community of Monks. The English writings are a poor representation of the vast majority of Buddhist Scholarship and that is why there is “controversy” regarding the revival of the extinct Theravāda Bhikkhuni order. There is really no controversy to speak about once you know the full story.
Many Westerners believe that women are not able to become nuns without such a revival, but that is not true.
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The Robes of Theravadan, Mahayanan, Tibetan Monks
It occured to me that people don’t know one type of Buddhist monk from the other and a post was needed to explain this.
First a little bit of history. Theravada is the closest thing as one can get to the original form of Buddhism and is based on the Pali texts. The countries that have Theravada as their national religion are; Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Sri Lanka, and Cambodia. It dates back to the Buddha from 5th century BCE Later, came Mahayana - Chinese Buddhism of the 1st century BCE.
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How To Pronounce Theravada
How to Pronounce Theravāda Have you ever wondered if you were pronouncing Theravāda correctly? Read this article to find out how to properly pronounce Theravāda.
Most of the resources out on the web mispronounce the word Theravāda, and Google has failed me when I did a search too. However, it was a good excuse to write this small article. The “Th” sound in Theravāda is not the English “Th” like “Them” or “Think.
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Buddhist Monks' Robes Information
Sewing pattern from BMC 1 (creative-commons, Thanissaro Bhikkhu) Robe Information Few people realize that the Theravāda monk’s robes are actually a piece of rectangular cloth with no sleeves.[mfn]While some monks use shirts with sleeves underneath their robes, it is not actually allowed [/mfn] If you see a Theravāda monk wearing his robes in different styles, then rest assured it is due to the art of “tying the robes” or “rolling the robes” or what I call “robe origami.
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Is Collecting Alms (Piṇḍapāta) Legal?
That is me going for alms on Aalona Street Kilauea. Collecting alms, also known as piṇḍapāta by Theravāda Buddhists, is a legal activity in the USA. There are some restrictions though. I spoke with a lawyer who seemed to know civil liberties quite well, but there are no guarantees with what I say. However, this information should make sense and seem legal to you. It is legal to ring the doorbell of any house and preach to them or talk to them about politics under the freedom of speech rights.
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Kauai Update Part 2
It has been a little over a month since I have been on the island of Kauai. Things have been going well although my situation is still the same. I am still in a tent at Anini, but I have a new tent in Anini with a better view of the pristine Kauai shore! Things are dryer than the record rains we had last month.. and I guess if it were wetter than before a new record would be set.
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Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism
Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism I have been asked to write a little something on vegetarianism and Theravāda Buddhism. I am qualified to be quite objective, and to see both sides of the issue because I was a vegetarian for a total of ten years as a lay person and I had vegetarian eyes. That meant that when I looked at meat, cooked or not, I saw a dead animal in front of me.
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How Do Monks Say Grace Before Eating?
How Do Monks Say Grace Before Eating? Do Theravāda monks say anything before they eat? Do they give thanks? Who do they say thanks to? Or is it something else?
Buddhist monks generally do a reflection and chant something before eating. In fact it is said that the monks incurs debt if they doe not reflect before eating. Actually, there are 4 reflections concerning the Four Requisites:
1. Robes
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Does The Buddha live in Nibbana
The Buddha in the clouds
Does the Buddha Live in Nibbāna? Many people believe that the Buddha is alive and living in some sort of transcendental realm called Nibbāna where he can hear your prayers and eat and drink the food and water that you offer to Him. We Buddhist monks smile when we hear that people have such beliefs because nobody lives in Nibbāna, not even a Buddha.
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Kauai Propagation Presentation
A 2 part Powerpoint presentation about what two monks did in Kauai, Hawaii during June to December 2015. The theme was propagation, but the propagation was done just from being monks who do not touch money, and collect their food the traditional Buddhist monk way. The vision, how it got started, stories and experiences were shared. About 50 people were in the audience. Running time is about 1 hour total for both.
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My Digital Projects For Buddhism
Introduction In this post, I introduce some of the key digital projects I’ve been working on to support the study, practice, and expansion of Orthodox Theravāda Buddhism. These tools are designed to make Pāḷi texts more accessible, enhance Buddhist study, and provide practical applications for practicing Buddhist teachings through technology. Read on to learn more about each project, and watch the video at the end of this post for a full overview.
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Tipitaka Pali Reader
Tiptkata Pali Reader A new beautiful app written in Flutter for all Desktops and Mobile Devices.
Download: (Windows Store)
(Mac OS Store)
(Flathub Store)
sudo apt install libfuse2 libsqlite3-dev
(Android Store)
(iOS Store)
What is new? Build 82+ Release November, 2024 for Win, Mac, Flathub, Appimage, Android (iOS package in App store review)
This release is our most stable release yet. It also includes many of the dpd extra features.
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My Digital Projects For Buddhism
Introduction In this post, I introduce some of the key digital projects I’ve been working on to support the study, practice, and expansion of Orthodox Theravāda Buddhism. These tools are designed to make Pāḷi texts more accessible, enhance Buddhist study, and provide practical applications for practicing Buddhist teachings through technology. Read on to learn more about each project, and watch the video at the end of this post for a full overview.
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Tipitaka Pali Reader
Tiptkata Pali Reader A new beautiful app written in Flutter for all Desktops and Mobile Devices.
Download: (Windows Store)
(Mac OS Store)
(Flathub Store)
sudo apt install libfuse2 libsqlite3-dev
(Android Store)
(iOS Store)
What is new? Build 82+ Release November, 2024 for Win, Mac, Flathub, Appimage, Android (iOS package in App store review)
This release is our most stable release yet. It also includes many of the dpd extra features.
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My Digital Projects For Buddhism
Introduction In this post, I introduce some of the key digital projects I’ve been working on to support the study, practice, and expansion of Orthodox Theravāda Buddhism. These tools are designed to make Pāḷi texts more accessible, enhance Buddhist study, and provide practical applications for practicing Buddhist teachings through technology. Read on to learn more about each project, and watch the video at the end of this post for a full overview.
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Video: Knowing And Seeing Pa-Auk Forest Monastery
From Knowing and Seeing Pa-Auk Forest Monastery video
In 2005 I made a video called, “Knowing and Seeing Pa-Auk Forest Monastery.” This is about the Pa-Auk Main Branch in Mawlamyine. Sayadawgyi was young back then and used to climb the stairs to his mountain kuti twice per day. I will miss that.
The title was meant to play with the name of Sayadawgyi’s famous book called, “Knowing and Seeing.” The book is referring to knowing and seeing the detailed Dhammas which were once thought impossible to know and literally “see”.
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Memorizing The Noble Eightfold Path
I took a small poll among seasoned Buddhists to see who could list all eight factors of The Noble Eightfold Path in English from memory and not many did so well. How can one follow a Path that one does not know? These factors should be said to oneself daily if one truly wishes to walk on the Path. To help with Buddhist literacy, I made a basic video that helps people memorize The Noble Eightfold Path in English.
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Pa-Auk Forest Monastery HD
I made this video from 55 minutes of nearly silent footage. I cut it us and added a script to it. The titles in English are from the original and are misspelled in some areas. The monastery is more or less the same except a new health clinic which i had posted pictures of earlier. I finally got a higher resolution copy uploaded (in full) to YouTube, thanks to a wonderful Bhante who helped me upload it from the DVD Version.
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Choosing Your Awareness With Selective Attention
Training the Mind to not notice things: It seems strange that mindfulness would be used to not notice things. However, there’s a famous psychological experiment—one that’s only 1 minute and 21 seconds long—that has surprised people for years. I won’t spoil it for you, but if you haven’t seen it yet, watch it first and let me know how many times the ball was passed by the players wearing the white shirts:
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Three Stories Of Loving-kindness
There are three stories of loving-kindness told in the video posted below. The first story is from Kaua’i, Hawai’i, when a person did not want me on “his” street. Through the power of loving-kindness, things changed. Another story was also from the island in 2015. There were children on bicycles who were yelling at us to go away on multiple days. Through the power of loving-kindness, things changed. The last story is from 2011 during a trip to India.
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Fighting Anger With Loving-Kindness and No Money
Recently, I ran into a very angry man who came out of his house yelling at me and coming closer and closer. Eventually, I won the fight with my two big weapons, loving-kindness and my commitment of being free from money for all these years. I have been going for alms in this neighborhood for a little over a year now, and while I did have two girls yell at me, they did not leave their property boundary.
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Choosing Your Awareness With Selective Attention
Training the Mind to not notice things: It seems strange that mindfulness would be used to not notice things. However, there’s a famous psychological experiment—one that’s only 1 minute and 21 seconds long—that has surprised people for years. I won’t spoil it for you, but if you haven’t seen it yet, watch it first and let me know how many times the ball was passed by the players wearing the white shirts:
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Murder He Won't
A friend of mine once told me his story about how he had a knife in his hand and was raging with anger. He was going to kill his wife and her new found lover. Below is a short retelling of the story in third person.
The Story My friend from the former Soviet Union did his first Goenka meditation retreat in 1999. The retreat was free and was very popular around the world.
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Choosing Your Awareness With Selective Attention
Training the Mind to not notice things: It seems strange that mindfulness would be used to not notice things. However, there’s a famous psychological experiment—one that’s only 1 minute and 21 seconds long—that has surprised people for years. I won’t spoil it for you, but if you haven’t seen it yet, watch it first and let me know how many times the ball was passed by the players wearing the white shirts:
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Choosing Your Awareness With Selective Attention
Training the Mind to not notice things: It seems strange that mindfulness would be used to not notice things. However, there’s a famous psychological experiment—one that’s only 1 minute and 21 seconds long—that has surprised people for years. I won’t spoil it for you, but if you haven’t seen it yet, watch it first and let me know how many times the ball was passed by the players wearing the white shirts:
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Ajahn Brahm's Dark Jhāna
Does Ajahn Brahm Jhāna Have a Nimitta? Ajahn Brahm (“Ajahn Brahmavamso”) teaches about a samādhi nimitta. However, during jhāna, he says that there is no perception of light. He says that “The nimitta is the gateway to jhāna, but not the object of jhāna itself. Pīti or sukha are the objects of jhāna”.
If you follow Ajahn Brahm, this article will help you follow his teachings better. If you follow another method, this article will help you distinguish the difference.
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Interview: Monk Meditates for 24 Hours
Downloaded from https://www.needpix.com
Interview 1 of 2 Note: Some edits have been made afterwards to make things clear or to protect the anonymity of people.
I am sitting here now with one anonymous monk. He has sat for more than 24 hours in 4th jhāna and I wanted to interview him anonymously to inspire others. So we are here with Bhante (Note: All monks can be called “Bhante”).
I want to ask a few questions.
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Choosing Your Awareness With Selective Attention
Training the Mind to not notice things: It seems strange that mindfulness would be used to not notice things. However, there’s a famous psychological experiment—one that’s only 1 minute and 21 seconds long—that has surprised people for years. I won’t spoil it for you, but if you haven’t seen it yet, watch it first and let me know how many times the ball was passed by the players wearing the white shirts:
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Three Stories Of Loving-kindness
There are three stories of loving-kindness told in the video posted below. The first story is from Kaua’i, Hawai’i, when a person did not want me on “his” street. Through the power of loving-kindness, things changed. Another story was also from the island in 2015. There were children on bicycles who were yelling at us to go away on multiple days. Through the power of loving-kindness, things changed. The last story is from 2011 during a trip to India.
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What does AI think of Loving-Kindness? Here is a poem.
ai generated art for this post
I asked openai chatGPT to write a buddhist poem on loving-kindness in the style of Dr. Seuss. This is what I got.
With open hearts and open hands,
We spread loving-kindness across the lands.
Like ripples on a pond, it starts with one,
But soon it touches everyone.
With each kind word and thoughtful deed,
We plant the seeds of love, in hearts to breed.
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As Long As You Stand On The Road
That is me going for alms on Aalona Street Kilauea.
I have a Christmas story for you. I have tried to keep it short but it didn’t work out.
When I was in Kaua’i on from 2017-2019, an 18 month run, I made it a point to go for alms by the house to house loving-kindness method on Tuesdays and Wednesdays as a way to get food. Early on, I was invited to Waiapua Road while standing in front of Hanalei Big Save which was my Monday stop.
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The Mantra of Loving-Kindness
This video is an instruction on how to practice loving-kindness meditation. The simplest way is to repeat the Loving-Kindness phrases (mantras). The discussion goes into the details. I hope you enjoy this.
May you be happy!
May you be happy!
May you be happy!
Repeat “May I be happy” over and over again (in your mind) until the timer goes off.
Repeat “May you be happy” over and over again (in your mind) until the timer goes off.
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Fighting Anger With Loving-Kindness and No Money
Recently, I ran into a very angry man who came out of his house yelling at me and coming closer and closer. Eventually, I won the fight with my two big weapons, loving-kindness and my commitment of being free from money for all these years. I have been going for alms in this neighborhood for a little over a year now, and while I did have two girls yell at me, they did not leave their property boundary.
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Guided Four Elements and Loving-Kindness September 9th, 2018
Here is a dhamma talk with a very brief instruction for Four Elements. It is not complete, but gives a small taste of four elements. Loving-kindness is also included as usual. The recording is cleaner using some post processing with the same recorder.
[archiveorg id=BhanteSubhuti2018Sept9 width=520 height=140]
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MP3 of Princeville Dhamma Talk September 2, 2018
mp3 Dhamma Talk September 2, 2018 Another mp3 recording of a happy Guided meditation and discussion at Princeville, Kauai, Hawaii. Expect about 35 minutes discussion, 40 minutes of guided meditation. Topics included discussion on samadhi, chanting of the loving-kindness sutta, anapana guided meditation, loving-kindness guided meditation.
For those who missed it and want to hear, here it is. It is best to use head/ear-phones to improve clarity. 128 kb/s
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Dhamma Talk Princeville August 19 2018
Image not found.
With only 5 minutes left before we were supposed to start, the security guard told us that someone else had the room booked and we would need to move to a smaller amd inferior room. It was a mistake on their part, and while I did ask to see the schedule book, I opted out because we were running out of time and needed to setup the room again.
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Spoken Metta Mix by One Voice
This is a spoken English version of the Discourse on Loving-Kindness (Metta Sutta), mixed with the Pāi chanting of One Voice (EkaSara). I like it and I think you will too. Enjoy! If you get a chance, It is best listened with headphones. There is quite a bit of stereophonic separation included. Feedback welcome. The audio is uploaded here.
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Making Helmut Schmidt’s Day
A Story from 1993 from my college days, before the Internet was around.
I remember all the way back in ‘93, when I was in college and I had just spent a few weeks in China for an academic scholarship. Because I was now some type of “International” student, I was asked to attend a “lunch hour” question and answer session with Helmut Schmitt. Although I had international travel experience, I was hardly experienced in “international issues,” and I did not even know who or what he was.
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A Different Love Trumps Hate

Choosing Your Awareness With Selective Attention
Training the Mind to not notice things: It seems strange that mindfulness would be used to not notice things. However, there’s a famous psychological experiment—one that’s only 1 minute and 21 seconds long—that has surprised people for years. I won’t spoil it for you, but if you haven’t seen it yet, watch it first and let me know how many times the ball was passed by the players wearing the white shirts:
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Accused Of Being Psychic
Accused of Being Psychic
A brief video describing this story has been added to this post below. The longer story is below that.
I think it was in 2003 or 2004 when I was at Pa-Auk Meditation Center when this event happened to me. I was at the mountain meditation hall during the meditation break and I saw a yogi dressed in white yogi clothes. His outfit basically looked like pajamas to most Westerners, but if you know the meditation scene and you know how the foreigners usually dress at Pa-Auk, then you would know that he was a serious yogi.
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7 Lockdown Suggestions From A Monk
These days, the lockdowns are in full swing. The question is, “What do you do with your time?” Perhaps you are out of work, or retired like my parents. What do you do? As a monk, lockdowns or “stay at home” orders are not much of a big deal unless a medical problem arises.
Since April, we have been on a more serious lockdown to the point where it has affected the food variety to mostly long shelf-life food items.
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The Mantra of Loving-Kindness
This video is an instruction on how to practice loving-kindness meditation. The simplest way is to repeat the Loving-Kindness phrases (mantras). The discussion goes into the details. I hope you enjoy this.
May you be happy!
May you be happy!
May you be happy!
Repeat “May I be happy” over and over again (in your mind) until the timer goes off.
Repeat “May you be happy” over and over again (in your mind) until the timer goes off.
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Interview: Monk Meditates for 24 Hours
Downloaded from https://www.needpix.com
Interview 1 of 2 Note: Some edits have been made afterwards to make things clear or to protect the anonymity of people.
I am sitting here now with one anonymous monk. He has sat for more than 24 hours in 4th jhāna and I wanted to interview him anonymously to inspire others. So we are here with Bhante (Note: All monks can be called “Bhante”).
I want to ask a few questions.
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Fingernail Meditation
 as a subject of meditation. Although this has probably never been taught before by anyone as a standalone meditation subject, it is a subsection of a meditation instruction that all monks are given on their ordination day. That is called, “The First Five Body Parts,” Yes, it is that well known, but rarely ever or even never taught.
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The Seeds From Long Ago
The Seeds From Long Ago I remember when I first learned how to meditate on my breath some time in 1990, during my university years. Back then, meditation was not so well known. The beat generation’s Zen trend in the 60’s had died out with disco in the 70’s. Barnes and Noble maybe had only a few shelves in a single bookcase labeled with “Eastern Philosophy” that covered all Eastern religions, including Buddhism.
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MP3 of Princeville Dhamma Talk September 2, 2018
mp3 Dhamma Talk September 2, 2018 Another mp3 recording of a happy Guided meditation and discussion at Princeville, Kauai, Hawaii. Expect about 35 minutes discussion, 40 minutes of guided meditation. Topics included discussion on samadhi, chanting of the loving-kindness sutta, anapana guided meditation, loving-kindness guided meditation.
For those who missed it and want to hear, here it is. It is best to use head/ear-phones to improve clarity. 128 kb/s
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The Secret Teachings of Theravāda
If there was a book that had all of the Secret Teachings of Theravāda, The Path of Purification (The Visuddhimagga) would be that book. It explains all the good stuff, like how to attain samādhi concentration; how to attain psychic powers including knowing and seeing the past lives. Lastly, it includes the stages of insight and wisdom that one needs to reach Nibbāna. Books do not get more complete than this.
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The Concept in Breath Meditation
The Concept in Breath Meditation The concept of the breath as it is used in meditation is not well understood. We will discuss this matter in this small article. There are many methods concerned with the breath, but The Ancient Theravāda Commentaries say that one should focus at one area above the upper lip and at the exit of the nostrils. However, if one just limited himself to that one single method, things can still get complicated.
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When To Look At The Light
Is the light a Nimitta and when should one look at it?
When one practices meditation based on the breath, it is possible for the light to come and when that happens and it is stable one can use that light to enter samadhi absorption concentration. However, one should know when to look at the light and when not to look at the light. It is very important to know this difference because progress can stop.
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A Tale of Love and Samādhi Explained: A'capella Inertia
A Tale of Love and Samādhi Explained: A’capella Inertia A little Valentines story for all of you. The topside title is just a description of what the story is generally about. However, the real title of the story is called, “A’capella Inertia.” This is not a short one, but I think you will like this one very much. It has received high marks and it will take about 30 minutes to read.
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General Update Pre-Vassa 2017
Update Aug 5: I am back at Varansi Monastery , Mingaladone as pictured.
This is a general update. There are many sublinks to look at. Enjoy!
I have passed all of my exams and finished my Diploma Course at ITBMU and have elected not to continue further. I wish to do meditation and if I study, want to focus on Pali and the memorization of the 45 page Patimokkha rules in Pali.
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Make The Best Free Meditation Seat: The Samadhi-Sausage
Download Free A4 format PDF
Download Free A5 format PDF
Tutorial on How to Sit Many times I have given advice to yogis on how to sit properly and I have received raving success. In fact, I asked one fellow student to model for the pictures you will see in this article and he was absolutely amazed at how comfortable he was as soon as he sat down. He spoke loudly with joy and excitement as soon as he was seated in the Samādhi-Sausage, which prompted other people to peek inside the room to see what all of the commotion was about.
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Choosing Your Awareness With Selective Attention
Training the Mind to not notice things: It seems strange that mindfulness would be used to not notice things. However, there’s a famous psychological experiment—one that’s only 1 minute and 21 seconds long—that has surprised people for years. I won’t spoil it for you, but if you haven’t seen it yet, watch it first and let me know how many times the ball was passed by the players wearing the white shirts:
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Choosing Your Awareness With Selective Attention
Training the Mind to not notice things: It seems strange that mindfulness would be used to not notice things. However, there’s a famous psychological experiment—one that’s only 1 minute and 21 seconds long—that has surprised people for years. I won’t spoil it for you, but if you haven’t seen it yet, watch it first and let me know how many times the ball was passed by the players wearing the white shirts:
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Why I Left The International Institute of Theravāda
Introduction On January 2nd, 2025, I left The International Institute of Theravāda (IIT) . It was something I had planned since late September 2024 and something I had wanted to do within the first few months of first attending in December 2022. I patiently waited for things to change. The main reason I left was that it was just a little too intensive for me and different from what I originally signed up for.
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International Institute of Theravada
Multi purpose hall at IIT
After 3 years in Myanmar, I have moved to The International Institute of Theravāda. What is this place and why did I come here and what is mission?
What is IIT? The International Institute of Theravāda (IIT) is a comprehensive training institute aimed at facilitating spiritual and academic development of Buddhist monks, based on Theravada teachings. It is inclusive and accommodative, irrespective of sects (Nikaya) and other differences within the Theravada Buddhist clergy.
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Why I Left The International Institute of Theravāda
Introduction On January 2nd, 2025, I left The International Institute of Theravāda (IIT) . It was something I had planned since late September 2024 and something I had wanted to do within the first few months of first attending in December 2022. I patiently waited for things to change. The main reason I left was that it was just a little too intensive for me and different from what I originally signed up for.
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Why I Left The International Institute of Theravāda
Introduction On January 2nd, 2025, I left The International Institute of Theravāda (IIT) . It was something I had planned since late September 2024 and something I had wanted to do within the first few months of first attending in December 2022. I patiently waited for things to change. The main reason I left was that it was just a little too intensive for me and different from what I originally signed up for.
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Why I Left The International Institute of Theravāda
Introduction On January 2nd, 2025, I left The International Institute of Theravāda (IIT) . It was something I had planned since late September 2024 and something I had wanted to do within the first few months of first attending in December 2022. I patiently waited for things to change. The main reason I left was that it was just a little too intensive for me and different from what I originally signed up for.
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How to Lose Weight as a Buddhist Monk
Left: May, 2023, Right: Feb, 2024. Introduction I recently lost about 10 Kg which is over 20 pounds. I’d like to share with you how I gained weight and how I also lost it. It is common for senior monks to gain weight, perhaps due in part to aging, as seniority implies being older. Even though we don’t eat after Solar Noon, gaining weight still can happen. However, if we really want to, we can all easily lose weight…“if we want to”.
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Changing The Cloth: The Process To Become A Monk In Sri Lanka
A lay person named Chathuranga came to the International Institute of Theravāda looking to ordain in November, 2022. He is now a sāmaṇera (novice monk) and not yet a fully ordained bhikkhu. I thought that it would be interesting to show his path to monkhood to you.
Stage 1: Regular Person First he was a regular lay person working as a construction assistant engineer in the Maldives and then made the transition to a devoted layperson.
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Intelligent Donations: Turning The Tables
Ven Ananda with the two donors
Recently, we received six new tables arranged by a monk’s two donors. The tables were nice but I didn’t think we needed them, so I asked the monk why. He said there was not enough room on the tables for his donors’ donations, so they decided to donate more tables so they can donate more. When his donors make donations, they are not small.
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International Institute of Theravada
Multi purpose hall at IIT
After 3 years in Myanmar, I have moved to The International Institute of Theravāda. What is this place and why did I come here and what is mission?
What is IIT? The International Institute of Theravāda (IIT) is a comprehensive training institute aimed at facilitating spiritual and academic development of Buddhist monks, based on Theravada teachings. It is inclusive and accommodative, irrespective of sects (Nikaya) and other differences within the Theravada Buddhist clergy.
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Why I Left The International Institute of Theravāda
Introduction On January 2nd, 2025, I left The International Institute of Theravāda (IIT) . It was something I had planned since late September 2024 and something I had wanted to do within the first few months of first attending in December 2022. I patiently waited for things to change. The main reason I left was that it was just a little too intensive for me and different from what I originally signed up for.
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How to Lose Weight as a Buddhist Monk
Left: May, 2023, Right: Feb, 2024. Introduction I recently lost about 10 Kg which is over 20 pounds. I’d like to share with you how I gained weight and how I also lost it. It is common for senior monks to gain weight, perhaps due in part to aging, as seniority implies being older. Even though we don’t eat after Solar Noon, gaining weight still can happen. However, if we really want to, we can all easily lose weight…“if we want to”.
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Intelligent Donations: Turning The Tables
Ven Ananda with the two donors
Recently, we received six new tables arranged by a monk’s two donors. The tables were nice but I didn’t think we needed them, so I asked the monk why. He said there was not enough room on the tables for his donors’ donations, so they decided to donate more tables so they can donate more. When his donors make donations, they are not small.
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Living as a Monk in Myanmar During Covid and Government Change
Introduction Foreigner monk gets a COVID vaccine jab during the times of the new Myanmar government
In this article, I want to share with you some of my experiences of living as a monk in Myanmar during the covid pandemic and the government change that happened recently. I also want to explain why I left Myanmar at the end of 2022 and what I am doing now.
I am an American Buddhist monk who has been living in Myanmar for many years.
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International Institute of Theravada
Multi purpose hall at IIT
After 3 years in Myanmar, I have moved to The International Institute of Theravāda. What is this place and why did I come here and what is mission?
What is IIT? The International Institute of Theravāda (IIT) is a comprehensive training institute aimed at facilitating spiritual and academic development of Buddhist monks, based on Theravada teachings. It is inclusive and accommodative, irrespective of sects (Nikaya) and other differences within the Theravada Buddhist clergy.
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Why I Left The International Institute of Theravāda
Introduction On January 2nd, 2025, I left The International Institute of Theravāda (IIT) . It was something I had planned since late September 2024 and something I had wanted to do within the first few months of first attending in December 2022. I patiently waited for things to change. The main reason I left was that it was just a little too intensive for me and different from what I originally signed up for.
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Why I Left The International Institute of Theravāda
Introduction On January 2nd, 2025, I left The International Institute of Theravāda (IIT) . It was something I had planned since late September 2024 and something I had wanted to do within the first few months of first attending in December 2022. I patiently waited for things to change. The main reason I left was that it was just a little too intensive for me and different from what I originally signed up for.
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Why I Left The International Institute of Theravāda
Introduction On January 2nd, 2025, I left The International Institute of Theravāda (IIT) . It was something I had planned since late September 2024 and something I had wanted to do within the first few months of first attending in December 2022. I patiently waited for things to change. The main reason I left was that it was just a little too intensive for me and different from what I originally signed up for.
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This is Ven Indavimala. During my re-ordination in 2007, the ones who were previously ordained got to go first by previous seniority. This is to preserve previous order of seniority to those who lost it before, but the seniority only resides in our year of ordination (if that makes sense). Technically we are all the same monk age in years. We are all 17 years or vassa. However, the monk with the most experience will be ordained before the other and he will be senior sometimes by a day, an hour, or even by a mere second.
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A Brief Stay At Spring Hill Forest Monastery
The Wootens One of the few places I have been to in Sri Lanka besides Na-Uyana and The International Institute of Theravāda (IIT) is Spring Hill Forest Monastery located in the Hantanna Mountains above Kandy. My two donors from Kaua’i, John and Nandini Wooten were visiting Kandy and I decided it would be good to take a break from the IIT scenery and climate with a great inspirational place for the Wootens to visit me.
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Percentage of Monks Who Do Not Use Money
Monk walking towards the world of the 5%
If you are a Westerner and new to Buddhism, you might be surprised to learn that most monks use and handle money. I have calculated that around 95% use money while 5% do not use money. The general consensus of those I have consulted say that about 2 or 3 percent do not use money but I used a 5% number to be safe.
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About Piṇḍapāta: Why Do Monks Go For Alms in a Village?
Alms Tray and Cambodia Monk’s Full Bowl
Introduction: This article explains the essence of piṇḍapāta (alms) and why we go for alms, even in poor villages. On the weekends, I have some time to go for alms in the nearby village. However, you might ask yourself, “Why would a monk collect food from a very poor village during an economic crisis when the monastery is mostly supported by wealthy people?
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On The Way Back Home
Swedagon Pagoda, Myanmar
On November 4th, I left The States for Sri Lanka, Thailand and of course Myanmar which I now consider a home for myself. Shortly after the Buddhist Rainy Season had begun in Kaua’i, the support for inviting a second monk fell through and I was tired of being alone which meant I needed to leave.
Around the same time, in late July or early August, my Lao/American supporter named Thongvanh, sent me brochure with a monk who was leading a “Spiritual Sri Lanka Trip” which included the Sri Maha Bodhi Tree in Anuradhapura.
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Does Buddhism Have A Creator
Recently, I made a video explaining the common question I get asked in the West. “Do you believe in a creator?” It is a loaded question usually asked by devoted Christians. They are expecting me to say no, but I tell them “Yes”. The real answer is that kamma is the creator.
I quote from the stock phrase below:
“Kammassakomhi, kammadāyādo, kammayoni,
“It is actions that I own, it is actions that I am heir to, it is actions that I am born from,
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Conversations With Christians
Every so often on my alms rounds, or here and there, I encounter Christians who approach me. Usually within the first sentence, they announce themselves as Christians to me as if they were holding a cross near to my face. However, I listen to their questions and give them answers. Many times they are trying to convince me my path is wrong and since it is a predictable pattern for them, I can anticipate what they will say, and put logic into their own path.
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Does Buddhism Have A Creator
Recently, I made a video explaining the common question I get asked in the West. “Do you believe in a creator?” It is a loaded question usually asked by devoted Christians. They are expecting me to say no, but I tell them “Yes”. The real answer is that kamma is the creator.
I quote from the stock phrase below:
“Kammassakomhi, kammadāyādo, kammayoni,
“It is actions that I own, it is actions that I am heir to, it is actions that I am born from,
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Planting Wisdom: Reflections on the Cūḷakammavibhaṅga Sutta and a Meditation Journey
In this talk, I explore the Cūḷakammavibhaṅga Sutta and share the story of reconnecting with my first meditation teacher after nearly two decades. The focus is on the seeds of kamma that we plant continuously through our actions. What kind of seeds are we planting right now?
The Seeds From Long Ago The Seeds From Long Ago I remember when I first learned how to meditate on my breath some time in 1990, during my university years.
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The Seeds From Long Ago
The Seeds From Long Ago I remember when I first learned how to meditate on my breath some time in 1990, during my university years. Back then, meditation was not so well known. The beat generation’s Zen trend in the 60’s had died out with disco in the 70’s. Barnes and Noble maybe had only a few shelves in a single bookcase labeled with “Eastern Philosophy” that covered all Eastern religions, including Buddhism.
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Does Buddhism Have A Creator
Recently, I made a video explaining the common question I get asked in the West. “Do you believe in a creator?” It is a loaded question usually asked by devoted Christians. They are expecting me to say no, but I tell them “Yes”. The real answer is that kamma is the creator.
I quote from the stock phrase below:
“Kammassakomhi, kammadāyādo, kammayoni,
“It is actions that I own, it is actions that I am heir to, it is actions that I am born from,
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Why Do Monasteries Have Skeletons?
If you go to a Theravada Buddhist forest monastery in Asia, you are likely to find a full skeleton or parts of a skeleton somewhere where it can be viewed easily. Some monasteries also have cemeteries inside the boundary like Pa-Auk Forest Monastery in Mawlamyine. Some other monasteries have a place were dead bodies are burned (with open wood fires), right on the premises, like Pa-Auk Mawlamyine and also Wat Pa Nanachat in Thailand.
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18th Anniversary and Update
This is where I live
Wow! Today is February 7th and another year has passed. I have now completed 18 years total as a monk and I am working on my 19th year. Of course, my monk age is 12 rainy seasons because I changed Nikayas after my 6th year. I have been living my monk life in Kauai, Hawaii for about 10 months now and things have been moving along.
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The Secret Teachings of Theravāda
If there was a book that had all of the Secret Teachings of Theravāda, The Path of Purification (The Visuddhimagga) would be that book. It explains all the good stuff, like how to attain samādhi concentration; how to attain psychic powers including knowing and seeing the past lives. Lastly, it includes the stages of insight and wisdom that one needs to reach Nibbāna. Books do not get more complete than this.
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Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism
Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism I have been asked to write a little something on vegetarianism and Theravāda Buddhism. I am qualified to be quite objective, and to see both sides of the issue because I was a vegetarian for a total of ten years as a lay person and I had vegetarian eyes. That meant that when I looked at meat, cooked or not, I saw a dead animal in front of me.
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Inspire Means To Leave Facebook
Inspire Means To Leave Facebook Much of what I write about is related to stories that happen to me that would charge me up and make me feel inspired. I would then write down what happened and share it with others. Often my stories are related to vinaya – the monks’ rules and living without money. These days it is special for a monk to live without money and I can inspire people simply by following the rules.
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Are You A Buddhist
Are You A Buddhist?
Being a Buddhist is quite open because if you believe in certain aspects it is better than not believing in anything. We take what we can get. However, here are the more traditional aspects of being Buddhist. One should believe in The Triple Gem – ie**: The Buddha, The Dhamma and The Sangha).** This can be expanded to include The 4 Noble Truths. This can be expanded to include the Eightfold Noble Path as well.
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The Dark Side of Ajahn Mun's Biography
Ajahn Mun dark
Did Ajahn Mun say the Buddha congratulated him on the night he attained arahant? His biography books says it for sure.
Venerable Ācariya Mun Būridatta Thera is one of the most revered forest masters of the 20th century. He is the root guru of both the Dhammayut and Ajahn Chah monasteries. He popularized the monastic practice of living under an umbrella in the forest and his relentless energy is fascinating and inspiring.
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Does The Buddha live in Nibbana
The Buddha in the clouds
Does the Buddha Live in Nibbāna? Many people believe that the Buddha is alive and living in some sort of transcendental realm called Nibbāna where he can hear your prayers and eat and drink the food and water that you offer to Him. We Buddhist monks smile when we hear that people have such beliefs because nobody lives in Nibbāna, not even a Buddha.
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Does Buddhism Have A Creator
Recently, I made a video explaining the common question I get asked in the West. “Do you believe in a creator?” It is a loaded question usually asked by devoted Christians. They are expecting me to say no, but I tell them “Yes”. The real answer is that kamma is the creator.
I quote from the stock phrase below:
“Kammassakomhi, kammadāyādo, kammayoni,
“It is actions that I own, it is actions that I am heir to, it is actions that I am born from,
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Can Homosexuals Ordain as Buddhist Monks?
Summary: Yes, it is possible, but it is difficult to recommended because it can be very dangerous for saṅgha. Some monasteries will prohibit ordinations of openly gay men.
Why? The short answer is that the monastic environment is specifically designed to be segregated for celibacy. Segregation of genders breaks when homosexuals are ordained and mix with other monks. This is true especially at large monasteries where there is less supervision.
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Memorizing The Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha
Palm leaf photo link wellcomecollection:[mfn]CC 4.0 iiif.wellcomecollection.org/image/L0031774/full/760%2C/0/default.webp[/mfn]
Today I finished memorizing the Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha in Pāḷi (the 311 Theravāda nun’s rules). While I did not recite the whole lot in a single session, I did memorize in chunks until the total was completely memorized at one time or another. That means, I would recite a chunk of rules in front of a teacher by memory and then work on a separate adjacent succeeding chunk for memory.
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Theravāda Buddhist Monk Head Shaving: Traditions, Stories, and Techniques
When it comes to shaving heads, Theravāda Buddhist Monks might be the authority on this issue. It is second nature for monks to shave but perhaps unknown to the rest of the world. In this article, we will discuss the motivation, Buddhist culture and methods for shaving the head and how it is done.
Simplicity Inspires But Also Saves Money: For those of you in the layperson world (man or woman) who aspire to become monks but cannot plunge into a monastery just yet, you might want to try cutting your hair very short before shaving it.
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Are Monks Allowed To Perform Marriage Ceremonies?
Although Buddhist lay people might be interested in having a monk perform their marriage ceremony, it is not allowed and doing so is classed as a heavy rule (Saṅghādisesa). Such heavy rules have penalties and require the monk to lose his full status for a minimum of 6 nights[mfn]mānatta[/mfn] and additional probation time if concealing the offense occurs.
Image was created by AI DALL-E by openai. All participants do not exist in real life.
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International Institute of Theravada
Multi purpose hall at IIT
After 3 years in Myanmar, I have moved to The International Institute of Theravāda. What is this place and why did I come here and what is mission?
What is IIT? The International Institute of Theravāda (IIT) is a comprehensive training institute aimed at facilitating spiritual and academic development of Buddhist monks, based on Theravada teachings. It is inclusive and accommodative, irrespective of sects (Nikaya) and other differences within the Theravada Buddhist clergy.
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What Is The Bhikkhu Patimokkha or Buddhist Monk Rules?
Pa Auk Monastery in 2014, Photo by Klaus
The Pātimokkha is a set of 227 rules for the bhikkhus belonging to the Theravāda sect which is based on the Pāḷi language texts. The 227 rules are grouped into seven classes with the first two, Pārājikā and Saṅghādisesā considered as “heavy”. The first heavy group is also considered irrecoverable while the second requires official transactions to restore the full bhikkhu status to the offender.
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Are Buddhist Monks Allowed To Use Money?
A Money tree in Laos cc-by-attrib-sa https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Buddhist_money_tree_with_toilet_paper.webp
Are Buddhist monks allowed to use money? The short answer is that monks are definitely not allowed to even touch money for all traditions; Theravāda, Mahayāna, and Tibetan. However, it is very common for monks to not only accept money from lay people without shame, but they even encourage lay people to offer the money. Nevertheless, it is still a rule and there are heavy consequences if this becomes a lifetime habit and a wrong mode of livelihood.
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Stay Away From the Fools and Associate with the Wise
Sattigumba and Pupphaka
Asevanā ca bālānaṃ, paṇḍitānañca sevanā;
Pūjā ca pūjaneyyānaṃ etaṃ maṅgalamuttamaṃ.
Avoid the Fools and
Associate with the wise.
Give respect to the respectable.
This is the highest blessing.
Maṅgala Sutta
This small quote is from the first verse spoken by the Buddha when he was asked, “What is the highest blessing?” There are thirty-eight blessings listed and you can find them here. However, the first verse is the most important and we will only discuss the fools and the wise.
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Making Natural Brooms
Sayadaw holding one of his finished brooms
Natural fiber brooms are quite common in Theravadan countries such as Myanmar, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, and Laos. Since the plants that are used to make brooms grow in our monastery, one of our very senior monks takes pleasure in making brooms when he needs to stretch his legs after a long meditation. It is strange, but since our main job is to meditate, working can be a leisure activity!
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Patimokkha Chant Feb 15, 2022
Yesterday, I recited the 227 rules of the Pātimokkha for 110 bhikkhus at Pa-Auk Meditation Center in Pyin Oo Lwin. When a monk recites the Pātimokkha, traditionally he does so by memory and not by reading. My recitation was not the best quality, but it was not so bad considering I only started when I was 47, and I have only done this 5 times now. However, the recitations get better and better each time I do it and I hope improvement continues until perfection.
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Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?
Copyright notice.. picture by Kim Traynor cc-by-sa
Note: This post is not for everyone. Those who claim to be bhikkhunis and supporters of the movement, and monks and nuns in general will find this interesting.
Did you know that bhikkhunis (nuns) are not allowed to sleep alone or travel alone and if they do, they are sentenced to 2 weeks of rehabilitation and lose their full status as bhikkhunis during this period?
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Monk Towels and Soap
Very few people from the West know about what the monks use for their bath towels and their bathing soap. Monks use items that are much different than those found in the West, although commonly known in Myanmar and other Buddhist countries. Furthermore, the monks use these items because of the monk rules associated with them in addition to the abundance and low cost.
Monks at Pa-Auk usually use small hand towels instead of normal “wrap-around” sized towels.
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When Does Rainy Season Start?
Recently, I got a nice message from a monk friend telling me he was taking vassa (3 month Rainy Season Retreat) on July 23rd (the Full Moon Day) and wishing me a happy vassa before he goes offline for three months. However, we at Pa-Auk are taking the vassa today on July 24 (the day after the Full Moon Day). The calendars often say it starts on the Full Moon Day, but we don’t do that at Pa-Auk.
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The Buddha's Intermittent Fasting
Did the Buddha do intermittent fasting? The answer is: Yes.
When I first became a monk, people were shocked about how I gave up eating after Solar Noon and I have not eaten dinner in over 20 years. Sometimes I switch to one meal per day, but I often find a light breakfast, mostly liquid foods or rice soup, with a full lunch works best for me. These days, many people are using intermittent fasting as a form of weight loss and when I describe my Buddhist monk diet, they give a nod and say “Intermittent Fasting… It’s Healthy.
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Chicago Lao Monastery
Recently, I had a chance to go to a Lao Monastery in Elgin, Chicago, IL, USA for 12 days. I usually avoid American Theravada Temples like the plague because most of these places have monks who use money and much of the monk life is centered around collecting money. This is a typical standard not only in America but in most countries. This monastery however, is different.
In 2015, the committee decided to stop being a useless, unwholesome temple that teaches wrong dhammavinaya (teaching and training — on wrong ways to give donation and wrong ways to make merit, and obviously wrong kamma and results).
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Kauai Update: Lihue
Things have recently changed
Things have recently changed in my life. I have now moved to Lihue. Things were going well at the place where I was at before in Kilauea. The owner was happy with what I was doing for the community and I was happy and fulfilled with what I was doing for the community as well. Unfortunately, the owner’s son came for a visit. In short, he said, “I want to visit a monk.
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Vinaya Comparison of Monastery Allowances
Below is a chart comparing special allowances by tradition which is useful for making a decision on where to ordain. If you need an explanation, read further..
DhammayutWat Pah PongWat Khao Sanamachai (Hua Hin)Pa-AukCigarettes AllowedNo SmokingNo SmokingNo SmokingBetel Nut AllowedNo Betel Chewing allowedNo Betel Chewing allowedNo Betel Chewing allowedCheese 7 Day (medicine)Cheese 7 Day (medicine)Cheese allowed before NoonCheese allowed before NoonDark Chocolate 7 DayDark Chocolate 7 DayChocolate allowed before NoonChocolate allowed before NoonBottled Juice 7 DayBottled Juice 7 DayFresh Juice EveningFresh Juice EveningSoy Milk lifetime medicineSoy Milk lifetime medicineSoy Milk before NoonSoy Milk before Noon.
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Why Are Monk Bowls Black?
Monk bowls are black because they are fired with sesame oil 5 times to protect it from rusting. There are two types of bowls allowed; Iron and Clay. Iron bowls need to be fired 5 times and clay bowls only need firing twice. Obviously, the clay bowls do not need to be black in color but are rare to find because they are fragile and very very heavy. Iron bowls are black from the baked-on sesame oil.
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Buddhist Monks' Robes Information
Sewing pattern from BMC 1 (creative-commons, Thanissaro Bhikkhu) Robe Information Few people realize that the Theravāda monk’s robes are actually a piece of rectangular cloth with no sleeves.[mfn]While some monks use shirts with sleeves underneath their robes, it is not actually allowed [/mfn] If you see a Theravāda monk wearing his robes in different styles, then rest assured it is due to the art of “tying the robes” or “rolling the robes” or what I call “robe origami.
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Kauai Update Part 2
It has been a little over a month since I have been on the island of Kauai. Things have been going well although my situation is still the same. I am still in a tent at Anini, but I have a new tent in Anini with a better view of the pristine Kauai shore! Things are dryer than the record rains we had last month.. and I guess if it were wetter than before a new record would be set.
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Should We Be Nice To Muslims?
Muslim Imam giving dana. The short answer is, “Yes.” Of course we should be nice to Muslims, Christians, Atheist, animals, snakes and all beings. Sabbe Satta means all beings. In this long winded article, I speak about how the Muslims will win a majority in Myanmar and how Buddhism is already falling down in quality and quantity. Any “evil” actions like parochial schools, or large families were actually practiced in Myanmar by Buddhists only 20 or 30 years ago.
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Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism
Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism I have been asked to write a little something on vegetarianism and Theravāda Buddhism. I am qualified to be quite objective, and to see both sides of the issue because I was a vegetarian for a total of ten years as a lay person and I had vegetarian eyes. That meant that when I looked at meat, cooked or not, I saw a dead animal in front of me.
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Inspire Means To Leave Facebook
Inspire Means To Leave Facebook Much of what I write about is related to stories that happen to me that would charge me up and make me feel inspired. I would then write down what happened and share it with others. Often my stories are related to vinaya – the monks’ rules and living without money. These days it is special for a monk to live without money and I can inspire people simply by following the rules.
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Traveling Without a Helper
When Ven. Devananda and I traveled to Kauai in 2015, we did not have a Kappiya (helper) to buy us food or even pay for our luggage. One can live without helpers, but it does take some pre-planning.
We had a ticket from Yangon to Honolulu that was dirt cheap at only $854 for a round trip fare. However, it came with 12 hour and 6 hour layovers in China.
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I Finally Did It!
I Finally Did It! This Rainy Season (Vassa) I was able to learn the Pātimokkha (227 Rules) by heart. It is the first round and it takes me a long time to do it, and there are mistakes. Never the less, it is considered “learned” and “memorized” at this stage. I will hopefully recite the Pātimokkha for the full moon November 3rd if all goes well. I need to get my 2+ hours of recitation down to at least 1:15 minutes.
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Donation to Sangha or Individuals?
When should you give to Saṅgha?
When should you give to individual monks?
This is a question that is not addressed very often and it can cause lots of trouble for monks knowingly and unknowingly. Quite often, many monks blindly prompt donors to recite a line of pāḷi before they offer anything to them. “Bhikkhu Saṅghassa demi.” There are some variations, but that is the generic formula. It means, “I give to the community of monks.
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Why Are Most Monasteries Not Allowable?
Why are most monasteries not allowable for vinaya monks? Today, I was Skyping my parents which is something we do once or twice a month now. I feel it is good for them to “see” me as a monk, rather than having them talk to me and visualizing their son from 1999. That was when I left home and things changed for me. We had a nice discussion. We spoke about possibilities for a visit, but I told them that finding a place was difficult, because the monks all use money and whatever they buy with that money becomes unallowable.
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Shining The Inner Core
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Last year, this picture (without the writing) went viral. The viral post seems to makes its rounds from time to time and every so often, someone tells me they saw my picture. It started when I was in Bagan for an 8 day trip with my friend Ashin Pannyagavesaka. We did a slow and thorough excursion and walked a good chunk of Bagan when rides were not provided.
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Inspiration, move me brightly
Alms Inspiration is like a bright star that shines among the dim. In Monastic life, there are few monasteries or monks that really inspire people. Following the vinaya (or rules) inspires people. It is tried and tested.
This was an old picture when I was in a vinaya monastery that follows all of the rules including the “basic ten rules” that a 7 year old beginner monk is supposed to follow.
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5, 8 and 10 Precepts
Here is a comparison of 5, 8 and 10 precepts. The Buddhist who follows five precepts is known as a regular lay Buddhist. The person who follows 8 precepts is known as a serious Buddhist yogi. The person who follows the 10 precepts is known as a novice monk. A bhikkhu follows 227 rules.
It is important to know these classes to know which rules are more important to follow. It also can explain, what class of rules a monk is following.
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Buddhism and Abortion

Visit to Varanasi Monastery, Mingaladon
Sima of Varanasi Monastery. A Brief Visit to Varanasi Monastery, Mingaladon
I had a few more days before I was allowed to arrive at ITBM University (I am there now). Very close by is one of my favorite monasteries in the Yangon District. Actually, there are very few choices for monks who follow the monk’s rules (Vinaya) if you want to live with like minded vinaya monks. Even though Pa-Auk is a vinaya monastery, there is not the same consistency of monks who have vinaya in their hearts.
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A Month In Geneva Florida
Introduction During the month of November, I stayed in Geneva, Florida, at a very small monastery—or what you might call a typical small three-bedroom house. Normally, the place is dormant and empty, but I was able to awaken this once-dormant monastery by going for alms, as I did in Kaua’i, ordinations, visitors and with my enthusiasm for teaching.
About The Place: The three-bedroom house is supported by a very small group of Myanmar people on roughly 4 acres of land.
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Dhammapada 118 Giving Again And Again
Below are two talks based on the Dhammapada verses 49 and 118
The verses
49 yathāpi bhamaro pupphaṃ,
paleti rasamādāya,
evaṃ gāme munī care.
As a bee gathers honey from the flower
without injuring its color or fragrance,
even so does the sage go on his alms-round in the village.
118 puññañce puriso kayirā,
kayirā naṃ punappunaṃ,
tamhi chandaṃ kayirātha,
sukho puññassa uccayo.
Should a person do good,
let him do it again and again.
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My Trip To America In 2024
Introduction My trip to America from April 29th to June 2nd was very fruitful, yet I was very busy. From Sri Lanka, I traveled to Chicago, Boston, Connecticut, and Orlando, Florida. The main reason for traveling was to see my mother and family for Mother’s Day during my break. However, I also wanted to check out two places that might be interesting if I need to stay in the USA for some reason or another.
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Alms Is Never A Sure Thing
Just a small “monk life” entry: IIT, Sri Lanka, June 23, 20204
Yesterday was the day after the Full Moon Uposatha Day. We didn’t get a lot of food from the village alms round. I went by myself on my usual route, and another monk went by himself on a different route that he sometimes goes to.
I’m not sure what happened. Maybe the villagers were at the monasteries all night.
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Supermarket Alms In America
donor and myself at Golden Market Introduction Going for alms (pindapata) is certainly possible in the USA. There are different methods such as house by house alms, farmer’s market alms, visiting known donor’s houses, and supermarket alms. While house by house can take time to grow faith in a community, supermarkets can be quite easy to develop, even on the first day.
Obtaining Permission When the supermarket is part of a shopping complex, you will need permission from both the store manager, and also the shopping center property manager.
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A Talk On The Monk's Bowl
In this talk, I explore many details about the monk’s bowl, how it is made black, the parts of the bowl, and several other things. It should be interesting if you are interested in Theravāda Buddhist monks.
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American Monk Website Has A New Home
AmericanMonk.org has a new free home! I started the process last week and if you are a subscriber who gets this email, the task is 90% complete. There is still some refinement to do.
Why Move? Originally, I was using a WordPress framework on a hosting company called NameCheap. While NameCheap sounds like a small company, they are one of the top ten names in hosting and DNS services (where you get a registered website name).
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Three Stories Of Loving-kindness
There are three stories of loving-kindness told in the video posted below. The first story is from Kaua’i, Hawai’i, when a person did not want me on “his” street. Through the power of loving-kindness, things changed. Another story was also from the island in 2015. There were children on bicycles who were yelling at us to go away on multiple days. Through the power of loving-kindness, things changed. The last story is from 2011 during a trip to India.
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Why A Monk's Empty Bowl Made Me So Happy!
Ven. Nepal Nāthaputta and I have been going for alms together for some time now. He usually comes with me the whole way on Saturdays and on Sundays, he forks right after the 2nd or 3rd house. However, recently, a new monk decided to join our route. Last week, Ven. Nepal Nāthaputta went off on his own on Saturday while the two of us went on my usual route (good for two monks).
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Intelligent Donations: Turning The Tables
Ven Ananda with the two donors
Recently, we received six new tables arranged by a monk’s two donors. The tables were nice but I didn’t think we needed them, so I asked the monk why. He said there was not enough room on the tables for his donors’ donations, so they decided to donate more tables so they can donate more. When his donors make donations, they are not small.
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About Piṇḍapāta: Why Do Monks Go For Alms in a Village?
Alms Tray and Cambodia Monk’s Full Bowl
Introduction: This article explains the essence of piṇḍapāta (alms) and why we go for alms, even in poor villages. On the weekends, I have some time to go for alms in the nearby village. However, you might ask yourself, “Why would a monk collect food from a very poor village during an economic crisis when the monastery is mostly supported by wealthy people?
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A Great Day, 2019
I remember when I was living in Kaua’i in a tent propped up in the corner of my friend Uncle Gene Taylor’s property. I had just come home from my daily alms round and I popped into his room to say hello. He is old and has difficulty walking, yet he is usually quite cheerful. As part of the visit routine, he asked me how my day was and I smiled and happily said, “Today was a great day.
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Leaving Kaua'i On A Jet Plane
As the rest of the song goes.. “And I don’t know when I’ll be back again.”
It has been almost 1.5 years living on Kaua’i. I have had an incredible experience here by doing an experiment to see if a monk can establish a monastery any place he travels to through the lost art of wandering for alms. A practice done in the name of the Buddha but rarely practised anymore.
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Most Important Buddhist Lesson Learned and Taught
A little while ago, I was asked what was the most important lesson learned and what was the most important thing that I taught. The answer spans two different videos and they are listed below:
The first video gives a very technical answer, yet in very simple English that everyone can understand. However those who are into the deepest Dhamma and Abhidhamma will still appreciate what is said and how it is said.
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Pa-Auk Monastery Alms Line in Myanmar
I recently found this video in my Google Drive. I had a layperson (probably UKZ) follow me around in the line to show what it was like for a monk to go through the alms food line at Pa-Auk Main Center, Mawlamyine, Myanmar. It is not easy to manage so many donors with big hearts to give. Most of the time, I am giving hand signals to get less food. You might want to play this at double speed.
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Fighting Anger With Loving-Kindness and No Money
Recently, I ran into a very angry man who came out of his house yelling at me and coming closer and closer. Eventually, I won the fight with my two big weapons, loving-kindness and my commitment of being free from money for all these years. I have been going for alms in this neighborhood for a little over a year now, and while I did have two girls yell at me, they did not leave their property boundary.
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Koral Inspires Me
Koral’s Family
Just about every Wednesday, I still find the time to continue with my Kilauea alms round[mfn]map is here[/mfn] (which used to include Tuesdays too). I take a one hour bus ride from Lihue, and then set out on my alms round, wishing loving-kindness to the houses one by one as I walk along the road.
In the beginning people thought I was some weird homeless person who might be crazy, but after some time, some fearless people spoke to me and then word started spreading.
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Kauai Update: Lihue
Things have recently changed
Things have recently changed in my life. I have now moved to Lihue. Things were going well at the place where I was at before in Kilauea. The owner was happy with what I was doing for the community and I was happy and fulfilled with what I was doing for the community as well. Unfortunately, the owner’s son came for a visit. In short, he said, “I want to visit a monk.
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Should Monks Use Mixing Bowls as Monk Bowls?
On a warm Hawaiian Christmas day in 2018, I was off to collect my alms in the village. I was in a rush and worried that I would not be able to find a ride to the village where I go for alms because so few cars would be on the roads. Luckily, I got a ride and as I stepped out of the the car, I did my usual baggage check.
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Miracle On 3 or 4 Streets
Here are a five remarkable stories of miracles to tell, but not all of them. There have been many miracles that have come my way when I needed them the most. For the Christians out there, they might say, “Doesn’t that make you believe in God?” My answer is, “It makes me believe there are heavenly beings (Devas & Devis)) who are looking out for me.”. There are other stories not included such as “My Watch Story”
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Kauai Monk Update 3
Kauai Update #3
I have moved from the Botanical Gardens recently. I was able to stay there for 5 months and the majority of the time there was wonderful. However things were changing and it was time for me to look for another place and now I am staying in a new long term location in Kilauea.
It all happened after a wonderful person picked me up on the side of the road holding my signs the day my parents, brother and in-law dropped me off (I’ll get back to that family-visit part later).
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Results From Collecting Alms In Kauai
As a Buddhist Monk collecting alms in Kauai, USA for the past 4 months, the results are in. On Tuesday and Wednesdays as shown on the map above, I collect my food, wishing loving-kindness to one side of the street at a time. So how many houses have given food at least once? About 18 people from different houses have given me food at least once. About 4 or 5 cars have given to me, but they are not included in the 18 number.
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Is Collecting Alms (Piṇḍapāta) Legal?
That is me going for alms on Aalona Street Kilauea. Collecting alms, also known as piṇḍapāta by Theravāda Buddhists, is a legal activity in the USA. There are some restrictions though. I spoke with a lawyer who seemed to know civil liberties quite well, but there are no guarantees with what I say. However, this information should make sense and seem legal to you. It is legal to ring the doorbell of any house and preach to them or talk to them about politics under the freedom of speech rights.
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Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism
Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism I have been asked to write a little something on vegetarianism and Theravāda Buddhism. I am qualified to be quite objective, and to see both sides of the issue because I was a vegetarian for a total of ten years as a lay person and I had vegetarian eyes. That meant that when I looked at meat, cooked or not, I saw a dead animal in front of me.
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How Do Monks Say Grace Before Eating?
How Do Monks Say Grace Before Eating? Do Theravāda monks say anything before they eat? Do they give thanks? Who do they say thanks to? Or is it something else?
Buddhist monks generally do a reflection and chant something before eating. In fact it is said that the monks incurs debt if they doe not reflect before eating. Actually, there are 4 reflections concerning the Four Requisites:
1. Robes
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Why Are Most Monasteries Not Allowable?
Why are most monasteries not allowable for vinaya monks? Today, I was Skyping my parents which is something we do once or twice a month now. I feel it is good for them to “see” me as a monk, rather than having them talk to me and visualizing their son from 1999. That was when I left home and things changed for me. We had a nice discussion. We spoke about possibilities for a visit, but I told them that finding a place was difficult, because the monks all use money and whatever they buy with that money becomes unallowable.
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Shining The Inner Core
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Last year, this picture (without the writing) went viral. The viral post seems to makes its rounds from time to time and every so often, someone tells me they saw my picture. It started when I was in Bagan for an 8 day trip with my friend Ashin Pannyagavesaka. We did a slow and thorough excursion and walked a good chunk of Bagan when rides were not provided.
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Kauai Propagation Presentation
A 2 part Powerpoint presentation about what two monks did in Kauai, Hawaii during June to December 2015. The theme was propagation, but the propagation was done just from being monks who do not touch money, and collect their food the traditional Buddhist monk way. The vision, how it got started, stories and experiences were shared. About 50 people were in the audience. Running time is about 1 hour total for both.
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When It Rains It Pours
[, then I will skip it and find another one or stay with the shack village alone. After 3 weeks of only one donor in that village, I finally got some edible food….
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The Benefits of Faith Alms
[, you can learn a lot about yourself and the real Buddhist teachings.
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Loving Kindness Wins The Race
Last week we encountered a disturbing event while we were going for Alms in village in Kauai. There was a lady on a bicycle who approached us and asked us what we were doing. Her tone of voice was not so happy, but we enjoy telling people what we are doing because it does not happen so often and that is one of our goals when we stand in front of each house.
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Very Sweet Indeed

A Month In Geneva Florida
Introduction During the month of November, I stayed in Geneva, Florida, at a very small monastery—or what you might call a typical small three-bedroom house. Normally, the place is dormant and empty, but I was able to awaken this once-dormant monastery by going for alms, as I did in Kaua’i, ordinations, visitors and with my enthusiasm for teaching.
About The Place: The three-bedroom house is supported by a very small group of Myanmar people on roughly 4 acres of land.
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The Monastery Murder Massacre
Artistic digital recreation of Migalaṇḍika (an ascetic who looked like a monk)
The Monastery Murder Massacre that happened in Vesālī during the time of The Buddha is not well known among lay people. It was because of this massacre that The Buddha made a rule about killing humans. For the first 20 years, there were no rules and this was the third rule that was ever created. Before this, the monks intuitively knew what was proper and there was no need for rules.
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Can Monks Get Married?
cc0 picture
Recently, there have been some instances in the news of monks who have been accused of rape or consensual sex. One monk appears to have supported a child with his money. While we won’t know the true outcome until an admission of guilt is made, we should investigate what is a rule and what is not a rule. Although it is appalling that the Catholic church allows its priests to continue in the order even after such admissions of guilt for sexual acts, the Buddhist rules across all Buddhist schools have a different approach.
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As Long As You Stand On The Road
That is me going for alms on Aalona Street Kilauea.
I have a Christmas story for you. I have tried to keep it short but it didn’t work out.
When I was in Kaua’i on from 2017-2019, an 18 month run, I made it a point to go for alms by the house to house loving-kindness method on Tuesdays and Wednesdays as a way to get food. Early on, I was invited to Waiapua Road while standing in front of Hanalei Big Save which was my Monday stop.
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Ian (exVen. Visarada) Visits Kauai
This past July, I had an old friend named Ian Sloan (previously Venerable Visarada ) visit me in Kauai. He disrobed after being a monk for 25 years. He disrobed because of a conflict of philosophy about what happens at death. It was a combination of accounts from past life regressions in hypnotherapy, what he has read by Edgar Cayce, and the event of his father’s death. He seems to appreciate the Near Death Experiences which can still be explained partially with Buddhism, but he felt it was time to disrobe.
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Fighting Anger With Loving-Kindness and No Money
Recently, I ran into a very angry man who came out of his house yelling at me and coming closer and closer. Eventually, I won the fight with my two big weapons, loving-kindness and my commitment of being free from money for all these years. I have been going for alms in this neighborhood for a little over a year now, and while I did have two girls yell at me, they did not leave their property boundary.
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Koral Inspires Me
Koral’s Family
Just about every Wednesday, I still find the time to continue with my Kilauea alms round[mfn]map is here[/mfn] (which used to include Tuesdays too). I take a one hour bus ride from Lihue, and then set out on my alms round, wishing loving-kindness to the houses one by one as I walk along the road.
In the beginning people thought I was some weird homeless person who might be crazy, but after some time, some fearless people spoke to me and then word started spreading.
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18th Anniversary and Update
This is where I live
Wow! Today is February 7th and another year has passed. I have now completed 18 years total as a monk and I am working on my 19th year. Of course, my monk age is 12 rainy seasons because I changed Nikayas after my 6th year. I have been living my monk life in Kauai, Hawaii for about 10 months now and things have been moving along.
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Kauai Monk Update 3
Kauai Update #3
I have moved from the Botanical Gardens recently. I was able to stay there for 5 months and the majority of the time there was wonderful. However things were changing and it was time for me to look for another place and now I am staying in a new long term location in Kilauea.
It all happened after a wonderful person picked me up on the side of the road holding my signs the day my parents, brother and in-law dropped me off (I’ll get back to that family-visit part later).
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A Month In Geneva Florida
Introduction During the month of November, I stayed in Geneva, Florida, at a very small monastery—or what you might call a typical small three-bedroom house. Normally, the place is dormant and empty, but I was able to awaken this once-dormant monastery by going for alms, as I did in Kaua’i, ordinations, visitors and with my enthusiasm for teaching.
About The Place: The three-bedroom house is supported by a very small group of Myanmar people on roughly 4 acres of land.
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A Month In Geneva Florida
Introduction During the month of November, I stayed in Geneva, Florida, at a very small monastery—or what you might call a typical small three-bedroom house. Normally, the place is dormant and empty, but I was able to awaken this once-dormant monastery by going for alms, as I did in Kaua’i, ordinations, visitors and with my enthusiasm for teaching.
About The Place: The three-bedroom house is supported by a very small group of Myanmar people on roughly 4 acres of land.
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What Is An Ordained Sayalay?
Introduction A Sayalay is an ordained nun in the Myanmar Theravāda Tradition. It is similar to a sāmaṇerī or 10-precept female novice monk. However, to be respectful to the Theravāda tradition, it is not connected or equal to a sāmaṇerī and it is not a stepping stone for a bhikkhunī ordination.
In the Myanmar Theravāda tradition, ordaining as a Sayalay provides women with a distinct path to practice the Dhamma formally without stepping into the roles traditionally reserved for monks or fully ordained bhikkhunīs.
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Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?
Copyright notice.. picture by Kim Traynor cc-by-sa
Note: This post is not for everyone. Those who claim to be bhikkhunis and supporters of the movement, and monks and nuns in general will find this interesting.
Did you know that bhikkhunis (nuns) are not allowed to sleep alone or travel alone and if they do, they are sentenced to 2 weeks of rehabilitation and lose their full status as bhikkhunis during this period?
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A Month In Geneva Florida
Introduction During the month of November, I stayed in Geneva, Florida, at a very small monastery—or what you might call a typical small three-bedroom house. Normally, the place is dormant and empty, but I was able to awaken this once-dormant monastery by going for alms, as I did in Kaua’i, ordinations, visitors and with my enthusiasm for teaching.
About The Place: The three-bedroom house is supported by a very small group of Myanmar people on roughly 4 acres of land.
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Memorizing The Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha
Palm leaf photo link wellcomecollection:[mfn]CC 4.0 iiif.wellcomecollection.org/image/L0031774/full/760%2C/0/default.webp[/mfn]
Today I finished memorizing the Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha in Pāḷi (the 311 Theravāda nun’s rules). While I did not recite the whole lot in a single session, I did memorize in chunks until the total was completely memorized at one time or another. That means, I would recite a chunk of rules in front of a teacher by memory and then work on a separate adjacent succeeding chunk for memory.
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What Is The Bhikkhu Patimokkha or Buddhist Monk Rules?
Pa Auk Monastery in 2014, Photo by Klaus
The Pātimokkha is a set of 227 rules for the bhikkhus belonging to the Theravāda sect which is based on the Pāḷi language texts. The 227 rules are grouped into seven classes with the first two, Pārājikā and Saṅghādisesā considered as “heavy”. The first heavy group is also considered irrecoverable while the second requires official transactions to restore the full bhikkhu status to the offender.
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Are Buddhist Monks Allowed To Use Money?
A Money tree in Laos cc-by-attrib-sa https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Buddhist_money_tree_with_toilet_paper.webp
Are Buddhist monks allowed to use money? The short answer is that monks are definitely not allowed to even touch money for all traditions; Theravāda, Mahayāna, and Tibetan. However, it is very common for monks to not only accept money from lay people without shame, but they even encourage lay people to offer the money. Nevertheless, it is still a rule and there are heavy consequences if this becomes a lifetime habit and a wrong mode of livelihood.
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Patimokkha Chant Feb 15, 2022
Yesterday, I recited the 227 rules of the Pātimokkha for 110 bhikkhus at Pa-Auk Meditation Center in Pyin Oo Lwin. When a monk recites the Pātimokkha, traditionally he does so by memory and not by reading. My recitation was not the best quality, but it was not so bad considering I only started when I was 47, and I have only done this 5 times now. However, the recitations get better and better each time I do it and I hope improvement continues until perfection.
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How To Memorize Pāḷi by Rote Method
Title Page
In America, the Rote Method of learning is belittled as “learning like a parrot” and rarely or never taught in the Western school systems. However, it is a useful brute force method for memorizing Pali texts and the only way to memorize longer word for word Pāḷi texts such as the Pātimokkha. This system is used extensively in Myanmar schools and Myanmar study monasteries. If you hear lots of noise in the classrooms, rote learning is what they are doing.
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I Finally Did It!
I Finally Did It! This Rainy Season (Vassa) I was able to learn the Pātimokkha (227 Rules) by heart. It is the first round and it takes me a long time to do it, and there are mistakes. Never the less, it is considered “learned” and “memorized” at this stage. I will hopefully recite the Pātimokkha for the full moon November 3rd if all goes well. I need to get my 2+ hours of recitation down to at least 1:15 minutes.
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Lucky-Draw and Devas
Calculation of odds. Do you believe in devas?
Devas are the Buddhist equivalent to angels. Ok .. Here is the story. I was on alms round two weeks ago and a regular supporter invited us to ask for anything for our studies at school. I needed some pens, so I asked for some pens. He told me to wait and showed up with a huge pen gift-box. He opened it up for me and there was a fat and expensive Cross pen inside.
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A Month In Geneva Florida
Introduction During the month of November, I stayed in Geneva, Florida, at a very small monastery—or what you might call a typical small three-bedroom house. Normally, the place is dormant and empty, but I was able to awaken this once-dormant monastery by going for alms, as I did in Kaua’i, ordinations, visitors and with my enthusiasm for teaching.
About The Place: The three-bedroom house is supported by a very small group of Myanmar people on roughly 4 acres of land.
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Sabbe Satta -All Beings
reposted from https://withmetta.net (2016) . When a Buddhist monk says “sabbe satta,” that is a shorthand for metta practice. “Sabbe satta” means “all beings.”
One of my friend’s collects the leftover food and cakes and says or acts on this everyday after each meal at the Mudon Pa-Auk monastery. But in reality, even though he says “sabbe satta,” he really just seems to feed the birds with the leftover food and cakes.
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A Month In Geneva Florida
Introduction During the month of November, I stayed in Geneva, Florida, at a very small monastery—or what you might call a typical small three-bedroom house. Normally, the place is dormant and empty, but I was able to awaken this once-dormant monastery by going for alms, as I did in Kaua’i, ordinations, visitors and with my enthusiasm for teaching.
About The Place: The three-bedroom house is supported by a very small group of Myanmar people on roughly 4 acres of land.
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What Is An Ordained Sayalay?
Introduction A Sayalay is an ordained nun in the Myanmar Theravāda Tradition. It is similar to a sāmaṇerī or 10-precept female novice monk. However, to be respectful to the Theravāda tradition, it is not connected or equal to a sāmaṇerī and it is not a stepping stone for a bhikkhunī ordination.
In the Myanmar Theravāda tradition, ordaining as a Sayalay provides women with a distinct path to practice the Dhamma formally without stepping into the roles traditionally reserved for monks or fully ordained bhikkhunīs.
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What Is An Ordained Sayalay?
Introduction A Sayalay is an ordained nun in the Myanmar Theravāda Tradition. It is similar to a sāmaṇerī or 10-precept female novice monk. However, to be respectful to the Theravāda tradition, it is not connected or equal to a sāmaṇerī and it is not a stepping stone for a bhikkhunī ordination.
In the Myanmar Theravāda tradition, ordaining as a Sayalay provides women with a distinct path to practice the Dhamma formally without stepping into the roles traditionally reserved for monks or fully ordained bhikkhunīs.
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Memorizing The Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha
Palm leaf photo link wellcomecollection:[mfn]CC 4.0 iiif.wellcomecollection.org/image/L0031774/full/760%2C/0/default.webp[/mfn]
Today I finished memorizing the Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha in Pāḷi (the 311 Theravāda nun’s rules). While I did not recite the whole lot in a single session, I did memorize in chunks until the total was completely memorized at one time or another. That means, I would recite a chunk of rules in front of a teacher by memory and then work on a separate adjacent succeeding chunk for memory.
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Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?
Copyright notice.. picture by Kim Traynor cc-by-sa
Note: This post is not for everyone. Those who claim to be bhikkhunis and supporters of the movement, and monks and nuns in general will find this interesting.
Did you know that bhikkhunis (nuns) are not allowed to sleep alone or travel alone and if they do, they are sentenced to 2 weeks of rehabilitation and lose their full status as bhikkhunis during this period?
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Are Theravada Bhikkhuni Ordinations Valid?
cc0 picture https://pxhere.com/en/photo/489726
There is not much written in English explaining why bhikkhuni ordinations are rejected by the Theravāda Community of Monks. The English writings are a poor representation of the vast majority of Buddhist Scholarship and that is why there is “controversy” regarding the revival of the extinct Theravāda Bhikkhuni order. There is really no controversy to speak about once you know the full story.
Many Westerners believe that women are not able to become nuns without such a revival, but that is not true.
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What Is An Ordained Sayalay?
Introduction A Sayalay is an ordained nun in the Myanmar Theravāda Tradition. It is similar to a sāmaṇerī or 10-precept female novice monk. However, to be respectful to the Theravāda tradition, it is not connected or equal to a sāmaṇerī and it is not a stepping stone for a bhikkhunī ordination.
In the Myanmar Theravāda tradition, ordaining as a Sayalay provides women with a distinct path to practice the Dhamma formally without stepping into the roles traditionally reserved for monks or fully ordained bhikkhunīs.
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Percentage of Monks Who Do Not Use Money
Monk walking towards the world of the 5%
If you are a Westerner and new to Buddhism, you might be surprised to learn that most monks use and handle money. I have calculated that around 95% use money while 5% do not use money. The general consensus of those I have consulted say that about 2 or 3 percent do not use money but I used a 5% number to be safe.
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Making Natural Brooms
Sayadaw holding one of his finished brooms
Natural fiber brooms are quite common in Theravadan countries such as Myanmar, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, and Laos. Since the plants that are used to make brooms grow in our monastery, one of our very senior monks takes pleasure in making brooms when he needs to stretch his legs after a long meditation. It is strange, but since our main job is to meditate, working can be a leisure activity!
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Monk Towels and Soap
Very few people from the West know about what the monks use for their bath towels and their bathing soap. Monks use items that are much different than those found in the West, although commonly known in Myanmar and other Buddhist countries. Furthermore, the monks use these items because of the monk rules associated with them in addition to the abundance and low cost.
Monks at Pa-Auk usually use small hand towels instead of normal “wrap-around” sized towels.
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Covid-19 Lockdown @ Pa-Auk
Going for Alms at Pa-Auk
The world has has begun to know about Covid-19 and unfortunately, some countries know it better than others. As a monk, I try to stay away from basic web internet except one day per week, but I still hear what goes on and as of today, April 6th, 2020, Myanmar has 21 cases and one death. The number grows slowly in the beginning as you all might know and it is uncertain what will become of the virus in weeks to come.
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Pa-Auk Monastery Alms Line in Myanmar
I recently found this video in my Google Drive. I had a layperson (probably UKZ) follow me around in the line to show what it was like for a monk to go through the alms food line at Pa-Auk Main Center, Mawlamyine, Myanmar. It is not easy to manage so many donors with big hearts to give. Most of the time, I am giving hand signals to get less food. You might want to play this at double speed.
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Koral Inspires Me
Koral’s Family
Just about every Wednesday, I still find the time to continue with my Kilauea alms round[mfn]map is here[/mfn] (which used to include Tuesdays too). I take a one hour bus ride from Lihue, and then set out on my alms round, wishing loving-kindness to the houses one by one as I walk along the road.
In the beginning people thought I was some weird homeless person who might be crazy, but after some time, some fearless people spoke to me and then word started spreading.
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Kauai Update: Lihue
Things have recently changed
Things have recently changed in my life. I have now moved to Lihue. Things were going well at the place where I was at before in Kilauea. The owner was happy with what I was doing for the community and I was happy and fulfilled with what I was doing for the community as well. Unfortunately, the owner’s son came for a visit. In short, he said, “I want to visit a monk.
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Should We Be Nice To Muslims?
Muslim Imam giving dana. The short answer is, “Yes.” Of course we should be nice to Muslims, Christians, Atheist, animals, snakes and all beings. Sabbe Satta means all beings. In this long winded article, I speak about how the Muslims will win a majority in Myanmar and how Buddhism is already falling down in quality and quantity. Any “evil” actions like parochial schools, or large families were actually practiced in Myanmar by Buddhists only 20 or 30 years ago.
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Shining The Inner Core
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Last year, this picture (without the writing) went viral. The viral post seems to makes its rounds from time to time and every so often, someone tells me they saw my picture. It started when I was in Bagan for an 8 day trip with my friend Ashin Pannyagavesaka. We did a slow and thorough excursion and walked a good chunk of Bagan when rides were not provided.
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Lucky-Draw and Devas
Calculation of odds. Do you believe in devas?
Devas are the Buddhist equivalent to angels. Ok .. Here is the story. I was on alms round two weeks ago and a regular supporter invited us to ask for anything for our studies at school. I needed some pens, so I asked for some pens. He told me to wait and showed up with a huge pen gift-box. He opened it up for me and there was a fat and expensive Cross pen inside.
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A Different Love Trumps Hate

An Open Letter to Ma Ba Tha
Top: Ma Ba Tha conference Bottom: Reaching out to Muslims to show loving-kindness. Recently, I was convinced to go to a “seminar on peace” this past Saturday. Some of you may have seen my picture on Facebook in regards to a Ma Ba Tha conference I attended. I was told that I should not pay attention to the negative press and that they are a peaceful organization and the gathering was about peace.
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Visit to Varanasi Monastery, Mingaladon
Sima of Varanasi Monastery. A Brief Visit to Varanasi Monastery, Mingaladon
I had a few more days before I was allowed to arrive at ITBM University (I am there now). Very close by is one of my favorite monasteries in the Yangon District. Actually, there are very few choices for monks who follow the monk’s rules (Vinaya) if you want to live with like minded vinaya monks. Even though Pa-Auk is a vinaya monastery, there is not the same consistency of monks who have vinaya in their hearts.
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License to Spill (Myanmar Thingyan, New Year)
In the eight plus years that I have lived in Myanmar, I have never seen the Thingyan Water Festival festivities happening in the street. I normally spend my time in the monastery and normally, if I went on alms, it would be early in the morning. However, our Kyownpine monastery goes out on alms round a little later so we can collect real food to actually eat a little bit easier (so the donors have time to cook).
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Pa-Auk Monastery in Mudon
Kyownpine Pa-Auk Branch Monastery in Mudon, Myanmar. I have moved to Yorgo Sayadaw ’s new monastery called Kyownpine. The Yorgo Sayadaw read my first ordination transaction 15 years ago and invited me to come. He speaks no English, but we have fun together. Such a lovely place, lots of Metta here. Good views, cool at night (75 degrees), nice kuti.
This place is suitable for foreigners to live at complete with proper vinaya (monks’ rules).
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What Is An Ordained Sayalay?
Introduction A Sayalay is an ordained nun in the Myanmar Theravāda Tradition. It is similar to a sāmaṇerī or 10-precept female novice monk. However, to be respectful to the Theravāda tradition, it is not connected or equal to a sāmaṇerī and it is not a stepping stone for a bhikkhunī ordination.
In the Myanmar Theravāda tradition, ordaining as a Sayalay provides women with a distinct path to practice the Dhamma formally without stepping into the roles traditionally reserved for monks or fully ordained bhikkhunīs.
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Can Homosexuals Ordain as Buddhist Monks?
Summary: Yes, it is possible, but it is difficult to recommended because it can be very dangerous for saṅgha. Some monasteries will prohibit ordinations of openly gay men.
Why? The short answer is that the monastic environment is specifically designed to be segregated for celibacy. Segregation of genders breaks when homosexuals are ordained and mix with other monks. This is true especially at large monasteries where there is less supervision.
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This is Ven Indavimala. During my re-ordination in 2007, the ones who were previously ordained got to go first by previous seniority. This is to preserve previous order of seniority to those who lost it before, but the seniority only resides in our year of ordination (if that makes sense). Technically we are all the same monk age in years. We are all 17 years or vassa. However, the monk with the most experience will be ordained before the other and he will be senior sometimes by a day, an hour, or even by a mere second.
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Why did you become a monk?
Probably the #1 question we get is, “Why did you become a monk?” That question has many factors and answers. However, a better question is, “How did I actually get the nerve to become a monk?” I had a lot to give up. I was a computer programmer and really enjoyed my job. It did not feel like work actually and I was also making more than 15 times what someone on minimum wage was making at that time.
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Are Theravada Bhikkhuni Ordinations Valid?
cc0 picture https://pxhere.com/en/photo/489726
There is not much written in English explaining why bhikkhuni ordinations are rejected by the Theravāda Community of Monks. The English writings are a poor representation of the vast majority of Buddhist Scholarship and that is why there is “controversy” regarding the revival of the extinct Theravāda Bhikkhuni order. There is really no controversy to speak about once you know the full story.
Many Westerners believe that women are not able to become nuns without such a revival, but that is not true.
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How I Got My Name
One of my earliest photos with messy robes
My original ordination certificate
Exactly twenty years ago today (February 7, 2001), I followed through with my decision to ordain with lifelong intentions. Although I am only 14 vassa because of a re-ordination ceremony, this day means more to me than my very own birthday. This day was also the day I got my name.
Today, I not only have the monk name Bhikkhu Subhūti, but I also have an actual legal passport name of Bhante Bhikkhu Subhuti as well as other essential ID’s too.
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Why I Ordained Twice
Many people who have learned that I have re-ordained and actually know what that means have asked me why I did it. It is a long story, but I will try to be brief. During my first ordination in 2001, at Pa-Auk Main Branch with Venerable Pa-Auk Sayadaw as my preceptor, I was asked 13 questions. According to tradition, every monk is asked these 13 qualifying questions in the ordination ceremony twice.
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What Is An Ordained Sayalay?
Introduction A Sayalay is an ordained nun in the Myanmar Theravāda Tradition. It is similar to a sāmaṇerī or 10-precept female novice monk. However, to be respectful to the Theravāda tradition, it is not connected or equal to a sāmaṇerī and it is not a stepping stone for a bhikkhunī ordination.
In the Myanmar Theravāda tradition, ordaining as a Sayalay provides women with a distinct path to practice the Dhamma formally without stepping into the roles traditionally reserved for monks or fully ordained bhikkhunīs.
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Changing The Cloth: The Process To Become A Monk In Sri Lanka
A lay person named Chathuranga came to the International Institute of Theravāda looking to ordain in November, 2022. He is now a sāmaṇera (novice monk) and not yet a fully ordained bhikkhu. I thought that it would be interesting to show his path to monkhood to you.
Stage 1: Regular Person First he was a regular lay person working as a construction assistant engineer in the Maldives and then made the transition to a devoted layperson.
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Stay Away From the Fools and Associate with the Wise
Sattigumba and Pupphaka
Asevanā ca bālānaṃ, paṇḍitānañca sevanā;
Pūjā ca pūjaneyyānaṃ etaṃ maṅgalamuttamaṃ.
Avoid the Fools and
Associate with the wise.
Give respect to the respectable.
This is the highest blessing.
Maṅgala Sutta
This small quote is from the first verse spoken by the Buddha when he was asked, “What is the highest blessing?” There are thirty-eight blessings listed and you can find them here. However, the first verse is the most important and we will only discuss the fools and the wise.
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Theravada Buddhism and Sex: The Third Precept on Sexual Misconduct
NOTE: This is a very brief version of the 25 page PDF on the subject. The free 25 page pdf download on the third precept is here. Theravada Buddhism and Sex (extended)
Summary: The third precept is defined as not having sex without the protector’s permission. It is that simple! However, the protector can be the parents, husband, guardian, brother, government, religious order, etc. You need the protector’s permission and often that is the parents in most cases.
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5, 8 and 10 Precepts
Here is a comparison of 5, 8 and 10 precepts. The Buddhist who follows five precepts is known as a regular lay Buddhist. The person who follows 8 precepts is known as a serious Buddhist yogi. The person who follows the 10 precepts is known as a novice monk. A bhikkhu follows 227 rules.
It is important to know these classes to know which rules are more important to follow. It also can explain, what class of rules a monk is following.
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New Belt And Pocket
Ven Beralihela Upali Thero made me a pocket and belt today. The story goes like this. I sent him a message asking him about a monk who was wearing rag robes that looked like a Westerner but was actually a native Sinhala monk. He knew about this monk, but not very much. Afterwards, I told him about my lower robe I once kept going for four years and it had many patches on it.
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New Belt And Pocket
Ven Beralihela Upali Thero made me a pocket and belt today. The story goes like this. I sent him a message asking him about a monk who was wearing rag robes that looked like a Westerner but was actually a native Sinhala monk. He knew about this monk, but not very much. Afterwards, I told him about my lower robe I once kept going for four years and it had many patches on it.
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Can Homosexuals Ordain as Buddhist Monks?
Summary: Yes, it is possible, but it is difficult to recommended because it can be very dangerous for saṅgha. Some monasteries will prohibit ordinations of openly gay men.
Why? The short answer is that the monastic environment is specifically designed to be segregated for celibacy. Segregation of genders breaks when homosexuals are ordained and mix with other monks. This is true especially at large monasteries where there is less supervision.
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This is Ven Indavimala. During my re-ordination in 2007, the ones who were previously ordained got to go first by previous seniority. This is to preserve previous order of seniority to those who lost it before, but the seniority only resides in our year of ordination (if that makes sense). Technically we are all the same monk age in years. We are all 17 years or vassa. However, the monk with the most experience will be ordained before the other and he will be senior sometimes by a day, an hour, or even by a mere second.
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Percentage of Monks Who Do Not Use Money
Monk walking towards the world of the 5%
If you are a Westerner and new to Buddhism, you might be surprised to learn that most monks use and handle money. I have calculated that around 95% use money while 5% do not use money. The general consensus of those I have consulted say that about 2 or 3 percent do not use money but I used a 5% number to be safe.
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International Institute of Theravada
Multi purpose hall at IIT
After 3 years in Myanmar, I have moved to The International Institute of Theravāda. What is this place and why did I come here and what is mission?
What is IIT? The International Institute of Theravāda (IIT) is a comprehensive training institute aimed at facilitating spiritual and academic development of Buddhist monks, based on Theravada teachings. It is inclusive and accommodative, irrespective of sects (Nikaya) and other differences within the Theravada Buddhist clergy.
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Kauai Monk Update 3
Kauai Update #3
I have moved from the Botanical Gardens recently. I was able to stay there for 5 months and the majority of the time there was wonderful. However things were changing and it was time for me to look for another place and now I am staying in a new long term location in Kilauea.
It all happened after a wonderful person picked me up on the side of the road holding my signs the day my parents, brother and in-law dropped me off (I’ll get back to that family-visit part later).
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September 11 and Jeremy Glick
September 11th and Jeremy Glick I have a personal story I want to tell you about Jeremy Glick and September 11, 2001. The short story is that my name is Jeremy Glick and I was a computer programmer. However, I had left my regular world in 1999 and people who have lost track of me remembered me when 9/11 happened. About seven months after I ordained as a Buddhist Monk in 2001, the famous 9/11 or September 11th event happened.
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Kauai Update Part 2
It has been a little over a month since I have been on the island of Kauai. Things have been going well although my situation is still the same. I am still in a tent at Anini, but I have a new tent in Anini with a better view of the pristine Kauai shore! Things are dryer than the record rains we had last month.. and I guess if it were wetter than before a new record would be set.
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Donation to Sangha or Individuals?
When should you give to Saṅgha?
When should you give to individual monks?
This is a question that is not addressed very often and it can cause lots of trouble for monks knowingly and unknowingly. Quite often, many monks blindly prompt donors to recite a line of pāḷi before they offer anything to them. “Bhikkhu Saṅghassa demi.” There are some variations, but that is the generic formula. It means, “I give to the community of monks.
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Making A Foot-Rug From Old Robes
Here is an instructional video on how to make a foot-rug from old and discarded monk’s robes. If you are a monk, perhaps you will be very interested in this. I made the video as I was making my very first rug. Ven. Khemavamsa is the one who helped in the end. It was his idea and I have never seen this before. The story from the texts is below:
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Kauai Propagation Presentation
A 2 part Powerpoint presentation about what two monks did in Kauai, Hawaii during June to December 2015. The theme was propagation, but the propagation was done just from being monks who do not touch money, and collect their food the traditional Buddhist monk way. The vision, how it got started, stories and experiences were shared. About 50 people were in the audience. Running time is about 1 hour total for both.
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New Belt And Pocket
Ven Beralihela Upali Thero made me a pocket and belt today. The story goes like this. I sent him a message asking him about a monk who was wearing rag robes that looked like a Westerner but was actually a native Sinhala monk. He knew about this monk, but not very much. Afterwards, I told him about my lower robe I once kept going for four years and it had many patches on it.
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Monk Life and Natural Dyeing
A venerable tending the fire for cooking dye
Here are pictures about the natural dyeing process. The monks boil the ironwood tree bark chips for a long time (days). When a drop of dye is dropped in a glass of water, a ball will form and sink to the bottom. At that point, the dye master will empty that batch of dye into containers and then reboil the same chips with fresh water to make more dye.
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The Robes of Theravadan, Mahayanan, Tibetan Monks
It occured to me that people don’t know one type of Buddhist monk from the other and a post was needed to explain this.
First a little bit of history. Theravada is the closest thing as one can get to the original form of Buddhism and is based on the Pali texts. The countries that have Theravada as their national religion are; Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Sri Lanka, and Cambodia. It dates back to the Buddha from 5th century BCE Later, came Mahayana - Chinese Buddhism of the 1st century BCE.
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New Belt And Pocket
Ven Beralihela Upali Thero made me a pocket and belt today. The story goes like this. I sent him a message asking him about a monk who was wearing rag robes that looked like a Westerner but was actually a native Sinhala monk. He knew about this monk, but not very much. Afterwards, I told him about my lower robe I once kept going for four years and it had many patches on it.
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The Buddhist Monk's Bowl
Bowl with bowl stand (maybe Pa-Auk)
There are certain characteristics of the Theravada Buddhist monk’s bowl that might be interesting to know, even though the information is quite dry. Enjoy!
Material: The Buddha has allowed two different types of materials for bowls: iron and clay. When we say iron in Asia, we mean steel. Stainless steel is called steel. Is stainless steel allowed? This metal was not invented yet, but The Buddha left us with the great standards to judge if something should be allowable that was not mentioned during the time of the Buddha.
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New Belt And Pocket
Ven Beralihela Upali Thero made me a pocket and belt today. The story goes like this. I sent him a message asking him about a monk who was wearing rag robes that looked like a Westerner but was actually a native Sinhala monk. He knew about this monk, but not very much. Afterwards, I told him about my lower robe I once kept going for four years and it had many patches on it.
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Giving is Always Better
Ven Sunanda (China)
One of the Chinese monks named Venerable Sunanda recently had his birthday. For his birthday, he determined to offer 100 shoulder cloths to various monks and ended up making 123. What is a shoulder cloth? It is a small robe that monks often like to wear underneath their upper robe.
from http://www.justwalkedby.com/2016/03/sweeping-monk/ creative commons attrib nc
We have an abundance of robes in the storage room and with vassa coming up, we will get more and more.
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About The Dhammapada
Introduction One of the most famous Theravāda dhamma books would be The Dhammapada. It is a book of Buddhist Poetry consisting of 423 verses. It has been translated numerous times in English and might be the most widely translated Buddhist Book in the world. Some of the translated titles are below:
The Teachings Of The Buddha Footprint Of The Buddha The words Of The Buddha The verses Of The Buddha YouTube Video Of This Article Free downloads You can find some translated versions of the Dhammapada text here (as shown in the video):
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American Monk Website Has A New Home
AmericanMonk.org has a new free home! I started the process last week and if you are a subscriber who gets this email, the task is 90% complete. There is still some refinement to do.
Why Move? Originally, I was using a WordPress framework on a hosting company called NameCheap. While NameCheap sounds like a small company, they are one of the top ten names in hosting and DNS services (where you get a registered website name).
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Buddhism and Lists
Buddha by Numbers
Introduction The Buddhist teachings are often organized by various lists. Various matrices of interlinked lists to organize the teachings are one of the distinctive features of Buddhism. In my studies, I find myself learning many different types of lists for memory. By doing so, I can see the benefit and how they can be expanded and interlinked. While it may seem like dry minutia and uninteresting at first glance, the lists run very deep when you start to understand how the whole system works.
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Why Is Halloween Bad According To Theravada Buddhism?
Introduction: While I’m sure most religions do not particularly like the tradition of Halloween, I thought it would be good to explain why Halloween is not good according to Theravāda Buddhism.
Celebrating Halloween in modern times, regardless of the reasons why it was started in the first place, consists of dressing up in costumes. In celebration, you either dress up or you praise other people’s costumes. It is mostly bad karma for the one dressing up and if you praise that, it is not good either.
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Buddhism: What Happens After Death?
Warning: This is a long but clear and interesting religious post on what happens after death according to Classical Theravāda Buddhism.
Key Points: The Fully Enlightened do not take a rebirth after death. Immediate rebirth takes place after the death moment for all other beings. Kamma is what determines your next birth Lifetime and Momentary suffering Be careful what you wish for There is no such thing as a guaranteed intermediate stage (Bardo Plane).
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Abhidhamma Lessons: A Top-Down Approach Using Computer Science
Free Book: Abhidhamma Lessons PDF Abhidhamma Lessons
Here is a book I wrote long ago that relates the Abhidhamma to Computer Science. As a programmer from the nineties, I “clicked” with the abhidhamma after reading just a small amount. When I learned that the mind does only one thing at a time, it instantly clicked with a graduate class I had taken on digital circuits. It gave me the faith in the Abhidhamma early on which is very rare among Western Monks and Western Theravada Buddhist lay people.
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September 11 and Jeremy Glick
September 11th and Jeremy Glick I have a personal story I want to tell you about Jeremy Glick and September 11, 2001. The short story is that my name is Jeremy Glick and I was a computer programmer. However, I had left my regular world in 1999 and people who have lost track of me remembered me when 9/11 happened. About seven months after I ordained as a Buddhist Monk in 2001, the famous 9/11 or September 11th event happened.
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Is Collecting Alms (Piṇḍapāta) Legal?
That is me going for alms on Aalona Street Kilauea. Collecting alms, also known as piṇḍapāta by Theravāda Buddhists, is a legal activity in the USA. There are some restrictions though. I spoke with a lawyer who seemed to know civil liberties quite well, but there are no guarantees with what I say. However, this information should make sense and seem legal to you. It is legal to ring the doorbell of any house and preach to them or talk to them about politics under the freedom of speech rights.
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Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism
Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism I have been asked to write a little something on vegetarianism and Theravāda Buddhism. I am qualified to be quite objective, and to see both sides of the issue because I was a vegetarian for a total of ten years as a lay person and I had vegetarian eyes. That meant that when I looked at meat, cooked or not, I saw a dead animal in front of me.
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Are You A Buddhist
Are You A Buddhist?
Being a Buddhist is quite open because if you believe in certain aspects it is better than not believing in anything. We take what we can get. However, here are the more traditional aspects of being Buddhist. One should believe in The Triple Gem – ie**: The Buddha, The Dhamma and The Sangha).** This can be expanded to include The 4 Noble Truths. This can be expanded to include the Eightfold Noble Path as well.
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Does The Buddha live in Nibbana
The Buddha in the clouds
Does the Buddha Live in Nibbāna? Many people believe that the Buddha is alive and living in some sort of transcendental realm called Nibbāna where he can hear your prayers and eat and drink the food and water that you offer to Him. We Buddhist monks smile when we hear that people have such beliefs because nobody lives in Nibbāna, not even a Buddha.
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Spoken Metta Mix by One Voice
This is a spoken English version of the Discourse on Loving-Kindness (Metta Sutta), mixed with the Pāi chanting of One Voice (EkaSara). I like it and I think you will too. Enjoy! If you get a chance, It is best listened with headphones. There is quite a bit of stereophonic separation included. Feedback welcome. The audio is uploaded here.
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Buddhism and Abortion

About The Dhammapada
Introduction One of the most famous Theravāda dhamma books would be The Dhammapada. It is a book of Buddhist Poetry consisting of 423 verses. It has been translated numerous times in English and might be the most widely translated Buddhist Book in the world. Some of the translated titles are below:
The Teachings Of The Buddha Footprint Of The Buddha The words Of The Buddha The verses Of The Buddha YouTube Video Of This Article Free downloads You can find some translated versions of the Dhammapada text here (as shown in the video):
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Free Buddha Pictures
15 Main Image Close Up, at the Mahabodhi Temple, cc-atrib-sa https://www.photodharma.net/India/Bodhgaya-Mahabodhi/Bodhgaya-Mahabodhi.htm
Sometimes it is difficult to find free Buddha pictures. Even when Google shows you “free pictures,” sometimes, they require an account or were not really free in the first place. As a monk, even with our timeless Buddha, I still respect copyrights and encourage others to do the same. That is also one of the reasons why I use Linux as my main operating system.
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About The Dhammapada
Introduction One of the most famous Theravāda dhamma books would be The Dhammapada. It is a book of Buddhist Poetry consisting of 423 verses. It has been translated numerous times in English and might be the most widely translated Buddhist Book in the world. Some of the translated titles are below:
The Teachings Of The Buddha Footprint Of The Buddha The words Of The Buddha The verses Of The Buddha YouTube Video Of This Article Free downloads You can find some translated versions of the Dhammapada text here (as shown in the video):
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Only In The West, Only In Asia
Only In The West, Only In Asia
Different Cultures, Different Views Many Westerners don’t understand or appreciate the old Buddhist texts or teachings. They are very different from Asian culture and history. They find it hard to relate to them.
Let me give you an example. This is a picture and story of a bidet (a device that sprays water to clean your private parts after using the toilet).
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About The Dhammapada
Introduction One of the most famous Theravāda dhamma books would be The Dhammapada. It is a book of Buddhist Poetry consisting of 423 verses. It has been translated numerous times in English and might be the most widely translated Buddhist Book in the world. Some of the translated titles are below:
The Teachings Of The Buddha Footprint Of The Buddha The words Of The Buddha The verses Of The Buddha YouTube Video Of This Article Free downloads You can find some translated versions of the Dhammapada text here (as shown in the video):
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How The Buddha's Teachings Saved Japan
Introduction: There was a moment in world history where the Buddha’s teachings greatly affected world diplomacy during the Peace Treaty of 1951. We can learn from this type of history and apply the solution in our daily lives. In short, we can stop hatred with loving-kindness.
J. R. Jayewardene President J.R. Jayewardene of Sri Lanka exits from a helicopter and walks to his airplane for departure after a state visit.
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The Most Common Dhammapāda Chants
CC BY-SA 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=190448
The most popular Buddhist book is the Dhammapada which contains 423 poetic verses in the Pāḷi language. What are the most popular verses? While there are some classic chants and everyone has favorites, nothing compares to what the monks chant and what is found in most chanting books. Here are the chants that are integrated into many different traditions and usually chanted after the pātimokkha.
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About The Dhammapada
Introduction One of the most famous Theravāda dhamma books would be The Dhammapada. It is a book of Buddhist Poetry consisting of 423 verses. It has been translated numerous times in English and might be the most widely translated Buddhist Book in the world. Some of the translated titles are below:
The Teachings Of The Buddha Footprint Of The Buddha The words Of The Buddha The verses Of The Buddha YouTube Video Of This Article Free downloads You can find some translated versions of the Dhammapada text here (as shown in the video):
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About The Dhammapada
Introduction One of the most famous Theravāda dhamma books would be The Dhammapada. It is a book of Buddhist Poetry consisting of 423 verses. It has been translated numerous times in English and might be the most widely translated Buddhist Book in the world. Some of the translated titles are below:
The Teachings Of The Buddha Footprint Of The Buddha The words Of The Buddha The verses Of The Buddha YouTube Video Of This Article Free downloads You can find some translated versions of the Dhammapada text here (as shown in the video):
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About The Dhammapada
Introduction One of the most famous Theravāda dhamma books would be The Dhammapada. It is a book of Buddhist Poetry consisting of 423 verses. It has been translated numerous times in English and might be the most widely translated Buddhist Book in the world. Some of the translated titles are below:
The Teachings Of The Buddha Footprint Of The Buddha The words Of The Buddha The verses Of The Buddha YouTube Video Of This Article Free downloads You can find some translated versions of the Dhammapada text here (as shown in the video):
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Patimokkha Chant Feb 15, 2022
Yesterday, I recited the 227 rules of the Pātimokkha for 110 bhikkhus at Pa-Auk Meditation Center in Pyin Oo Lwin. When a monk recites the Pātimokkha, traditionally he does so by memory and not by reading. My recitation was not the best quality, but it was not so bad considering I only started when I was 47, and I have only done this 5 times now. However, the recitations get better and better each time I do it and I hope improvement continues until perfection.
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How To Memorize Pāḷi by Rote Method
Title Page
In America, the Rote Method of learning is belittled as “learning like a parrot” and rarely or never taught in the Western school systems. However, it is a useful brute force method for memorizing Pali texts and the only way to memorize longer word for word Pāḷi texts such as the Pātimokkha. This system is used extensively in Myanmar schools and Myanmar study monasteries. If you hear lots of noise in the classrooms, rote learning is what they are doing.
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Memorizing The Noble Eightfold Path
I took a small poll among seasoned Buddhists to see who could list all eight factors of The Noble Eightfold Path in English from memory and not many did so well. How can one follow a Path that one does not know? These factors should be said to oneself daily if one truly wishes to walk on the Path. To help with Buddhist literacy, I made a basic video that helps people memorize The Noble Eightfold Path in English.
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Dhammapada 118 Giving Again And Again
Below are two talks based on the Dhammapada verses 49 and 118
The verses
49 yathāpi bhamaro pupphaṃ,
paleti rasamādāya,
evaṃ gāme munī care.
As a bee gathers honey from the flower
without injuring its color or fragrance,
even so does the sage go on his alms-round in the village.
118 puññañce puriso kayirā,
kayirā naṃ punappunaṃ,
tamhi chandaṃ kayirātha,
sukho puññassa uccayo.
Should a person do good,
let him do it again and again.
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Giving is Always Better
Ven Sunanda (China)
One of the Chinese monks named Venerable Sunanda recently had his birthday. For his birthday, he determined to offer 100 shoulder cloths to various monks and ended up making 123. What is a shoulder cloth? It is a small robe that monks often like to wear underneath their upper robe.
from http://www.justwalkedby.com/2016/03/sweeping-monk/ creative commons attrib nc
We have an abundance of robes in the storage room and with vassa coming up, we will get more and more.
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Thanks and Giving
Of course I’m happy!
On November 24, I helped make a nice breakfast and lunch for Pa-Auk Forest Monastery, Pyin Oo Lwin. I organized 28 monks including myself to be the donors for the whole day meals + fresh squeezed apple juice, for a full value of 1,250,000 Myanmar Kyat. It fed approximately 530 yogis across four sections in Pa-Auk Forest Monastery. But how is that possible for monks to donate money?
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Sabbe Satta -All Beings
reposted from https://withmetta.net (2016) . When a Buddhist monk says “sabbe satta,” that is a shorthand for metta practice. “Sabbe satta” means “all beings.”
One of my friend’s collects the leftover food and cakes and says or acts on this everyday after each meal at the Mudon Pa-Auk monastery. But in reality, even though he says “sabbe satta,” he really just seems to feed the birds with the leftover food and cakes.
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Donation to Sangha or Individuals?
When should you give to Saṅgha?
When should you give to individual monks?
This is a question that is not addressed very often and it can cause lots of trouble for monks knowingly and unknowingly. Quite often, many monks blindly prompt donors to recite a line of pāḷi before they offer anything to them. “Bhikkhu Saṅghassa demi.” There are some variations, but that is the generic formula. It means, “I give to the community of monks.
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Dhammapada 118 Giving Again And Again
Below are two talks based on the Dhammapada verses 49 and 118
The verses
49 yathāpi bhamaro pupphaṃ,
paleti rasamādāya,
evaṃ gāme munī care.
As a bee gathers honey from the flower
without injuring its color or fragrance,
even so does the sage go on his alms-round in the village.
118 puññañce puriso kayirā,
kayirā naṃ punappunaṃ,
tamhi chandaṃ kayirātha,
sukho puññassa uccayo.
Should a person do good,
let him do it again and again.
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Alms Is Never A Sure Thing
Just a small “monk life” entry: IIT, Sri Lanka, June 23, 20204
Yesterday was the day after the Full Moon Uposatha Day. We didn’t get a lot of food from the village alms round. I went by myself on my usual route, and another monk went by himself on a different route that he sometimes goes to.
I’m not sure what happened. Maybe the villagers were at the monasteries all night.
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About Alms In Sri Lanka
This video is about alms giving in Sri Lanka, also known as piṇḍapāta. I share my experiences of collecting alms in Sri Lanka and comparing them to alms giving in other countries like Myanmar and Thailand.
In Sri Lanka, alms giving is a daily routine for monks. People wait outside their houses with rice and curries, and the monks walk by collecting food in their bowls. This is different from other countries where monks might go out in groups and collect alms together.
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Making Garlands of Merit
Recently, I have been making more posts in video format. I share personal stories along with the dhamma. While most of you might be more insterested in monk life than the dhamma, we will still be doing both.
This Dhammatalk explores the Dhammapada verse 53 and the different aspects of making merit I think you will like it.
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The Power Of Timing In Donations
This Dhamma talk discusses the key elements of the Kāladāna Sutta in addition to three personal stories that show how donations can miraculously come back to you. Some of the stories can be found at my website at this particular webpage below with pictures of the original items:
The video is below:
Miracle On 3 or 4 Streets If you have ever wondered how monks survive on miracles when things go wrong, read on!
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Intelligent Donations: Turning The Tables
Ven Ananda with the two donors
Recently, we received six new tables arranged by a monk’s two donors. The tables were nice but I didn’t think we needed them, so I asked the monk why. He said there was not enough room on the tables for his donors’ donations, so they decided to donate more tables so they can donate more. When his donors make donations, they are not small.
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Only The Best For Buddha
6 Color Buddhist Flag
Yesterday, on Vesak, I was invited to go with Sayadaw Kumarabhivamsa, the Tipitaka Sayadaw and one more monk to visit the three very large Buddhas in our monastery and then finally to give water to the Bodhi Tree. When we give water to the Bodhi Tree, it is not uncommon to give pure bottled drinking water to it. Yes, you read that correctly.
Bottled drinking water is used to water a tree.
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18th Anniversary and Update
This is where I live
Wow! Today is February 7th and another year has passed. I have now completed 18 years total as a monk and I am working on my 19th year. Of course, my monk age is 12 rainy seasons because I changed Nikayas after my 6th year. I have been living my monk life in Kauai, Hawaii for about 10 months now and things have been moving along.
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Donation to Sangha or Individuals?
When should you give to Saṅgha?
When should you give to individual monks?
This is a question that is not addressed very often and it can cause lots of trouble for monks knowingly and unknowingly. Quite often, many monks blindly prompt donors to recite a line of pāḷi before they offer anything to them. “Bhikkhu Saṅghassa demi.” There are some variations, but that is the generic formula. It means, “I give to the community of monks.
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Dhammapada 118 Giving Again And Again
Below are two talks based on the Dhammapada verses 49 and 118
The verses
49 yathāpi bhamaro pupphaṃ,
paleti rasamādāya,
evaṃ gāme munī care.
As a bee gathers honey from the flower
without injuring its color or fragrance,
even so does the sage go on his alms-round in the village.
118 puññañce puriso kayirā,
kayirā naṃ punappunaṃ,
tamhi chandaṃ kayirātha,
sukho puññassa uccayo.
Should a person do good,
let him do it again and again.
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Cambodia Was More Than 1000 Times We Expected
During the Buddhist Rainy season, I was invited to go to Cambodia as part of a group to deliver some relics and see Angkor Wat. While most people don’t know much about Cambodia as a Theravāda Buddhist Country, it is actually 97% Buddhist, which ranks them as the most Theravāda Buddhist Country in the world. The trip ended up being more than 1000 times more powerful than we ever expected and it will be a memory for a long time to come.
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Intelligent Donations: Turning The Tables
Ven Ananda with the two donors
Recently, we received six new tables arranged by a monk’s two donors. The tables were nice but I didn’t think we needed them, so I asked the monk why. He said there was not enough room on the tables for his donors’ donations, so they decided to donate more tables so they can donate more. When his donors make donations, they are not small.
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Living as a Monk in Myanmar During Covid and Government Change
Introduction Foreigner monk gets a COVID vaccine jab during the times of the new Myanmar government
In this article, I want to share with you some of my experiences of living as a monk in Myanmar during the covid pandemic and the government change that happened recently. I also want to explain why I left Myanmar at the end of 2022 and what I am doing now.
I am an American Buddhist monk who has been living in Myanmar for many years.
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A Pa-Auk Walk-In Refrigerator
Recently, the doctor ordered some lemon juice for me to take as medicine, so I asked the office helper for some lemons. She went into the kitchen and then to the “walk-in refrigerator.” I just had to laugh and then snapped a picture.
What does a walk-in refrigerator look like? How doe they make walk-in refrigerators in Myanmar Monasteries? Instructions: Take an eight by eight room, Lay the walls with tiles Insulation (optional) Put one or two air conditioners inside Pa-Auk Maymyo: Only 1 air conditioner.
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Only The Best For Buddha
6 Color Buddhist Flag
Yesterday, on Vesak, I was invited to go with Sayadaw Kumarabhivamsa, the Tipitaka Sayadaw and one more monk to visit the three very large Buddhas in our monastery and then finally to give water to the Bodhi Tree. When we give water to the Bodhi Tree, it is not uncommon to give pure bottled drinking water to it. Yes, you read that correctly.
Bottled drinking water is used to water a tree.
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Patimokkha Chant Feb 15, 2022
Yesterday, I recited the 227 rules of the Pātimokkha for 110 bhikkhus at Pa-Auk Meditation Center in Pyin Oo Lwin. When a monk recites the Pātimokkha, traditionally he does so by memory and not by reading. My recitation was not the best quality, but it was not so bad considering I only started when I was 47, and I have only done this 5 times now. However, the recitations get better and better each time I do it and I hope improvement continues until perfection.
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Umbrella Shop 2004-2014
Monks walking up the monastery road near the library 2014. (Double umbrella)
Excerpt from Going For Broke: Monasterynote5: Walkman Karaoke, 2004
Rainy Season is luckily my favorite and I love all five months of it. It is the perfect temperature also, not too hot, not too cold. It’s quiet and the noises around me get white washed out from the rain striking the metal corrugated roofing. We had over 350 Bhikkhus and a total of more than 600 residents this past Rainy Season (2004).
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Pa-Auk Forest Monastery and Pa-Auk Sayadaw Shared Names
Pa-Auk Main Gate (cc-by-sa)
Pa-Auk Forest Monastery and Pa-Auk Sayadaw share the same names. Why is that?
Some people might question why Pa-Auk Forest Monastery and Venerable Pa-Auk Sayadaw have the same names. Did the Pa-Auk Sayadaw name his monastery after himself to immortalize his name? Is this an ego trip? What is the who, what, were, when, why, and how of this story?
Who? Venerable Pa-Auk Sayadawgyi (cc-by-sa)
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Mawlamyine Pa-Auk Kitchen 2014
In 2014, I came in contact with yogi Brahm at the Mawlamyine Branch of The Pa-Auk Forest Monastery during a 10-day fast with Venerable Mokkhita. He is a great photographer and I thought it would be cool to show him the Pa-Auk kitchen and let him capture how the meals are made for 1200 yogis each day. Take notice of the large quantities of food that are cooked on wood fired stoves.
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Why Is Vassa (Rainy Season) Late Sometimes?
Please note: this was written in 2020 but also applies to 2023. Vassa starts on August 1, 2023.
There seems to be confusion about when vassa is this year. This year is a special year and Vassa starts the day after the full moon day in August. The full moon day is August 3rd and Vassa starts on August 4th.
However, there are some traditions that believe that Vassa has already started with the full moon day of July 4th and Vassa on July 5th.
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Monastery-wide Sickness Happens
While I have said quite a lot to inspire people about life as a monk around the world. I should give you both sides of the story to be fair.
When you think about living in Asia full-time or just for a visit, the first thought that comes to mind is, “Will I get sick?”. It can happen, and when you rely on volunteers and health standards that work “most of the time” but not all of the time, then problems can arise.
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What is a Kuti?
A kuṭi is a small hut or lodging that a monk lives in and it is one of the basic four requisites: Robes, Food, Lodging, & Medicine. They come in various sizes and qualities and I have prepared a small showcase of pictures which can show more than just the words. We are supposed to reflect on the utilitarian purpose of the lodging, also called senāsana. Before we begin, here is a small sample of the morning chanting monks must chant everyday.
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Having Fun At The Pa-Auk Dentist Clinic
(Republished from June, 2015)
Having Fun At The Pa-Auk Dentist Clinic (Repost/refurbish from June, 2015*)
Because dentists are very expensive in America and the Pa-Auk dental clinic has pretty good sanitary conditions (for Myanmar), I went for a checkup before my trip to Hawai’i. Usually in Asia, you only go to a dentist when there is pain but I had some sensitivity I wanted to get checked and I waited for the Saturday dentist who is known on the street as “the old retired dentist who takes his time and does a good job.
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Anniversary 19: I’m Still Standing
The standing marble Buddha at Pyin Oo Lwin Pa-Auk
On Feb 7th, 2001 I took my original ordination with The Most Venerable Pa-Auk Saydawgyi. It was the happiest days of my life and the most important one besides successfully being born as a human and surviving any serious death or injuries. Although there was a small hiccup, it has been 19 years total. I had just finished arranging my residential visa that was said could not be changed from a tourist visa without leaving the country.
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Why I Ordained Twice
Many people who have learned that I have re-ordained and actually know what that means have asked me why I did it. It is a long story, but I will try to be brief. During my first ordination in 2001, at Pa-Auk Main Branch with Venerable Pa-Auk Sayadaw as my preceptor, I was asked 13 questions. According to tradition, every monk is asked these 13 qualifying questions in the ordination ceremony twice.
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Interview: Monk Meditates for 24 Hours
Downloaded from https://www.needpix.com
Interview 1 of 2 Note: Some edits have been made afterwards to make things clear or to protect the anonymity of people.
I am sitting here now with one anonymous monk. He has sat for more than 24 hours in 4th jhāna and I wanted to interview him anonymously to inspire others. So we are here with Bhante (Note: All monks can be called “Bhante”).
I want to ask a few questions.
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Pa-Auk Monastery Alms Line in Myanmar
I recently found this video in my Google Drive. I had a layperson (probably UKZ) follow me around in the line to show what it was like for a monk to go through the alms food line at Pa-Auk Main Center, Mawlamyine, Myanmar. It is not easy to manage so many donors with big hearts to give. Most of the time, I am giving hand signals to get less food. You might want to play this at double speed.
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Vinaya Comparison of Monastery Allowances
Below is a chart comparing special allowances by tradition which is useful for making a decision on where to ordain. If you need an explanation, read further..
DhammayutWat Pah PongWat Khao Sanamachai (Hua Hin)Pa-AukCigarettes AllowedNo SmokingNo SmokingNo SmokingBetel Nut AllowedNo Betel Chewing allowedNo Betel Chewing allowedNo Betel Chewing allowedCheese 7 Day (medicine)Cheese 7 Day (medicine)Cheese allowed before NoonCheese allowed before NoonDark Chocolate 7 DayDark Chocolate 7 DayChocolate allowed before NoonChocolate allowed before NoonBottled Juice 7 DayBottled Juice 7 DayFresh Juice EveningFresh Juice EveningSoy Milk lifetime medicineSoy Milk lifetime medicineSoy Milk before NoonSoy Milk before Noon.
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Racism in Asia, Myanmar, and Monasteries
Racism in Asia, Myanmar and Monasteries I remember when I came to Sri Lanka, in 2007 and I met a monk who said he was from Slovenia. “Slovenia? What kind of country is that?” I told him that I had memorized the world map in school, but I didn’t remember any “Slovenia.” There happened to be a large world map in the other room and he called me over to see it.
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An Open Letter to Ma Ba Tha
Top: Ma Ba Tha conference Bottom: Reaching out to Muslims to show loving-kindness. Recently, I was convinced to go to a “seminar on peace” this past Saturday. Some of you may have seen my picture on Facebook in regards to a Ma Ba Tha conference I attended. I was told that I should not pay attention to the negative press and that they are a peaceful organization and the gathering was about peace.
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Pa-Auk Monastery in Mudon
Kyownpine Pa-Auk Branch Monastery in Mudon, Myanmar. I have moved to Yorgo Sayadaw ’s new monastery called Kyownpine. The Yorgo Sayadaw read my first ordination transaction 15 years ago and invited me to come. He speaks no English, but we have fun together. Such a lovely place, lots of Metta here. Good views, cool at night (75 degrees), nice kuti.
This place is suitable for foreigners to live at complete with proper vinaya (monks’ rules).
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Pa-Auk Forest Monastery HD
I made this video from 55 minutes of nearly silent footage. I cut it us and added a script to it. The titles in English are from the original and are misspelled in some areas. The monastery is more or less the same except a new health clinic which i had posted pictures of earlier. I finally got a higher resolution copy uploaded (in full) to YouTube, thanks to a wonderful Bhante who helped me upload it from the DVD Version.
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My Trip To America In 2024
Introduction My trip to America from April 29th to June 2nd was very fruitful, yet I was very busy. From Sri Lanka, I traveled to Chicago, Boston, Connecticut, and Orlando, Florida. The main reason for traveling was to see my mother and family for Mother’s Day during my break. However, I also wanted to check out two places that might be interesting if I need to stay in the USA for some reason or another.
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Chicago Lao Monastery
Recently, I had a chance to go to a Lao Monastery in Elgin, Chicago, IL, USA for 12 days. I usually avoid American Theravada Temples like the plague because most of these places have monks who use money and much of the monk life is centered around collecting money. This is a typical standard not only in America but in most countries. This monastery however, is different.
In 2015, the committee decided to stop being a useless, unwholesome temple that teaches wrong dhammavinaya (teaching and training — on wrong ways to give donation and wrong ways to make merit, and obviously wrong kamma and results).
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My Trip To America In 2024
Introduction My trip to America from April 29th to June 2nd was very fruitful, yet I was very busy. From Sri Lanka, I traveled to Chicago, Boston, Connecticut, and Orlando, Florida. The main reason for traveling was to see my mother and family for Mother’s Day during my break. However, I also wanted to check out two places that might be interesting if I need to stay in the USA for some reason or another.
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All in the Family
My family
I did a brief visit with my parents on the corner of October and November. Although I have stayed separately at my grandmother’s house on the previous last two visits in 2006 and 2008, I had arranged for the porch-sun-room to be modified as a “separate lodging” for me in 2019. If you do the math, that means I have not visited Connecticut in eleven years. This in-house lodging arrangement worked out and instead of being 60 miles away and only getting a few visits in with my folks, I was able to spend some good quality time with them during the majority of my week long stay.
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Alms Is Never A Sure Thing
Just a small “monk life” entry: IIT, Sri Lanka, June 23, 20204
Yesterday was the day after the Full Moon Uposatha Day. We didn’t get a lot of food from the village alms round. I went by myself on my usual route, and another monk went by himself on a different route that he sometimes goes to.
I’m not sure what happened. Maybe the villagers were at the monasteries all night.
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Giving is Always Better
Ven Sunanda (China)
One of the Chinese monks named Venerable Sunanda recently had his birthday. For his birthday, he determined to offer 100 shoulder cloths to various monks and ended up making 123. What is a shoulder cloth? It is a small robe that monks often like to wear underneath their upper robe.
from http://www.justwalkedby.com/2016/03/sweeping-monk/ creative commons attrib nc
We have an abundance of robes in the storage room and with vassa coming up, we will get more and more.
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About Alms In Sri Lanka
This video is about alms giving in Sri Lanka, also known as piṇḍapāta. I share my experiences of collecting alms in Sri Lanka and comparing them to alms giving in other countries like Myanmar and Thailand.
In Sri Lanka, alms giving is a daily routine for monks. People wait outside their houses with rice and curries, and the monks walk by collecting food in their bowls. This is different from other countries where monks might go out in groups and collect alms together.
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Making Garlands of Merit
Recently, I have been making more posts in video format. I share personal stories along with the dhamma. While most of you might be more insterested in monk life than the dhamma, we will still be doing both.
This Dhammatalk explores the Dhammapada verse 53 and the different aspects of making merit I think you will like it.
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About Alms In Sri Lanka
This video is about alms giving in Sri Lanka, also known as piṇḍapāta. I share my experiences of collecting alms in Sri Lanka and comparing them to alms giving in other countries like Myanmar and Thailand.
In Sri Lanka, alms giving is a daily routine for monks. People wait outside their houses with rice and curries, and the monks walk by collecting food in their bowls. This is different from other countries where monks might go out in groups and collect alms together.
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Making Garlands of Merit
Recently, I have been making more posts in video format. I share personal stories along with the dhamma. While most of you might be more insterested in monk life than the dhamma, we will still be doing both.
This Dhammatalk explores the Dhammapada verse 53 and the different aspects of making merit I think you will like it.
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A Talk On The Monk's Bowl
In this talk, I explore many details about the monk’s bowl, how it is made black, the parts of the bowl, and several other things. It should be interesting if you are interested in Theravāda Buddhist monks.
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Planting Wisdom: Reflections on the Cūḷakammavibhaṅga Sutta and a Meditation Journey
In this talk, I explore the Cūḷakammavibhaṅga Sutta and share the story of reconnecting with my first meditation teacher after nearly two decades. The focus is on the seeds of kamma that we plant continuously through our actions. What kind of seeds are we planting right now?
The Seeds From Long Ago The Seeds From Long Ago I remember when I first learned how to meditate on my breath some time in 1990, during my university years.
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Dhamma Talk Princeville August 19 2018
Image not found.
With only 5 minutes left before we were supposed to start, the security guard told us that someone else had the room booked and we would need to move to a smaller amd inferior room. It was a mistake on their part, and while I did ask to see the schedule book, I opted out because we were running out of time and needed to setup the room again.
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What Is Buddhist Vesak?
Vesak is a Buddhist holiday that celebrates the Lunar Full Moon Day of May, commemorating the birth of our Bodhisatta, the night he attained enlightenment under the Bodhi Tree, and the day Parinibbāna was attained (His Final-Death). This holiday is celebrated by Buddhists all over the world, especially in Theravāda Buddhist countries such as Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia. This year, it will be on May 23rd, 2024. You can find the dates here at timeanddate.
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Only The Best For Buddha
6 Color Buddhist Flag
Yesterday, on Vesak, I was invited to go with Sayadaw Kumarabhivamsa, the Tipitaka Sayadaw and one more monk to visit the three very large Buddhas in our monastery and then finally to give water to the Bodhi Tree. When we give water to the Bodhi Tree, it is not uncommon to give pure bottled drinking water to it. Yes, you read that correctly.
Bottled drinking water is used to water a tree.
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Our Bodhi Tree
There is a Bodhi Tree on our property and we sometimes do a vandana (chanting) in front of this tree rather than at the gazebo. We did one tonight until a passing rain cloud sprinkled on us.
From Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bodhi_Tree The Bodhi Tree, also known as Bo (from Sinhalese: Bo) and “peepal tree” in Nepal and Bhutan, was a large and very old sacred fig tree (Ficus religiosa[1])[2] located in Bodh Gaya, India, under which Siddhartha Gautama, the spiritual teacher later known as Gautama Buddha, is said to have attained enlightenment, or Bodhi.
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What Is Buddhist Vesak?
Vesak is a Buddhist holiday that celebrates the Lunar Full Moon Day of May, commemorating the birth of our Bodhisatta, the night he attained enlightenment under the Bodhi Tree, and the day Parinibbāna was attained (His Final-Death). This holiday is celebrated by Buddhists all over the world, especially in Theravāda Buddhist countries such as Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia. This year, it will be on May 23rd, 2024. You can find the dates here at timeanddate.
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What Does Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa Mean?
Introduction: Today we will have a short and brief introduction into the meaning of “Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa”. We could easily say it is the most frequently chanted stanza of all Buddhist Pāḷi because this is said before any other type of chant. It is also chanted before every proper Theravāda dhamma talk. We will discuss the word by word meaning and the basic grammar. In short, the phrase means “Reverence to the Buddha.
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The Real Buddha Statues
What qualities make up the real Buddha Statues? There are certain qualities of a Buddha that makes one instantly recognizable from afar. There are many features that make the Buddha a Buddha besides the iconic drooping earlobes. From time to time, I see statues of the Buddha that are just not right. When you know the correct signs of The Buddha, you immediately know that something is wrong. While you cannot fool a Sri Lankan, you can fool others from all parts of the world.
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What Is Buddhist Vesak?
Vesak is a Buddhist holiday that celebrates the Lunar Full Moon Day of May, commemorating the birth of our Bodhisatta, the night he attained enlightenment under the Bodhi Tree, and the day Parinibbāna was attained (His Final-Death). This holiday is celebrated by Buddhists all over the world, especially in Theravāda Buddhist countries such as Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia. This year, it will be on May 23rd, 2024. You can find the dates here at timeanddate.
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Only The Best For Buddha
6 Color Buddhist Flag
Yesterday, on Vesak, I was invited to go with Sayadaw Kumarabhivamsa, the Tipitaka Sayadaw and one more monk to visit the three very large Buddhas in our monastery and then finally to give water to the Bodhi Tree. When we give water to the Bodhi Tree, it is not uncommon to give pure bottled drinking water to it. Yes, you read that correctly.
Bottled drinking water is used to water a tree.
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Can Homosexuals Ordain as Buddhist Monks?
Summary: Yes, it is possible, but it is difficult to recommended because it can be very dangerous for saṅgha. Some monasteries will prohibit ordinations of openly gay men.
Why? The short answer is that the monastic environment is specifically designed to be segregated for celibacy. Segregation of genders breaks when homosexuals are ordained and mix with other monks. This is true especially at large monasteries where there is less supervision.
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This is Ven Indavimala. During my re-ordination in 2007, the ones who were previously ordained got to go first by previous seniority. This is to preserve previous order of seniority to those who lost it before, but the seniority only resides in our year of ordination (if that makes sense). Technically we are all the same monk age in years. We are all 17 years or vassa. However, the monk with the most experience will be ordained before the other and he will be senior sometimes by a day, an hour, or even by a mere second.
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About Piṇḍapāta: Why Do Monks Go For Alms in a Village?
Alms Tray and Cambodia Monk’s Full Bowl
Introduction: This article explains the essence of piṇḍapāta (alms) and why we go for alms, even in poor villages. On the weekends, I have some time to go for alms in the nearby village. However, you might ask yourself, “Why would a monk collect food from a very poor village during an economic crisis when the monastery is mostly supported by wealthy people?
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How to Lose Weight as a Buddhist Monk
Left: May, 2023, Right: Feb, 2024. Introduction I recently lost about 10 Kg which is over 20 pounds. I’d like to share with you how I gained weight and how I also lost it. It is common for senior monks to gain weight, perhaps due in part to aging, as seniority implies being older. Even though we don’t eat after Solar Noon, gaining weight still can happen. However, if we really want to, we can all easily lose weight…“if we want to”.
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Ian (exVen. Visarada) Visits Kauai
This past July, I had an old friend named Ian Sloan (previously Venerable Visarada ) visit me in Kauai. He disrobed after being a monk for 25 years. He disrobed because of a conflict of philosophy about what happens at death. It was a combination of accounts from past life regressions in hypnotherapy, what he has read by Edgar Cayce, and the event of his father’s death. He seems to appreciate the Near Death Experiences which can still be explained partially with Buddhism, but he felt it was time to disrobe.
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Why Are Monk Bowls Black?
Monk bowls are black because they are fired with sesame oil 5 times to protect it from rusting. There are two types of bowls allowed; Iron and Clay. Iron bowls need to be fired 5 times and clay bowls only need firing twice. Obviously, the clay bowls do not need to be black in color but are rare to find because they are fragile and very very heavy. Iron bowls are black from the baked-on sesame oil.
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Kauai Propagation Presentation
A 2 part Powerpoint presentation about what two monks did in Kauai, Hawaii during June to December 2015. The theme was propagation, but the propagation was done just from being monks who do not touch money, and collect their food the traditional Buddhist monk way. The vision, how it got started, stories and experiences were shared. About 50 people were in the audience. Running time is about 1 hour total for both.
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How to Lose Weight as a Buddhist Monk
Left: May, 2023, Right: Feb, 2024. Introduction I recently lost about 10 Kg which is over 20 pounds. I’d like to share with you how I gained weight and how I also lost it. It is common for senior monks to gain weight, perhaps due in part to aging, as seniority implies being older. Even though we don’t eat after Solar Noon, gaining weight still can happen. However, if we really want to, we can all easily lose weight…“if we want to”.
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As Long As You Stand On The Road
That is me going for alms on Aalona Street Kilauea.
I have a Christmas story for you. I have tried to keep it short but it didn’t work out.
When I was in Kaua’i on from 2017-2019, an 18 month run, I made it a point to go for alms by the house to house loving-kindness method on Tuesdays and Wednesdays as a way to get food. Early on, I was invited to Waiapua Road while standing in front of Hanalei Big Save which was my Monday stop.
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Mawlamyine Pa-Auk Kitchen 2014
In 2014, I came in contact with yogi Brahm at the Mawlamyine Branch of The Pa-Auk Forest Monastery during a 10-day fast with Venerable Mokkhita. He is a great photographer and I thought it would be cool to show him the Pa-Auk kitchen and let him capture how the meals are made for 1200 yogis each day. Take notice of the large quantities of food that are cooked on wood fired stoves.
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Maymyo Pa-Auk Meals
At Theravada monasteries there is no eating allowed after Noontime. Some monasteries only give one meal per day, while other monasteries give 2 meals per day. Both meal plans are allowed by the Buddha. However, some monasteries have no meals brought to the monks and they need to go out in the village and collect it. This last case is very rare and usually done by the forest monks living in secluded places or ehem.
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Pa-Auk Monastery Alms Line in Myanmar
I recently found this video in my Google Drive. I had a layperson (probably UKZ) follow me around in the line to show what it was like for a monk to go through the alms food line at Pa-Auk Main Center, Mawlamyine, Myanmar. It is not easy to manage so many donors with big hearts to give. Most of the time, I am giving hand signals to get less food. You might want to play this at double speed.
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Koral Inspires Me
Koral’s Family
Just about every Wednesday, I still find the time to continue with my Kilauea alms round[mfn]map is here[/mfn] (which used to include Tuesdays too). I take a one hour bus ride from Lihue, and then set out on my alms round, wishing loving-kindness to the houses one by one as I walk along the road.
In the beginning people thought I was some weird homeless person who might be crazy, but after some time, some fearless people spoke to me and then word started spreading.
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Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism
Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism I have been asked to write a little something on vegetarianism and Theravāda Buddhism. I am qualified to be quite objective, and to see both sides of the issue because I was a vegetarian for a total of ten years as a lay person and I had vegetarian eyes. That meant that when I looked at meat, cooked or not, I saw a dead animal in front of me.
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Shining The Inner Core
To receive this by email, sign up at https://americanmonk.org/subscribe/
Last year, this picture (without the writing) went viral. The viral post seems to makes its rounds from time to time and every so often, someone tells me they saw my picture. It started when I was in Bagan for an 8 day trip with my friend Ashin Pannyagavesaka. We did a slow and thorough excursion and walked a good chunk of Bagan when rides were not provided.
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The Benefits of Faith Alms
[, you can learn a lot about yourself and the real Buddhist teachings.
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Why Are The Monks Fighting Over Food?
I cannot believe that I am writing an article that explains how the monks are fighting over food. It is very awkward to hear isn’t it? On the other hand human nature is human nature. We have six monks who sit at each table and sometimes there is not enough of the special items to go around. And that is when the fighting begins…
But it is not what you think.
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How to Lose Weight as a Buddhist Monk
Left: May, 2023, Right: Feb, 2024. Introduction I recently lost about 10 Kg which is over 20 pounds. I’d like to share with you how I gained weight and how I also lost it. It is common for senior monks to gain weight, perhaps due in part to aging, as seniority implies being older. Even though we don’t eat after Solar Noon, gaining weight still can happen. However, if we really want to, we can all easily lose weight…“if we want to”.
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How to Lose Weight as a Buddhist Monk
Left: May, 2023, Right: Feb, 2024. Introduction I recently lost about 10 Kg which is over 20 pounds. I’d like to share with you how I gained weight and how I also lost it. It is common for senior monks to gain weight, perhaps due in part to aging, as seniority implies being older. Even though we don’t eat after Solar Noon, gaining weight still can happen. However, if we really want to, we can all easily lose weight…“if we want to”.
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Chicago Lao Monastery
Recently, I had a chance to go to a Lao Monastery in Elgin, Chicago, IL, USA for 12 days. I usually avoid American Theravada Temples like the plague because most of these places have monks who use money and much of the monk life is centered around collecting money. This is a typical standard not only in America but in most countries. This monastery however, is different.
In 2015, the committee decided to stop being a useless, unwholesome temple that teaches wrong dhammavinaya (teaching and training — on wrong ways to give donation and wrong ways to make merit, and obviously wrong kamma and results).
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How to Lose Weight as a Buddhist Monk
Left: May, 2023, Right: Feb, 2024. Introduction I recently lost about 10 Kg which is over 20 pounds. I’d like to share with you how I gained weight and how I also lost it. It is common for senior monks to gain weight, perhaps due in part to aging, as seniority implies being older. Even though we don’t eat after Solar Noon, gaining weight still can happen. However, if we really want to, we can all easily lose weight…“if we want to”.
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Intelligent Donations: Turning The Tables
Ven Ananda with the two donors
Recently, we received six new tables arranged by a monk’s two donors. The tables were nice but I didn’t think we needed them, so I asked the monk why. He said there was not enough room on the tables for his donors’ donations, so they decided to donate more tables so they can donate more. When his donors make donations, they are not small.
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About Piṇḍapāta: Why Do Monks Go For Alms in a Village?
Alms Tray and Cambodia Monk’s Full Bowl
Introduction: This article explains the essence of piṇḍapāta (alms) and why we go for alms, even in poor villages. On the weekends, I have some time to go for alms in the nearby village. However, you might ask yourself, “Why would a monk collect food from a very poor village during an economic crisis when the monastery is mostly supported by wealthy people?
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How to Lose Weight as a Buddhist Monk
Left: May, 2023, Right: Feb, 2024. Introduction I recently lost about 10 Kg which is over 20 pounds. I’d like to share with you how I gained weight and how I also lost it. It is common for senior monks to gain weight, perhaps due in part to aging, as seniority implies being older. Even though we don’t eat after Solar Noon, gaining weight still can happen. However, if we really want to, we can all easily lose weight…“if we want to”.
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My Sabai Thai Trip
I spent a little over 30 days in Thailand and I learned a great deal about Thai Buddhist culture and how things things are for monks outside of the vinaya saṅgha. What did I learn?
Uncle Sam’s Banana Farm
Uncle Sam’s Banana Farm First of all, this trip was well needed. Sabai means to be comfortable and relaxed. I really needed to be comfortable and relaxed and the goal was achieved.
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The Dark Side of Ajahn Mun's Biography
Ajahn Mun dark
Did Ajahn Mun say the Buddha congratulated him on the night he attained arahant? His biography books says it for sure.
Venerable Ācariya Mun Būridatta Thera is one of the most revered forest masters of the 20th century. He is the root guru of both the Dhammayut and Ajahn Chah monasteries. He popularized the monastic practice of living under an umbrella in the forest and his relentless energy is fascinating and inspiring.
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A Talk On The Monk's Bowl
In this talk, I explore many details about the monk’s bowl, how it is made black, the parts of the bowl, and several other things. It should be interesting if you are interested in Theravāda Buddhist monks.
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The Buddhist Monk's Bowl
Bowl with bowl stand (maybe Pa-Auk)
There are certain characteristics of the Theravada Buddhist monk’s bowl that might be interesting to know, even though the information is quite dry. Enjoy!
Material: The Buddha has allowed two different types of materials for bowls: iron and clay. When we say iron in Asia, we mean steel. Stainless steel is called steel. Is stainless steel allowed? This metal was not invented yet, but The Buddha left us with the great standards to judge if something should be allowable that was not mentioned during the time of the Buddha.
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My Blackjack Anniversary
Eating Hall Feb 7 2022
Today is my 21rst anniversary for when I first got ordained as a monk on February 7th, 2001. As you know there was a hiccup and I ordained twice (back to back) leaving me with an official age of 15 years. However, the total years is 21 and this is my blackjack year when I first got my name.
There were many reasons why I wanted to ordain as a Buddhist Monk.
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What is an Overturned Bowl?
Pa-Auk Bowl Blackening Foundry (not a political picture)
We have seen many Facebook selfies of politically active monks with their bowls turned upside down. What does this mean and is that proper?
The answer is: What you see on Facebook is not proper for monks or nuns. What you see on the news with monks and nuns as protesters is not proper. Overturning a bowl is an official Buddhist act, but what you have seen on Facebook and on the news are not official acts of overturning a bowl.
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Koral Inspires Me
Koral’s Family
Just about every Wednesday, I still find the time to continue with my Kilauea alms round[mfn]map is here[/mfn] (which used to include Tuesdays too). I take a one hour bus ride from Lihue, and then set out on my alms round, wishing loving-kindness to the houses one by one as I walk along the road.
In the beginning people thought I was some weird homeless person who might be crazy, but after some time, some fearless people spoke to me and then word started spreading.
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Should Monks Use Mixing Bowls as Monk Bowls?
On a warm Hawaiian Christmas day in 2018, I was off to collect my alms in the village. I was in a rush and worried that I would not be able to find a ride to the village where I go for alms because so few cars would be on the roads. Luckily, I got a ride and as I stepped out of the the car, I did my usual baggage check.
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Donation to Sangha or Individuals?
When should you give to Saṅgha?
When should you give to individual monks?
This is a question that is not addressed very often and it can cause lots of trouble for monks knowingly and unknowingly. Quite often, many monks blindly prompt donors to recite a line of pāḷi before they offer anything to them. “Bhikkhu Saṅghassa demi.” There are some variations, but that is the generic formula. It means, “I give to the community of monks.
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The Benefits of Faith Alms
[, you can learn a lot about yourself and the real Buddhist teachings.
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A Talk On The Monk's Bowl
In this talk, I explore many details about the monk’s bowl, how it is made black, the parts of the bowl, and several other things. It should be interesting if you are interested in Theravāda Buddhist monks.
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Is Collecting Alms (Piṇḍapāta) Legal?
That is me going for alms on Aalona Street Kilauea. Collecting alms, also known as piṇḍapāta by Theravāda Buddhists, is a legal activity in the USA. There are some restrictions though. I spoke with a lawyer who seemed to know civil liberties quite well, but there are no guarantees with what I say. However, this information should make sense and seem legal to you. It is legal to ring the doorbell of any house and preach to them or talk to them about politics under the freedom of speech rights.
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Kauai Update Part 2
It has been a little over a month since I have been on the island of Kauai. Things have been going well although my situation is still the same. I am still in a tent at Anini, but I have a new tent in Anini with a better view of the pristine Kauai shore! Things are dryer than the record rains we had last month.. and I guess if it were wetter than before a new record would be set.
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American Monk Website Has A New Home
AmericanMonk.org has a new free home! I started the process last week and if you are a subscriber who gets this email, the task is 90% complete. There is still some refinement to do.
Why Move? Originally, I was using a WordPress framework on a hosting company called NameCheap. While NameCheap sounds like a small company, they are one of the top ten names in hosting and DNS services (where you get a registered website name).
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A Great Day, 2019
I remember when I was living in Kaua’i in a tent propped up in the corner of my friend Uncle Gene Taylor’s property. I had just come home from my daily alms round and I popped into his room to say hello. He is old and has difficulty walking, yet he is usually quite cheerful. As part of the visit routine, he asked me how my day was and I smiled and happily said, “Today was a great day.
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Leaving Kaua'i On A Jet Plane
As the rest of the song goes.. “And I don’t know when I’ll be back again.”
It has been almost 1.5 years living on Kaua’i. I have had an incredible experience here by doing an experiment to see if a monk can establish a monastery any place he travels to through the lost art of wandering for alms. A practice done in the name of the Buddha but rarely practised anymore.
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Ian (exVen. Visarada) Visits Kauai
This past July, I had an old friend named Ian Sloan (previously Venerable Visarada ) visit me in Kauai. He disrobed after being a monk for 25 years. He disrobed because of a conflict of philosophy about what happens at death. It was a combination of accounts from past life regressions in hypnotherapy, what he has read by Edgar Cayce, and the event of his father’s death. He seems to appreciate the Near Death Experiences which can still be explained partially with Buddhism, but he felt it was time to disrobe.
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Koral Inspires Me
Koral’s Family
Just about every Wednesday, I still find the time to continue with my Kilauea alms round[mfn]map is here[/mfn] (which used to include Tuesdays too). I take a one hour bus ride from Lihue, and then set out on my alms round, wishing loving-kindness to the houses one by one as I walk along the road.
In the beginning people thought I was some weird homeless person who might be crazy, but after some time, some fearless people spoke to me and then word started spreading.
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Kauai Update: Lihue
Things have recently changed
Things have recently changed in my life. I have now moved to Lihue. Things were going well at the place where I was at before in Kilauea. The owner was happy with what I was doing for the community and I was happy and fulfilled with what I was doing for the community as well. Unfortunately, the owner’s son came for a visit. In short, he said, “I want to visit a monk.
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18th Anniversary and Update
This is where I live
Wow! Today is February 7th and another year has passed. I have now completed 18 years total as a monk and I am working on my 19th year. Of course, my monk age is 12 rainy seasons because I changed Nikayas after my 6th year. I have been living my monk life in Kauai, Hawaii for about 10 months now and things have been moving along.
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An Old Kauai Favorite: KKCR Interview

Kauai Monk Update 3
Kauai Update #3
I have moved from the Botanical Gardens recently. I was able to stay there for 5 months and the majority of the time there was wonderful. However things were changing and it was time for me to look for another place and now I am staying in a new long term location in Kilauea.
It all happened after a wonderful person picked me up on the side of the road holding my signs the day my parents, brother and in-law dropped me off (I’ll get back to that family-visit part later).
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Results From Collecting Alms In Kauai
As a Buddhist Monk collecting alms in Kauai, USA for the past 4 months, the results are in. On Tuesday and Wednesdays as shown on the map above, I collect my food, wishing loving-kindness to one side of the street at a time. So how many houses have given food at least once? About 18 people from different houses have given me food at least once. About 4 or 5 cars have given to me, but they are not included in the 18 number.
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Is Collecting Alms (Piṇḍapāta) Legal?
That is me going for alms on Aalona Street Kilauea. Collecting alms, also known as piṇḍapāta by Theravāda Buddhists, is a legal activity in the USA. There are some restrictions though. I spoke with a lawyer who seemed to know civil liberties quite well, but there are no guarantees with what I say. However, this information should make sense and seem legal to you. It is legal to ring the doorbell of any house and preach to them or talk to them about politics under the freedom of speech rights.
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Kauai Update Part 2
It has been a little over a month since I have been on the island of Kauai. Things have been going well although my situation is still the same. I am still in a tent at Anini, but I have a new tent in Anini with a better view of the pristine Kauai shore! Things are dryer than the record rains we had last month.. and I guess if it were wetter than before a new record would be set.
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Kauai Update
Kauai Update April 22 Aloha! I have been in Kauai since April 9th. It has been a rough start but things are getting better everyday. If you have paid attention to the news, you may have noticed an unheard of 30" of rain in 24 hours. Actually, there were several days of incredible amounts of rain, but only the third day broke the records. See https:www.washingtonpost.com
I was in a tent in Anini Park during that time and I am still in Anini Park.
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Traveling Without a Helper
When Ven. Devananda and I traveled to Kauai in 2015, we did not have a Kappiya (helper) to buy us food or even pay for our luggage. One can live without helpers, but it does take some pre-planning.
We had a ticket from Yangon to Honolulu that was dirt cheap at only $854 for a round trip fare. However, it came with 12 hour and 6 hour layovers in China.
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Kauai Propagation Presentation
A 2 part Powerpoint presentation about what two monks did in Kauai, Hawaii during June to December 2015. The theme was propagation, but the propagation was done just from being monks who do not touch money, and collect their food the traditional Buddhist monk way. The vision, how it got started, stories and experiences were shared. About 50 people were in the audience. Running time is about 1 hour total for both.
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Homeless and Living Out of a Box.

Kauai Slideshow
I recently made a Hawaii video slideshow. Here is the link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DjEHWNTHQ0
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The Blue Room Session and Update

Loving Kindness Wins The Race
Last week we encountered a disturbing event while we were going for Alms in village in Kauai. There was a lady on a bicycle who approached us and asked us what we were doing. Her tone of voice was not so happy, but we enjoy telling people what we are doing because it does not happen so often and that is one of our goals when we stand in front of each house.
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Our Bodhi Tree
There is a Bodhi Tree on our property and we sometimes do a vandana (chanting) in front of this tree rather than at the gazebo. We did one tonight until a passing rain cloud sprinkled on us.
From Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bodhi_Tree The Bodhi Tree, also known as Bo (from Sinhalese: Bo) and “peepal tree” in Nepal and Bhutan, was a large and very old sacred fig tree (Ficus religiosa[1])[2] located in Bodh Gaya, India, under which Siddhartha Gautama, the spiritual teacher later known as Gautama Buddha, is said to have attained enlightenment, or Bodhi.
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American Monk Website Has A New Home
AmericanMonk.org has a new free home! I started the process last week and if you are a subscriber who gets this email, the task is 90% complete. There is still some refinement to do.
Why Move? Originally, I was using a WordPress framework on a hosting company called NameCheap. While NameCheap sounds like a small company, they are one of the top ten names in hosting and DNS services (where you get a registered website name).
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2023 Year Stats In Review
This year, my AmericanMonk.org website was 504 short of 60,000 filtered views (that removes bots and other stuff). The number of users who visited was up to 36,000. Not so bad and better than the year before. The progress over the years is evident in the yearly chart. Simply by writing down things that inspire me, people became interested. Google seems to like my website and recommends my posts on a variety of specialized topics taking a majority of 29,000 search engine referrals from this year alone.
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Planting Wisdom: Reflections on the Cūḷakammavibhaṅga Sutta and a Meditation Journey
In this talk, I explore the Cūḷakammavibhaṅga Sutta and share the story of reconnecting with my first meditation teacher after nearly two decades. The focus is on the seeds of kamma that we plant continuously through our actions. What kind of seeds are we planting right now?
The Seeds From Long Ago The Seeds From Long Ago I remember when I first learned how to meditate on my breath some time in 1990, during my university years.
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Buddhism: What Happens After Death?
Warning: This is a long but clear and interesting religious post on what happens after death according to Classical Theravāda Buddhism.
Key Points: The Fully Enlightened do not take a rebirth after death. Immediate rebirth takes place after the death moment for all other beings. Kamma is what determines your next birth Lifetime and Momentary suffering Be careful what you wish for There is no such thing as a guaranteed intermediate stage (Bardo Plane).
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The Power Of Timing In Donations
This Dhamma talk discusses the key elements of the Kāladāna Sutta in addition to three personal stories that show how donations can miraculously come back to you. Some of the stories can be found at my website at this particular webpage below with pictures of the original items:
The video is below:
Miracle On 3 or 4 Streets If you have ever wondered how monks survive on miracles when things go wrong, read on!
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The Power Of Timing In Donations
This Dhamma talk discusses the key elements of the Kāladāna Sutta in addition to three personal stories that show how donations can miraculously come back to you. Some of the stories can be found at my website at this particular webpage below with pictures of the original items:
The video is below:
Miracle On 3 or 4 Streets If you have ever wondered how monks survive on miracles when things go wrong, read on!
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Traveling Without a Helper
When Ven. Devananda and I traveled to Kauai in 2015, we did not have a Kappiya (helper) to buy us food or even pay for our luggage. One can live without helpers, but it does take some pre-planning.
We had a ticket from Yangon to Honolulu that was dirt cheap at only $854 for a round trip fare. However, it came with 12 hour and 6 hour layovers in China.
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Kauai Propagation Presentation
A 2 part Powerpoint presentation about what two monks did in Kauai, Hawaii during June to December 2015. The theme was propagation, but the propagation was done just from being monks who do not touch money, and collect their food the traditional Buddhist monk way. The vision, how it got started, stories and experiences were shared. About 50 people were in the audience. Running time is about 1 hour total for both.
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Kauai Slideshow
I recently made a Hawaii video slideshow. Here is the link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DjEHWNTHQ0
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The Power Of Timing In Donations
This Dhamma talk discusses the key elements of the Kāladāna Sutta in addition to three personal stories that show how donations can miraculously come back to you. Some of the stories can be found at my website at this particular webpage below with pictures of the original items:
The video is below:
Miracle On 3 or 4 Streets If you have ever wondered how monks survive on miracles when things go wrong, read on!
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The Power Of Timing In Donations
This Dhamma talk discusses the key elements of the Kāladāna Sutta in addition to three personal stories that show how donations can miraculously come back to you. Some of the stories can be found at my website at this particular webpage below with pictures of the original items:
The video is below:
Miracle On 3 or 4 Streets If you have ever wondered how monks survive on miracles when things go wrong, read on!
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The Power Of Timing In Donations
This Dhamma talk discusses the key elements of the Kāladāna Sutta in addition to three personal stories that show how donations can miraculously come back to you. Some of the stories can be found at my website at this particular webpage below with pictures of the original items:
The video is below:
Miracle On 3 or 4 Streets If you have ever wondered how monks survive on miracles when things go wrong, read on!
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How I Got Permission From My Parents
Here is a post with a video link on how I got permission from my parents. In early 2001, when I was in Myanmar, and traveling for 1.5 years, I called my parents and asked them for permission to ordain as a monk. I didn’t get permission at first and then I told them I would never see them again if I didn’t get permission.
“If I am hurt alive or dead, you will never see me ever again.
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Three Stories Of Loving-kindness
There are three stories of loving-kindness told in the video posted below. The first story is from Kaua’i, Hawai’i, when a person did not want me on “his” street. Through the power of loving-kindness, things changed. Another story was also from the island in 2015. There were children on bicycles who were yelling at us to go away on multiple days. Through the power of loving-kindness, things changed. The last story is from 2011 during a trip to India.
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Why A Monk's Empty Bowl Made Me So Happy!
Ven. Nepal Nāthaputta and I have been going for alms together for some time now. He usually comes with me the whole way on Saturdays and on Sundays, he forks right after the 2nd or 3rd house. However, recently, a new monk decided to join our route. Last week, Ven. Nepal Nāthaputta went off on his own on Saturday while the two of us went on my usual route (good for two monks).
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Intelligent Donations: Turning The Tables
Ven Ananda with the two donors
Recently, we received six new tables arranged by a monk’s two donors. The tables were nice but I didn’t think we needed them, so I asked the monk why. He said there was not enough room on the tables for his donors’ donations, so they decided to donate more tables so they can donate more. When his donors make donations, they are not small.
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Fighting Anger With Loving-Kindness and No Money
Recently, I ran into a very angry man who came out of his house yelling at me and coming closer and closer. Eventually, I won the fight with my two big weapons, loving-kindness and my commitment of being free from money for all these years. I have been going for alms in this neighborhood for a little over a year now, and while I did have two girls yell at me, they did not leave their property boundary.
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Results From Collecting Alms In Kauai
As a Buddhist Monk collecting alms in Kauai, USA for the past 4 months, the results are in. On Tuesday and Wednesdays as shown on the map above, I collect my food, wishing loving-kindness to one side of the street at a time. So how many houses have given food at least once? About 18 people from different houses have given me food at least once. About 4 or 5 cars have given to me, but they are not included in the 18 number.
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Is Collecting Alms (Piṇḍapāta) Legal?
That is me going for alms on Aalona Street Kilauea. Collecting alms, also known as piṇḍapāta by Theravāda Buddhists, is a legal activity in the USA. There are some restrictions though. I spoke with a lawyer who seemed to know civil liberties quite well, but there are no guarantees with what I say. However, this information should make sense and seem legal to you. It is legal to ring the doorbell of any house and preach to them or talk to them about politics under the freedom of speech rights.
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Shining The Inner Core
To receive this by email, sign up at https://americanmonk.org/subscribe/
Last year, this picture (without the writing) went viral. The viral post seems to makes its rounds from time to time and every so often, someone tells me they saw my picture. It started when I was in Bagan for an 8 day trip with my friend Ashin Pannyagavesaka. We did a slow and thorough excursion and walked a good chunk of Bagan when rides were not provided.
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Kauai Propagation Presentation
A 2 part Powerpoint presentation about what two monks did in Kauai, Hawaii during June to December 2015. The theme was propagation, but the propagation was done just from being monks who do not touch money, and collect their food the traditional Buddhist monk way. The vision, how it got started, stories and experiences were shared. About 50 people were in the audience. Running time is about 1 hour total for both.
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The Benefits of Faith Alms
[, you can learn a lot about yourself and the real Buddhist teachings.
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Loving Kindness Wins The Race
Last week we encountered a disturbing event while we were going for Alms in village in Kauai. There was a lady on a bicycle who approached us and asked us what we were doing. Her tone of voice was not so happy, but we enjoy telling people what we are doing because it does not happen so often and that is one of our goals when we stand in front of each house.
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Very Sweet Indeed

Why A Monk's Empty Bowl Made Me So Happy!
Ven. Nepal Nāthaputta and I have been going for alms together for some time now. He usually comes with me the whole way on Saturdays and on Sundays, he forks right after the 2nd or 3rd house. However, recently, a new monk decided to join our route. Last week, Ven. Nepal Nāthaputta went off on his own on Saturday while the two of us went on my usual route (good for two monks).
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Intelligent Donations: Turning The Tables
Ven Ananda with the two donors
Recently, we received six new tables arranged by a monk’s two donors. The tables were nice but I didn’t think we needed them, so I asked the monk why. He said there was not enough room on the tables for his donors’ donations, so they decided to donate more tables so they can donate more. When his donors make donations, they are not small.
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Why A Monk's Empty Bowl Made Me So Happy!
Ven. Nepal Nāthaputta and I have been going for alms together for some time now. He usually comes with me the whole way on Saturdays and on Sundays, he forks right after the 2nd or 3rd house. However, recently, a new monk decided to join our route. Last week, Ven. Nepal Nāthaputta went off on his own on Saturday while the two of us went on my usual route (good for two monks).
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Memorizing The Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha
Palm leaf photo link wellcomecollection:[mfn]CC 4.0 iiif.wellcomecollection.org/image/L0031774/full/760%2C/0/default.webp[/mfn]
Today I finished memorizing the Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha in Pāḷi (the 311 Theravāda nun’s rules). While I did not recite the whole lot in a single session, I did memorize in chunks until the total was completely memorized at one time or another. That means, I would recite a chunk of rules in front of a teacher by memory and then work on a separate adjacent succeeding chunk for memory.
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Memorizing The Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha
Palm leaf photo link wellcomecollection:[mfn]CC 4.0 iiif.wellcomecollection.org/image/L0031774/full/760%2C/0/default.webp[/mfn]
Today I finished memorizing the Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha in Pāḷi (the 311 Theravāda nun’s rules). While I did not recite the whole lot in a single session, I did memorize in chunks until the total was completely memorized at one time or another. That means, I would recite a chunk of rules in front of a teacher by memory and then work on a separate adjacent succeeding chunk for memory.
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Memorizing The Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha
Palm leaf photo link wellcomecollection:[mfn]CC 4.0 iiif.wellcomecollection.org/image/L0031774/full/760%2C/0/default.webp[/mfn]
Today I finished memorizing the Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha in Pāḷi (the 311 Theravāda nun’s rules). While I did not recite the whole lot in a single session, I did memorize in chunks until the total was completely memorized at one time or another. That means, I would recite a chunk of rules in front of a teacher by memory and then work on a separate adjacent succeeding chunk for memory.
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How To Memorize Pāḷi by Rote Method
Title Page
In America, the Rote Method of learning is belittled as “learning like a parrot” and rarely or never taught in the Western school systems. However, it is a useful brute force method for memorizing Pali texts and the only way to memorize longer word for word Pāḷi texts such as the Pātimokkha. This system is used extensively in Myanmar schools and Myanmar study monasteries. If you hear lots of noise in the classrooms, rote learning is what they are doing.
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Memorizing The Noble Eightfold Path
I took a small poll among seasoned Buddhists to see who could list all eight factors of The Noble Eightfold Path in English from memory and not many did so well. How can one follow a Path that one does not know? These factors should be said to oneself daily if one truly wishes to walk on the Path. To help with Buddhist literacy, I made a basic video that helps people memorize The Noble Eightfold Path in English.
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Memorizing The Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha
Palm leaf photo link wellcomecollection:[mfn]CC 4.0 iiif.wellcomecollection.org/image/L0031774/full/760%2C/0/default.webp[/mfn]
Today I finished memorizing the Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha in Pāḷi (the 311 Theravāda nun’s rules). While I did not recite the whole lot in a single session, I did memorize in chunks until the total was completely memorized at one time or another. That means, I would recite a chunk of rules in front of a teacher by memory and then work on a separate adjacent succeeding chunk for memory.
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Memorizing The Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha
Palm leaf photo link wellcomecollection:[mfn]CC 4.0 iiif.wellcomecollection.org/image/L0031774/full/760%2C/0/default.webp[/mfn]
Today I finished memorizing the Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha in Pāḷi (the 311 Theravāda nun’s rules). While I did not recite the whole lot in a single session, I did memorize in chunks until the total was completely memorized at one time or another. That means, I would recite a chunk of rules in front of a teacher by memory and then work on a separate adjacent succeeding chunk for memory.
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Are Buddhist Monks Allowed To Use Money?
A Money tree in Laos cc-by-attrib-sa https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Buddhist_money_tree_with_toilet_paper.webp
Are Buddhist monks allowed to use money? The short answer is that monks are definitely not allowed to even touch money for all traditions; Theravāda, Mahayāna, and Tibetan. However, it is very common for monks to not only accept money from lay people without shame, but they even encourage lay people to offer the money. Nevertheless, it is still a rule and there are heavy consequences if this becomes a lifetime habit and a wrong mode of livelihood.
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Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?
Copyright notice.. picture by Kim Traynor cc-by-sa
Note: This post is not for everyone. Those who claim to be bhikkhunis and supporters of the movement, and monks and nuns in general will find this interesting.
Did you know that bhikkhunis (nuns) are not allowed to sleep alone or travel alone and if they do, they are sentenced to 2 weeks of rehabilitation and lose their full status as bhikkhunis during this period?
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Buddhist Monks' Robes Information
Sewing pattern from BMC 1 (creative-commons, Thanissaro Bhikkhu) Robe Information Few people realize that the Theravāda monk’s robes are actually a piece of rectangular cloth with no sleeves.[mfn]While some monks use shirts with sleeves underneath their robes, it is not actually allowed [/mfn] If you see a Theravāda monk wearing his robes in different styles, then rest assured it is due to the art of “tying the robes” or “rolling the robes” or what I call “robe origami.
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Buddhism and Abortion

Cambodia Was More Than 1000 Times We Expected
During the Buddhist Rainy season, I was invited to go to Cambodia as part of a group to deliver some relics and see Angkor Wat. While most people don’t know much about Cambodia as a Theravāda Buddhist Country, it is actually 97% Buddhist, which ranks them as the most Theravāda Buddhist Country in the world. The trip ended up being more than 1000 times more powerful than we ever expected and it will be a memory for a long time to come.
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Cambodia Was More Than 1000 Times We Expected
During the Buddhist Rainy season, I was invited to go to Cambodia as part of a group to deliver some relics and see Angkor Wat. While most people don’t know much about Cambodia as a Theravāda Buddhist Country, it is actually 97% Buddhist, which ranks them as the most Theravāda Buddhist Country in the world. The trip ended up being more than 1000 times more powerful than we ever expected and it will be a memory for a long time to come.
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Cambodia Was More Than 1000 Times We Expected
During the Buddhist Rainy season, I was invited to go to Cambodia as part of a group to deliver some relics and see Angkor Wat. While most people don’t know much about Cambodia as a Theravāda Buddhist Country, it is actually 97% Buddhist, which ranks them as the most Theravāda Buddhist Country in the world. The trip ended up being more than 1000 times more powerful than we ever expected and it will be a memory for a long time to come.
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Cambodia Was More Than 1000 Times We Expected
During the Buddhist Rainy season, I was invited to go to Cambodia as part of a group to deliver some relics and see Angkor Wat. While most people don’t know much about Cambodia as a Theravāda Buddhist Country, it is actually 97% Buddhist, which ranks them as the most Theravāda Buddhist Country in the world. The trip ended up being more than 1000 times more powerful than we ever expected and it will be a memory for a long time to come.
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Cambodia Was More Than 1000 Times We Expected
During the Buddhist Rainy season, I was invited to go to Cambodia as part of a group to deliver some relics and see Angkor Wat. While most people don’t know much about Cambodia as a Theravāda Buddhist Country, it is actually 97% Buddhist, which ranks them as the most Theravāda Buddhist Country in the world. The trip ended up being more than 1000 times more powerful than we ever expected and it will be a memory for a long time to come.
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Are Theravada Bhikkhuni Ordinations Valid?
cc0 picture https://pxhere.com/en/photo/489726
There is not much written in English explaining why bhikkhuni ordinations are rejected by the Theravāda Community of Monks. The English writings are a poor representation of the vast majority of Buddhist Scholarship and that is why there is “controversy” regarding the revival of the extinct Theravāda Bhikkhuni order. There is really no controversy to speak about once you know the full story.
Many Westerners believe that women are not able to become nuns without such a revival, but that is not true.
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A Brief Stay At Spring Hill Forest Monastery
The Wootens One of the few places I have been to in Sri Lanka besides Na-Uyana and The International Institute of Theravāda (IIT) is Spring Hill Forest Monastery located in the Hantanna Mountains above Kandy. My two donors from Kaua’i, John and Nandini Wooten were visiting Kandy and I decided it would be good to take a break from the IIT scenery and climate with a great inspirational place for the Wootens to visit me.
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A Brief Stay At Spring Hill Forest Monastery
The Wootens One of the few places I have been to in Sri Lanka besides Na-Uyana and The International Institute of Theravāda (IIT) is Spring Hill Forest Monastery located in the Hantanna Mountains above Kandy. My two donors from Kaua’i, John and Nandini Wooten were visiting Kandy and I decided it would be good to take a break from the IIT scenery and climate with a great inspirational place for the Wootens to visit me.
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A Brief Stay At Spring Hill Forest Monastery
The Wootens One of the few places I have been to in Sri Lanka besides Na-Uyana and The International Institute of Theravāda (IIT) is Spring Hill Forest Monastery located in the Hantanna Mountains above Kandy. My two donors from Kaua’i, John and Nandini Wooten were visiting Kandy and I decided it would be good to take a break from the IIT scenery and climate with a great inspirational place for the Wootens to visit me.
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Why did you become a monk?
Probably the #1 question we get is, “Why did you become a monk?” That question has many factors and answers. However, a better question is, “How did I actually get the nerve to become a monk?” I had a lot to give up. I was a computer programmer and really enjoyed my job. It did not feel like work actually and I was also making more than 15 times what someone on minimum wage was making at that time.
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Free Book: Going For Broke
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Going For Broke: Travelogs On Becoming a Buddhist Monk is a compilation of travel stories. It is an anonymously written book about a lay person who quit his job in order to travel the world and then become a Buddhist Monk. Most people either love it and read it in a few days or never finish it.
Here is the back cover:
“Going for Broke” consists of travel stories written by a young American man who gave up his lucrative job to travel the world and decide if he would fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming a Buddhist monk.
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Why did you become a monk?
Probably the #1 question we get is, “Why did you become a monk?” That question has many factors and answers. However, a better question is, “How did I actually get the nerve to become a monk?” I had a lot to give up. I was a computer programmer and really enjoyed my job. It did not feel like work actually and I was also making more than 15 times what someone on minimum wage was making at that time.
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My Blackjack Anniversary
Eating Hall Feb 7 2022
Today is my 21rst anniversary for when I first got ordained as a monk on February 7th, 2001. As you know there was a hiccup and I ordained twice (back to back) leaving me with an official age of 15 years. However, the total years is 21 and this is my blackjack year when I first got my name.
There were many reasons why I wanted to ordain as a Buddhist Monk.
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Free Book: Going For Broke
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Going For Broke: Travelogs On Becoming a Buddhist Monk is a compilation of travel stories. It is an anonymously written book about a lay person who quit his job in order to travel the world and then become a Buddhist Monk. Most people either love it and read it in a few days or never finish it.
Here is the back cover:
“Going for Broke” consists of travel stories written by a young American man who gave up his lucrative job to travel the world and decide if he would fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming a Buddhist monk.
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Why did you become a monk?
Probably the #1 question we get is, “Why did you become a monk?” That question has many factors and answers. However, a better question is, “How did I actually get the nerve to become a monk?” I had a lot to give up. I was a computer programmer and really enjoyed my job. It did not feel like work actually and I was also making more than 15 times what someone on minimum wage was making at that time.
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Why did you become a monk?
Probably the #1 question we get is, “Why did you become a monk?” That question has many factors and answers. However, a better question is, “How did I actually get the nerve to become a monk?” I had a lot to give up. I was a computer programmer and really enjoyed my job. It did not feel like work actually and I was also making more than 15 times what someone on minimum wage was making at that time.
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What Does Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa Mean?
Introduction: Today we will have a short and brief introduction into the meaning of “Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa”. We could easily say it is the most frequently chanted stanza of all Buddhist Pāḷi because this is said before any other type of chant. It is also chanted before every proper Theravāda dhamma talk. We will discuss the word by word meaning and the basic grammar. In short, the phrase means “Reverence to the Buddha.
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What Does Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa Mean?
Introduction: Today we will have a short and brief introduction into the meaning of “Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa”. We could easily say it is the most frequently chanted stanza of all Buddhist Pāḷi because this is said before any other type of chant. It is also chanted before every proper Theravāda dhamma talk. We will discuss the word by word meaning and the basic grammar. In short, the phrase means “Reverence to the Buddha.
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What Does Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa Mean?
Introduction: Today we will have a short and brief introduction into the meaning of “Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa”. We could easily say it is the most frequently chanted stanza of all Buddhist Pāḷi because this is said before any other type of chant. It is also chanted before every proper Theravāda dhamma talk. We will discuss the word by word meaning and the basic grammar. In short, the phrase means “Reverence to the Buddha.
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What Does Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa Mean?
Introduction: Today we will have a short and brief introduction into the meaning of “Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa”. We could easily say it is the most frequently chanted stanza of all Buddhist Pāḷi because this is said before any other type of chant. It is also chanted before every proper Theravāda dhamma talk. We will discuss the word by word meaning and the basic grammar. In short, the phrase means “Reverence to the Buddha.
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Basic Pali Terms for Dhamma
Burmese Pāḷi
I have made a list of the most basic Pāḷi terms which will help you in your Theravāda Buddhist Readings and listening to Dhamma Talks. I could have added more, but there are already 165+ terms. I have decided to sort the words in alphabetical order so I would not have to decide which were the most important. Grouping the words would have also given me the same dilemma.
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The Most Basic Pali Chants to Learn
Myanmar Pali Script (credit at bottom link.. cc-sa-attrib)
There are many different Pāḷi chants to learn, yet I wanted to list the absolute basic chants that one should learn. If you are interested in Pāḷi chanting, these are the first to learn. The most basic and essential chants for beginning lay people should know are listed in order of importance:
Namo Tassa, Triple Gem with the 5 precepts, Bare bones Triple Gem chant of the 24 qualities of the Buddha, Dhamma and Saṅgha.
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What Does Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa Mean?
Introduction: Today we will have a short and brief introduction into the meaning of “Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa”. We could easily say it is the most frequently chanted stanza of all Buddhist Pāḷi because this is said before any other type of chant. It is also chanted before every proper Theravāda dhamma talk. We will discuss the word by word meaning and the basic grammar. In short, the phrase means “Reverence to the Buddha.
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How The Buddha's Teachings Saved Japan
Introduction: There was a moment in world history where the Buddha’s teachings greatly affected world diplomacy during the Peace Treaty of 1951. We can learn from this type of history and apply the solution in our daily lives. In short, we can stop hatred with loving-kindness.
J. R. Jayewardene President J.R. Jayewardene of Sri Lanka exits from a helicopter and walks to his airplane for departure after a state visit.
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How The Buddha's Teachings Saved Japan
Introduction: There was a moment in world history where the Buddha’s teachings greatly affected world diplomacy during the Peace Treaty of 1951. We can learn from this type of history and apply the solution in our daily lives. In short, we can stop hatred with loving-kindness.
J. R. Jayewardene President J.R. Jayewardene of Sri Lanka exits from a helicopter and walks to his airplane for departure after a state visit.
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How The Buddha's Teachings Saved Japan
Introduction: There was a moment in world history where the Buddha’s teachings greatly affected world diplomacy during the Peace Treaty of 1951. We can learn from this type of history and apply the solution in our daily lives. In short, we can stop hatred with loving-kindness.
J. R. Jayewardene President J.R. Jayewardene of Sri Lanka exits from a helicopter and walks to his airplane for departure after a state visit.
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Theravāda Buddhist Monk Head Shaving: Traditions, Stories, and Techniques
When it comes to shaving heads, Theravāda Buddhist Monks might be the authority on this issue. It is second nature for monks to shave but perhaps unknown to the rest of the world. In this article, we will discuss the motivation, Buddhist culture and methods for shaving the head and how it is done.
Simplicity Inspires But Also Saves Money: For those of you in the layperson world (man or woman) who aspire to become monks but cannot plunge into a monastery just yet, you might want to try cutting your hair very short before shaving it.
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Theravāda Buddhist Monk Head Shaving: Traditions, Stories, and Techniques
When it comes to shaving heads, Theravāda Buddhist Monks might be the authority on this issue. It is second nature for monks to shave but perhaps unknown to the rest of the world. In this article, we will discuss the motivation, Buddhist culture and methods for shaving the head and how it is done.
Simplicity Inspires But Also Saves Money: For those of you in the layperson world (man or woman) who aspire to become monks but cannot plunge into a monastery just yet, you might want to try cutting your hair very short before shaving it.
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Theravāda Buddhist Monk Head Shaving: Traditions, Stories, and Techniques
When it comes to shaving heads, Theravāda Buddhist Monks might be the authority on this issue. It is second nature for monks to shave but perhaps unknown to the rest of the world. In this article, we will discuss the motivation, Buddhist culture and methods for shaving the head and how it is done.
Simplicity Inspires But Also Saves Money: For those of you in the layperson world (man or woman) who aspire to become monks but cannot plunge into a monastery just yet, you might want to try cutting your hair very short before shaving it.
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Theravāda Buddhist Monk Head Shaving: Traditions, Stories, and Techniques
When it comes to shaving heads, Theravāda Buddhist Monks might be the authority on this issue. It is second nature for monks to shave but perhaps unknown to the rest of the world. In this article, we will discuss the motivation, Buddhist culture and methods for shaving the head and how it is done.
Simplicity Inspires But Also Saves Money: For those of you in the layperson world (man or woman) who aspire to become monks but cannot plunge into a monastery just yet, you might want to try cutting your hair very short before shaving it.
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Theravāda Buddhist Monk Head Shaving: Traditions, Stories, and Techniques
When it comes to shaving heads, Theravāda Buddhist Monks might be the authority on this issue. It is second nature for monks to shave but perhaps unknown to the rest of the world. In this article, we will discuss the motivation, Buddhist culture and methods for shaving the head and how it is done.
Simplicity Inspires But Also Saves Money: For those of you in the layperson world (man or woman) who aspire to become monks but cannot plunge into a monastery just yet, you might want to try cutting your hair very short before shaving it.
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Theravāda Buddhist Monk Head Shaving: Traditions, Stories, and Techniques
When it comes to shaving heads, Theravāda Buddhist Monks might be the authority on this issue. It is second nature for monks to shave but perhaps unknown to the rest of the world. In this article, we will discuss the motivation, Buddhist culture and methods for shaving the head and how it is done.
Simplicity Inspires But Also Saves Money: For those of you in the layperson world (man or woman) who aspire to become monks but cannot plunge into a monastery just yet, you might want to try cutting your hair very short before shaving it.
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Monks Goings To Autopsies
Autopsy Table found on Wikipedia. The table we saw did not have “containment walls”
Is it true that forest monks actually attend autopsies? Yes it is actually quite common. After being a monk for perhaps more than 10 years, I remember a senior monk expressing surprise when he discovered I hadn’t seen one. He said, “You haven’t been to an autopsy yet?”
“You haven’t been to an autopsy yet?”
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Monks Goings To Autopsies
Autopsy Table found on Wikipedia. The table we saw did not have “containment walls”
Is it true that forest monks actually attend autopsies? Yes it is actually quite common. After being a monk for perhaps more than 10 years, I remember a senior monk expressing surprise when he discovered I hadn’t seen one. He said, “You haven’t been to an autopsy yet?”
“You haven’t been to an autopsy yet?”
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Monks Goings To Autopsies
Autopsy Table found on Wikipedia. The table we saw did not have “containment walls”
Is it true that forest monks actually attend autopsies? Yes it is actually quite common. After being a monk for perhaps more than 10 years, I remember a senior monk expressing surprise when he discovered I hadn’t seen one. He said, “You haven’t been to an autopsy yet?”
“You haven’t been to an autopsy yet?”
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Monks Goings To Autopsies
Autopsy Table found on Wikipedia. The table we saw did not have “containment walls”
Is it true that forest monks actually attend autopsies? Yes it is actually quite common. After being a monk for perhaps more than 10 years, I remember a senior monk expressing surprise when he discovered I hadn’t seen one. He said, “You haven’t been to an autopsy yet?”
“You haven’t been to an autopsy yet?”
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My Sabai Thai Trip
I spent a little over 30 days in Thailand and I learned a great deal about Thai Buddhist culture and how things things are for monks outside of the vinaya saṅgha. What did I learn?
Uncle Sam’s Banana Farm
Uncle Sam’s Banana Farm First of all, this trip was well needed. Sabai means to be comfortable and relaxed. I really needed to be comfortable and relaxed and the goal was achieved.
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Buddhism: What Happens After Death?
Warning: This is a long but clear and interesting religious post on what happens after death according to Classical Theravāda Buddhism.
Key Points: The Fully Enlightened do not take a rebirth after death. Immediate rebirth takes place after the death moment for all other beings. Kamma is what determines your next birth Lifetime and Momentary suffering Be careful what you wish for There is no such thing as a guaranteed intermediate stage (Bardo Plane).
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Why Do Monasteries Have Skeletons?
If you go to a Theravada Buddhist forest monastery in Asia, you are likely to find a full skeleton or parts of a skeleton somewhere where it can be viewed easily. Some monasteries also have cemeteries inside the boundary like Pa-Auk Forest Monastery in Mawlamyine. Some other monasteries have a place were dead bodies are burned (with open wood fires), right on the premises, like Pa-Auk Mawlamyine and also Wat Pa Nanachat in Thailand.
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Monks Goings To Autopsies
Autopsy Table found on Wikipedia. The table we saw did not have “containment walls”
Is it true that forest monks actually attend autopsies? Yes it is actually quite common. After being a monk for perhaps more than 10 years, I remember a senior monk expressing surprise when he discovered I hadn’t seen one. He said, “You haven’t been to an autopsy yet?”
“You haven’t been to an autopsy yet?”
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Kauai Update Part 2
It has been a little over a month since I have been on the island of Kauai. Things have been going well although my situation is still the same. I am still in a tent at Anini, but I have a new tent in Anini with a better view of the pristine Kauai shore! Things are dryer than the record rains we had last month.. and I guess if it were wetter than before a new record would be set.
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Donation to Sangha or Individuals?
When should you give to Saṅgha?
When should you give to individual monks?
This is a question that is not addressed very often and it can cause lots of trouble for monks knowingly and unknowingly. Quite often, many monks blindly prompt donors to recite a line of pāḷi before they offer anything to them. “Bhikkhu Saṅghassa demi.” There are some variations, but that is the generic formula. It means, “I give to the community of monks.
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Inspiration, move me brightly
Alms Inspiration is like a bright star that shines among the dim. In Monastic life, there are few monasteries or monks that really inspire people. Following the vinaya (or rules) inspires people. It is tried and tested.
This was an old picture when I was in a vinaya monastery that follows all of the rules including the “basic ten rules” that a 7 year old beginner monk is supposed to follow.
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5, 8 and 10 Precepts
Here is a comparison of 5, 8 and 10 precepts. The Buddhist who follows five precepts is known as a regular lay Buddhist. The person who follows 8 precepts is known as a serious Buddhist yogi. The person who follows the 10 precepts is known as a novice monk. A bhikkhu follows 227 rules.
It is important to know these classes to know which rules are more important to follow. It also can explain, what class of rules a monk is following.
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Buddhism and Abortion

Kauai Propagation Presentation
A 2 part Powerpoint presentation about what two monks did in Kauai, Hawaii during June to December 2015. The theme was propagation, but the propagation was done just from being monks who do not touch money, and collect their food the traditional Buddhist monk way. The vision, how it got started, stories and experiences were shared. About 50 people were in the audience. Running time is about 1 hour total for both.
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Why Are The Monks Fighting Over Food?
I cannot believe that I am writing an article that explains how the monks are fighting over food. It is very awkward to hear isn’t it? On the other hand human nature is human nature. We have six monks who sit at each table and sometimes there is not enough of the special items to go around. And that is when the fighting begins…
But it is not what you think.
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Changing The Cloth: The Process To Become A Monk In Sri Lanka
A lay person named Chathuranga came to the International Institute of Theravāda looking to ordain in November, 2022. He is now a sāmaṇera (novice monk) and not yet a fully ordained bhikkhu. I thought that it would be interesting to show his path to monkhood to you.
Stage 1: Regular Person First he was a regular lay person working as a construction assistant engineer in the Maldives and then made the transition to a devoted layperson.
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Giving is Always Better
Ven Sunanda (China)
One of the Chinese monks named Venerable Sunanda recently had his birthday. For his birthday, he determined to offer 100 shoulder cloths to various monks and ended up making 123. What is a shoulder cloth? It is a small robe that monks often like to wear underneath their upper robe.
from http://www.justwalkedby.com/2016/03/sweeping-monk/ creative commons attrib nc
We have an abundance of robes in the storage room and with vassa coming up, we will get more and more.
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Patheos Interview On Robes
A couple of months ago, I was contacted by a professor of World Religions in the College of Religious Education at BYU named, Alonzo Gaskill. He had read my previous article on Buddhist Monk’s Robes Information and wanted to interview me for another Buddhist robes article for Patheos.com. We talked for quite a long time about Buddhism, my past, and why I ordained, and then the time was up. So we scheduled another call to talk about robes the next day to actually talk about the robes.
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Monk Life and Natural Dyeing
A venerable tending the fire for cooking dye
Here are pictures about the natural dyeing process. The monks boil the ironwood tree bark chips for a long time (days). When a drop of dye is dropped in a glass of water, a ball will form and sink to the bottom. At that point, the dye master will empty that batch of dye into containers and then reboil the same chips with fresh water to make more dye.
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The Robes of Theravadan, Mahayanan, Tibetan Monks
It occured to me that people don’t know one type of Buddhist monk from the other and a post was needed to explain this.
First a little bit of history. Theravada is the closest thing as one can get to the original form of Buddhism and is based on the Pali texts. The countries that have Theravada as their national religion are; Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Sri Lanka, and Cambodia. It dates back to the Buddha from 5th century BCE Later, came Mahayana - Chinese Buddhism of the 1st century BCE.
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Buddhist Monks' Robes Information
Sewing pattern from BMC 1 (creative-commons, Thanissaro Bhikkhu) Robe Information Few people realize that the Theravāda monk’s robes are actually a piece of rectangular cloth with no sleeves.[mfn]While some monks use shirts with sleeves underneath their robes, it is not actually allowed [/mfn] If you see a Theravāda monk wearing his robes in different styles, then rest assured it is due to the art of “tying the robes” or “rolling the robes” or what I call “robe origami.
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Making A Foot-Rug From Old Robes
Here is an instructional video on how to make a foot-rug from old and discarded monk’s robes. If you are a monk, perhaps you will be very interested in this. I made the video as I was making my very first rug. Ven. Khemavamsa is the one who helped in the end. It was his idea and I have never seen this before. The story from the texts is below:
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Changing The Cloth: The Process To Become A Monk In Sri Lanka
A lay person named Chathuranga came to the International Institute of Theravāda looking to ordain in November, 2022. He is now a sāmaṇera (novice monk) and not yet a fully ordained bhikkhu. I thought that it would be interesting to show his path to monkhood to you.
Stage 1: Regular Person First he was a regular lay person working as a construction assistant engineer in the Maldives and then made the transition to a devoted layperson.
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Changing The Cloth: The Process To Become A Monk In Sri Lanka
A lay person named Chathuranga came to the International Institute of Theravāda looking to ordain in November, 2022. He is now a sāmaṇera (novice monk) and not yet a fully ordained bhikkhu. I thought that it would be interesting to show his path to monkhood to you.
Stage 1: Regular Person First he was a regular lay person working as a construction assistant engineer in the Maldives and then made the transition to a devoted layperson.
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Changing The Cloth: The Process To Become A Monk In Sri Lanka
A lay person named Chathuranga came to the International Institute of Theravāda looking to ordain in November, 2022. He is now a sāmaṇera (novice monk) and not yet a fully ordained bhikkhu. I thought that it would be interesting to show his path to monkhood to you.
Stage 1: Regular Person First he was a regular lay person working as a construction assistant engineer in the Maldives and then made the transition to a devoted layperson.
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The Most Common Dhammapāda Chants
CC BY-SA 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=190448
The most popular Buddhist book is the Dhammapada which contains 423 poetic verses in the Pāḷi language. What are the most popular verses? While there are some classic chants and everyone has favorites, nothing compares to what the monks chant and what is found in most chanting books. Here are the chants that are integrated into many different traditions and usually chanted after the pātimokkha.
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The Most Common Dhammapāda Chants
CC BY-SA 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=190448
The most popular Buddhist book is the Dhammapada which contains 423 poetic verses in the Pāḷi language. What are the most popular verses? While there are some classic chants and everyone has favorites, nothing compares to what the monks chant and what is found in most chanting books. Here are the chants that are integrated into many different traditions and usually chanted after the pātimokkha.
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My Sabai Thai Trip
I spent a little over 30 days in Thailand and I learned a great deal about Thai Buddhist culture and how things things are for monks outside of the vinaya saṅgha. What did I learn?
Uncle Sam’s Banana Farm
Uncle Sam’s Banana Farm First of all, this trip was well needed. Sabai means to be comfortable and relaxed. I really needed to be comfortable and relaxed and the goal was achieved.
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My Sabai Thai Trip
I spent a little over 30 days in Thailand and I learned a great deal about Thai Buddhist culture and how things things are for monks outside of the vinaya saṅgha. What did I learn?
Uncle Sam’s Banana Farm
Uncle Sam’s Banana Farm First of all, this trip was well needed. Sabai means to be comfortable and relaxed. I really needed to be comfortable and relaxed and the goal was achieved.
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My Sabai Thai Trip
I spent a little over 30 days in Thailand and I learned a great deal about Thai Buddhist culture and how things things are for monks outside of the vinaya saṅgha. What did I learn?
Uncle Sam’s Banana Farm
Uncle Sam’s Banana Farm First of all, this trip was well needed. Sabai means to be comfortable and relaxed. I really needed to be comfortable and relaxed and the goal was achieved.
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Chicago Lao Monastery
Recently, I had a chance to go to a Lao Monastery in Elgin, Chicago, IL, USA for 12 days. I usually avoid American Theravada Temples like the plague because most of these places have monks who use money and much of the monk life is centered around collecting money. This is a typical standard not only in America but in most countries. This monastery however, is different.
In 2015, the committee decided to stop being a useless, unwholesome temple that teaches wrong dhammavinaya (teaching and training — on wrong ways to give donation and wrong ways to make merit, and obviously wrong kamma and results).
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Buddhist Compass App: Made 90% With Chat GPT
Buddhist Compass - Apps on Google Play An App For locating the Buddhist Locations
Why Another App? While traveling in Thailand, I had an idea where I would like to know and face the direction where Bodh Gaya is similar to Qibla, and how Muslims like to face Mecca wherever they are. I find it very wholesome to know where Bodh Gaya is in reference to my room and where I live and maybe you will too.
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Buddhist Compass App: Made 90% With Chat GPT
Buddhist Compass - Apps on Google Play An App For locating the Buddhist Locations
Why Another App? While traveling in Thailand, I had an idea where I would like to know and face the direction where Bodh Gaya is similar to Qibla, and how Muslims like to face Mecca wherever they are. I find it very wholesome to know where Bodh Gaya is in reference to my room and where I live and maybe you will too.
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Buddhist Compass App: Made 90% With Chat GPT
Buddhist Compass - Apps on Google Play An App For locating the Buddhist Locations
Why Another App? While traveling in Thailand, I had an idea where I would like to know and face the direction where Bodh Gaya is similar to Qibla, and how Muslims like to face Mecca wherever they are. I find it very wholesome to know where Bodh Gaya is in reference to my room and where I live and maybe you will too.
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Buddhist Compass App: Made 90% With Chat GPT
Buddhist Compass - Apps on Google Play An App For locating the Buddhist Locations
Why Another App? While traveling in Thailand, I had an idea where I would like to know and face the direction where Bodh Gaya is similar to Qibla, and how Muslims like to face Mecca wherever they are. I find it very wholesome to know where Bodh Gaya is in reference to my room and where I live and maybe you will too.
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Buddhist Compass App: Made 90% With Chat GPT
Buddhist Compass - Apps on Google Play An App For locating the Buddhist Locations
Why Another App? While traveling in Thailand, I had an idea where I would like to know and face the direction where Bodh Gaya is similar to Qibla, and how Muslims like to face Mecca wherever they are. I find it very wholesome to know where Bodh Gaya is in reference to my room and where I live and maybe you will too.
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Intelligent Donations: Turning The Tables
Ven Ananda with the two donors
Recently, we received six new tables arranged by a monk’s two donors. The tables were nice but I didn’t think we needed them, so I asked the monk why. He said there was not enough room on the tables for his donors’ donations, so they decided to donate more tables so they can donate more. When his donors make donations, they are not small.
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Percentage of Monks Who Do Not Use Money
Monk walking towards the world of the 5%
If you are a Westerner and new to Buddhism, you might be surprised to learn that most monks use and handle money. I have calculated that around 95% use money while 5% do not use money. The general consensus of those I have consulted say that about 2 or 3 percent do not use money but I used a 5% number to be safe.
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Percentage of Monks Who Do Not Use Money
Monk walking towards the world of the 5%
If you are a Westerner and new to Buddhism, you might be surprised to learn that most monks use and handle money. I have calculated that around 95% use money while 5% do not use money. The general consensus of those I have consulted say that about 2 or 3 percent do not use money but I used a 5% number to be safe.
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Percentage of Monks Who Do Not Use Money
Monk walking towards the world of the 5%
If you are a Westerner and new to Buddhism, you might be surprised to learn that most monks use and handle money. I have calculated that around 95% use money while 5% do not use money. The general consensus of those I have consulted say that about 2 or 3 percent do not use money but I used a 5% number to be safe.
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Are Buddhist Monks Allowed To Use Money?
A Money tree in Laos cc-by-attrib-sa https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Buddhist_money_tree_with_toilet_paper.webp
Are Buddhist monks allowed to use money? The short answer is that monks are definitely not allowed to even touch money for all traditions; Theravāda, Mahayāna, and Tibetan. However, it is very common for monks to not only accept money from lay people without shame, but they even encourage lay people to offer the money. Nevertheless, it is still a rule and there are heavy consequences if this becomes a lifetime habit and a wrong mode of livelihood.
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Chicago Lao Monastery
Recently, I had a chance to go to a Lao Monastery in Elgin, Chicago, IL, USA for 12 days. I usually avoid American Theravada Temples like the plague because most of these places have monks who use money and much of the monk life is centered around collecting money. This is a typical standard not only in America but in most countries. This monastery however, is different.
In 2015, the committee decided to stop being a useless, unwholesome temple that teaches wrong dhammavinaya (teaching and training — on wrong ways to give donation and wrong ways to make merit, and obviously wrong kamma and results).
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Why Are Most Monasteries Not Allowable?
Why are most monasteries not allowable for vinaya monks? Today, I was Skyping my parents which is something we do once or twice a month now. I feel it is good for them to “see” me as a monk, rather than having them talk to me and visualizing their son from 1999. That was when I left home and things changed for me. We had a nice discussion. We spoke about possibilities for a visit, but I told them that finding a place was difficult, because the monks all use money and whatever they buy with that money becomes unallowable.
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5, 8 and 10 Precepts
Here is a comparison of 5, 8 and 10 precepts. The Buddhist who follows five precepts is known as a regular lay Buddhist. The person who follows 8 precepts is known as a serious Buddhist yogi. The person who follows the 10 precepts is known as a novice monk. A bhikkhu follows 227 rules.
It is important to know these classes to know which rules are more important to follow. It also can explain, what class of rules a monk is following.
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Percentage of Monks Who Do Not Use Money
Monk walking towards the world of the 5%
If you are a Westerner and new to Buddhism, you might be surprised to learn that most monks use and handle money. I have calculated that around 95% use money while 5% do not use money. The general consensus of those I have consulted say that about 2 or 3 percent do not use money but I used a 5% number to be safe.
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The Order of Monks: How Seniority Shapes the Buddhist Monastic Life
monks seated for the patimokkha recitation in Pa-Auk Mawlamyine
Introduction One of the things that you may notice when you visit a Buddhist monastery is that the monks sit, eat, walk, and pay respect to each other in a certain order. This order is based on the principle of seniority, which is determined by the date of ordination, not by age, education, or social status. Whoever is ordained earlier is considered senior, and whoever is ordained later is considered junior.
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The Order of Monks: How Seniority Shapes the Buddhist Monastic Life
monks seated for the patimokkha recitation in Pa-Auk Mawlamyine
Introduction One of the things that you may notice when you visit a Buddhist monastery is that the monks sit, eat, walk, and pay respect to each other in a certain order. This order is based on the principle of seniority, which is determined by the date of ordination, not by age, education, or social status. Whoever is ordained earlier is considered senior, and whoever is ordained later is considered junior.
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The Order of Monks: How Seniority Shapes the Buddhist Monastic Life
monks seated for the patimokkha recitation in Pa-Auk Mawlamyine
Introduction One of the things that you may notice when you visit a Buddhist monastery is that the monks sit, eat, walk, and pay respect to each other in a certain order. This order is based on the principle of seniority, which is determined by the date of ordination, not by age, education, or social status. Whoever is ordained earlier is considered senior, and whoever is ordained later is considered junior.
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The Order of Monks: How Seniority Shapes the Buddhist Monastic Life
monks seated for the patimokkha recitation in Pa-Auk Mawlamyine
Introduction One of the things that you may notice when you visit a Buddhist monastery is that the monks sit, eat, walk, and pay respect to each other in a certain order. This order is based on the principle of seniority, which is determined by the date of ordination, not by age, education, or social status. Whoever is ordained earlier is considered senior, and whoever is ordained later is considered junior.
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Only The Best For Buddha
6 Color Buddhist Flag
Yesterday, on Vesak, I was invited to go with Sayadaw Kumarabhivamsa, the Tipitaka Sayadaw and one more monk to visit the three very large Buddhas in our monastery and then finally to give water to the Bodhi Tree. When we give water to the Bodhi Tree, it is not uncommon to give pure bottled drinking water to it. Yes, you read that correctly.
Bottled drinking water is used to water a tree.
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The Order of Monks: How Seniority Shapes the Buddhist Monastic Life
monks seated for the patimokkha recitation in Pa-Auk Mawlamyine
Introduction One of the things that you may notice when you visit a Buddhist monastery is that the monks sit, eat, walk, and pay respect to each other in a certain order. This order is based on the principle of seniority, which is determined by the date of ordination, not by age, education, or social status. Whoever is ordained earlier is considered senior, and whoever is ordained later is considered junior.
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The Order of Monks: How Seniority Shapes the Buddhist Monastic Life
monks seated for the patimokkha recitation in Pa-Auk Mawlamyine
Introduction One of the things that you may notice when you visit a Buddhist monastery is that the monks sit, eat, walk, and pay respect to each other in a certain order. This order is based on the principle of seniority, which is determined by the date of ordination, not by age, education, or social status. Whoever is ordained earlier is considered senior, and whoever is ordained later is considered junior.
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Umbrella Shop 2004-2014
Monks walking up the monastery road near the library 2014. (Double umbrella)
Excerpt from Going For Broke: Monasterynote5: Walkman Karaoke, 2004
Rainy Season is luckily my favorite and I love all five months of it. It is the perfect temperature also, not too hot, not too cold. It’s quiet and the noises around me get white washed out from the rain striking the metal corrugated roofing. We had over 350 Bhikkhus and a total of more than 600 residents this past Rainy Season (2004).
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When Does Rainy Season Start?
Recently, I got a nice message from a monk friend telling me he was taking vassa (3 month Rainy Season Retreat) on July 23rd (the Full Moon Day) and wishing me a happy vassa before he goes offline for three months. However, we at Pa-Auk are taking the vassa today on July 24 (the day after the Full Moon Day). The calendars often say it starts on the Full Moon Day, but we don’t do that at Pa-Auk.
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Living as a Monk in Myanmar During Covid and Government Change
Introduction Foreigner monk gets a COVID vaccine jab during the times of the new Myanmar government
In this article, I want to share with you some of my experiences of living as a monk in Myanmar during the covid pandemic and the government change that happened recently. I also want to explain why I left Myanmar at the end of 2022 and what I am doing now.
I am an American Buddhist monk who has been living in Myanmar for many years.
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Pa-Auk Lockdown #3: Living With COVID
Now the world is getting used to COVID-19 and many countries are announcing a new policy called “Living with COVID”. Now we are too. I will explain….
On March 17, 2022, Pa-Auk Pyin Oo Lwin literally started to live with COVID. On that day, there were 5 monks that were sick and tested positive. When lunch came, we were on high alert. Massive testing happened within the next few days and we went from 12 positive cases to 25 and then to 35 and now we are at 50 cases for the male size and 15 for the female side only one week later.
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Pa-Auk Vaccination 2021
Injection on Western resident monk
Pa-Auk finally vaccinated 2000 of its residents across its branch monasteries with a privately sponsored SinoPharm vaccine. Pa-Auk Pyin Oo Lwin branch had its vaccines delivered on September 18th, 2021 with about half of the total population signed up. Vaccination was voluntary and provided by donors.
While it did take a long time for us to get the vaccine, the government did invite us for the vaccine back in April or May 2021.
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Super Quarantine Inside Pa-Auk
Recently, I had a serious medical problem that had the potential to be extremely serious. Please don’t ask. In any case, I arranged permission to go outside and then arranged for someone to help me get to a clinic in Mandalay which had the proper technology to properly assess my problem. This article is not about going out. Instead this article is about coming back and staying in quarantine.
Because we do not have monastery-wide vaccines yet, Pa-Auk is quite strict about letting people go outside because when you come back, you will need to be on a 3 week quarantine before testing for your release.
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Living as a Monk in Myanmar During Covid and Government Change
Introduction Foreigner monk gets a COVID vaccine jab during the times of the new Myanmar government
In this article, I want to share with you some of my experiences of living as a monk in Myanmar during the covid pandemic and the government change that happened recently. I also want to explain why I left Myanmar at the end of 2022 and what I am doing now.
I am an American Buddhist monk who has been living in Myanmar for many years.
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Living as a Monk in Myanmar During Covid and Government Change
Introduction Foreigner monk gets a COVID vaccine jab during the times of the new Myanmar government
In this article, I want to share with you some of my experiences of living as a monk in Myanmar during the covid pandemic and the government change that happened recently. I also want to explain why I left Myanmar at the end of 2022 and what I am doing now.
I am an American Buddhist monk who has been living in Myanmar for many years.
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Water Purification
Water Purification Diagram
While the first step of meditation is called Sīlavisuddhi (Purification of morality), another important part of our monastery is the water purification system. We basically have our own industrial Reverse Osmosis water purification plant with enough capacity to supply a whole village with drinking water. However, since we normally have 500+ residents, we only supply our own monastery instead of going into business.
Ven Kāruṇika is one of the worker monks who keeps our water filtration machine in tip top condition, or shall we say “purerr-ing” ?
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Ajahn Brahm's Dark Jhāna
Does Ajahn Brahm Jhāna Have a Nimitta? Ajahn Brahm (“Ajahn Brahmavamso”) teaches about a samādhi nimitta. However, during jhāna, he says that there is no perception of light. He says that “The nimitta is the gateway to jhāna, but not the object of jhāna itself. Pīti or sukha are the objects of jhāna”.
If you follow Ajahn Brahm, this article will help you follow his teachings better. If you follow another method, this article will help you distinguish the difference.
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500+ monks at Pa-Auk Main. Some slippers go missing, but not these.
500+ monks at paauk main. Some slippers go missing so people mark them with different patterns as a passive way to prevent loss. However, the slippers in the center were not as passive. (Reposted and fixed lost picture from 2013)
Look at the writing on the slippers “No for Your” (Not for you).
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Why I Ordained Twice
Many people who have learned that I have re-ordained and actually know what that means have asked me why I did it. It is a long story, but I will try to be brief. During my first ordination in 2001, at Pa-Auk Main Branch with Venerable Pa-Auk Sayadaw as my preceptor, I was asked 13 questions. According to tradition, every monk is asked these 13 qualifying questions in the ordination ceremony twice.
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Back in Myanmar Headed to Pa-Auk Meditation Center
From the pamc lookout. I am back in Myanmar from Kauai, Hawaii. I will begin the Bus trip to Pa-Auk Meditation Center this morning. What a long transit back that was. Here is a picture taken from Pa-Auk Lookout point that friends and I had fun taking a while back. I will begin the Bus trip to Pa-Auk Meditation Center this morning.
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Living as a Monk in Myanmar During Covid and Government Change
Introduction Foreigner monk gets a COVID vaccine jab during the times of the new Myanmar government
In this article, I want to share with you some of my experiences of living as a monk in Myanmar during the covid pandemic and the government change that happened recently. I also want to explain why I left Myanmar at the end of 2022 and what I am doing now.
I am an American Buddhist monk who has been living in Myanmar for many years.
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Buddhism and Lists
Buddha by Numbers
Introduction The Buddhist teachings are often organized by various lists. Various matrices of interlinked lists to organize the teachings are one of the distinctive features of Buddhism. In my studies, I find myself learning many different types of lists for memory. By doing so, I can see the benefit and how they can be expanded and interlinked. While it may seem like dry minutia and uninteresting at first glance, the lists run very deep when you start to understand how the whole system works.
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Free PTS Sutta eBooks
Image not found.
The Pali Text Society has made its Vinaya, Sutta and Abhidhamma books available for non-commercial use since 2013. The Sutta books have been extracted from the Buddhadust Website which is still considered as “work in progress.” However, the work was good enough to reformat as eBooks in its current state.
Stephen Torrence and myself did most of the work to reformat the web pages into eBook versions.
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Buddhism and Lists
Buddha by Numbers
Introduction The Buddhist teachings are often organized by various lists. Various matrices of interlinked lists to organize the teachings are one of the distinctive features of Buddhism. In my studies, I find myself learning many different types of lists for memory. By doing so, I can see the benefit and how they can be expanded and interlinked. While it may seem like dry minutia and uninteresting at first glance, the lists run very deep when you start to understand how the whole system works.
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Buddhism and Lists
Buddha by Numbers
Introduction The Buddhist teachings are often organized by various lists. Various matrices of interlinked lists to organize the teachings are one of the distinctive features of Buddhism. In my studies, I find myself learning many different types of lists for memory. By doing so, I can see the benefit and how they can be expanded and interlinked. While it may seem like dry minutia and uninteresting at first glance, the lists run very deep when you start to understand how the whole system works.
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Buddhism and Lists
Buddha by Numbers
Introduction The Buddhist teachings are often organized by various lists. Various matrices of interlinked lists to organize the teachings are one of the distinctive features of Buddhism. In my studies, I find myself learning many different types of lists for memory. By doing so, I can see the benefit and how they can be expanded and interlinked. While it may seem like dry minutia and uninteresting at first glance, the lists run very deep when you start to understand how the whole system works.
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Buddhism and Lists
Buddha by Numbers
Introduction The Buddhist teachings are often organized by various lists. Various matrices of interlinked lists to organize the teachings are one of the distinctive features of Buddhism. In my studies, I find myself learning many different types of lists for memory. By doing so, I can see the benefit and how they can be expanded and interlinked. While it may seem like dry minutia and uninteresting at first glance, the lists run very deep when you start to understand how the whole system works.
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Buddhism: What Happens After Death?
Warning: This is a long but clear and interesting religious post on what happens after death according to Classical Theravāda Buddhism.
Key Points: The Fully Enlightened do not take a rebirth after death. Immediate rebirth takes place after the death moment for all other beings. Kamma is what determines your next birth Lifetime and Momentary suffering Be careful what you wish for There is no such thing as a guaranteed intermediate stage (Bardo Plane).
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About Piṇḍapāta: Why Do Monks Go For Alms in a Village?
Alms Tray and Cambodia Monk’s Full Bowl
Introduction: This article explains the essence of piṇḍapāta (alms) and why we go for alms, even in poor villages. On the weekends, I have some time to go for alms in the nearby village. However, you might ask yourself, “Why would a monk collect food from a very poor village during an economic crisis when the monastery is mostly supported by wealthy people?
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About Piṇḍapāta: Why Do Monks Go For Alms in a Village?
Alms Tray and Cambodia Monk’s Full Bowl
Introduction: This article explains the essence of piṇḍapāta (alms) and why we go for alms, even in poor villages. On the weekends, I have some time to go for alms in the nearby village. However, you might ask yourself, “Why would a monk collect food from a very poor village during an economic crisis when the monastery is mostly supported by wealthy people?
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About Piṇḍapāta: Why Do Monks Go For Alms in a Village?
Alms Tray and Cambodia Monk’s Full Bowl
Introduction: This article explains the essence of piṇḍapāta (alms) and why we go for alms, even in poor villages. On the weekends, I have some time to go for alms in the nearby village. However, you might ask yourself, “Why would a monk collect food from a very poor village during an economic crisis when the monastery is mostly supported by wealthy people?
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What does AI think of Loving-Kindness? Here is a poem.
ai generated art for this post
I asked openai chatGPT to write a buddhist poem on loving-kindness in the style of Dr. Seuss. This is what I got.
With open hearts and open hands,
We spread loving-kindness across the lands.
Like ripples on a pond, it starts with one,
But soon it touches everyone.
With each kind word and thoughtful deed,
We plant the seeds of love, in hearts to breed.
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Are Monks Allowed To Perform Marriage Ceremonies?
Although Buddhist lay people might be interested in having a monk perform their marriage ceremony, it is not allowed and doing so is classed as a heavy rule (Saṅghādisesa). Such heavy rules have penalties and require the monk to lose his full status for a minimum of 6 nights[mfn]mānatta[/mfn] and additional probation time if concealing the offense occurs.
Image was created by AI DALL-E by openai. All participants do not exist in real life.
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Are Monks Allowed To Perform Marriage Ceremonies?
Although Buddhist lay people might be interested in having a monk perform their marriage ceremony, it is not allowed and doing so is classed as a heavy rule (Saṅghādisesa). Such heavy rules have penalties and require the monk to lose his full status for a minimum of 6 nights[mfn]mānatta[/mfn] and additional probation time if concealing the offense occurs.
Image was created by AI DALL-E by openai. All participants do not exist in real life.
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International Institute of Theravada
Multi purpose hall at IIT
After 3 years in Myanmar, I have moved to The International Institute of Theravāda. What is this place and why did I come here and what is mission?
What is IIT? The International Institute of Theravāda (IIT) is a comprehensive training institute aimed at facilitating spiritual and academic development of Buddhist monks, based on Theravada teachings. It is inclusive and accommodative, irrespective of sects (Nikaya) and other differences within the Theravada Buddhist clergy.
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International Institute of Theravada
Multi purpose hall at IIT
After 3 years in Myanmar, I have moved to The International Institute of Theravāda. What is this place and why did I come here and what is mission?
What is IIT? The International Institute of Theravāda (IIT) is a comprehensive training institute aimed at facilitating spiritual and academic development of Buddhist monks, based on Theravada teachings. It is inclusive and accommodative, irrespective of sects (Nikaya) and other differences within the Theravada Buddhist clergy.
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International Institute of Theravada
Multi purpose hall at IIT
After 3 years in Myanmar, I have moved to The International Institute of Theravāda. What is this place and why did I come here and what is mission?
What is IIT? The International Institute of Theravāda (IIT) is a comprehensive training institute aimed at facilitating spiritual and academic development of Buddhist monks, based on Theravada teachings. It is inclusive and accommodative, irrespective of sects (Nikaya) and other differences within the Theravada Buddhist clergy.
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International Institute of Theravada
Multi purpose hall at IIT
After 3 years in Myanmar, I have moved to The International Institute of Theravāda. What is this place and why did I come here and what is mission?
What is IIT? The International Institute of Theravāda (IIT) is a comprehensive training institute aimed at facilitating spiritual and academic development of Buddhist monks, based on Theravada teachings. It is inclusive and accommodative, irrespective of sects (Nikaya) and other differences within the Theravada Buddhist clergy.
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International Institute of Theravada
Multi purpose hall at IIT
After 3 years in Myanmar, I have moved to The International Institute of Theravāda. What is this place and why did I come here and what is mission?
What is IIT? The International Institute of Theravāda (IIT) is a comprehensive training institute aimed at facilitating spiritual and academic development of Buddhist monks, based on Theravada teachings. It is inclusive and accommodative, irrespective of sects (Nikaya) and other differences within the Theravada Buddhist clergy.
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What Is The Bhikkhu Patimokkha or Buddhist Monk Rules?
Pa Auk Monastery in 2014, Photo by Klaus
The Pātimokkha is a set of 227 rules for the bhikkhus belonging to the Theravāda sect which is based on the Pāḷi language texts. The 227 rules are grouped into seven classes with the first two, Pārājikā and Saṅghādisesā considered as “heavy”. The first heavy group is also considered irrecoverable while the second requires official transactions to restore the full bhikkhu status to the offender.
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What Is The Bhikkhu Patimokkha or Buddhist Monk Rules?
Pa Auk Monastery in 2014, Photo by Klaus
The Pātimokkha is a set of 227 rules for the bhikkhus belonging to the Theravāda sect which is based on the Pāḷi language texts. The 227 rules are grouped into seven classes with the first two, Pārājikā and Saṅghādisesā considered as “heavy”. The first heavy group is also considered irrecoverable while the second requires official transactions to restore the full bhikkhu status to the offender.
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What Is The Bhikkhu Patimokkha or Buddhist Monk Rules?
Pa Auk Monastery in 2014, Photo by Klaus
The Pātimokkha is a set of 227 rules for the bhikkhus belonging to the Theravāda sect which is based on the Pāḷi language texts. The 227 rules are grouped into seven classes with the first two, Pārājikā and Saṅghādisesā considered as “heavy”. The first heavy group is also considered irrecoverable while the second requires official transactions to restore the full bhikkhu status to the offender.
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Why Is Halloween Bad According To Theravada Buddhism?
Introduction: While I’m sure most religions do not particularly like the tradition of Halloween, I thought it would be good to explain why Halloween is not good according to Theravāda Buddhism.
Celebrating Halloween in modern times, regardless of the reasons why it was started in the first place, consists of dressing up in costumes. In celebration, you either dress up or you praise other people’s costumes. It is mostly bad karma for the one dressing up and if you praise that, it is not good either.
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Why Is Halloween Bad According To Theravada Buddhism?
Introduction: While I’m sure most religions do not particularly like the tradition of Halloween, I thought it would be good to explain why Halloween is not good according to Theravāda Buddhism.
Celebrating Halloween in modern times, regardless of the reasons why it was started in the first place, consists of dressing up in costumes. In celebration, you either dress up or you praise other people’s costumes. It is mostly bad karma for the one dressing up and if you praise that, it is not good either.
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Possessed! A Halloween Special
There were a few times when I have seen some yogis and or monks go crazy. One time I saw a possession case when I went to a Kandy forest monastery called, Ulpathkandha. It means Sprint Hill Monastery.
I think it was 2010 when I went there. I wanted to use the Internet for the first time in a few years. I wanted to see what this Facebook thing was.
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Very Sweet Indeed

The Buddhist Monk's Bowl
Bowl with bowl stand (maybe Pa-Auk)
There are certain characteristics of the Theravada Buddhist monk’s bowl that might be interesting to know, even though the information is quite dry. Enjoy!
Material: The Buddha has allowed two different types of materials for bowls: iron and clay. When we say iron in Asia, we mean steel. Stainless steel is called steel. Is stainless steel allowed? This metal was not invented yet, but The Buddha left us with the great standards to judge if something should be allowable that was not mentioned during the time of the Buddha.
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The Buddhist Monk's Bowl
Bowl with bowl stand (maybe Pa-Auk)
There are certain characteristics of the Theravada Buddhist monk’s bowl that might be interesting to know, even though the information is quite dry. Enjoy!
Material: The Buddha has allowed two different types of materials for bowls: iron and clay. When we say iron in Asia, we mean steel. Stainless steel is called steel. Is stainless steel allowed? This metal was not invented yet, but The Buddha left us with the great standards to judge if something should be allowable that was not mentioned during the time of the Buddha.
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The Buddhist Monk's Bowl
Bowl with bowl stand (maybe Pa-Auk)
There are certain characteristics of the Theravada Buddhist monk’s bowl that might be interesting to know, even though the information is quite dry. Enjoy!
Material: The Buddha has allowed two different types of materials for bowls: iron and clay. When we say iron in Asia, we mean steel. Stainless steel is called steel. Is stainless steel allowed? This metal was not invented yet, but The Buddha left us with the great standards to judge if something should be allowable that was not mentioned during the time of the Buddha.
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The Buddhist Monk's Bowl
Bowl with bowl stand (maybe Pa-Auk)
There are certain characteristics of the Theravada Buddhist monk’s bowl that might be interesting to know, even though the information is quite dry. Enjoy!
Material: The Buddha has allowed two different types of materials for bowls: iron and clay. When we say iron in Asia, we mean steel. Stainless steel is called steel. Is stainless steel allowed? This metal was not invented yet, but The Buddha left us with the great standards to judge if something should be allowable that was not mentioned during the time of the Buddha.
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The Buddhist Monk's Bowl
Bowl with bowl stand (maybe Pa-Auk)
There are certain characteristics of the Theravada Buddhist monk’s bowl that might be interesting to know, even though the information is quite dry. Enjoy!
Material: The Buddha has allowed two different types of materials for bowls: iron and clay. When we say iron in Asia, we mean steel. Stainless steel is called steel. Is stainless steel allowed? This metal was not invented yet, but The Buddha left us with the great standards to judge if something should be allowable that was not mentioned during the time of the Buddha.
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Tipitaka Pali Reader
Tiptkata Pali Reader A new beautiful app written in Flutter for all Desktops and Mobile Devices.
Download: (Windows Store)
(Mac OS Store)
(Flathub Store)
sudo apt install libfuse2 libsqlite3-dev
(Android Store)
(iOS Store)
What is new? Build 82+ Release November, 2024 for Win, Mac, Flathub, Appimage, Android (iOS package in App store review)
This release is our most stable release yet. It also includes many of the dpd extra features.
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Tipitaka Pali Reader
Tiptkata Pali Reader A new beautiful app written in Flutter for all Desktops and Mobile Devices.
Download: (Windows Store)
(Mac OS Store)
(Flathub Store)
sudo apt install libfuse2 libsqlite3-dev
(Android Store)
(iOS Store)
What is new? Build 82+ Release November, 2024 for Win, Mac, Flathub, Appimage, Android (iOS package in App store review)
This release is our most stable release yet. It also includes many of the dpd extra features.
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Patimokkha Chant Feb 15, 2022
Yesterday, I recited the 227 rules of the Pātimokkha for 110 bhikkhus at Pa-Auk Meditation Center in Pyin Oo Lwin. When a monk recites the Pātimokkha, traditionally he does so by memory and not by reading. My recitation was not the best quality, but it was not so bad considering I only started when I was 47, and I have only done this 5 times now. However, the recitations get better and better each time I do it and I hope improvement continues until perfection.
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Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?
Copyright notice.. picture by Kim Traynor cc-by-sa
Note: This post is not for everyone. Those who claim to be bhikkhunis and supporters of the movement, and monks and nuns in general will find this interesting.
Did you know that bhikkhunis (nuns) are not allowed to sleep alone or travel alone and if they do, they are sentenced to 2 weeks of rehabilitation and lose their full status as bhikkhunis during this period?
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How To Memorize Pāḷi by Rote Method
Title Page
In America, the Rote Method of learning is belittled as “learning like a parrot” and rarely or never taught in the Western school systems. However, it is a useful brute force method for memorizing Pali texts and the only way to memorize longer word for word Pāḷi texts such as the Pātimokkha. This system is used extensively in Myanmar schools and Myanmar study monasteries. If you hear lots of noise in the classrooms, rote learning is what they are doing.
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The Most Basic Pali Chants to Learn
Myanmar Pali Script (credit at bottom link.. cc-sa-attrib)
There are many different Pāḷi chants to learn, yet I wanted to list the absolute basic chants that one should learn. If you are interested in Pāḷi chanting, these are the first to learn. The most basic and essential chants for beginning lay people should know are listed in order of importance:
Namo Tassa, Triple Gem with the 5 precepts, Bare bones Triple Gem chant of the 24 qualities of the Buddha, Dhamma and Saṅgha.
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Most Important Buddhist Lesson Learned and Taught
A little while ago, I was asked what was the most important lesson learned and what was the most important thing that I taught. The answer spans two different videos and they are listed below:
The first video gives a very technical answer, yet in very simple English that everyone can understand. However those who are into the deepest Dhamma and Abhidhamma will still appreciate what is said and how it is said.
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Tipitaka Pali Reader
Tiptkata Pali Reader A new beautiful app written in Flutter for all Desktops and Mobile Devices.
Download: (Windows Store)
(Mac OS Store)
(Flathub Store)
sudo apt install libfuse2 libsqlite3-dev
(Android Store)
(iOS Store)
What is new? Build 82+ Release November, 2024 for Win, Mac, Flathub, Appimage, Android (iOS package in App store review)
This release is our most stable release yet. It also includes many of the dpd extra features.
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Water Purification
Water Purification Diagram
While the first step of meditation is called Sīlavisuddhi (Purification of morality), another important part of our monastery is the water purification system. We basically have our own industrial Reverse Osmosis water purification plant with enough capacity to supply a whole village with drinking water. However, since we normally have 500+ residents, we only supply our own monastery instead of going into business.
Ven Kāruṇika is one of the worker monks who keeps our water filtration machine in tip top condition, or shall we say “purerr-ing” ?
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Are Buddhist Monks Allowed To Use Money?
A Money tree in Laos cc-by-attrib-sa https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Buddhist_money_tree_with_toilet_paper.webp
Are Buddhist monks allowed to use money? The short answer is that monks are definitely not allowed to even touch money for all traditions; Theravāda, Mahayāna, and Tibetan. However, it is very common for monks to not only accept money from lay people without shame, but they even encourage lay people to offer the money. Nevertheless, it is still a rule and there are heavy consequences if this becomes a lifetime habit and a wrong mode of livelihood.
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Have You Eaten Yet?
In 1993, I visited China with five lucky School of Technology students at my University. Before going, I asked around for some cool things to say and “Chī le ma?” or “Have you eaten yet?” was the phrase I learned besides asking for the toilet. It does not mean what it literally says. Instead, it means a little bit like “How are you?”, but more casual like, “How’s it going?
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Having Fun At The Pa-Auk Dentist Clinic
(Republished from June, 2015)
Having Fun At The Pa-Auk Dentist Clinic (Repost/refurbish from June, 2015*)
Because dentists are very expensive in America and the Pa-Auk dental clinic has pretty good sanitary conditions (for Myanmar), I went for a checkup before my trip to Hawai’i. Usually in Asia, you only go to a dentist when there is pain but I had some sensitivity I wanted to get checked and I waited for the Saturday dentist who is known on the street as “the old retired dentist who takes his time and does a good job.
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Most Important Buddhist Lesson Learned and Taught
A little while ago, I was asked what was the most important lesson learned and what was the most important thing that I taught. The answer spans two different videos and they are listed below:
The first video gives a very technical answer, yet in very simple English that everyone can understand. However those who are into the deepest Dhamma and Abhidhamma will still appreciate what is said and how it is said.
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September 11 and Jeremy Glick
September 11th and Jeremy Glick I have a personal story I want to tell you about Jeremy Glick and September 11, 2001. The short story is that my name is Jeremy Glick and I was a computer programmer. However, I had left my regular world in 1999 and people who have lost track of me remembered me when 9/11 happened. About seven months after I ordained as a Buddhist Monk in 2001, the famous 9/11 or September 11th event happened.
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Kauai Update Part 2
It has been a little over a month since I have been on the island of Kauai. Things have been going well although my situation is still the same. I am still in a tent at Anini, but I have a new tent in Anini with a better view of the pristine Kauai shore! Things are dryer than the record rains we had last month.. and I guess if it were wetter than before a new record would be set.
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Kauai Update
Kauai Update April 22 Aloha! I have been in Kauai since April 9th. It has been a rough start but things are getting better everyday. If you have paid attention to the news, you may have noticed an unheard of 30" of rain in 24 hours. Actually, there were several days of incredible amounts of rain, but only the third day broke the records. See https:www.washingtonpost.com
I was in a tent in Anini Park during that time and I am still in Anini Park.
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A Tale of Love and Samādhi Explained: A'capella Inertia
A Tale of Love and Samādhi Explained: A’capella Inertia A little Valentines story for all of you. The topside title is just a description of what the story is generally about. However, the real title of the story is called, “A’capella Inertia.” This is not a short one, but I think you will like this one very much. It has received high marks and it will take about 30 minutes to read.
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Traveling Without a Helper
When Ven. Devananda and I traveled to Kauai in 2015, we did not have a Kappiya (helper) to buy us food or even pay for our luggage. One can live without helpers, but it does take some pre-planning.
We had a ticket from Yangon to Honolulu that was dirt cheap at only $854 for a round trip fare. However, it came with 12 hour and 6 hour layovers in China.
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Possessed! A Halloween Special
There were a few times when I have seen some yogis and or monks go crazy. One time I saw a possession case when I went to a Kandy forest monastery called, Ulpathkandha. It means Sprint Hill Monastery.
I think it was 2010 when I went there. I wanted to use the Internet for the first time in a few years. I wanted to see what this Facebook thing was.
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I Finally Did It!
I Finally Did It! This Rainy Season (Vassa) I was able to learn the Pātimokkha (227 Rules) by heart. It is the first round and it takes me a long time to do it, and there are mistakes. Never the less, it is considered “learned” and “memorized” at this stage. I will hopefully recite the Pātimokkha for the full moon November 3rd if all goes well. I need to get my 2+ hours of recitation down to at least 1:15 minutes.
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How Do Monks Say Grace Before Eating?
How Do Monks Say Grace Before Eating? Do Theravāda monks say anything before they eat? Do they give thanks? Who do they say thanks to? Or is it something else?
Buddhist monks generally do a reflection and chant something before eating. In fact it is said that the monks incurs debt if they doe not reflect before eating. Actually, there are 4 reflections concerning the Four Requisites:
1. Robes
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Why Are Most Monasteries Not Allowable?
Why are most monasteries not allowable for vinaya monks? Today, I was Skyping my parents which is something we do once or twice a month now. I feel it is good for them to “see” me as a monk, rather than having them talk to me and visualizing their son from 1999. That was when I left home and things changed for me. We had a nice discussion. We spoke about possibilities for a visit, but I told them that finding a place was difficult, because the monks all use money and whatever they buy with that money becomes unallowable.
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Water Purification
Water Purification Diagram
While the first step of meditation is called Sīlavisuddhi (Purification of morality), another important part of our monastery is the water purification system. We basically have our own industrial Reverse Osmosis water purification plant with enough capacity to supply a whole village with drinking water. However, since we normally have 500+ residents, we only supply our own monastery instead of going into business.
Ven Kāruṇika is one of the worker monks who keeps our water filtration machine in tip top condition, or shall we say “purerr-ing” ?
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Suttanta Versus Abhidhamma Rivers
Irrawaddi River, Bagan, 2015
There seems to be quite a bit of confusion about what the Abhidhamma is all about. If I were to describe a river based on Suttanta values and then describe it again in terms of Abhidhamma and commentary values, Abhidhamma will be very clear in its validity and purpose. I don’t recall the Buddha explaining rivers in Suttas in the way I will explain them. However, I will try to explain them “as if” they were spoken in the Suttas and also “as if” they were mentioned in the Abhidhamma and Commentaries.
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A Pa-Auk Walk-In Refrigerator
Recently, the doctor ordered some lemon juice for me to take as medicine, so I asked the office helper for some lemons. She went into the kitchen and then to the “walk-in refrigerator.” I just had to laugh and then snapped a picture.
What does a walk-in refrigerator look like? How doe they make walk-in refrigerators in Myanmar Monasteries? Instructions: Take an eight by eight room, Lay the walls with tiles Insulation (optional) Put one or two air conditioners inside Pa-Auk Maymyo: Only 1 air conditioner.
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How To Be Human and Higher
Sunrise behind clouds, free public domain CC0 image.
Many people want to go to Heaven or at least be born in human worlds but most people do not know what is needed to go there, let alone how to achieve enlightenment. Previously, in a previous article, I explained what happens after death according to the Theravāda teachings. If you have not read it, you really should. It explains the five causes for the five effects to arise (rebirth).
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Miracle On 3 or 4 Streets
Here are a five remarkable stories of miracles to tell, but not all of them. There have been many miracles that have come my way when I needed them the most. For the Christians out there, they might say, “Doesn’t that make you believe in God?” My answer is, “It makes me believe there are heavenly beings (Devas & Devis)) who are looking out for me.”. There are other stories not included such as “My Watch Story”
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How To Be Human and Higher
Sunrise behind clouds, free public domain CC0 image.
Many people want to go to Heaven or at least be born in human worlds but most people do not know what is needed to go there, let alone how to achieve enlightenment. Previously, in a previous article, I explained what happens after death according to the Theravāda teachings. If you have not read it, you really should. It explains the five causes for the five effects to arise (rebirth).
read moreTag: jhana-2

How To Be Human and Higher
Sunrise behind clouds, free public domain CC0 image.
Many people want to go to Heaven or at least be born in human worlds but most people do not know what is needed to go there, let alone how to achieve enlightenment. Previously, in a previous article, I explained what happens after death according to the Theravāda teachings. If you have not read it, you really should. It explains the five causes for the five effects to arise (rebirth).
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How To Be Human and Higher
Sunrise behind clouds, free public domain CC0 image.
Many people want to go to Heaven or at least be born in human worlds but most people do not know what is needed to go there, let alone how to achieve enlightenment. Previously, in a previous article, I explained what happens after death according to the Theravāda teachings. If you have not read it, you really should. It explains the five causes for the five effects to arise (rebirth).
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How To Be Human and Higher
Sunrise behind clouds, free public domain CC0 image.
Many people want to go to Heaven or at least be born in human worlds but most people do not know what is needed to go there, let alone how to achieve enlightenment. Previously, in a previous article, I explained what happens after death according to the Theravāda teachings. If you have not read it, you really should. It explains the five causes for the five effects to arise (rebirth).
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Buddhism: What Happens After Death?
Warning: This is a long but clear and interesting religious post on what happens after death according to Classical Theravāda Buddhism.
Key Points: The Fully Enlightened do not take a rebirth after death. Immediate rebirth takes place after the death moment for all other beings. Kamma is what determines your next birth Lifetime and Momentary suffering Be careful what you wish for There is no such thing as a guaranteed intermediate stage (Bardo Plane).
read moreTag: samadhi

How To Be Human and Higher
Sunrise behind clouds, free public domain CC0 image.
Many people want to go to Heaven or at least be born in human worlds but most people do not know what is needed to go there, let alone how to achieve enlightenment. Previously, in a previous article, I explained what happens after death according to the Theravāda teachings. If you have not read it, you really should. It explains the five causes for the five effects to arise (rebirth).
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Interview: Monk Meditates for 24 Hours
Downloaded from https://www.needpix.com
Interview 1 of 2 Note: Some edits have been made afterwards to make things clear or to protect the anonymity of people.
I am sitting here now with one anonymous monk. He has sat for more than 24 hours in 4th jhāna and I wanted to interview him anonymously to inspire others. So we are here with Bhante (Note: All monks can be called “Bhante”).
I want to ask a few questions.
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When To Look At The Light
Is the light a Nimitta and when should one look at it?
When one practices meditation based on the breath, it is possible for the light to come and when that happens and it is stable one can use that light to enter samadhi absorption concentration. However, one should know when to look at the light and when not to look at the light. It is very important to know this difference because progress can stop.
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Acapella Inertia MP3 Audio
A’capella Inertia Audio Story (free MP3 download)
[archiveorg id=acapellainertia]
I have decided to make an audio version of this story. I started off by having a computer read this for the purpose of proofreading. Then I started reading it out loud. As I read it out loud with my own natural expressions, I thought that it might be better if an audio version were available.
I happen to have access to a good quality microphone and some professional Linux software running on Elementary OS.
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A Tale of Love and Samādhi Explained: A'capella Inertia
A Tale of Love and Samādhi Explained: A’capella Inertia A little Valentines story for all of you. The topside title is just a description of what the story is generally about. However, the real title of the story is called, “A’capella Inertia.” This is not a short one, but I think you will like this one very much. It has received high marks and it will take about 30 minutes to read.
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Giving is Always Better
Ven Sunanda (China)
One of the Chinese monks named Venerable Sunanda recently had his birthday. For his birthday, he determined to offer 100 shoulder cloths to various monks and ended up making 123. What is a shoulder cloth? It is a small robe that monks often like to wear underneath their upper robe.
from http://www.justwalkedby.com/2016/03/sweeping-monk/ creative commons attrib nc
We have an abundance of robes in the storage room and with vassa coming up, we will get more and more.
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18th Anniversary and Update
This is where I live
Wow! Today is February 7th and another year has passed. I have now completed 18 years total as a monk and I am working on my 19th year. Of course, my monk age is 12 rainy seasons because I changed Nikayas after my 6th year. I have been living my monk life in Kauai, Hawaii for about 10 months now and things have been moving along.
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Buddhism: What Happens After Death?
Warning: This is a long but clear and interesting religious post on what happens after death according to Classical Theravāda Buddhism.
Key Points: The Fully Enlightened do not take a rebirth after death. Immediate rebirth takes place after the death moment for all other beings. Kamma is what determines your next birth Lifetime and Momentary suffering Be careful what you wish for There is no such thing as a guaranteed intermediate stage (Bardo Plane).
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Buddhism: What Happens After Death?
Warning: This is a long but clear and interesting religious post on what happens after death according to Classical Theravāda Buddhism.
Key Points: The Fully Enlightened do not take a rebirth after death. Immediate rebirth takes place after the death moment for all other beings. Kamma is what determines your next birth Lifetime and Momentary suffering Be careful what you wish for There is no such thing as a guaranteed intermediate stage (Bardo Plane).
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Buddhism: What Happens After Death?
Warning: This is a long but clear and interesting religious post on what happens after death according to Classical Theravāda Buddhism.
Key Points: The Fully Enlightened do not take a rebirth after death. Immediate rebirth takes place after the death moment for all other beings. Kamma is what determines your next birth Lifetime and Momentary suffering Be careful what you wish for There is no such thing as a guaranteed intermediate stage (Bardo Plane).
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Most Important Buddhist Lesson Learned and Taught
A little while ago, I was asked what was the most important lesson learned and what was the most important thing that I taught. The answer spans two different videos and they are listed below:
The first video gives a very technical answer, yet in very simple English that everyone can understand. However those who are into the deepest Dhamma and Abhidhamma will still appreciate what is said and how it is said.
read moreTag: dhamma

Buddhism: What Happens After Death?
Warning: This is a long but clear and interesting religious post on what happens after death according to Classical Theravāda Buddhism.
Key Points: The Fully Enlightened do not take a rebirth after death. Immediate rebirth takes place after the death moment for all other beings. Kamma is what determines your next birth Lifetime and Momentary suffering Be careful what you wish for There is no such thing as a guaranteed intermediate stage (Bardo Plane).
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Basic Pali Terms for Dhamma
Burmese Pāḷi
I have made a list of the most basic Pāḷi terms which will help you in your Theravāda Buddhist Readings and listening to Dhamma Talks. I could have added more, but there are already 165+ terms. I have decided to sort the words in alphabetical order so I would not have to decide which were the most important. Grouping the words would have also given me the same dilemma.
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The Dark Side of Ajahn Mun's Biography
Ajahn Mun dark
Did Ajahn Mun say the Buddha congratulated him on the night he attained arahant? His biography books says it for sure.
Venerable Ācariya Mun Būridatta Thera is one of the most revered forest masters of the 20th century. He is the root guru of both the Dhammayut and Ajahn Chah monasteries. He popularized the monastic practice of living under an umbrella in the forest and his relentless energy is fascinating and inspiring.
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A Different Love Trumps Hate

Buddhism: What Happens After Death?
Warning: This is a long but clear and interesting religious post on what happens after death according to Classical Theravāda Buddhism.
Key Points: The Fully Enlightened do not take a rebirth after death. Immediate rebirth takes place after the death moment for all other beings. Kamma is what determines your next birth Lifetime and Momentary suffering Be careful what you wish for There is no such thing as a guaranteed intermediate stage (Bardo Plane).
read moreTag: paṭisandhi

Buddhism: What Happens After Death?
Warning: This is a long but clear and interesting religious post on what happens after death according to Classical Theravāda Buddhism.
Key Points: The Fully Enlightened do not take a rebirth after death. Immediate rebirth takes place after the death moment for all other beings. Kamma is what determines your next birth Lifetime and Momentary suffering Be careful what you wish for There is no such thing as a guaranteed intermediate stage (Bardo Plane).
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Stay Away From the Fools and Associate with the Wise
Sattigumba and Pupphaka
Asevanā ca bālānaṃ, paṇḍitānañca sevanā;
Pūjā ca pūjaneyyānaṃ etaṃ maṅgalamuttamaṃ.
Avoid the Fools and
Associate with the wise.
Give respect to the respectable.
This is the highest blessing.
Maṅgala Sutta
This small quote is from the first verse spoken by the Buddha when he was asked, “What is the highest blessing?” There are thirty-eight blessings listed and you can find them here. However, the first verse is the most important and we will only discuss the fools and the wise.
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Stay Away From the Fools and Associate with the Wise
Sattigumba and Pupphaka
Asevanā ca bālānaṃ, paṇḍitānañca sevanā;
Pūjā ca pūjaneyyānaṃ etaṃ maṅgalamuttamaṃ.
Avoid the Fools and
Associate with the wise.
Give respect to the respectable.
This is the highest blessing.
Maṅgala Sutta
This small quote is from the first verse spoken by the Buddha when he was asked, “What is the highest blessing?” There are thirty-eight blessings listed and you can find them here. However, the first verse is the most important and we will only discuss the fools and the wise.
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Toothpaste In A Gated Community
My near-empty tube of Meswak next to the new one
At Pa-Auk, we get different items throughout the year. Sometimes we keep them, and sometimes we give them away. I usually give my extra items away quickly so I don’t end up with a private Walmart inside my kuti. However, I do plan ahead sometimes.
I prefer using strong fluoride toothpaste after lunch and then using a natural toothpaste in the evening after our 5 pm juice offering.
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Stay Away From the Fools and Associate with the Wise
Sattigumba and Pupphaka
Asevanā ca bālānaṃ, paṇḍitānañca sevanā;
Pūjā ca pūjaneyyānaṃ etaṃ maṅgalamuttamaṃ.
Avoid the Fools and
Associate with the wise.
Give respect to the respectable.
This is the highest blessing.
Maṅgala Sutta
This small quote is from the first verse spoken by the Buddha when he was asked, “What is the highest blessing?” There are thirty-eight blessings listed and you can find them here. However, the first verse is the most important and we will only discuss the fools and the wise.
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Stay Away From the Fools and Associate with the Wise
Sattigumba and Pupphaka
Asevanā ca bālānaṃ, paṇḍitānañca sevanā;
Pūjā ca pūjaneyyānaṃ etaṃ maṅgalamuttamaṃ.
Avoid the Fools and
Associate with the wise.
Give respect to the respectable.
This is the highest blessing.
Maṅgala Sutta
This small quote is from the first verse spoken by the Buddha when he was asked, “What is the highest blessing?” There are thirty-eight blessings listed and you can find them here. However, the first verse is the most important and we will only discuss the fools and the wise.
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Patheos Interview On Robes
A couple of months ago, I was contacted by a professor of World Religions in the College of Religious Education at BYU named, Alonzo Gaskill. He had read my previous article on Buddhist Monk’s Robes Information and wanted to interview me for another Buddhist robes article for Patheos.com. We talked for quite a long time about Buddhism, my past, and why I ordained, and then the time was up. So we scheduled another call to talk about robes the next day to actually talk about the robes.
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An Old Kauai Favorite: KKCR Interview

Patheos Interview On Robes
A couple of months ago, I was contacted by a professor of World Religions in the College of Religious Education at BYU named, Alonzo Gaskill. He had read my previous article on Buddhist Monk’s Robes Information and wanted to interview me for another Buddhist robes article for Patheos.com. We talked for quite a long time about Buddhism, my past, and why I ordained, and then the time was up. So we scheduled another call to talk about robes the next day to actually talk about the robes.
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Pa-Auk Lockdown #3: Living With COVID
Now the world is getting used to COVID-19 and many countries are announcing a new policy called “Living with COVID”. Now we are too. I will explain….
On March 17, 2022, Pa-Auk Pyin Oo Lwin literally started to live with COVID. On that day, there were 5 monks that were sick and tested positive. When lunch came, we were on high alert. Massive testing happened within the next few days and we went from 12 positive cases to 25 and then to 35 and now we are at 50 cases for the male size and 15 for the female side only one week later.
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Pa-Auk Lockdown #3: Living With COVID
Now the world is getting used to COVID-19 and many countries are announcing a new policy called “Living with COVID”. Now we are too. I will explain….
On March 17, 2022, Pa-Auk Pyin Oo Lwin literally started to live with COVID. On that day, there were 5 monks that were sick and tested positive. When lunch came, we were on high alert. Massive testing happened within the next few days and we went from 12 positive cases to 25 and then to 35 and now we are at 50 cases for the male size and 15 for the female side only one week later.
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7 Lockdown Suggestions From A Monk
These days, the lockdowns are in full swing. The question is, “What do you do with your time?” Perhaps you are out of work, or retired like my parents. What do you do? As a monk, lockdowns or “stay at home” orders are not much of a big deal unless a medical problem arises.
Since April, we have been on a more serious lockdown to the point where it has affected the food variety to mostly long shelf-life food items.
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Covid-19 Lockdown @ Pa-Auk
Going for Alms at Pa-Auk
The world has has begun to know about Covid-19 and unfortunately, some countries know it better than others. As a monk, I try to stay away from basic web internet except one day per week, but I still hear what goes on and as of today, April 6th, 2020, Myanmar has 21 cases and one death. The number grows slowly in the beginning as you all might know and it is uncertain what will become of the virus in weeks to come.
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Pa-Auk Lockdown #3: Living With COVID
Now the world is getting used to COVID-19 and many countries are announcing a new policy called “Living with COVID”. Now we are too. I will explain….
On March 17, 2022, Pa-Auk Pyin Oo Lwin literally started to live with COVID. On that day, there were 5 monks that were sick and tested positive. When lunch came, we were on high alert. Massive testing happened within the next few days and we went from 12 positive cases to 25 and then to 35 and now we are at 50 cases for the male size and 15 for the female side only one week later.
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Pa-Auk Lockdown #3: Living With COVID
Now the world is getting used to COVID-19 and many countries are announcing a new policy called “Living with COVID”. Now we are too. I will explain….
On March 17, 2022, Pa-Auk Pyin Oo Lwin literally started to live with COVID. On that day, there were 5 monks that were sick and tested positive. When lunch came, we were on high alert. Massive testing happened within the next few days and we went from 12 positive cases to 25 and then to 35 and now we are at 50 cases for the male size and 15 for the female side only one week later.
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Making Natural Brooms
Sayadaw holding one of his finished brooms
Natural fiber brooms are quite common in Theravadan countries such as Myanmar, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, and Laos. Since the plants that are used to make brooms grow in our monastery, one of our very senior monks takes pleasure in making brooms when he needs to stretch his legs after a long meditation. It is strange, but since our main job is to meditate, working can be a leisure activity!
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Making Natural Brooms
Sayadaw holding one of his finished brooms
Natural fiber brooms are quite common in Theravadan countries such as Myanmar, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, and Laos. Since the plants that are used to make brooms grow in our monastery, one of our very senior monks takes pleasure in making brooms when he needs to stretch his legs after a long meditation. It is strange, but since our main job is to meditate, working can be a leisure activity!
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Video: Knowing And Seeing Pa-Auk Forest Monastery
From Knowing and Seeing Pa-Auk Forest Monastery video
In 2005 I made a video called, “Knowing and Seeing Pa-Auk Forest Monastery.” This is about the Pa-Auk Main Branch in Mawlamyine. Sayadawgyi was young back then and used to climb the stairs to his mountain kuti twice per day. I will miss that.
The title was meant to play with the name of Sayadawgyi’s famous book called, “Knowing and Seeing.” The book is referring to knowing and seeing the detailed Dhammas which were once thought impossible to know and literally “see”.
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Video: Knowing And Seeing Pa-Auk Forest Monastery
From Knowing and Seeing Pa-Auk Forest Monastery video
In 2005 I made a video called, “Knowing and Seeing Pa-Auk Forest Monastery.” This is about the Pa-Auk Main Branch in Mawlamyine. Sayadawgyi was young back then and used to climb the stairs to his mountain kuti twice per day. I will miss that.
The title was meant to play with the name of Sayadawgyi’s famous book called, “Knowing and Seeing.” The book is referring to knowing and seeing the detailed Dhammas which were once thought impossible to know and literally “see”.
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Pa-Auk Forest Monastery and Pa-Auk Sayadaw Shared Names
Pa-Auk Main Gate (cc-by-sa)
Pa-Auk Forest Monastery and Pa-Auk Sayadaw share the same names. Why is that?
Some people might question why Pa-Auk Forest Monastery and Venerable Pa-Auk Sayadaw have the same names. Did the Pa-Auk Sayadaw name his monastery after himself to immortalize his name? Is this an ego trip? What is the who, what, were, when, why, and how of this story?
Who? Venerable Pa-Auk Sayadawgyi (cc-by-sa)
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Having Fun At The Pa-Auk Dentist Clinic
(Republished from June, 2015)
Having Fun At The Pa-Auk Dentist Clinic (Repost/refurbish from June, 2015*)
Because dentists are very expensive in America and the Pa-Auk dental clinic has pretty good sanitary conditions (for Myanmar), I went for a checkup before my trip to Hawai’i. Usually in Asia, you only go to a dentist when there is pain but I had some sensitivity I wanted to get checked and I waited for the Saturday dentist who is known on the street as “the old retired dentist who takes his time and does a good job.
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500+ monks at Pa-Auk Main. Some slippers go missing, but not these.
500+ monks at paauk main. Some slippers go missing so people mark them with different patterns as a passive way to prevent loss. However, the slippers in the center were not as passive. (Reposted and fixed lost picture from 2013)
Look at the writing on the slippers “No for Your” (Not for you).
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Pa-Auk Monastery Alms Line in Myanmar
I recently found this video in my Google Drive. I had a layperson (probably UKZ) follow me around in the line to show what it was like for a monk to go through the alms food line at Pa-Auk Main Center, Mawlamyine, Myanmar. It is not easy to manage so many donors with big hearts to give. Most of the time, I am giving hand signals to get less food. You might want to play this at double speed.
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Video: Knowing And Seeing Pa-Auk Forest Monastery
From Knowing and Seeing Pa-Auk Forest Monastery video
In 2005 I made a video called, “Knowing and Seeing Pa-Auk Forest Monastery.” This is about the Pa-Auk Main Branch in Mawlamyine. Sayadawgyi was young back then and used to climb the stairs to his mountain kuti twice per day. I will miss that.
The title was meant to play with the name of Sayadawgyi’s famous book called, “Knowing and Seeing.” The book is referring to knowing and seeing the detailed Dhammas which were once thought impossible to know and literally “see”.
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Covid-19 Lockdown @ Pa-Auk
Going for Alms at Pa-Auk
The world has has begun to know about Covid-19 and unfortunately, some countries know it better than others. As a monk, I try to stay away from basic web internet except one day per week, but I still hear what goes on and as of today, April 6th, 2020, Myanmar has 21 cases and one death. The number grows slowly in the beginning as you all might know and it is uncertain what will become of the virus in weeks to come.
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Leaving Kaua'i On A Jet Plane
As the rest of the song goes.. “And I don’t know when I’ll be back again.”
It has been almost 1.5 years living on Kaua’i. I have had an incredible experience here by doing an experiment to see if a monk can establish a monastery any place he travels to through the lost art of wandering for alms. A practice done in the name of the Buddha but rarely practised anymore.
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Racism in Asia, Myanmar, and Monasteries
Racism in Asia, Myanmar and Monasteries I remember when I came to Sri Lanka, in 2007 and I met a monk who said he was from Slovenia. “Slovenia? What kind of country is that?” I told him that I had memorized the world map in school, but I didn’t remember any “Slovenia.” There happened to be a large world map in the other room and he called me over to see it.
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Inspiration, move me brightly
Alms Inspiration is like a bright star that shines among the dim. In Monastic life, there are few monasteries or monks that really inspire people. Following the vinaya (or rules) inspires people. It is tried and tested.
This was an old picture when I was in a vinaya monastery that follows all of the rules including the “basic ten rules” that a 7 year old beginner monk is supposed to follow.
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Visit to Varanasi Monastery, Mingaladon
Sima of Varanasi Monastery. A Brief Visit to Varanasi Monastery, Mingaladon
I had a few more days before I was allowed to arrive at ITBM University (I am there now). Very close by is one of my favorite monasteries in the Yangon District. Actually, there are very few choices for monks who follow the monk’s rules (Vinaya) if you want to live with like minded vinaya monks. Even though Pa-Auk is a vinaya monastery, there is not the same consistency of monks who have vinaya in their hearts.
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Pa-Auk Monastery in Mudon
Kyownpine Pa-Auk Branch Monastery in Mudon, Myanmar. I have moved to Yorgo Sayadaw ’s new monastery called Kyownpine. The Yorgo Sayadaw read my first ordination transaction 15 years ago and invited me to come. He speaks no English, but we have fun together. Such a lovely place, lots of Metta here. Good views, cool at night (75 degrees), nice kuti.
This place is suitable for foreigners to live at complete with proper vinaya (monks’ rules).
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Patimokkha Chant Feb 15, 2022
Yesterday, I recited the 227 rules of the Pātimokkha for 110 bhikkhus at Pa-Auk Meditation Center in Pyin Oo Lwin. When a monk recites the Pātimokkha, traditionally he does so by memory and not by reading. My recitation was not the best quality, but it was not so bad considering I only started when I was 47, and I have only done this 5 times now. However, the recitations get better and better each time I do it and I hope improvement continues until perfection.
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Patimokkha Chant Feb 15, 2022
Yesterday, I recited the 227 rules of the Pātimokkha for 110 bhikkhus at Pa-Auk Meditation Center in Pyin Oo Lwin. When a monk recites the Pātimokkha, traditionally he does so by memory and not by reading. My recitation was not the best quality, but it was not so bad considering I only started when I was 47, and I have only done this 5 times now. However, the recitations get better and better each time I do it and I hope improvement continues until perfection.
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When Does Rainy Season Start?
Recently, I got a nice message from a monk friend telling me he was taking vassa (3 month Rainy Season Retreat) on July 23rd (the Full Moon Day) and wishing me a happy vassa before he goes offline for three months. However, we at Pa-Auk are taking the vassa today on July 24 (the day after the Full Moon Day). The calendars often say it starts on the Full Moon Day, but we don’t do that at Pa-Auk.
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My Blackjack Anniversary
Eating Hall Feb 7 2022
Today is my 21rst anniversary for when I first got ordained as a monk on February 7th, 2001. As you know there was a hiccup and I ordained twice (back to back) leaving me with an official age of 15 years. However, the total years is 21 and this is my blackjack year when I first got my name.
There were many reasons why I wanted to ordain as a Buddhist Monk.
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My Blackjack Anniversary
Eating Hall Feb 7 2022
Today is my 21rst anniversary for when I first got ordained as a monk on February 7th, 2001. As you know there was a hiccup and I ordained twice (back to back) leaving me with an official age of 15 years. However, the total years is 21 and this is my blackjack year when I first got my name.
There were many reasons why I wanted to ordain as a Buddhist Monk.
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What is a Kuti?
A kuṭi is a small hut or lodging that a monk lives in and it is one of the basic four requisites: Robes, Food, Lodging, & Medicine. They come in various sizes and qualities and I have prepared a small showcase of pictures which can show more than just the words. We are supposed to reflect on the utilitarian purpose of the lodging, also called senāsana. Before we begin, here is a small sample of the morning chanting monks must chant everyday.
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Umbrella Shop 2004-2014
Monks walking up the monastery road near the library 2014. (Double umbrella)
Excerpt from Going For Broke: Monasterynote5: Walkman Karaoke, 2004
Rainy Season is luckily my favorite and I love all five months of it. It is the perfect temperature also, not too hot, not too cold. It’s quiet and the noises around me get white washed out from the rain striking the metal corrugated roofing. We had over 350 Bhikkhus and a total of more than 600 residents this past Rainy Season (2004).
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When Does Rainy Season Start?
Recently, I got a nice message from a monk friend telling me he was taking vassa (3 month Rainy Season Retreat) on July 23rd (the Full Moon Day) and wishing me a happy vassa before he goes offline for three months. However, we at Pa-Auk are taking the vassa today on July 24 (the day after the Full Moon Day). The calendars often say it starts on the Full Moon Day, but we don’t do that at Pa-Auk.
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Why Is Vassa (Rainy Season) Late Sometimes?
Please note: this was written in 2020 but also applies to 2023. Vassa starts on August 1, 2023.
There seems to be confusion about when vassa is this year. This year is a special year and Vassa starts the day after the full moon day in August. The full moon day is August 3rd and Vassa starts on August 4th.
However, there are some traditions that believe that Vassa has already started with the full moon day of July 4th and Vassa on July 5th.
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Umbrella Shop 2004-2014
Monks walking up the monastery road near the library 2014. (Double umbrella)
Excerpt from Going For Broke: Monasterynote5: Walkman Karaoke, 2004
Rainy Season is luckily my favorite and I love all five months of it. It is the perfect temperature also, not too hot, not too cold. It’s quiet and the noises around me get white washed out from the rain striking the metal corrugated roofing. We had over 350 Bhikkhus and a total of more than 600 residents this past Rainy Season (2004).
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Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?
Copyright notice.. picture by Kim Traynor cc-by-sa
Note: This post is not for everyone. Those who claim to be bhikkhunis and supporters of the movement, and monks and nuns in general will find this interesting.
Did you know that bhikkhunis (nuns) are not allowed to sleep alone or travel alone and if they do, they are sentenced to 2 weeks of rehabilitation and lose their full status as bhikkhunis during this period?
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Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?
Copyright notice.. picture by Kim Traynor cc-by-sa
Note: This post is not for everyone. Those who claim to be bhikkhunis and supporters of the movement, and monks and nuns in general will find this interesting.
Did you know that bhikkhunis (nuns) are not allowed to sleep alone or travel alone and if they do, they are sentenced to 2 weeks of rehabilitation and lose their full status as bhikkhunis during this period?
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Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?
Copyright notice.. picture by Kim Traynor cc-by-sa
Note: This post is not for everyone. Those who claim to be bhikkhunis and supporters of the movement, and monks and nuns in general will find this interesting.
Did you know that bhikkhunis (nuns) are not allowed to sleep alone or travel alone and if they do, they are sentenced to 2 weeks of rehabilitation and lose their full status as bhikkhunis during this period?
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Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?
Copyright notice.. picture by Kim Traynor cc-by-sa
Note: This post is not for everyone. Those who claim to be bhikkhunis and supporters of the movement, and monks and nuns in general will find this interesting.
Did you know that bhikkhunis (nuns) are not allowed to sleep alone or travel alone and if they do, they are sentenced to 2 weeks of rehabilitation and lose their full status as bhikkhunis during this period?
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Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?
Copyright notice.. picture by Kim Traynor cc-by-sa
Note: This post is not for everyone. Those who claim to be bhikkhunis and supporters of the movement, and monks and nuns in general will find this interesting.
Did you know that bhikkhunis (nuns) are not allowed to sleep alone or travel alone and if they do, they are sentenced to 2 weeks of rehabilitation and lose their full status as bhikkhunis during this period?
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Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?
Copyright notice.. picture by Kim Traynor cc-by-sa
Note: This post is not for everyone. Those who claim to be bhikkhunis and supporters of the movement, and monks and nuns in general will find this interesting.
Did you know that bhikkhunis (nuns) are not allowed to sleep alone or travel alone and if they do, they are sentenced to 2 weeks of rehabilitation and lose their full status as bhikkhunis during this period?
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Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?
Copyright notice.. picture by Kim Traynor cc-by-sa
Note: This post is not for everyone. Those who claim to be bhikkhunis and supporters of the movement, and monks and nuns in general will find this interesting.
Did you know that bhikkhunis (nuns) are not allowed to sleep alone or travel alone and if they do, they are sentenced to 2 weeks of rehabilitation and lose their full status as bhikkhunis during this period?
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Should Bhikkhunis Be Sent To Probation Monasteries?
Copyright notice.. picture by Kim Traynor cc-by-sa
Note: This post is not for everyone. Those who claim to be bhikkhunis and supporters of the movement, and monks and nuns in general will find this interesting.
Did you know that bhikkhunis (nuns) are not allowed to sleep alone or travel alone and if they do, they are sentenced to 2 weeks of rehabilitation and lose their full status as bhikkhunis during this period?
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Happy Boxing Day
Robin Hutton cc-nc-sa https://www.flickr.com/photos/robinhutton/35838229270
What to do when someone “gives” anger? Today, December 26th is Boxing Day. It is on this day when people give gifts to the poor, perhaps the gifts you received on Christmas but did not want to keep. It is also a day to give money or boxes to employees. Happy Boxing Day!
The Buddha has spoken about not accepting gifts in his famous sutta in regard to those who give “anger”.
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Happy Boxing Day
Robin Hutton cc-nc-sa https://www.flickr.com/photos/robinhutton/35838229270
What to do when someone “gives” anger? Today, December 26th is Boxing Day. It is on this day when people give gifts to the poor, perhaps the gifts you received on Christmas but did not want to keep. It is also a day to give money or boxes to employees. Happy Boxing Day!
The Buddha has spoken about not accepting gifts in his famous sutta in regard to those who give “anger”.
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Happy Boxing Day
Robin Hutton cc-nc-sa https://www.flickr.com/photos/robinhutton/35838229270
What to do when someone “gives” anger? Today, December 26th is Boxing Day. It is on this day when people give gifts to the poor, perhaps the gifts you received on Christmas but did not want to keep. It is also a day to give money or boxes to employees. Happy Boxing Day!
The Buddha has spoken about not accepting gifts in his famous sutta in regard to those who give “anger”.
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Accused Of Being Psychic
Accused of Being Psychic
A brief video describing this story has been added to this post below. The longer story is below that.
I think it was in 2003 or 2004 when I was at Pa-Auk Meditation Center when this event happened to me. I was at the mountain meditation hall during the meditation break and I saw a yogi dressed in white yogi clothes. His outfit basically looked like pajamas to most Westerners, but if you know the meditation scene and you know how the foreigners usually dress at Pa-Auk, then you would know that he was a serious yogi.
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Accused Of Being Psychic
Accused of Being Psychic
A brief video describing this story has been added to this post below. The longer story is below that.
I think it was in 2003 or 2004 when I was at Pa-Auk Meditation Center when this event happened to me. I was at the mountain meditation hall during the meditation break and I saw a yogi dressed in white yogi clothes. His outfit basically looked like pajamas to most Westerners, but if you know the meditation scene and you know how the foreigners usually dress at Pa-Auk, then you would know that he was a serious yogi.
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Accused Of Being Psychic
Accused of Being Psychic
A brief video describing this story has been added to this post below. The longer story is below that.
I think it was in 2003 or 2004 when I was at Pa-Auk Meditation Center when this event happened to me. I was at the mountain meditation hall during the meditation break and I saw a yogi dressed in white yogi clothes. His outfit basically looked like pajamas to most Westerners, but if you know the meditation scene and you know how the foreigners usually dress at Pa-Auk, then you would know that he was a serious yogi.
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Monk Towels and Soap
Very few people from the West know about what the monks use for their bath towels and their bathing soap. Monks use items that are much different than those found in the West, although commonly known in Myanmar and other Buddhist countries. Furthermore, the monks use these items because of the monk rules associated with them in addition to the abundance and low cost.
Monks at Pa-Auk usually use small hand towels instead of normal “wrap-around” sized towels.
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Monk Towels and Soap
Very few people from the West know about what the monks use for their bath towels and their bathing soap. Monks use items that are much different than those found in the West, although commonly known in Myanmar and other Buddhist countries. Furthermore, the monks use these items because of the monk rules associated with them in addition to the abundance and low cost.
Monks at Pa-Auk usually use small hand towels instead of normal “wrap-around” sized towels.
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What is an Overturned Bowl?
Pa-Auk Bowl Blackening Foundry (not a political picture)
We have seen many Facebook selfies of politically active monks with their bowls turned upside down. What does this mean and is that proper?
The answer is: What you see on Facebook is not proper for monks or nuns. What you see on the news with monks and nuns as protesters is not proper. Overturning a bowl is an official Buddhist act, but what you have seen on Facebook and on the news are not official acts of overturning a bowl.
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Inspire Means To Leave Facebook
Inspire Means To Leave Facebook Much of what I write about is related to stories that happen to me that would charge me up and make me feel inspired. I would then write down what happened and share it with others. Often my stories are related to vinaya – the monks’ rules and living without money. These days it is special for a monk to live without money and I can inspire people simply by following the rules.
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What is an Overturned Bowl?
Pa-Auk Bowl Blackening Foundry (not a political picture)
We have seen many Facebook selfies of politically active monks with their bowls turned upside down. What does this mean and is that proper?
The answer is: What you see on Facebook is not proper for monks or nuns. What you see on the news with monks and nuns as protesters is not proper. Overturning a bowl is an official Buddhist act, but what you have seen on Facebook and on the news are not official acts of overturning a bowl.
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What is an Overturned Bowl?
Pa-Auk Bowl Blackening Foundry (not a political picture)
We have seen many Facebook selfies of politically active monks with their bowls turned upside down. What does this mean and is that proper?
The answer is: What you see on Facebook is not proper for monks or nuns. What you see on the news with monks and nuns as protesters is not proper. Overturning a bowl is an official Buddhist act, but what you have seen on Facebook and on the news are not official acts of overturning a bowl.
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What is an Overturned Bowl?
Pa-Auk Bowl Blackening Foundry (not a political picture)
We have seen many Facebook selfies of politically active monks with their bowls turned upside down. What does this mean and is that proper?
The answer is: What you see on Facebook is not proper for monks or nuns. What you see on the news with monks and nuns as protesters is not proper. Overturning a bowl is an official Buddhist act, but what you have seen on Facebook and on the news are not official acts of overturning a bowl.
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What is an Overturned Bowl?
Pa-Auk Bowl Blackening Foundry (not a political picture)
We have seen many Facebook selfies of politically active monks with their bowls turned upside down. What does this mean and is that proper?
The answer is: What you see on Facebook is not proper for monks or nuns. What you see on the news with monks and nuns as protesters is not proper. Overturning a bowl is an official Buddhist act, but what you have seen on Facebook and on the news are not official acts of overturning a bowl.
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What is an Overturned Bowl?
Pa-Auk Bowl Blackening Foundry (not a political picture)
We have seen many Facebook selfies of politically active monks with their bowls turned upside down. What does this mean and is that proper?
The answer is: What you see on Facebook is not proper for monks or nuns. What you see on the news with monks and nuns as protesters is not proper. Overturning a bowl is an official Buddhist act, but what you have seen on Facebook and on the news are not official acts of overturning a bowl.
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What is an Overturned Bowl?
Pa-Auk Bowl Blackening Foundry (not a political picture)
We have seen many Facebook selfies of politically active monks with their bowls turned upside down. What does this mean and is that proper?
The answer is: What you see on Facebook is not proper for monks or nuns. What you see on the news with monks and nuns as protesters is not proper. Overturning a bowl is an official Buddhist act, but what you have seen on Facebook and on the news are not official acts of overturning a bowl.
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How To Memorize Pāḷi by Rote Method
Title Page
In America, the Rote Method of learning is belittled as “learning like a parrot” and rarely or never taught in the Western school systems. However, it is a useful brute force method for memorizing Pali texts and the only way to memorize longer word for word Pāḷi texts such as the Pātimokkha. This system is used extensively in Myanmar schools and Myanmar study monasteries. If you hear lots of noise in the classrooms, rote learning is what they are doing.
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I Finally Did It!
I Finally Did It! This Rainy Season (Vassa) I was able to learn the Pātimokkha (227 Rules) by heart. It is the first round and it takes me a long time to do it, and there are mistakes. Never the less, it is considered “learned” and “memorized” at this stage. I will hopefully recite the Pātimokkha for the full moon November 3rd if all goes well. I need to get my 2+ hours of recitation down to at least 1:15 minutes.
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Today I Saved A Cockroach
Today I saved an upside down cockroach in my bathroom. I thought he was dead but then saw that he was still alive and moving. I was late for breakfast and decided I would save him after I came back, but I became very overwhelmed with guilt 10 seconds later and could not go further. So I grabbed a tissue and picked him up with care knowing not to squeeze too hard.
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Today I Saved A Cockroach
Today I saved an upside down cockroach in my bathroom. I thought he was dead but then saw that he was still alive and moving. I was late for breakfast and decided I would save him after I came back, but I became very overwhelmed with guilt 10 seconds later and could not go further. So I grabbed a tissue and picked him up with care knowing not to squeeze too hard.
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Sabbe Satta -All Beings
reposted from https://withmetta.net (2016) . When a Buddhist monk says “sabbe satta,” that is a shorthand for metta practice. “Sabbe satta” means “all beings.”
One of my friend’s collects the leftover food and cakes and says or acts on this everyday after each meal at the Mudon Pa-Auk monastery. But in reality, even though he says “sabbe satta,” he really just seems to feed the birds with the leftover food and cakes.
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Making Helmut Schmidt’s Day
A Story from 1993 from my college days, before the Internet was around.
I remember all the way back in ‘93, when I was in college and I had just spent a few weeks in China for an academic scholarship. Because I was now some type of “International” student, I was asked to attend a “lunch hour” question and answer session with Helmut Schmitt. Although I had international travel experience, I was hardly experienced in “international issues,” and I did not even know who or what he was.
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The Blue Room Session and Update

Today I Saved A Cockroach
Today I saved an upside down cockroach in my bathroom. I thought he was dead but then saw that he was still alive and moving. I was late for breakfast and decided I would save him after I came back, but I became very overwhelmed with guilt 10 seconds later and could not go further. So I grabbed a tissue and picked him up with care knowing not to squeeze too hard.
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Today I Saved A Cockroach
Today I saved an upside down cockroach in my bathroom. I thought he was dead but then saw that he was still alive and moving. I was late for breakfast and decided I would save him after I came back, but I became very overwhelmed with guilt 10 seconds later and could not go further. So I grabbed a tissue and picked him up with care knowing not to squeeze too hard.
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Memorizing The Noble Eightfold Path
I took a small poll among seasoned Buddhists to see who could list all eight factors of The Noble Eightfold Path in English from memory and not many did so well. How can one follow a Path that one does not know? These factors should be said to oneself daily if one truly wishes to walk on the Path. To help with Buddhist literacy, I made a basic video that helps people memorize The Noble Eightfold Path in English.
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Memorizing The Noble Eightfold Path
I took a small poll among seasoned Buddhists to see who could list all eight factors of The Noble Eightfold Path in English from memory and not many did so well. How can one follow a Path that one does not know? These factors should be said to oneself daily if one truly wishes to walk on the Path. To help with Buddhist literacy, I made a basic video that helps people memorize The Noble Eightfold Path in English.
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Memorizing The Noble Eightfold Path
I took a small poll among seasoned Buddhists to see who could list all eight factors of The Noble Eightfold Path in English from memory and not many did so well. How can one follow a Path that one does not know? These factors should be said to oneself daily if one truly wishes to walk on the Path. To help with Buddhist literacy, I made a basic video that helps people memorize The Noble Eightfold Path in English.
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Toothpaste In A Gated Community
My near-empty tube of Meswak next to the new one
At Pa-Auk, we get different items throughout the year. Sometimes we keep them, and sometimes we give them away. I usually give my extra items away quickly so I don’t end up with a private Walmart inside my kuti. However, I do plan ahead sometimes.
I prefer using strong fluoride toothpaste after lunch and then using a natural toothpaste in the evening after our 5 pm juice offering.
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Toothpaste In A Gated Community
My near-empty tube of Meswak next to the new one
At Pa-Auk, we get different items throughout the year. Sometimes we keep them, and sometimes we give them away. I usually give my extra items away quickly so I don’t end up with a private Walmart inside my kuti. However, I do plan ahead sometimes.
I prefer using strong fluoride toothpaste after lunch and then using a natural toothpaste in the evening after our 5 pm juice offering.
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Toothpaste In A Gated Community
My near-empty tube of Meswak next to the new one
At Pa-Auk, we get different items throughout the year. Sometimes we keep them, and sometimes we give them away. I usually give my extra items away quickly so I don’t end up with a private Walmart inside my kuti. However, I do plan ahead sometimes.
I prefer using strong fluoride toothpaste after lunch and then using a natural toothpaste in the evening after our 5 pm juice offering.
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Toothpaste In A Gated Community
My near-empty tube of Meswak next to the new one
At Pa-Auk, we get different items throughout the year. Sometimes we keep them, and sometimes we give them away. I usually give my extra items away quickly so I don’t end up with a private Walmart inside my kuti. However, I do plan ahead sometimes.
I prefer using strong fluoride toothpaste after lunch and then using a natural toothpaste in the evening after our 5 pm juice offering.
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Suttanta Versus Abhidhamma Rivers
Irrawaddi River, Bagan, 2015
There seems to be quite a bit of confusion about what the Abhidhamma is all about. If I were to describe a river based on Suttanta values and then describe it again in terms of Abhidhamma and commentary values, Abhidhamma will be very clear in its validity and purpose. I don’t recall the Buddha explaining rivers in Suttas in the way I will explain them. However, I will try to explain them “as if” they were spoken in the Suttas and also “as if” they were mentioned in the Abhidhamma and Commentaries.
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Suttanta Versus Abhidhamma Rivers
Irrawaddi River, Bagan, 2015
There seems to be quite a bit of confusion about what the Abhidhamma is all about. If I were to describe a river based on Suttanta values and then describe it again in terms of Abhidhamma and commentary values, Abhidhamma will be very clear in its validity and purpose. I don’t recall the Buddha explaining rivers in Suttas in the way I will explain them. However, I will try to explain them “as if” they were spoken in the Suttas and also “as if” they were mentioned in the Abhidhamma and Commentaries.
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Abhidhamma Lessons: A Top-Down Approach Using Computer Science
Free Book: Abhidhamma Lessons PDF Abhidhamma Lessons
Here is a book I wrote long ago that relates the Abhidhamma to Computer Science. As a programmer from the nineties, I “clicked” with the abhidhamma after reading just a small amount. When I learned that the mind does only one thing at a time, it instantly clicked with a graduate class I had taken on digital circuits. It gave me the faith in the Abhidhamma early on which is very rare among Western Monks and Western Theravada Buddhist lay people.
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Suttanta Versus Abhidhamma Rivers
Irrawaddi River, Bagan, 2015
There seems to be quite a bit of confusion about what the Abhidhamma is all about. If I were to describe a river based on Suttanta values and then describe it again in terms of Abhidhamma and commentary values, Abhidhamma will be very clear in its validity and purpose. I don’t recall the Buddha explaining rivers in Suttas in the way I will explain them. However, I will try to explain them “as if” they were spoken in the Suttas and also “as if” they were mentioned in the Abhidhamma and Commentaries.
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Suttanta Versus Abhidhamma Rivers
Irrawaddi River, Bagan, 2015
There seems to be quite a bit of confusion about what the Abhidhamma is all about. If I were to describe a river based on Suttanta values and then describe it again in terms of Abhidhamma and commentary values, Abhidhamma will be very clear in its validity and purpose. I don’t recall the Buddha explaining rivers in Suttas in the way I will explain them. However, I will try to explain them “as if” they were spoken in the Suttas and also “as if” they were mentioned in the Abhidhamma and Commentaries.
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Did The Buddha Know Einstein's Theory?
Einstein formula on blackboard see this [link for attributio](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Einstein_formula_on_blackboard_20190401.webp" >}}n
The Mass–energy equivalence is one of the most famous physics equations known to the general population. Did the Buddha know this beforehand? We all know this formula as the explanation for how nuclear energy works, but we really don’ t know much more than that.
For my one of my birthdays, I asked a monk who was once a nuclear engineer from Chernobyl to explain to me how it works.
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Suttanta Versus Abhidhamma Rivers
Irrawaddi River, Bagan, 2015
There seems to be quite a bit of confusion about what the Abhidhamma is all about. If I were to describe a river based on Suttanta values and then describe it again in terms of Abhidhamma and commentary values, Abhidhamma will be very clear in its validity and purpose. I don’t recall the Buddha explaining rivers in Suttas in the way I will explain them. However, I will try to explain them “as if” they were spoken in the Suttas and also “as if” they were mentioned in the Abhidhamma and Commentaries.
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Suttanta Versus Abhidhamma Rivers
Irrawaddi River, Bagan, 2015
There seems to be quite a bit of confusion about what the Abhidhamma is all about. If I were to describe a river based on Suttanta values and then describe it again in terms of Abhidhamma and commentary values, Abhidhamma will be very clear in its validity and purpose. I don’t recall the Buddha explaining rivers in Suttas in the way I will explain them. However, I will try to explain them “as if” they were spoken in the Suttas and also “as if” they were mentioned in the Abhidhamma and Commentaries.
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Suttanta Versus Abhidhamma Rivers
Irrawaddi River, Bagan, 2015
There seems to be quite a bit of confusion about what the Abhidhamma is all about. If I were to describe a river based on Suttanta values and then describe it again in terms of Abhidhamma and commentary values, Abhidhamma will be very clear in its validity and purpose. I don’t recall the Buddha explaining rivers in Suttas in the way I will explain them. However, I will try to explain them “as if” they were spoken in the Suttas and also “as if” they were mentioned in the Abhidhamma and Commentaries.
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Suttanta Versus Abhidhamma Rivers
Irrawaddi River, Bagan, 2015
There seems to be quite a bit of confusion about what the Abhidhamma is all about. If I were to describe a river based on Suttanta values and then describe it again in terms of Abhidhamma and commentary values, Abhidhamma will be very clear in its validity and purpose. I don’t recall the Buddha explaining rivers in Suttas in the way I will explain them. However, I will try to explain them “as if” they were spoken in the Suttas and also “as if” they were mentioned in the Abhidhamma and Commentaries.
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Suttanta Versus Abhidhamma Rivers
Irrawaddi River, Bagan, 2015
There seems to be quite a bit of confusion about what the Abhidhamma is all about. If I were to describe a river based on Suttanta values and then describe it again in terms of Abhidhamma and commentary values, Abhidhamma will be very clear in its validity and purpose. I don’t recall the Buddha explaining rivers in Suttas in the way I will explain them. However, I will try to explain them “as if” they were spoken in the Suttas and also “as if” they were mentioned in the Abhidhamma and Commentaries.
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How Long Do Monk's Robes Last?
Various items for Kaṭhina
It is quite common in Myanmar to offer robes at the end of the Rainy Season (vassa) in a ceremony called Kaṭhina. How long do monk’s robes last?
A monk normally has a set of three robes; a lower robe, an upper robe and a double robe sometimes referred to as the outer robe. During Kaṭhina, a set of robes are offered, but usually just the lower and upper robes since the double robe or outer robe lasts a long time.
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Monk Life and Natural Dyeing
A venerable tending the fire for cooking dye
Here are pictures about the natural dyeing process. The monks boil the ironwood tree bark chips for a long time (days). When a drop of dye is dropped in a glass of water, a ball will form and sink to the bottom. At that point, the dye master will empty that batch of dye into containers and then reboil the same chips with fresh water to make more dye.
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How Long Do Monk's Robes Last?
Various items for Kaṭhina
It is quite common in Myanmar to offer robes at the end of the Rainy Season (vassa) in a ceremony called Kaṭhina. How long do monk’s robes last?
A monk normally has a set of three robes; a lower robe, an upper robe and a double robe sometimes referred to as the outer robe. During Kaṭhina, a set of robes are offered, but usually just the lower and upper robes since the double robe or outer robe lasts a long time.
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How Long Do Monk's Robes Last?
Various items for Kaṭhina
It is quite common in Myanmar to offer robes at the end of the Rainy Season (vassa) in a ceremony called Kaṭhina. How long do monk’s robes last?
A monk normally has a set of three robes; a lower robe, an upper robe and a double robe sometimes referred to as the outer robe. During Kaṭhina, a set of robes are offered, but usually just the lower and upper robes since the double robe or outer robe lasts a long time.
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The Monastery Murder Massacre
Artistic digital recreation of Migalaṇḍika (an ascetic who looked like a monk)
The Monastery Murder Massacre that happened in Vesālī during the time of The Buddha is not well known among lay people. It was because of this massacre that The Buddha made a rule about killing humans. For the first 20 years, there were no rules and this was the third rule that was ever created. Before this, the monks intuitively knew what was proper and there was no need for rules.
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The Monastery Murder Massacre
Artistic digital recreation of Migalaṇḍika (an ascetic who looked like a monk)
The Monastery Murder Massacre that happened in Vesālī during the time of The Buddha is not well known among lay people. It was because of this massacre that The Buddha made a rule about killing humans. For the first 20 years, there were no rules and this was the third rule that was ever created. Before this, the monks intuitively knew what was proper and there was no need for rules.
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The Monastery Murder Massacre
Artistic digital recreation of Migalaṇḍika (an ascetic who looked like a monk)
The Monastery Murder Massacre that happened in Vesālī during the time of The Buddha is not well known among lay people. It was because of this massacre that The Buddha made a rule about killing humans. For the first 20 years, there were no rules and this was the third rule that was ever created. Before this, the monks intuitively knew what was proper and there was no need for rules.
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The Monastery Murder Massacre
Artistic digital recreation of Migalaṇḍika (an ascetic who looked like a monk)
The Monastery Murder Massacre that happened in Vesālī during the time of The Buddha is not well known among lay people. It was because of this massacre that The Buddha made a rule about killing humans. For the first 20 years, there were no rules and this was the third rule that was ever created. Before this, the monks intuitively knew what was proper and there was no need for rules.
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Murder He Won't
A friend of mine once told me his story about how he had a knife in his hand and was raging with anger. He was going to kill his wife and her new found lover. Below is a short retelling of the story in third person.
The Story My friend from the former Soviet Union did his first Goenka meditation retreat in 1999. The retreat was free and was very popular around the world.
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The Monastery Murder Massacre
Artistic digital recreation of Migalaṇḍika (an ascetic who looked like a monk)
The Monastery Murder Massacre that happened in Vesālī during the time of The Buddha is not well known among lay people. It was because of this massacre that The Buddha made a rule about killing humans. For the first 20 years, there were no rules and this was the third rule that was ever created. Before this, the monks intuitively knew what was proper and there was no need for rules.
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Basic Pali Terms for Dhamma
Burmese Pāḷi
I have made a list of the most basic Pāḷi terms which will help you in your Theravāda Buddhist Readings and listening to Dhamma Talks. I could have added more, but there are already 165+ terms. I have decided to sort the words in alphabetical order so I would not have to decide which were the most important. Grouping the words would have also given me the same dilemma.
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The Most Basic Pali Chants to Learn
Myanmar Pali Script (credit at bottom link.. cc-sa-attrib)
There are many different Pāḷi chants to learn, yet I wanted to list the absolute basic chants that one should learn. If you are interested in Pāḷi chanting, these are the first to learn. The most basic and essential chants for beginning lay people should know are listed in order of importance:
Namo Tassa, Triple Gem with the 5 precepts, Bare bones Triple Gem chant of the 24 qualities of the Buddha, Dhamma and Saṅgha.
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Basic Pali Terms for Dhamma
Burmese Pāḷi
I have made a list of the most basic Pāḷi terms which will help you in your Theravāda Buddhist Readings and listening to Dhamma Talks. I could have added more, but there are already 165+ terms. I have decided to sort the words in alphabetical order so I would not have to decide which were the most important. Grouping the words would have also given me the same dilemma.
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The Most Basic Pali Chants to Learn
Myanmar Pali Script (credit at bottom link.. cc-sa-attrib)
There are many different Pāḷi chants to learn, yet I wanted to list the absolute basic chants that one should learn. If you are interested in Pāḷi chanting, these are the first to learn. The most basic and essential chants for beginning lay people should know are listed in order of importance:
Namo Tassa, Triple Gem with the 5 precepts, Bare bones Triple Gem chant of the 24 qualities of the Buddha, Dhamma and Saṅgha.
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Basic Pali Terms for Dhamma
Burmese Pāḷi
I have made a list of the most basic Pāḷi terms which will help you in your Theravāda Buddhist Readings and listening to Dhamma Talks. I could have added more, but there are already 165+ terms. I have decided to sort the words in alphabetical order so I would not have to decide which were the most important. Grouping the words would have also given me the same dilemma.
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Basic Pali Terms for Dhamma
Burmese Pāḷi
I have made a list of the most basic Pāḷi terms which will help you in your Theravāda Buddhist Readings and listening to Dhamma Talks. I could have added more, but there are already 165+ terms. I have decided to sort the words in alphabetical order so I would not have to decide which were the most important. Grouping the words would have also given me the same dilemma.
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Basic Pali Terms for Dhamma
Burmese Pāḷi
I have made a list of the most basic Pāḷi terms which will help you in your Theravāda Buddhist Readings and listening to Dhamma Talks. I could have added more, but there are already 165+ terms. I have decided to sort the words in alphabetical order so I would not have to decide which were the most important. Grouping the words would have also given me the same dilemma.
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Only In The West, Only In Asia
Only In The West, Only In Asia
Different Cultures, Different Views Many Westerners don’t understand or appreciate the old Buddhist texts or teachings. They are very different from Asian culture and history. They find it hard to relate to them.
Let me give you an example. This is a picture and story of a bidet (a device that sprays water to clean your private parts after using the toilet).
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Pa-Auk Vaccination 2021
Injection on Western resident monk
Pa-Auk finally vaccinated 2000 of its residents across its branch monasteries with a privately sponsored SinoPharm vaccine. Pa-Auk Pyin Oo Lwin branch had its vaccines delivered on September 18th, 2021 with about half of the total population signed up. Vaccination was voluntary and provided by donors.
While it did take a long time for us to get the vaccine, the government did invite us for the vaccine back in April or May 2021.
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Covid-19 Lockdown @ Pa-Auk
Going for Alms at Pa-Auk
The world has has begun to know about Covid-19 and unfortunately, some countries know it better than others. As a monk, I try to stay away from basic web internet except one day per week, but I still hear what goes on and as of today, April 6th, 2020, Myanmar has 21 cases and one death. The number grows slowly in the beginning as you all might know and it is uncertain what will become of the virus in weeks to come.
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Pa-Auk Vaccination 2021
Injection on Western resident monk
Pa-Auk finally vaccinated 2000 of its residents across its branch monasteries with a privately sponsored SinoPharm vaccine. Pa-Auk Pyin Oo Lwin branch had its vaccines delivered on September 18th, 2021 with about half of the total population signed up. Vaccination was voluntary and provided by donors.
While it did take a long time for us to get the vaccine, the government did invite us for the vaccine back in April or May 2021.
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Ajahn Brahm's Dark Jhāna
Does Ajahn Brahm Jhāna Have a Nimitta? Ajahn Brahm (“Ajahn Brahmavamso”) teaches about a samādhi nimitta. However, during jhāna, he says that there is no perception of light. He says that “The nimitta is the gateway to jhāna, but not the object of jhāna itself. Pīti or sukha are the objects of jhāna”.
If you follow Ajahn Brahm, this article will help you follow his teachings better. If you follow another method, this article will help you distinguish the difference.
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Back in Myanmar Headed to Pa-Auk Meditation Center
From the pamc lookout. I am back in Myanmar from Kauai, Hawaii. I will begin the Bus trip to Pa-Auk Meditation Center this morning. What a long transit back that was. Here is a picture taken from Pa-Auk Lookout point that friends and I had fun taking a while back. I will begin the Bus trip to Pa-Auk Meditation Center this morning.
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Pa-Auk Vaccination 2021
Injection on Western resident monk
Pa-Auk finally vaccinated 2000 of its residents across its branch monasteries with a privately sponsored SinoPharm vaccine. Pa-Auk Pyin Oo Lwin branch had its vaccines delivered on September 18th, 2021 with about half of the total population signed up. Vaccination was voluntary and provided by donors.
While it did take a long time for us to get the vaccine, the government did invite us for the vaccine back in April or May 2021.
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Pa-Auk Vaccination 2021
Injection on Western resident monk
Pa-Auk finally vaccinated 2000 of its residents across its branch monasteries with a privately sponsored SinoPharm vaccine. Pa-Auk Pyin Oo Lwin branch had its vaccines delivered on September 18th, 2021 with about half of the total population signed up. Vaccination was voluntary and provided by donors.
While it did take a long time for us to get the vaccine, the government did invite us for the vaccine back in April or May 2021.
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Buddhist Sun App
Download Android App Download iOS App Recently I made a mobile app to help me know when the Solar Noon is approaching and past.
Why Is the Sun Important for Bhikkhus? Why Is The Sun Important for 8 & 10 Precepts? If you are a monk, nun or a practicing yogi who has vowed to not eat after Noon, you will benefit from this app. The real Solar Noon is not 12:00 pm when it comes to the Buddhist rules because there were no clocks back then.
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Buddhist Sun App
Download Android App Download iOS App Recently I made a mobile app to help me know when the Solar Noon is approaching and past.
Why Is the Sun Important for Bhikkhus? Why Is The Sun Important for 8 & 10 Precepts? If you are a monk, nun or a practicing yogi who has vowed to not eat after Noon, you will benefit from this app. The real Solar Noon is not 12:00 pm when it comes to the Buddhist rules because there were no clocks back then.
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Buddhism and Abortion

Buddhist Sun App
Download Android App Download iOS App Recently I made a mobile app to help me know when the Solar Noon is approaching and past.
Why Is the Sun Important for Bhikkhus? Why Is The Sun Important for 8 & 10 Precepts? If you are a monk, nun or a practicing yogi who has vowed to not eat after Noon, you will benefit from this app. The real Solar Noon is not 12:00 pm when it comes to the Buddhist rules because there were no clocks back then.
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Buddhist Sun App
Download Android App Download iOS App Recently I made a mobile app to help me know when the Solar Noon is approaching and past.
Why Is the Sun Important for Bhikkhus? Why Is The Sun Important for 8 & 10 Precepts? If you are a monk, nun or a practicing yogi who has vowed to not eat after Noon, you will benefit from this app. The real Solar Noon is not 12:00 pm when it comes to the Buddhist rules because there were no clocks back then.
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Buddhist Sun App
Download Android App Download iOS App Recently I made a mobile app to help me know when the Solar Noon is approaching and past.
Why Is the Sun Important for Bhikkhus? Why Is The Sun Important for 8 & 10 Precepts? If you are a monk, nun or a practicing yogi who has vowed to not eat after Noon, you will benefit from this app. The real Solar Noon is not 12:00 pm when it comes to the Buddhist rules because there were no clocks back then.
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Remembering 9/11
cc WTC 9/11, 2001 wikimedia Attribution: Robert J. Fisch
“They always wanted to get that building”
That was what I said when I first heard about 9/11 three or four days later.
I once had a job interview at Merrill Lynch in The World Financial Center which was connected to The World Trade Center by a sky bridge. My goal was to eventually work at WTC, but luckily I didn’t get that job and it was the only job interview I didn’t get an offer on.
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September 11 and Jeremy Glick
September 11th and Jeremy Glick I have a personal story I want to tell you about Jeremy Glick and September 11, 2001. The short story is that my name is Jeremy Glick and I was a computer programmer. However, I had left my regular world in 1999 and people who have lost track of me remembered me when 9/11 happened. About seven months after I ordained as a Buddhist Monk in 2001, the famous 9/11 or September 11th event happened.
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Remembering 9/11
cc WTC 9/11, 2001 wikimedia Attribution: Robert J. Fisch
“They always wanted to get that building”
That was what I said when I first heard about 9/11 three or four days later.
I once had a job interview at Merrill Lynch in The World Financial Center which was connected to The World Trade Center by a sky bridge. My goal was to eventually work at WTC, but luckily I didn’t get that job and it was the only job interview I didn’t get an offer on.
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September 11 and Jeremy Glick
September 11th and Jeremy Glick I have a personal story I want to tell you about Jeremy Glick and September 11, 2001. The short story is that my name is Jeremy Glick and I was a computer programmer. However, I had left my regular world in 1999 and people who have lost track of me remembered me when 9/11 happened. About seven months after I ordained as a Buddhist Monk in 2001, the famous 9/11 or September 11th event happened.
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Remembering 9/11
cc WTC 9/11, 2001 wikimedia Attribution: Robert J. Fisch
“They always wanted to get that building”
That was what I said when I first heard about 9/11 three or four days later.
I once had a job interview at Merrill Lynch in The World Financial Center which was connected to The World Trade Center by a sky bridge. My goal was to eventually work at WTC, but luckily I didn’t get that job and it was the only job interview I didn’t get an offer on.
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Remembering 9/11
cc WTC 9/11, 2001 wikimedia Attribution: Robert J. Fisch
“They always wanted to get that building”
That was what I said when I first heard about 9/11 three or four days later.
I once had a job interview at Merrill Lynch in The World Financial Center which was connected to The World Trade Center by a sky bridge. My goal was to eventually work at WTC, but luckily I didn’t get that job and it was the only job interview I didn’t get an offer on.
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Remembering 9/11
cc WTC 9/11, 2001 wikimedia Attribution: Robert J. Fisch
“They always wanted to get that building”
That was what I said when I first heard about 9/11 three or four days later.
I once had a job interview at Merrill Lynch in The World Financial Center which was connected to The World Trade Center by a sky bridge. My goal was to eventually work at WTC, but luckily I didn’t get that job and it was the only job interview I didn’t get an offer on.
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Remembering 9/11
cc WTC 9/11, 2001 wikimedia Attribution: Robert J. Fisch
“They always wanted to get that building”
That was what I said when I first heard about 9/11 three or four days later.
I once had a job interview at Merrill Lynch in The World Financial Center which was connected to The World Trade Center by a sky bridge. My goal was to eventually work at WTC, but luckily I didn’t get that job and it was the only job interview I didn’t get an offer on.
read moreTag: controversy

Are Theravada Bhikkhuni Ordinations Valid?
cc0 picture https://pxhere.com/en/photo/489726
There is not much written in English explaining why bhikkhuni ordinations are rejected by the Theravāda Community of Monks. The English writings are a poor representation of the vast majority of Buddhist Scholarship and that is why there is “controversy” regarding the revival of the extinct Theravāda Bhikkhuni order. There is really no controversy to speak about once you know the full story.
Many Westerners believe that women are not able to become nuns without such a revival, but that is not true.
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Are Theravada Bhikkhuni Ordinations Valid?
cc0 picture https://pxhere.com/en/photo/489726
There is not much written in English explaining why bhikkhuni ordinations are rejected by the Theravāda Community of Monks. The English writings are a poor representation of the vast majority of Buddhist Scholarship and that is why there is “controversy” regarding the revival of the extinct Theravāda Bhikkhuni order. There is really no controversy to speak about once you know the full story.
Many Westerners believe that women are not able to become nuns without such a revival, but that is not true.
read moreTag: atoms

Did The Buddha Know Einstein's Theory?
Einstein formula on blackboard see this [link for attributio](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Einstein_formula_on_blackboard_20190401.webp" >}}n
The Mass–energy equivalence is one of the most famous physics equations known to the general population. Did the Buddha know this beforehand? We all know this formula as the explanation for how nuclear energy works, but we really don’ t know much more than that.
For my one of my birthdays, I asked a monk who was once a nuclear engineer from Chernobyl to explain to me how it works.
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Did The Buddha Know Einstein's Theory?
Einstein formula on blackboard see this [link for attributio](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Einstein_formula_on_blackboard_20190401.webp" >}}n
The Mass–energy equivalence is one of the most famous physics equations known to the general population. Did the Buddha know this beforehand? We all know this formula as the explanation for how nuclear energy works, but we really don’ t know much more than that.
For my one of my birthdays, I asked a monk who was once a nuclear engineer from Chernobyl to explain to me how it works.
read moreTag: emc2

Did The Buddha Know Einstein's Theory?
Einstein formula on blackboard see this [link for attributio](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Einstein_formula_on_blackboard_20190401.webp" >}}n
The Mass–energy equivalence is one of the most famous physics equations known to the general population. Did the Buddha know this beforehand? We all know this formula as the explanation for how nuclear energy works, but we really don’ t know much more than that.
For my one of my birthdays, I asked a monk who was once a nuclear engineer from Chernobyl to explain to me how it works.
read moreTag: matter

Did The Buddha Know Einstein's Theory?
Einstein formula on blackboard see this [link for attributio](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Einstein_formula_on_blackboard_20190401.webp" >}}n
The Mass–energy equivalence is one of the most famous physics equations known to the general population. Did the Buddha know this beforehand? We all know this formula as the explanation for how nuclear energy works, but we really don’ t know much more than that.
For my one of my birthdays, I asked a monk who was once a nuclear engineer from Chernobyl to explain to me how it works.
read moreTag: particles

Did The Buddha Know Einstein's Theory?
Einstein formula on blackboard see this [link for attributio](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Einstein_formula_on_blackboard_20190401.webp" >}}n
The Mass–energy equivalence is one of the most famous physics equations known to the general population. Did the Buddha know this beforehand? We all know this formula as the explanation for how nuclear energy works, but we really don’ t know much more than that.
For my one of my birthdays, I asked a monk who was once a nuclear engineer from Chernobyl to explain to me how it works.
read moreTag: quarks

Did The Buddha Know Einstein's Theory?
Einstein formula on blackboard see this [link for attributio](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Einstein_formula_on_blackboard_20190401.webp" >}}n
The Mass–energy equivalence is one of the most famous physics equations known to the general population. Did the Buddha know this beforehand? We all know this formula as the explanation for how nuclear energy works, but we really don’ t know much more than that.
For my one of my birthdays, I asked a monk who was once a nuclear engineer from Chernobyl to explain to me how it works.
read moreTag: rupa

Did The Buddha Know Einstein's Theory?
Einstein formula on blackboard see this [link for attributio](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Einstein_formula_on_blackboard_20190401.webp" >}}n
The Mass–energy equivalence is one of the most famous physics equations known to the general population. Did the Buddha know this beforehand? We all know this formula as the explanation for how nuclear energy works, but we really don’ t know much more than that.
For my one of my birthdays, I asked a monk who was once a nuclear engineer from Chernobyl to explain to me how it works.
read moreTag: basic-chanting

The Most Basic Pali Chants to Learn
Myanmar Pali Script (credit at bottom link.. cc-sa-attrib)
There are many different Pāḷi chants to learn, yet I wanted to list the absolute basic chants that one should learn. If you are interested in Pāḷi chanting, these are the first to learn. The most basic and essential chants for beginning lay people should know are listed in order of importance:
Namo Tassa, Triple Gem with the 5 precepts, Bare bones Triple Gem chant of the 24 qualities of the Buddha, Dhamma and Saṅgha.
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The Most Basic Pali Chants to Learn
Myanmar Pali Script (credit at bottom link.. cc-sa-attrib)
There are many different Pāḷi chants to learn, yet I wanted to list the absolute basic chants that one should learn. If you are interested in Pāḷi chanting, these are the first to learn. The most basic and essential chants for beginning lay people should know are listed in order of importance:
Namo Tassa, Triple Gem with the 5 precepts, Bare bones Triple Gem chant of the 24 qualities of the Buddha, Dhamma and Saṅgha.
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Most Important Buddhist Lesson Learned and Taught
A little while ago, I was asked what was the most important lesson learned and what was the most important thing that I taught. The answer spans two different videos and they are listed below:
The first video gives a very technical answer, yet in very simple English that everyone can understand. However those who are into the deepest Dhamma and Abhidhamma will still appreciate what is said and how it is said.
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How Do Monks Say Grace Before Eating?
How Do Monks Say Grace Before Eating? Do Theravāda monks say anything before they eat? Do they give thanks? Who do they say thanks to? Or is it something else?
Buddhist monks generally do a reflection and chant something before eating. In fact it is said that the monks incurs debt if they doe not reflect before eating. Actually, there are 4 reflections concerning the Four Requisites:
1. Robes
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Spoken Metta Mix by One Voice
This is a spoken English version of the Discourse on Loving-Kindness (Metta Sutta), mixed with the Pāi chanting of One Voice (EkaSara). I like it and I think you will too. Enjoy! If you get a chance, It is best listened with headphones. There is quite a bit of stereophonic separation included. Feedback welcome. The audio is uploaded here.
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The Blue Room Session and Update

Our Bodhi Tree
There is a Bodhi Tree on our property and we sometimes do a vandana (chanting) in front of this tree rather than at the gazebo. We did one tonight until a passing rain cloud sprinkled on us.
From Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bodhi_Tree The Bodhi Tree, also known as Bo (from Sinhalese: Bo) and “peepal tree” in Nepal and Bhutan, was a large and very old sacred fig tree (Ficus religiosa[1])[2] located in Bodh Gaya, India, under which Siddhartha Gautama, the spiritual teacher later known as Gautama Buddha, is said to have attained enlightenment, or Bodhi.
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The Most Basic Pali Chants to Learn
Myanmar Pali Script (credit at bottom link.. cc-sa-attrib)
There are many different Pāḷi chants to learn, yet I wanted to list the absolute basic chants that one should learn. If you are interested in Pāḷi chanting, these are the first to learn. The most basic and essential chants for beginning lay people should know are listed in order of importance:
Namo Tassa, Triple Gem with the 5 precepts, Bare bones Triple Gem chant of the 24 qualities of the Buddha, Dhamma and Saṅgha.
read moreTag: dharma-photos

Free Buddha Pictures
15 Main Image Close Up, at the Mahabodhi Temple, cc-atrib-sa https://www.photodharma.net/India/Bodhgaya-Mahabodhi/Bodhgaya-Mahabodhi.htm
Sometimes it is difficult to find free Buddha pictures. Even when Google shows you “free pictures,” sometimes, they require an account or were not really free in the first place. As a monk, even with our timeless Buddha, I still respect copyrights and encourage others to do the same. That is also one of the reasons why I use Linux as my main operating system.
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Free Buddha Pictures
15 Main Image Close Up, at the Mahabodhi Temple, cc-atrib-sa https://www.photodharma.net/India/Bodhgaya-Mahabodhi/Bodhgaya-Mahabodhi.htm
Sometimes it is difficult to find free Buddha pictures. Even when Google shows you “free pictures,” sometimes, they require an account or were not really free in the first place. As a monk, even with our timeless Buddha, I still respect copyrights and encourage others to do the same. That is also one of the reasons why I use Linux as my main operating system.
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Free Buddha Pictures
15 Main Image Close Up, at the Mahabodhi Temple, cc-atrib-sa https://www.photodharma.net/India/Bodhgaya-Mahabodhi/Bodhgaya-Mahabodhi.htm
Sometimes it is difficult to find free Buddha pictures. Even when Google shows you “free pictures,” sometimes, they require an account or were not really free in the first place. As a monk, even with our timeless Buddha, I still respect copyrights and encourage others to do the same. That is also one of the reasons why I use Linux as my main operating system.
read moreTag: buddhist-holiday

When Does Rainy Season Start?
Recently, I got a nice message from a monk friend telling me he was taking vassa (3 month Rainy Season Retreat) on July 23rd (the Full Moon Day) and wishing me a happy vassa before he goes offline for three months. However, we at Pa-Auk are taking the vassa today on July 24 (the day after the Full Moon Day). The calendars often say it starts on the Full Moon Day, but we don’t do that at Pa-Auk.
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When Does Rainy Season Start?
Recently, I got a nice message from a monk friend telling me he was taking vassa (3 month Rainy Season Retreat) on July 23rd (the Full Moon Day) and wishing me a happy vassa before he goes offline for three months. However, we at Pa-Auk are taking the vassa today on July 24 (the day after the Full Moon Day). The calendars often say it starts on the Full Moon Day, but we don’t do that at Pa-Auk.
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When Does Rainy Season Start?
Recently, I got a nice message from a monk friend telling me he was taking vassa (3 month Rainy Season Retreat) on July 23rd (the Full Moon Day) and wishing me a happy vassa before he goes offline for three months. However, we at Pa-Auk are taking the vassa today on July 24 (the day after the Full Moon Day). The calendars often say it starts on the Full Moon Day, but we don’t do that at Pa-Auk.
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When Does Rainy Season Start?
Recently, I got a nice message from a monk friend telling me he was taking vassa (3 month Rainy Season Retreat) on July 23rd (the Full Moon Day) and wishing me a happy vassa before he goes offline for three months. However, we at Pa-Auk are taking the vassa today on July 24 (the day after the Full Moon Day). The calendars often say it starts on the Full Moon Day, but we don’t do that at Pa-Auk.
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The Buddha's Intermittent Fasting
Did the Buddha do intermittent fasting? The answer is: Yes.
When I first became a monk, people were shocked about how I gave up eating after Solar Noon and I have not eaten dinner in over 20 years. Sometimes I switch to one meal per day, but I often find a light breakfast, mostly liquid foods or rice soup, with a full lunch works best for me. These days, many people are using intermittent fasting as a form of weight loss and when I describe my Buddhist monk diet, they give a nod and say “Intermittent Fasting… It’s Healthy.
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The Buddha's Intermittent Fasting
Did the Buddha do intermittent fasting? The answer is: Yes.
When I first became a monk, people were shocked about how I gave up eating after Solar Noon and I have not eaten dinner in over 20 years. Sometimes I switch to one meal per day, but I often find a light breakfast, mostly liquid foods or rice soup, with a full lunch works best for me. These days, many people are using intermittent fasting as a form of weight loss and when I describe my Buddhist monk diet, they give a nod and say “Intermittent Fasting… It’s Healthy.
read moreTag: mandalay

Super Quarantine Inside Pa-Auk
Recently, I had a serious medical problem that had the potential to be extremely serious. Please don’t ask. In any case, I arranged permission to go outside and then arranged for someone to help me get to a clinic in Mandalay which had the proper technology to properly assess my problem. This article is not about going out. Instead this article is about coming back and staying in quarantine.
Because we do not have monastery-wide vaccines yet, Pa-Auk is quite strict about letting people go outside because when you come back, you will need to be on a 3 week quarantine before testing for your release.
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Super Quarantine Inside Pa-Auk
Recently, I had a serious medical problem that had the potential to be extremely serious. Please don’t ask. In any case, I arranged permission to go outside and then arranged for someone to help me get to a clinic in Mandalay which had the proper technology to properly assess my problem. This article is not about going out. Instead this article is about coming back and staying in quarantine.
Because we do not have monastery-wide vaccines yet, Pa-Auk is quite strict about letting people go outside because when you come back, you will need to be on a 3 week quarantine before testing for your release.
read moreTag: 5-precepts

A Buddhist Monk's Prayers For The Old And Sick
India 2011
Can Buddhist Monks Pray For The Old And Sick?
Recently, a life long friend of the family has been diagnosed with lung cancer, a tough break because she is not a smoker. My mother asked me if I could say a prayer for her. I can, and have, but there was more to say about what I could do for her.
When I chant the Loving-kindness sutta for someone in person as a “blessing”, I usually explain what it means beforehand and then I chant it for them.
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Theravada Buddhism and Sex: The Third Precept on Sexual Misconduct
NOTE: This is a very brief version of the 25 page PDF on the subject. The free 25 page pdf download on the third precept is here. Theravada Buddhism and Sex (extended)
Summary: The third precept is defined as not having sex without the protector’s permission. It is that simple! However, the protector can be the parents, husband, guardian, brother, government, religious order, etc. You need the protector’s permission and often that is the parents in most cases.
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A Buddhist Monk's Prayers For The Old And Sick
India 2011
Can Buddhist Monks Pray For The Old And Sick?
Recently, a life long friend of the family has been diagnosed with lung cancer, a tough break because she is not a smoker. My mother asked me if I could say a prayer for her. I can, and have, but there was more to say about what I could do for her.
When I chant the Loving-kindness sutta for someone in person as a “blessing”, I usually explain what it means beforehand and then I chant it for them.
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How I Got My Name
One of my earliest photos with messy robes
My original ordination certificate
Exactly twenty years ago today (February 7, 2001), I followed through with my decision to ordain with lifelong intentions. Although I am only 14 vassa because of a re-ordination ceremony, this day means more to me than my very own birthday. This day was also the day I got my name.
Today, I not only have the monk name Bhikkhu Subhūti, but I also have an actual legal passport name of Bhante Bhikkhu Subhuti as well as other essential ID’s too.
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Pa-Auk Forest Monastery and Pa-Auk Sayadaw Shared Names
Pa-Auk Main Gate (cc-by-sa)
Pa-Auk Forest Monastery and Pa-Auk Sayadaw share the same names. Why is that?
Some people might question why Pa-Auk Forest Monastery and Venerable Pa-Auk Sayadaw have the same names. Did the Pa-Auk Sayadaw name his monastery after himself to immortalize his name? Is this an ego trip? What is the who, what, were, when, why, and how of this story?
Who? Venerable Pa-Auk Sayadawgyi (cc-by-sa)
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Ajahn Brahm's Dark Jhāna
Does Ajahn Brahm Jhāna Have a Nimitta? Ajahn Brahm (“Ajahn Brahmavamso”) teaches about a samādhi nimitta. However, during jhāna, he says that there is no perception of light. He says that “The nimitta is the gateway to jhāna, but not the object of jhāna itself. Pīti or sukha are the objects of jhāna”.
If you follow Ajahn Brahm, this article will help you follow his teachings better. If you follow another method, this article will help you distinguish the difference.
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Why I Ordained Twice
Many people who have learned that I have re-ordained and actually know what that means have asked me why I did it. It is a long story, but I will try to be brief. During my first ordination in 2001, at Pa-Auk Main Branch with Venerable Pa-Auk Sayadaw as my preceptor, I was asked 13 questions. According to tradition, every monk is asked these 13 qualifying questions in the ordination ceremony twice.
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American Monk 2020 Review
This past year has been very fruitful for AmericanMonk.org. In this post, we will discuss the 2020 page view stats. Originally, the name of the website was americanmonk.org but can you remember that website url? Trying to think of an easy meaningful and descriptive name for Westerners to remember was not easy, but AmericanMonk.org was available and I took it.
So how did things go in the year 2020? Below is a chart of the years up to today.
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American Monk 2020 Review
This past year has been very fruitful for AmericanMonk.org. In this post, we will discuss the 2020 page view stats. Originally, the name of the website was americanmonk.org but can you remember that website url? Trying to think of an easy meaningful and descriptive name for Westerners to remember was not easy, but AmericanMonk.org was available and I took it.
So how did things go in the year 2020? Below is a chart of the years up to today.
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As Long As You Stand On The Road
That is me going for alms on Aalona Street Kilauea.
I have a Christmas story for you. I have tried to keep it short but it didn’t work out.
When I was in Kaua’i on from 2017-2019, an 18 month run, I made it a point to go for alms by the house to house loving-kindness method on Tuesdays and Wednesdays as a way to get food. Early on, I was invited to Waiapua Road while standing in front of Hanalei Big Save which was my Monday stop.
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The Real Buddha Statues
What qualities make up the real Buddha Statues? There are certain qualities of a Buddha that makes one instantly recognizable from afar. There are many features that make the Buddha a Buddha besides the iconic drooping earlobes. From time to time, I see statues of the Buddha that are just not right. When you know the correct signs of The Buddha, you immediately know that something is wrong. While you cannot fool a Sri Lankan, you can fool others from all parts of the world.
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The Real Buddha Statues
What qualities make up the real Buddha Statues? There are certain qualities of a Buddha that makes one instantly recognizable from afar. There are many features that make the Buddha a Buddha besides the iconic drooping earlobes. From time to time, I see statues of the Buddha that are just not right. When you know the correct signs of The Buddha, you immediately know that something is wrong. While you cannot fool a Sri Lankan, you can fool others from all parts of the world.
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The Real Buddha Statues
What qualities make up the real Buddha Statues? There are certain qualities of a Buddha that makes one instantly recognizable from afar. There are many features that make the Buddha a Buddha besides the iconic drooping earlobes. From time to time, I see statues of the Buddha that are just not right. When you know the correct signs of The Buddha, you immediately know that something is wrong. While you cannot fool a Sri Lankan, you can fool others from all parts of the world.
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Have You Eaten Yet?
In 1993, I visited China with five lucky School of Technology students at my University. Before going, I asked around for some cool things to say and “Chī le ma?” or “Have you eaten yet?” was the phrase I learned besides asking for the toilet. It does not mean what it literally says. Instead, it means a little bit like “How are you?”, but more casual like, “How’s it going?
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The Seeds From Long Ago
The Seeds From Long Ago I remember when I first learned how to meditate on my breath some time in 1990, during my university years. Back then, meditation was not so well known. The beat generation’s Zen trend in the 60’s had died out with disco in the 70’s. Barnes and Noble maybe had only a few shelves in a single bookcase labeled with “Eastern Philosophy” that covered all Eastern religions, including Buddhism.
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Thanks and Giving
Of course I’m happy!
On November 24, I helped make a nice breakfast and lunch for Pa-Auk Forest Monastery, Pyin Oo Lwin. I organized 28 monks including myself to be the donors for the whole day meals + fresh squeezed apple juice, for a full value of 1,250,000 Myanmar Kyat. It fed approximately 530 yogis across four sections in Pa-Auk Forest Monastery. But how is that possible for monks to donate money?
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Monastery-wide Sickness Happens
While I have said quite a lot to inspire people about life as a monk around the world. I should give you both sides of the story to be fair.
When you think about living in Asia full-time or just for a visit, the first thought that comes to mind is, “Will I get sick?”. It can happen, and when you rely on volunteers and health standards that work “most of the time” but not all of the time, then problems can arise.
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Maymyo Pa-Auk Meals
At Theravada monasteries there is no eating allowed after Noontime. Some monasteries only give one meal per day, while other monasteries give 2 meals per day. Both meal plans are allowed by the Buddha. However, some monasteries have no meals brought to the monks and they need to go out in the village and collect it. This last case is very rare and usually done by the forest monks living in secluded places or ehem.
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Interview: Monk Meditates for 24 Hours
Downloaded from https://www.needpix.com
Interview 1 of 2 Note: Some edits have been made afterwards to make things clear or to protect the anonymity of people.
I am sitting here now with one anonymous monk. He has sat for more than 24 hours in 4th jhāna and I wanted to interview him anonymously to inspire others. So we are here with Bhante (Note: All monks can be called “Bhante”).
I want to ask a few questions.
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Thanks and Giving
Of course I’m happy!
On November 24, I helped make a nice breakfast and lunch for Pa-Auk Forest Monastery, Pyin Oo Lwin. I organized 28 monks including myself to be the donors for the whole day meals + fresh squeezed apple juice, for a full value of 1,250,000 Myanmar Kyat. It fed approximately 530 yogis across four sections in Pa-Auk Forest Monastery. But how is that possible for monks to donate money?
read moreTag: ajahn-brahm

Ajahn Brahm's Dark Jhāna
Does Ajahn Brahm Jhāna Have a Nimitta? Ajahn Brahm (“Ajahn Brahmavamso”) teaches about a samādhi nimitta. However, during jhāna, he says that there is no perception of light. He says that “The nimitta is the gateway to jhāna, but not the object of jhāna itself. Pīti or sukha are the objects of jhāna”.
If you follow Ajahn Brahm, this article will help you follow his teachings better. If you follow another method, this article will help you distinguish the difference.
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Ajahn Brahm's Dark Jhāna
Does Ajahn Brahm Jhāna Have a Nimitta? Ajahn Brahm (“Ajahn Brahmavamso”) teaches about a samādhi nimitta. However, during jhāna, he says that there is no perception of light. He says that “The nimitta is the gateway to jhāna, but not the object of jhāna itself. Pīti or sukha are the objects of jhāna”.
If you follow Ajahn Brahm, this article will help you follow his teachings better. If you follow another method, this article will help you distinguish the difference.
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Ajahn Brahm's Dark Jhāna
Does Ajahn Brahm Jhāna Have a Nimitta? Ajahn Brahm (“Ajahn Brahmavamso”) teaches about a samādhi nimitta. However, during jhāna, he says that there is no perception of light. He says that “The nimitta is the gateway to jhāna, but not the object of jhāna itself. Pīti or sukha are the objects of jhāna”.
If you follow Ajahn Brahm, this article will help you follow his teachings better. If you follow another method, this article will help you distinguish the difference.
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The Concept in Breath Meditation
The Concept in Breath Meditation The concept of the breath as it is used in meditation is not well understood. We will discuss this matter in this small article. There are many methods concerned with the breath, but The Ancient Theravāda Commentaries say that one should focus at one area above the upper lip and at the exit of the nostrils. However, if one just limited himself to that one single method, things can still get complicated.
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Ajahn Brahm's Dark Jhāna
Does Ajahn Brahm Jhāna Have a Nimitta? Ajahn Brahm (“Ajahn Brahmavamso”) teaches about a samādhi nimitta. However, during jhāna, he says that there is no perception of light. He says that “The nimitta is the gateway to jhāna, but not the object of jhāna itself. Pīti or sukha are the objects of jhāna”.
If you follow Ajahn Brahm, this article will help you follow his teachings better. If you follow another method, this article will help you distinguish the difference.
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Ajahn Brahm's Dark Jhāna
Does Ajahn Brahm Jhāna Have a Nimitta? Ajahn Brahm (“Ajahn Brahmavamso”) teaches about a samādhi nimitta. However, during jhāna, he says that there is no perception of light. He says that “The nimitta is the gateway to jhāna, but not the object of jhāna itself. Pīti or sukha are the objects of jhāna”.
If you follow Ajahn Brahm, this article will help you follow his teachings better. If you follow another method, this article will help you distinguish the difference.
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7 Lockdown Suggestions From A Monk
These days, the lockdowns are in full swing. The question is, “What do you do with your time?” Perhaps you are out of work, or retired like my parents. What do you do? As a monk, lockdowns or “stay at home” orders are not much of a big deal unless a medical problem arises.
Since April, we have been on a more serious lockdown to the point where it has affected the food variety to mostly long shelf-life food items.
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7 Lockdown Suggestions From A Monk
These days, the lockdowns are in full swing. The question is, “What do you do with your time?” Perhaps you are out of work, or retired like my parents. What do you do? As a monk, lockdowns or “stay at home” orders are not much of a big deal unless a medical problem arises.
Since April, we have been on a more serious lockdown to the point where it has affected the food variety to mostly long shelf-life food items.
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Turning 50
Today I turned fifty years of age. A few months ago, I was really happy about it but then as health problems piled up a few weeks ago (which ended up being a 2.5 week allergic reaction), I was unpleasantly reminded that our bodies were only given 40-year warranties and I was ten years overdue. As I told my parents this newly discovered truth that a birthday just means I’m getting older with more problems and eventually death, my father said, “Bhante, we have been 30 years ahead of you with this same stuff.
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Turning 50
Today I turned fifty years of age. A few months ago, I was really happy about it but then as health problems piled up a few weeks ago (which ended up being a 2.5 week allergic reaction), I was unpleasantly reminded that our bodies were only given 40-year warranties and I was ten years overdue. As I told my parents this newly discovered truth that a birthday just means I’m getting older with more problems and eventually death, my father said, “Bhante, we have been 30 years ahead of you with this same stuff.
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Turning 50
Today I turned fifty years of age. A few months ago, I was really happy about it but then as health problems piled up a few weeks ago (which ended up being a 2.5 week allergic reaction), I was unpleasantly reminded that our bodies were only given 40-year warranties and I was ten years overdue. As I told my parents this newly discovered truth that a birthday just means I’m getting older with more problems and eventually death, my father said, “Bhante, we have been 30 years ahead of you with this same stuff.
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Rice Soup in Buddhist Culture?
Chinese congee Photo By Daiju Azuma - Own work, CC BY-SA 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=567814
Rice soup is most popularly known as Congee (Kahn-Jee). However in the Buddhist world, it is referred to as yāgu in the Pāḷi Language. It occurs many many times in the tipiṭaka (more than 500 times) and it is still eaten today in Asia and Southeast Asia.
To make it, you simply boil and then simmer one part rice with eight parts water for one or two hours.
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Rice Soup in Buddhist Culture?
Chinese congee Photo By Daiju Azuma - Own work, CC BY-SA 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=567814
Rice soup is most popularly known as Congee (Kahn-Jee). However in the Buddhist world, it is referred to as yāgu in the Pāḷi Language. It occurs many many times in the tipiṭaka (more than 500 times) and it is still eaten today in Asia and Southeast Asia.
To make it, you simply boil and then simmer one part rice with eight parts water for one or two hours.
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Rice Soup in Buddhist Culture?
Chinese congee Photo By Daiju Azuma - Own work, CC BY-SA 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=567814
Rice soup is most popularly known as Congee (Kahn-Jee). However in the Buddhist world, it is referred to as yāgu in the Pāḷi Language. It occurs many many times in the tipiṭaka (more than 500 times) and it is still eaten today in Asia and Southeast Asia.
To make it, you simply boil and then simmer one part rice with eight parts water for one or two hours.
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Rice Soup in Buddhist Culture?
Chinese congee Photo By Daiju Azuma - Own work, CC BY-SA 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=567814
Rice soup is most popularly known as Congee (Kahn-Jee). However in the Buddhist world, it is referred to as yāgu in the Pāḷi Language. It occurs many many times in the tipiṭaka (more than 500 times) and it is still eaten today in Asia and Southeast Asia.
To make it, you simply boil and then simmer one part rice with eight parts water for one or two hours.
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Monk Life and Natural Dyeing
A venerable tending the fire for cooking dye
Here are pictures about the natural dyeing process. The monks boil the ironwood tree bark chips for a long time (days). When a drop of dye is dropped in a glass of water, a ball will form and sink to the bottom. At that point, the dye master will empty that batch of dye into containers and then reboil the same chips with fresh water to make more dye.
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Monk Life and Natural Dyeing
A venerable tending the fire for cooking dye
Here are pictures about the natural dyeing process. The monks boil the ironwood tree bark chips for a long time (days). When a drop of dye is dropped in a glass of water, a ball will form and sink to the bottom. At that point, the dye master will empty that batch of dye into containers and then reboil the same chips with fresh water to make more dye.
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Monk Life and Natural Dyeing
A venerable tending the fire for cooking dye
Here are pictures about the natural dyeing process. The monks boil the ironwood tree bark chips for a long time (days). When a drop of dye is dropped in a glass of water, a ball will form and sink to the bottom. At that point, the dye master will empty that batch of dye into containers and then reboil the same chips with fresh water to make more dye.
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Tipiṭaka Pāḷi Projector (unsupported)
NOTE: Tipitaka Pāḷi Reader is the new Pāḷi Reading app. Click link below: Tipitaka Pali Reader A new beautiful app written in Flutter for all Desktops and Mobile Devices.
If you are still interested you can read below: News:
Developers are encouraged to join our Discord server for our 2.0 total rewrite called Ultimate Pali Reader
June 21, 2022 Version 1.4.0 is now released (Win, Linux Snap) ( android 1.2.1)
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The Robes of Theravadan, Mahayanan, Tibetan Monks
It occured to me that people don’t know one type of Buddhist monk from the other and a post was needed to explain this.
First a little bit of history. Theravada is the closest thing as one can get to the original form of Buddhism and is based on the Pali texts. The countries that have Theravada as their national religion are; Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Sri Lanka, and Cambodia. It dates back to the Buddha from 5th century BCE Later, came Mahayana - Chinese Buddhism of the 1st century BCE.
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The Robes of Theravadan, Mahayanan, Tibetan Monks
It occured to me that people don’t know one type of Buddhist monk from the other and a post was needed to explain this.
First a little bit of history. Theravada is the closest thing as one can get to the original form of Buddhism and is based on the Pali texts. The countries that have Theravada as their national religion are; Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Sri Lanka, and Cambodia. It dates back to the Buddha from 5th century BCE Later, came Mahayana - Chinese Buddhism of the 1st century BCE.
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The Robes of Theravadan, Mahayanan, Tibetan Monks
It occured to me that people don’t know one type of Buddhist monk from the other and a post was needed to explain this.
First a little bit of history. Theravada is the closest thing as one can get to the original form of Buddhism and is based on the Pali texts. The countries that have Theravada as their national religion are; Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Sri Lanka, and Cambodia. It dates back to the Buddha from 5th century BCE Later, came Mahayana - Chinese Buddhism of the 1st century BCE.
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Murder He Won't
A friend of mine once told me his story about how he had a knife in his hand and was raging with anger. He was going to kill his wife and her new found lover. Below is a short retelling of the story in third person.
The Story My friend from the former Soviet Union did his first Goenka meditation retreat in 1999. The retreat was free and was very popular around the world.
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Monastery-wide Sickness Happens
While I have said quite a lot to inspire people about life as a monk around the world. I should give you both sides of the story to be fair.
When you think about living in Asia full-time or just for a visit, the first thought that comes to mind is, “Will I get sick?”. It can happen, and when you rely on volunteers and health standards that work “most of the time” but not all of the time, then problems can arise.
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What is a Kuti?
A kuṭi is a small hut or lodging that a monk lives in and it is one of the basic four requisites: Robes, Food, Lodging, & Medicine. They come in various sizes and qualities and I have prepared a small showcase of pictures which can show more than just the words. We are supposed to reflect on the utilitarian purpose of the lodging, also called senāsana. Before we begin, here is a small sample of the morning chanting monks must chant everyday.
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Maymyo Pa-Auk Meals
At Theravada monasteries there is no eating allowed after Noontime. Some monasteries only give one meal per day, while other monasteries give 2 meals per day. Both meal plans are allowed by the Buddha. However, some monasteries have no meals brought to the monks and they need to go out in the village and collect it. This last case is very rare and usually done by the forest monks living in secluded places or ehem.
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Monastery-wide Sickness Happens
While I have said quite a lot to inspire people about life as a monk around the world. I should give you both sides of the story to be fair.
When you think about living in Asia full-time or just for a visit, the first thought that comes to mind is, “Will I get sick?”. It can happen, and when you rely on volunteers and health standards that work “most of the time” but not all of the time, then problems can arise.
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What is a Kuti?
A kuṭi is a small hut or lodging that a monk lives in and it is one of the basic four requisites: Robes, Food, Lodging, & Medicine. They come in various sizes and qualities and I have prepared a small showcase of pictures which can show more than just the words. We are supposed to reflect on the utilitarian purpose of the lodging, also called senāsana. Before we begin, here is a small sample of the morning chanting monks must chant everyday.
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Covid-19 Lockdown @ Pa-Auk
Going for Alms at Pa-Auk
The world has has begun to know about Covid-19 and unfortunately, some countries know it better than others. As a monk, I try to stay away from basic web internet except one day per week, but I still hear what goes on and as of today, April 6th, 2020, Myanmar has 21 cases and one death. The number grows slowly in the beginning as you all might know and it is uncertain what will become of the virus in weeks to come.
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Covid-19 Lockdown @ Pa-Auk
Going for Alms at Pa-Auk
The world has has begun to know about Covid-19 and unfortunately, some countries know it better than others. As a monk, I try to stay away from basic web internet except one day per week, but I still hear what goes on and as of today, April 6th, 2020, Myanmar has 21 cases and one death. The number grows slowly in the beginning as you all might know and it is uncertain what will become of the virus in weeks to come.
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Anniversary 19: I’m Still Standing
The standing marble Buddha at Pyin Oo Lwin Pa-Auk
On Feb 7th, 2001 I took my original ordination with The Most Venerable Pa-Auk Saydawgyi. It was the happiest days of my life and the most important one besides successfully being born as a human and surviving any serious death or injuries. Although there was a small hiccup, it has been 19 years total. I had just finished arranging my residential visa that was said could not be changed from a tourist visa without leaving the country.
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On The Way Back Home
Swedagon Pagoda, Myanmar
On November 4th, I left The States for Sri Lanka, Thailand and of course Myanmar which I now consider a home for myself. Shortly after the Buddhist Rainy Season had begun in Kaua’i, the support for inviting a second monk fell through and I was tired of being alone which meant I needed to leave.
Around the same time, in late July or early August, my Lao/American supporter named Thongvanh, sent me brochure with a monk who was leading a “Spiritual Sri Lanka Trip” which included the Sri Maha Bodhi Tree in Anuradhapura.
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Covid-19 Lockdown @ Pa-Auk
Going for Alms at Pa-Auk
The world has has begun to know about Covid-19 and unfortunately, some countries know it better than others. As a monk, I try to stay away from basic web internet except one day per week, but I still hear what goes on and as of today, April 6th, 2020, Myanmar has 21 cases and one death. The number grows slowly in the beginning as you all might know and it is uncertain what will become of the virus in weeks to come.
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Having Fun At The Pa-Auk Dentist Clinic
(Republished from June, 2015)
Having Fun At The Pa-Auk Dentist Clinic (Repost/refurbish from June, 2015*)
Because dentists are very expensive in America and the Pa-Auk dental clinic has pretty good sanitary conditions (for Myanmar), I went for a checkup before my trip to Hawai’i. Usually in Asia, you only go to a dentist when there is pain but I had some sensitivity I wanted to get checked and I waited for the Saturday dentist who is known on the street as “the old retired dentist who takes his time and does a good job.
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Sabbe Satta -All Beings
reposted from https://withmetta.net (2016) . When a Buddhist monk says “sabbe satta,” that is a shorthand for metta practice. “Sabbe satta” means “all beings.”
One of my friend’s collects the leftover food and cakes and says or acts on this everyday after each meal at the Mudon Pa-Auk monastery. But in reality, even though he says “sabbe satta,” he really just seems to feed the birds with the leftover food and cakes.
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Sabbe Satta -All Beings
reposted from https://withmetta.net (2016) . When a Buddhist monk says “sabbe satta,” that is a shorthand for metta practice. “Sabbe satta” means “all beings.”
One of my friend’s collects the leftover food and cakes and says or acts on this everyday after each meal at the Mudon Pa-Auk monastery. But in reality, even though he says “sabbe satta,” he really just seems to feed the birds with the leftover food and cakes.
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Acapella Inertia MP3 Audio
A’capella Inertia Audio Story (free MP3 download)
[archiveorg id=acapellainertia]
I have decided to make an audio version of this story. I started off by having a computer read this for the purpose of proofreading. Then I started reading it out loud. As I read it out loud with my own natural expressions, I thought that it might be better if an audio version were available.
I happen to have access to a good quality microphone and some professional Linux software running on Elementary OS.
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A Tale of Love and Samādhi Explained: A'capella Inertia
A Tale of Love and Samādhi Explained: A’capella Inertia A little Valentines story for all of you. The topside title is just a description of what the story is generally about. However, the real title of the story is called, “A’capella Inertia.” This is not a short one, but I think you will like this one very much. It has received high marks and it will take about 30 minutes to read.
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Anniversary 19: I’m Still Standing
The standing marble Buddha at Pyin Oo Lwin Pa-Auk
On Feb 7th, 2001 I took my original ordination with The Most Venerable Pa-Auk Saydawgyi. It was the happiest days of my life and the most important one besides successfully being born as a human and surviving any serious death or injuries. Although there was a small hiccup, it has been 19 years total. I had just finished arranging my residential visa that was said could not be changed from a tourist visa without leaving the country.
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Free PTS Sutta eBooks
Image not found.
The Pali Text Society has made its Vinaya, Sutta and Abhidhamma books available for non-commercial use since 2013. The Sutta books have been extracted from the Buddhadust Website which is still considered as “work in progress.” However, the work was good enough to reformat as eBooks in its current state.
Stephen Torrence and myself did most of the work to reformat the web pages into eBook versions.
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Free PTS Sutta eBooks
Image not found.
The Pali Text Society has made its Vinaya, Sutta and Abhidhamma books available for non-commercial use since 2013. The Sutta books have been extracted from the Buddhadust Website which is still considered as “work in progress.” However, the work was good enough to reformat as eBooks in its current state.
Stephen Torrence and myself did most of the work to reformat the web pages into eBook versions.
read moreTag: majjhima-nikaya

Free PTS Sutta eBooks
Image not found.
The Pali Text Society has made its Vinaya, Sutta and Abhidhamma books available for non-commercial use since 2013. The Sutta books have been extracted from the Buddhadust Website which is still considered as “work in progress.” However, the work was good enough to reformat as eBooks in its current state.
Stephen Torrence and myself did most of the work to reformat the web pages into eBook versions.
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Free PTS Sutta eBooks
Image not found.
The Pali Text Society has made its Vinaya, Sutta and Abhidhamma books available for non-commercial use since 2013. The Sutta books have been extracted from the Buddhadust Website which is still considered as “work in progress.” However, the work was good enough to reformat as eBooks in its current state.
Stephen Torrence and myself did most of the work to reformat the web pages into eBook versions.
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On The Way Back Home
Swedagon Pagoda, Myanmar
On November 4th, I left The States for Sri Lanka, Thailand and of course Myanmar which I now consider a home for myself. Shortly after the Buddhist Rainy Season had begun in Kaua’i, the support for inviting a second monk fell through and I was tired of being alone which meant I needed to leave.
Around the same time, in late July or early August, my Lao/American supporter named Thongvanh, sent me brochure with a monk who was leading a “Spiritual Sri Lanka Trip” which included the Sri Maha Bodhi Tree in Anuradhapura.
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Shining The Inner Core
To receive this by email, sign up at https://americanmonk.org/subscribe/
Last year, this picture (without the writing) went viral. The viral post seems to makes its rounds from time to time and every so often, someone tells me they saw my picture. It started when I was in Bagan for an 8 day trip with my friend Ashin Pannyagavesaka. We did a slow and thorough excursion and walked a good chunk of Bagan when rides were not provided.
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On The Way Back Home
Swedagon Pagoda, Myanmar
On November 4th, I left The States for Sri Lanka, Thailand and of course Myanmar which I now consider a home for myself. Shortly after the Buddhist Rainy Season had begun in Kaua’i, the support for inviting a second monk fell through and I was tired of being alone which meant I needed to leave.
Around the same time, in late July or early August, my Lao/American supporter named Thongvanh, sent me brochure with a monk who was leading a “Spiritual Sri Lanka Trip” which included the Sri Maha Bodhi Tree in Anuradhapura.
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On The Way Back Home
Swedagon Pagoda, Myanmar
On November 4th, I left The States for Sri Lanka, Thailand and of course Myanmar which I now consider a home for myself. Shortly after the Buddhist Rainy Season had begun in Kaua’i, the support for inviting a second monk fell through and I was tired of being alone which meant I needed to leave.
Around the same time, in late July or early August, my Lao/American supporter named Thongvanh, sent me brochure with a monk who was leading a “Spiritual Sri Lanka Trip” which included the Sri Maha Bodhi Tree in Anuradhapura.
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On The Way Back Home
Swedagon Pagoda, Myanmar
On November 4th, I left The States for Sri Lanka, Thailand and of course Myanmar which I now consider a home for myself. Shortly after the Buddhist Rainy Season had begun in Kaua’i, the support for inviting a second monk fell through and I was tired of being alone which meant I needed to leave.
Around the same time, in late July or early August, my Lao/American supporter named Thongvanh, sent me brochure with a monk who was leading a “Spiritual Sri Lanka Trip” which included the Sri Maha Bodhi Tree in Anuradhapura.
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Chicago Lao Monastery
Recently, I had a chance to go to a Lao Monastery in Elgin, Chicago, IL, USA for 12 days. I usually avoid American Theravada Temples like the plague because most of these places have monks who use money and much of the monk life is centered around collecting money. This is a typical standard not only in America but in most countries. This monastery however, is different.
In 2015, the committee decided to stop being a useless, unwholesome temple that teaches wrong dhammavinaya (teaching and training — on wrong ways to give donation and wrong ways to make merit, and obviously wrong kamma and results).
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Chicago Lao Monastery
Recently, I had a chance to go to a Lao Monastery in Elgin, Chicago, IL, USA for 12 days. I usually avoid American Theravada Temples like the plague because most of these places have monks who use money and much of the monk life is centered around collecting money. This is a typical standard not only in America but in most countries. This monastery however, is different.
In 2015, the committee decided to stop being a useless, unwholesome temple that teaches wrong dhammavinaya (teaching and training — on wrong ways to give donation and wrong ways to make merit, and obviously wrong kamma and results).
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Leaving Kaua'i On A Jet Plane
As the rest of the song goes.. “And I don’t know when I’ll be back again.”
It has been almost 1.5 years living on Kaua’i. I have had an incredible experience here by doing an experiment to see if a monk can establish a monastery any place he travels to through the lost art of wandering for alms. A practice done in the name of the Buddha but rarely practised anymore.
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Leaving Kaua'i On A Jet Plane
As the rest of the song goes.. “And I don’t know when I’ll be back again.”
It has been almost 1.5 years living on Kaua’i. I have had an incredible experience here by doing an experiment to see if a monk can establish a monastery any place he travels to through the lost art of wandering for alms. A practice done in the name of the Buddha but rarely practised anymore.
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Leaving Kaua'i On A Jet Plane
As the rest of the song goes.. “And I don’t know when I’ll be back again.”
It has been almost 1.5 years living on Kaua’i. I have had an incredible experience here by doing an experiment to see if a monk can establish a monastery any place he travels to through the lost art of wandering for alms. A practice done in the name of the Buddha but rarely practised anymore.
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Ian (exVen. Visarada) Visits Kauai
This past July, I had an old friend named Ian Sloan (previously Venerable Visarada ) visit me in Kauai. He disrobed after being a monk for 25 years. He disrobed because of a conflict of philosophy about what happens at death. It was a combination of accounts from past life regressions in hypnotherapy, what he has read by Edgar Cayce, and the event of his father’s death. He seems to appreciate the Near Death Experiences which can still be explained partially with Buddhism, but he felt it was time to disrobe.
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Why Are Monk Bowls Black?
Monk bowls are black because they are fired with sesame oil 5 times to protect it from rusting. There are two types of bowls allowed; Iron and Clay. Iron bowls need to be fired 5 times and clay bowls only need firing twice. Obviously, the clay bowls do not need to be black in color but are rare to find because they are fragile and very very heavy. Iron bowls are black from the baked-on sesame oil.
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Ian (exVen. Visarada) Visits Kauai
This past July, I had an old friend named Ian Sloan (previously Venerable Visarada ) visit me in Kauai. He disrobed after being a monk for 25 years. He disrobed because of a conflict of philosophy about what happens at death. It was a combination of accounts from past life regressions in hypnotherapy, what he has read by Edgar Cayce, and the event of his father’s death. He seems to appreciate the Near Death Experiences which can still be explained partially with Buddhism, but he felt it was time to disrobe.
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Ian (exVen. Visarada) Visits Kauai
This past July, I had an old friend named Ian Sloan (previously Venerable Visarada ) visit me in Kauai. He disrobed after being a monk for 25 years. He disrobed because of a conflict of philosophy about what happens at death. It was a combination of accounts from past life regressions in hypnotherapy, what he has read by Edgar Cayce, and the event of his father’s death. He seems to appreciate the Near Death Experiences which can still be explained partially with Buddhism, but he felt it was time to disrobe.
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Ian (exVen. Visarada) Visits Kauai
This past July, I had an old friend named Ian Sloan (previously Venerable Visarada ) visit me in Kauai. He disrobed after being a monk for 25 years. He disrobed because of a conflict of philosophy about what happens at death. It was a combination of accounts from past life regressions in hypnotherapy, what he has read by Edgar Cayce, and the event of his father’s death. He seems to appreciate the Near Death Experiences which can still be explained partially with Buddhism, but he felt it was time to disrobe.
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Ian (exVen. Visarada) Visits Kauai
This past July, I had an old friend named Ian Sloan (previously Venerable Visarada ) visit me in Kauai. He disrobed after being a monk for 25 years. He disrobed because of a conflict of philosophy about what happens at death. It was a combination of accounts from past life regressions in hypnotherapy, what he has read by Edgar Cayce, and the event of his father’s death. He seems to appreciate the Near Death Experiences which can still be explained partially with Buddhism, but he felt it was time to disrobe.
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Ian (exVen. Visarada) Visits Kauai
This past July, I had an old friend named Ian Sloan (previously Venerable Visarada ) visit me in Kauai. He disrobed after being a monk for 25 years. He disrobed because of a conflict of philosophy about what happens at death. It was a combination of accounts from past life regressions in hypnotherapy, what he has read by Edgar Cayce, and the event of his father’s death. He seems to appreciate the Near Death Experiences which can still be explained partially with Buddhism, but he felt it was time to disrobe.
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Why I Ordained Twice
Many people who have learned that I have re-ordained and actually know what that means have asked me why I did it. It is a long story, but I will try to be brief. During my first ordination in 2001, at Pa-Auk Main Branch with Venerable Pa-Auk Sayadaw as my preceptor, I was asked 13 questions. According to tradition, every monk is asked these 13 qualifying questions in the ordination ceremony twice.
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Why I Ordained Twice
Many people who have learned that I have re-ordained and actually know what that means have asked me why I did it. It is a long story, but I will try to be brief. During my first ordination in 2001, at Pa-Auk Main Branch with Venerable Pa-Auk Sayadaw as my preceptor, I was asked 13 questions. According to tradition, every monk is asked these 13 qualifying questions in the ordination ceremony twice.
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Why I Ordained Twice
Many people who have learned that I have re-ordained and actually know what that means have asked me why I did it. It is a long story, but I will try to be brief. During my first ordination in 2001, at Pa-Auk Main Branch with Venerable Pa-Auk Sayadaw as my preceptor, I was asked 13 questions. According to tradition, every monk is asked these 13 qualifying questions in the ordination ceremony twice.
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Koral Inspires Me
Koral’s Family
Just about every Wednesday, I still find the time to continue with my Kilauea alms round[mfn]map is here[/mfn] (which used to include Tuesdays too). I take a one hour bus ride from Lihue, and then set out on my alms round, wishing loving-kindness to the houses one by one as I walk along the road.
In the beginning people thought I was some weird homeless person who might be crazy, but after some time, some fearless people spoke to me and then word started spreading.
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Most Important Buddhist Lesson Learned and Taught
A little while ago, I was asked what was the most important lesson learned and what was the most important thing that I taught. The answer spans two different videos and they are listed below:
The first video gives a very technical answer, yet in very simple English that everyone can understand. However those who are into the deepest Dhamma and Abhidhamma will still appreciate what is said and how it is said.
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Interview: Monk Meditates for 24 Hours
Downloaded from https://www.needpix.com
Interview 1 of 2 Note: Some edits have been made afterwards to make things clear or to protect the anonymity of people.
I am sitting here now with one anonymous monk. He has sat for more than 24 hours in 4th jhāna and I wanted to interview him anonymously to inspire others. So we are here with Bhante (Note: All monks can be called “Bhante”).
I want to ask a few questions.
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Interview: Monk Meditates for 24 Hours
Downloaded from https://www.needpix.com
Interview 1 of 2 Note: Some edits have been made afterwards to make things clear or to protect the anonymity of people.
I am sitting here now with one anonymous monk. He has sat for more than 24 hours in 4th jhāna and I wanted to interview him anonymously to inspire others. So we are here with Bhante (Note: All monks can be called “Bhante”).
I want to ask a few questions.
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MP3 of Princeville Dhamma Talk September 2, 2018
mp3 Dhamma Talk September 2, 2018 Another mp3 recording of a happy Guided meditation and discussion at Princeville, Kauai, Hawaii. Expect about 35 minutes discussion, 40 minutes of guided meditation. Topics included discussion on samadhi, chanting of the loving-kindness sutta, anapana guided meditation, loving-kindness guided meditation.
For those who missed it and want to hear, here it is. It is best to use head/ear-phones to improve clarity. 128 kb/s
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The Concept in Breath Meditation
The Concept in Breath Meditation The concept of the breath as it is used in meditation is not well understood. We will discuss this matter in this small article. There are many methods concerned with the breath, but The Ancient Theravāda Commentaries say that one should focus at one area above the upper lip and at the exit of the nostrils. However, if one just limited himself to that one single method, things can still get complicated.
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Interview: Monk Meditates for 24 Hours
Downloaded from https://www.needpix.com
Interview 1 of 2 Note: Some edits have been made afterwards to make things clear or to protect the anonymity of people.
I am sitting here now with one anonymous monk. He has sat for more than 24 hours in 4th jhāna and I wanted to interview him anonymously to inspire others. So we are here with Bhante (Note: All monks can be called “Bhante”).
I want to ask a few questions.
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The Concept in Breath Meditation
The Concept in Breath Meditation The concept of the breath as it is used in meditation is not well understood. We will discuss this matter in this small article. There are many methods concerned with the breath, but The Ancient Theravāda Commentaries say that one should focus at one area above the upper lip and at the exit of the nostrils. However, if one just limited himself to that one single method, things can still get complicated.
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Interview: Monk Meditates for 24 Hours
Downloaded from https://www.needpix.com
Interview 1 of 2 Note: Some edits have been made afterwards to make things clear or to protect the anonymity of people.
I am sitting here now with one anonymous monk. He has sat for more than 24 hours in 4th jhāna and I wanted to interview him anonymously to inspire others. So we are here with Bhante (Note: All monks can be called “Bhante”).
I want to ask a few questions.
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Meditation or Religious Visas
New Update and Summary: Myanmar Visas in the USA now only take 4 business days (It used to be of 3 Months). See Religious Visa application for USA Embassy: http://www.mewashingtondc.org/sites/default/files/pdf/visa/Religious-Visa-Forms.pdf Visa cost is $50 valid for 3 months (arrive before 3 months) and stay permit of 70 days Sponsor letter, Payment, application form, work history, and passport are needed. Verify all of this at the Myanmar Embassy in DC at +1 202-238-9332 http://www.
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Meditation or Religious Visas
New Update and Summary: Myanmar Visas in the USA now only take 4 business days (It used to be of 3 Months). See Religious Visa application for USA Embassy: http://www.mewashingtondc.org/sites/default/files/pdf/visa/Religious-Visa-Forms.pdf Visa cost is $50 valid for 3 months (arrive before 3 months) and stay permit of 70 days Sponsor letter, Payment, application form, work history, and passport are needed. Verify all of this at the Myanmar Embassy in DC at +1 202-238-9332 http://www.
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Conversations With Christians
Every so often on my alms rounds, or here and there, I encounter Christians who approach me. Usually within the first sentence, they announce themselves as Christians to me as if they were holding a cross near to my face. However, I listen to their questions and give them answers. Many times they are trying to convince me my path is wrong and since it is a predictable pattern for them, I can anticipate what they will say, and put logic into their own path.
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Conversations With Christians
Every so often on my alms rounds, or here and there, I encounter Christians who approach me. Usually within the first sentence, they announce themselves as Christians to me as if they were holding a cross near to my face. However, I listen to their questions and give them answers. Many times they are trying to convince me my path is wrong and since it is a predictable pattern for them, I can anticipate what they will say, and put logic into their own path.
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Conversations With Christians
Every so often on my alms rounds, or here and there, I encounter Christians who approach me. Usually within the first sentence, they announce themselves as Christians to me as if they were holding a cross near to my face. However, I listen to their questions and give them answers. Many times they are trying to convince me my path is wrong and since it is a predictable pattern for them, I can anticipate what they will say, and put logic into their own path.
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Conversations With Christians
Every so often on my alms rounds, or here and there, I encounter Christians who approach me. Usually within the first sentence, they announce themselves as Christians to me as if they were holding a cross near to my face. However, I listen to their questions and give them answers. Many times they are trying to convince me my path is wrong and since it is a predictable pattern for them, I can anticipate what they will say, and put logic into their own path.
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Theravada Buddhism and Sex: The Third Precept on Sexual Misconduct
NOTE: This is a very brief version of the 25 page PDF on the subject. The free 25 page pdf download on the third precept is here. Theravada Buddhism and Sex (extended)
Summary: The third precept is defined as not having sex without the protector’s permission. It is that simple! However, the protector can be the parents, husband, guardian, brother, government, religious order, etc. You need the protector’s permission and often that is the parents in most cases.
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5, 8 and 10 Precepts
Here is a comparison of 5, 8 and 10 precepts. The Buddhist who follows five precepts is known as a regular lay Buddhist. The person who follows 8 precepts is known as a serious Buddhist yogi. The person who follows the 10 precepts is known as a novice monk. A bhikkhu follows 227 rules.
It is important to know these classes to know which rules are more important to follow. It also can explain, what class of rules a monk is following.
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Conversations With Christians
Every so often on my alms rounds, or here and there, I encounter Christians who approach me. Usually within the first sentence, they announce themselves as Christians to me as if they were holding a cross near to my face. However, I listen to their questions and give them answers. Many times they are trying to convince me my path is wrong and since it is a predictable pattern for them, I can anticipate what they will say, and put logic into their own path.
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Pa-Auk Monastery Alms Line in Myanmar
I recently found this video in my Google Drive. I had a layperson (probably UKZ) follow me around in the line to show what it was like for a monk to go through the alms food line at Pa-Auk Main Center, Mawlamyine, Myanmar. It is not easy to manage so many donors with big hearts to give. Most of the time, I am giving hand signals to get less food. You might want to play this at double speed.
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Fighting Anger With Loving-Kindness and No Money
Recently, I ran into a very angry man who came out of his house yelling at me and coming closer and closer. Eventually, I won the fight with my two big weapons, loving-kindness and my commitment of being free from money for all these years. I have been going for alms in this neighborhood for a little over a year now, and while I did have two girls yell at me, they did not leave their property boundary.
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Bhikkhu Subhuti’s Blog has moved!
Bhikkhu Subhuti’s Blog has moved! pub domain monk seal from wikipedia The blog at https://Subhuti.withmettanet has moved to https://AmericanMonk.org The new title of the blog is American Monk: Bhante Subhūti Why change The Domain Address? The reason why I changed the name of the domain was to streamline my verbal website announcements to let them known how to find the monk in Kauai. Usually a conversation will start up with some new person in Kauai and then I say, “Hey, you can check out my blog at americanmonk.
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Fighting Anger With Loving-Kindness and No Money
Recently, I ran into a very angry man who came out of his house yelling at me and coming closer and closer. Eventually, I won the fight with my two big weapons, loving-kindness and my commitment of being free from money for all these years. I have been going for alms in this neighborhood for a little over a year now, and while I did have two girls yell at me, they did not leave their property boundary.
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Kauai Update: Lihue
Things have recently changed
Things have recently changed in my life. I have now moved to Lihue. Things were going well at the place where I was at before in Kilauea. The owner was happy with what I was doing for the community and I was happy and fulfilled with what I was doing for the community as well. Unfortunately, the owner’s son came for a visit. In short, he said, “I want to visit a monk.
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An Old Kauai Favorite: KKCR Interview

Kauai Monk Update 3
Kauai Update #3
I have moved from the Botanical Gardens recently. I was able to stay there for 5 months and the majority of the time there was wonderful. However things were changing and it was time for me to look for another place and now I am staying in a new long term location in Kilauea.
It all happened after a wonderful person picked me up on the side of the road holding my signs the day my parents, brother and in-law dropped me off (I’ll get back to that family-visit part later).
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Bhikkhu Subhuti’s Blog has moved!
Bhikkhu Subhuti’s Blog has moved! pub domain monk seal from wikipedia The blog at https://Subhuti.withmettanet has moved to https://AmericanMonk.org The new title of the blog is American Monk: Bhante Subhūti Why change The Domain Address? The reason why I changed the name of the domain was to streamline my verbal website announcements to let them known how to find the monk in Kauai. Usually a conversation will start up with some new person in Kauai and then I say, “Hey, you can check out my blog at americanmonk.
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Kauai Update: Lihue
Things have recently changed
Things have recently changed in my life. I have now moved to Lihue. Things were going well at the place where I was at before in Kilauea. The owner was happy with what I was doing for the community and I was happy and fulfilled with what I was doing for the community as well. Unfortunately, the owner’s son came for a visit. In short, he said, “I want to visit a monk.
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Kauai Update: Lihue
Things have recently changed
Things have recently changed in my life. I have now moved to Lihue. Things were going well at the place where I was at before in Kilauea. The owner was happy with what I was doing for the community and I was happy and fulfilled with what I was doing for the community as well. Unfortunately, the owner’s son came for a visit. In short, he said, “I want to visit a monk.
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Legal Name Change
I recently changed my name officially to Bhante Bhikkhu Subhuti. I have been wanting to do this for a very long time but, unfortunately, I was unable to do it because the name change process has to be done in the probate court where one has residency. Since I had spent most of my time in Myanmar and Sri Lanka, it was just not possible, until recently. After being in Hawaii for a while, I committed to staying for at least three months longer to complete the name change process.
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Legal Name Change
I recently changed my name officially to Bhante Bhikkhu Subhuti. I have been wanting to do this for a very long time but, unfortunately, I was unable to do it because the name change process has to be done in the probate court where one has residency. Since I had spent most of my time in Myanmar and Sri Lanka, it was just not possible, until recently. After being in Hawaii for a while, I committed to staying for at least three months longer to complete the name change process.
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Legal Name Change
I recently changed my name officially to Bhante Bhikkhu Subhuti. I have been wanting to do this for a very long time but, unfortunately, I was unable to do it because the name change process has to be done in the probate court where one has residency. Since I had spent most of my time in Myanmar and Sri Lanka, it was just not possible, until recently. After being in Hawaii for a while, I committed to staying for at least three months longer to complete the name change process.
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18th Anniversary and Update
This is where I live
Wow! Today is February 7th and another year has passed. I have now completed 18 years total as a monk and I am working on my 19th year. Of course, my monk age is 12 rainy seasons because I changed Nikayas after my 6th year. I have been living my monk life in Kauai, Hawaii for about 10 months now and things have been moving along.
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18th Anniversary and Update
This is where I live
Wow! Today is February 7th and another year has passed. I have now completed 18 years total as a monk and I am working on my 19th year. Of course, my monk age is 12 rainy seasons because I changed Nikayas after my 6th year. I have been living my monk life in Kauai, Hawaii for about 10 months now and things have been moving along.
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Should Monks Use Mixing Bowls as Monk Bowls?
On a warm Hawaiian Christmas day in 2018, I was off to collect my alms in the village. I was in a rush and worried that I would not be able to find a ride to the village where I go for alms because so few cars would be on the roads. Luckily, I got a ride and as I stepped out of the the car, I did my usual baggage check.
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An Old Kauai Favorite: KKCR Interview

An Old Kauai Favorite: KKCR Interview

An Old Kauai Favorite: KKCR Interview

Fingernail Meditation
 as a subject of meditation. Although this has probably never been taught before by anyone as a standalone meditation subject, it is a subsection of a meditation instruction that all monks are given on their ordination day. That is called, “The First Five Body Parts,” Yes, it is that well known, but rarely ever or even never taught.
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Fingernail Meditation
 as a subject of meditation. Although this has probably never been taught before by anyone as a standalone meditation subject, it is a subsection of a meditation instruction that all monks are given on their ordination day. That is called, “The First Five Body Parts,” Yes, it is that well known, but rarely ever or even never taught.
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Fingernail Meditation
 as a subject of meditation. Although this has probably never been taught before by anyone as a standalone meditation subject, it is a subsection of a meditation instruction that all monks are given on their ordination day. That is called, “The First Five Body Parts,” Yes, it is that well known, but rarely ever or even never taught.
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The Concept in Breath Meditation
The Concept in Breath Meditation The concept of the breath as it is used in meditation is not well understood. We will discuss this matter in this small article. There are many methods concerned with the breath, but The Ancient Theravāda Commentaries say that one should focus at one area above the upper lip and at the exit of the nostrils. However, if one just limited himself to that one single method, things can still get complicated.
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Miracle On 3 or 4 Streets
Here are a five remarkable stories of miracles to tell, but not all of them. There have been many miracles that have come my way when I needed them the most. For the Christians out there, they might say, “Doesn’t that make you believe in God?” My answer is, “It makes me believe there are heavenly beings (Devas & Devis)) who are looking out for me.”. There are other stories not included such as “My Watch Story”
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Kauai Monk Update 3
Kauai Update #3
I have moved from the Botanical Gardens recently. I was able to stay there for 5 months and the majority of the time there was wonderful. However things were changing and it was time for me to look for another place and now I am staying in a new long term location in Kilauea.
It all happened after a wonderful person picked me up on the side of the road holding my signs the day my parents, brother and in-law dropped me off (I’ll get back to that family-visit part later).
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Kauai Monk Update 3
Kauai Update #3
I have moved from the Botanical Gardens recently. I was able to stay there for 5 months and the majority of the time there was wonderful. However things were changing and it was time for me to look for another place and now I am staying in a new long term location in Kilauea.
It all happened after a wonderful person picked me up on the side of the road holding my signs the day my parents, brother and in-law dropped me off (I’ll get back to that family-visit part later).
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Kauai Monk Update 3
Kauai Update #3
I have moved from the Botanical Gardens recently. I was able to stay there for 5 months and the majority of the time there was wonderful. However things were changing and it was time for me to look for another place and now I am staying in a new long term location in Kilauea.
It all happened after a wonderful person picked me up on the side of the road holding my signs the day my parents, brother and in-law dropped me off (I’ll get back to that family-visit part later).
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Free 10-Day Meditation Course
I often recommend a free 10-day vipassana meditation course found at https://dhamma.org . Is it possible that there would be a 10-day meditation retreat that gives you food and lodging for free? Not only that, but would they refuse to accept money prior to taking such a 10-day meditation course? Is that possible? Of course it is possible! You see, they refuse to accept payments before you attend the course but allow you to donate for the next group after you finish.
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Free 10-Day Meditation Course
I often recommend a free 10-day vipassana meditation course found at https://dhamma.org . Is it possible that there would be a 10-day meditation retreat that gives you food and lodging for free? Not only that, but would they refuse to accept money prior to taking such a 10-day meditation course? Is that possible? Of course it is possible! You see, they refuse to accept payments before you attend the course but allow you to donate for the next group after you finish.
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Free 10-Day Meditation Course
I often recommend a free 10-day vipassana meditation course found at https://dhamma.org . Is it possible that there would be a 10-day meditation retreat that gives you food and lodging for free? Not only that, but would they refuse to accept money prior to taking such a 10-day meditation course? Is that possible? Of course it is possible! You see, they refuse to accept payments before you attend the course but allow you to donate for the next group after you finish.
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Free 10-Day Meditation Course
I often recommend a free 10-day vipassana meditation course found at https://dhamma.org . Is it possible that there would be a 10-day meditation retreat that gives you food and lodging for free? Not only that, but would they refuse to accept money prior to taking such a 10-day meditation course? Is that possible? Of course it is possible! You see, they refuse to accept payments before you attend the course but allow you to donate for the next group after you finish.
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Vinaya Comparison of Monastery Allowances
Below is a chart comparing special allowances by tradition which is useful for making a decision on where to ordain. If you need an explanation, read further..
DhammayutWat Pah PongWat Khao Sanamachai (Hua Hin)Pa-AukCigarettes AllowedNo SmokingNo SmokingNo SmokingBetel Nut AllowedNo Betel Chewing allowedNo Betel Chewing allowedNo Betel Chewing allowedCheese 7 Day (medicine)Cheese 7 Day (medicine)Cheese allowed before NoonCheese allowed before NoonDark Chocolate 7 DayDark Chocolate 7 DayChocolate allowed before NoonChocolate allowed before NoonBottled Juice 7 DayBottled Juice 7 DayFresh Juice EveningFresh Juice EveningSoy Milk lifetime medicineSoy Milk lifetime medicineSoy Milk before NoonSoy Milk before Noon.
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Vinaya Comparison of Monastery Allowances
Below is a chart comparing special allowances by tradition which is useful for making a decision on where to ordain. If you need an explanation, read further..
DhammayutWat Pah PongWat Khao Sanamachai (Hua Hin)Pa-AukCigarettes AllowedNo SmokingNo SmokingNo SmokingBetel Nut AllowedNo Betel Chewing allowedNo Betel Chewing allowedNo Betel Chewing allowedCheese 7 Day (medicine)Cheese 7 Day (medicine)Cheese allowed before NoonCheese allowed before NoonDark Chocolate 7 DayDark Chocolate 7 DayChocolate allowed before NoonChocolate allowed before NoonBottled Juice 7 DayBottled Juice 7 DayFresh Juice EveningFresh Juice EveningSoy Milk lifetime medicineSoy Milk lifetime medicineSoy Milk before NoonSoy Milk before Noon.
read moreTag: wat-khao-sanamachai

Vinaya Comparison of Monastery Allowances
Below is a chart comparing special allowances by tradition which is useful for making a decision on where to ordain. If you need an explanation, read further..
DhammayutWat Pah PongWat Khao Sanamachai (Hua Hin)Pa-AukCigarettes AllowedNo SmokingNo SmokingNo SmokingBetel Nut AllowedNo Betel Chewing allowedNo Betel Chewing allowedNo Betel Chewing allowedCheese 7 Day (medicine)Cheese 7 Day (medicine)Cheese allowed before NoonCheese allowed before NoonDark Chocolate 7 DayDark Chocolate 7 DayChocolate allowed before NoonChocolate allowed before NoonBottled Juice 7 DayBottled Juice 7 DayFresh Juice EveningFresh Juice EveningSoy Milk lifetime medicineSoy Milk lifetime medicineSoy Milk before NoonSoy Milk before Noon.
read moreTag: wat-pa-nanachat

Vinaya Comparison of Monastery Allowances
Below is a chart comparing special allowances by tradition which is useful for making a decision on where to ordain. If you need an explanation, read further..
DhammayutWat Pah PongWat Khao Sanamachai (Hua Hin)Pa-AukCigarettes AllowedNo SmokingNo SmokingNo SmokingBetel Nut AllowedNo Betel Chewing allowedNo Betel Chewing allowedNo Betel Chewing allowedCheese 7 Day (medicine)Cheese 7 Day (medicine)Cheese allowed before NoonCheese allowed before NoonDark Chocolate 7 DayDark Chocolate 7 DayChocolate allowed before NoonChocolate allowed before NoonBottled Juice 7 DayBottled Juice 7 DayFresh Juice EveningFresh Juice EveningSoy Milk lifetime medicineSoy Milk lifetime medicineSoy Milk before NoonSoy Milk before Noon.
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Why Are Monk Bowls Black?
Monk bowls are black because they are fired with sesame oil 5 times to protect it from rusting. There are two types of bowls allowed; Iron and Clay. Iron bowls need to be fired 5 times and clay bowls only need firing twice. Obviously, the clay bowls do not need to be black in color but are rare to find because they are fragile and very very heavy. Iron bowls are black from the baked-on sesame oil.
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Why Are Monk Bowls Black?
Monk bowls are black because they are fired with sesame oil 5 times to protect it from rusting. There are two types of bowls allowed; Iron and Clay. Iron bowls need to be fired 5 times and clay bowls only need firing twice. Obviously, the clay bowls do not need to be black in color but are rare to find because they are fragile and very very heavy. Iron bowls are black from the baked-on sesame oil.
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Why Are Monk Bowls Black?
Monk bowls are black because they are fired with sesame oil 5 times to protect it from rusting. There are two types of bowls allowed; Iron and Clay. Iron bowls need to be fired 5 times and clay bowls only need firing twice. Obviously, the clay bowls do not need to be black in color but are rare to find because they are fragile and very very heavy. Iron bowls are black from the baked-on sesame oil.
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Why Are Monk Bowls Black?
Monk bowls are black because they are fired with sesame oil 5 times to protect it from rusting. There are two types of bowls allowed; Iron and Clay. Iron bowls need to be fired 5 times and clay bowls only need firing twice. Obviously, the clay bowls do not need to be black in color but are rare to find because they are fragile and very very heavy. Iron bowls are black from the baked-on sesame oil.
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How To Pronounce Theravada
How to Pronounce Theravāda Have you ever wondered if you were pronouncing Theravāda correctly? Read this article to find out how to properly pronounce Theravāda.
Most of the resources out on the web mispronounce the word Theravāda, and Google has failed me when I did a search too. However, it was a good excuse to write this small article. The “Th” sound in Theravāda is not the English “Th” like “Them” or “Think.
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How To Pronounce Theravada
How to Pronounce Theravāda Have you ever wondered if you were pronouncing Theravāda correctly? Read this article to find out how to properly pronounce Theravāda.
Most of the resources out on the web mispronounce the word Theravāda, and Google has failed me when I did a search too. However, it was a good excuse to write this small article. The “Th” sound in Theravāda is not the English “Th” like “Them” or “Think.
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Free Book: Going For Broke
Download PDF
Listen to Audiobook
Going For Broke: Travelogs On Becoming a Buddhist Monk is a compilation of travel stories. It is an anonymously written book about a lay person who quit his job in order to travel the world and then become a Buddhist Monk. Most people either love it and read it in a few days or never finish it.
Here is the back cover:
“Going for Broke” consists of travel stories written by a young American man who gave up his lucrative job to travel the world and decide if he would fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming a Buddhist monk.
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Free Book: Going For Broke
Download PDF
Listen to Audiobook
Going For Broke: Travelogs On Becoming a Buddhist Monk is a compilation of travel stories. It is an anonymously written book about a lay person who quit his job in order to travel the world and then become a Buddhist Monk. Most people either love it and read it in a few days or never finish it.
Here is the back cover:
“Going for Broke” consists of travel stories written by a young American man who gave up his lucrative job to travel the world and decide if he would fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming a Buddhist monk.
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Abhidhamma Lessons: A Top-Down Approach Using Computer Science
Free Book: Abhidhamma Lessons PDF Abhidhamma Lessons
Here is a book I wrote long ago that relates the Abhidhamma to Computer Science. As a programmer from the nineties, I “clicked” with the abhidhamma after reading just a small amount. When I learned that the mind does only one thing at a time, it instantly clicked with a graduate class I had taken on digital circuits. It gave me the faith in the Abhidhamma early on which is very rare among Western Monks and Western Theravada Buddhist lay people.
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Abhidhamma Lessons: A Top-Down Approach Using Computer Science
Free Book: Abhidhamma Lessons PDF Abhidhamma Lessons
Here is a book I wrote long ago that relates the Abhidhamma to Computer Science. As a programmer from the nineties, I “clicked” with the abhidhamma after reading just a small amount. When I learned that the mind does only one thing at a time, it instantly clicked with a graduate class I had taken on digital circuits. It gave me the faith in the Abhidhamma early on which is very rare among Western Monks and Western Theravada Buddhist lay people.
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Abhidhamma Lessons: A Top-Down Approach Using Computer Science
Free Book: Abhidhamma Lessons PDF Abhidhamma Lessons
Here is a book I wrote long ago that relates the Abhidhamma to Computer Science. As a programmer from the nineties, I “clicked” with the abhidhamma after reading just a small amount. When I learned that the mind does only one thing at a time, it instantly clicked with a graduate class I had taken on digital circuits. It gave me the faith in the Abhidhamma early on which is very rare among Western Monks and Western Theravada Buddhist lay people.
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Abhidhamma Lessons: A Top-Down Approach Using Computer Science
Free Book: Abhidhamma Lessons PDF Abhidhamma Lessons
Here is a book I wrote long ago that relates the Abhidhamma to Computer Science. As a programmer from the nineties, I “clicked” with the abhidhamma after reading just a small amount. When I learned that the mind does only one thing at a time, it instantly clicked with a graduate class I had taken on digital circuits. It gave me the faith in the Abhidhamma early on which is very rare among Western Monks and Western Theravada Buddhist lay people.
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Abhidhamma Lessons: A Top-Down Approach Using Computer Science
Free Book: Abhidhamma Lessons PDF Abhidhamma Lessons
Here is a book I wrote long ago that relates the Abhidhamma to Computer Science. As a programmer from the nineties, I “clicked” with the abhidhamma after reading just a small amount. When I learned that the mind does only one thing at a time, it instantly clicked with a graduate class I had taken on digital circuits. It gave me the faith in the Abhidhamma early on which is very rare among Western Monks and Western Theravada Buddhist lay people.
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The Seeds From Long Ago
The Seeds From Long Ago I remember when I first learned how to meditate on my breath some time in 1990, during my university years. Back then, meditation was not so well known. The beat generation’s Zen trend in the 60’s had died out with disco in the 70’s. Barnes and Noble maybe had only a few shelves in a single bookcase labeled with “Eastern Philosophy” that covered all Eastern religions, including Buddhism.
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Guided Four Elements and Loving-Kindness September 9th, 2018
Here is a dhamma talk with a very brief instruction for Four Elements. It is not complete, but gives a small taste of four elements. Loving-kindness is also included as usual. The recording is cleaner using some post processing with the same recorder.
[archiveorg id=BhanteSubhuti2018Sept9 width=520 height=140]
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Guided Four Elements and Loving-Kindness September 9th, 2018
Here is a dhamma talk with a very brief instruction for Four Elements. It is not complete, but gives a small taste of four elements. Loving-kindness is also included as usual. The recording is cleaner using some post processing with the same recorder.
[archiveorg id=BhanteSubhuti2018Sept9 width=520 height=140]
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Dhamma Talk Princeville August 19 2018
Image not found.
With only 5 minutes left before we were supposed to start, the security guard told us that someone else had the room booked and we would need to move to a smaller amd inferior room. It was a mistake on their part, and while I did ask to see the schedule book, I opted out because we were running out of time and needed to setup the room again.
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Theravada Buddhism and Sex: The Third Precept on Sexual Misconduct
NOTE: This is a very brief version of the 25 page PDF on the subject. The free 25 page pdf download on the third precept is here. Theravada Buddhism and Sex (extended)
Summary: The third precept is defined as not having sex without the protector’s permission. It is that simple! However, the protector can be the parents, husband, guardian, brother, government, religious order, etc. You need the protector’s permission and often that is the parents in most cases.
read moreTag: five-precepts

Theravada Buddhism and Sex: The Third Precept on Sexual Misconduct
NOTE: This is a very brief version of the 25 page PDF on the subject. The free 25 page pdf download on the third precept is here. Theravada Buddhism and Sex (extended)
Summary: The third precept is defined as not having sex without the protector’s permission. It is that simple! However, the protector can be the parents, husband, guardian, brother, government, religious order, etc. You need the protector’s permission and often that is the parents in most cases.
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Theravada Buddhism and Sex: The Third Precept on Sexual Misconduct
NOTE: This is a very brief version of the 25 page PDF on the subject. The free 25 page pdf download on the third precept is here. Theravada Buddhism and Sex (extended)
Summary: The third precept is defined as not having sex without the protector’s permission. It is that simple! However, the protector can be the parents, husband, guardian, brother, government, religious order, etc. You need the protector’s permission and often that is the parents in most cases.
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Theravada Buddhism and Sex: The Third Precept on Sexual Misconduct
NOTE: This is a very brief version of the 25 page PDF on the subject. The free 25 page pdf download on the third precept is here. Theravada Buddhism and Sex (extended)
Summary: The third precept is defined as not having sex without the protector’s permission. It is that simple! However, the protector can be the parents, husband, guardian, brother, government, religious order, etc. You need the protector’s permission and often that is the parents in most cases.
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Results From Collecting Alms In Kauai
As a Buddhist Monk collecting alms in Kauai, USA for the past 4 months, the results are in. On Tuesday and Wednesdays as shown on the map above, I collect my food, wishing loving-kindness to one side of the street at a time. So how many houses have given food at least once? About 18 people from different houses have given me food at least once. About 4 or 5 cars have given to me, but they are not included in the 18 number.
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MP3 of Princeville Dhamma Talk September 2, 2018
mp3 Dhamma Talk September 2, 2018 Another mp3 recording of a happy Guided meditation and discussion at Princeville, Kauai, Hawaii. Expect about 35 minutes discussion, 40 minutes of guided meditation. Topics included discussion on samadhi, chanting of the loving-kindness sutta, anapana guided meditation, loving-kindness guided meditation.
For those who missed it and want to hear, here it is. It is best to use head/ear-phones to improve clarity. 128 kb/s
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MP3 of Princeville Dhamma Talk September 2, 2018
mp3 Dhamma Talk September 2, 2018 Another mp3 recording of a happy Guided meditation and discussion at Princeville, Kauai, Hawaii. Expect about 35 minutes discussion, 40 minutes of guided meditation. Topics included discussion on samadhi, chanting of the loving-kindness sutta, anapana guided meditation, loving-kindness guided meditation.
For those who missed it and want to hear, here it is. It is best to use head/ear-phones to improve clarity. 128 kb/s
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Dhamma Talk Princeville August 19 2018
Image not found.
With only 5 minutes left before we were supposed to start, the security guard told us that someone else had the room booked and we would need to move to a smaller amd inferior room. It was a mistake on their part, and while I did ask to see the schedule book, I opted out because we were running out of time and needed to setup the room again.
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Dhamma Talk Princeville August 19 2018
Image not found.
With only 5 minutes left before we were supposed to start, the security guard told us that someone else had the room booked and we would need to move to a smaller amd inferior room. It was a mistake on their part, and while I did ask to see the schedule book, I opted out because we were running out of time and needed to setup the room again.
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Bhikkhu Subhuti’s Blog has moved!
Bhikkhu Subhuti’s Blog has moved! pub domain monk seal from wikipedia The blog at https://Subhuti.withmettanet has moved to https://AmericanMonk.org The new title of the blog is American Monk: Bhante Subhūti Why change The Domain Address? The reason why I changed the name of the domain was to streamline my verbal website announcements to let them known how to find the monk in Kauai. Usually a conversation will start up with some new person in Kauai and then I say, “Hey, you can check out my blog at americanmonk.
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Bhikkhu Subhuti’s Blog has moved!
Bhikkhu Subhuti’s Blog has moved! pub domain monk seal from wikipedia The blog at https://Subhuti.withmettanet has moved to https://AmericanMonk.org The new title of the blog is American Monk: Bhante Subhūti Why change The Domain Address? The reason why I changed the name of the domain was to streamline my verbal website announcements to let them known how to find the monk in Kauai. Usually a conversation will start up with some new person in Kauai and then I say, “Hey, you can check out my blog at americanmonk.
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Bhikkhu Subhuti’s Blog has moved!
Bhikkhu Subhuti’s Blog has moved! pub domain monk seal from wikipedia The blog at https://Subhuti.withmettanet has moved to https://AmericanMonk.org The new title of the blog is American Monk: Bhante Subhūti Why change The Domain Address? The reason why I changed the name of the domain was to streamline my verbal website announcements to let them known how to find the monk in Kauai. Usually a conversation will start up with some new person in Kauai and then I say, “Hey, you can check out my blog at americanmonk.
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Bhikkhu Subhuti’s Blog has moved!
Bhikkhu Subhuti’s Blog has moved! pub domain monk seal from wikipedia The blog at https://Subhuti.withmettanet has moved to https://AmericanMonk.org The new title of the blog is American Monk: Bhante Subhūti Why change The Domain Address? The reason why I changed the name of the domain was to streamline my verbal website announcements to let them known how to find the monk in Kauai. Usually a conversation will start up with some new person in Kauai and then I say, “Hey, you can check out my blog at americanmonk.
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Bhikkhu Subhuti’s Blog has moved!
Bhikkhu Subhuti’s Blog has moved! pub domain monk seal from wikipedia The blog at https://Subhuti.withmettanet has moved to https://AmericanMonk.org The new title of the blog is American Monk: Bhante Subhūti Why change The Domain Address? The reason why I changed the name of the domain was to streamline my verbal website announcements to let them known how to find the monk in Kauai. Usually a conversation will start up with some new person in Kauai and then I say, “Hey, you can check out my blog at americanmonk.
read moreTag: path-of-purification

The Secret Teachings of Theravāda
If there was a book that had all of the Secret Teachings of Theravāda, The Path of Purification (The Visuddhimagga) would be that book. It explains all the good stuff, like how to attain samādhi concentration; how to attain psychic powers including knowing and seeing the past lives. Lastly, it includes the stages of insight and wisdom that one needs to reach Nibbāna. Books do not get more complete than this.
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The Secret Teachings of Theravāda
If there was a book that had all of the Secret Teachings of Theravāda, The Path of Purification (The Visuddhimagga) would be that book. It explains all the good stuff, like how to attain samādhi concentration; how to attain psychic powers including knowing and seeing the past lives. Lastly, it includes the stages of insight and wisdom that one needs to reach Nibbāna. Books do not get more complete than this.
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The Secret Teachings of Theravāda
If there was a book that had all of the Secret Teachings of Theravāda, The Path of Purification (The Visuddhimagga) would be that book. It explains all the good stuff, like how to attain samādhi concentration; how to attain psychic powers including knowing and seeing the past lives. Lastly, it includes the stages of insight and wisdom that one needs to reach Nibbāna. Books do not get more complete than this.
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The Secret Teachings of Theravāda
If there was a book that had all of the Secret Teachings of Theravāda, The Path of Purification (The Visuddhimagga) would be that book. It explains all the good stuff, like how to attain samādhi concentration; how to attain psychic powers including knowing and seeing the past lives. Lastly, it includes the stages of insight and wisdom that one needs to reach Nibbāna. Books do not get more complete than this.
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September 11 and Jeremy Glick
September 11th and Jeremy Glick I have a personal story I want to tell you about Jeremy Glick and September 11, 2001. The short story is that my name is Jeremy Glick and I was a computer programmer. However, I had left my regular world in 1999 and people who have lost track of me remembered me when 9/11 happened. About seven months after I ordained as a Buddhist Monk in 2001, the famous 9/11 or September 11th event happened.
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September 11 and Jeremy Glick
September 11th and Jeremy Glick I have a personal story I want to tell you about Jeremy Glick and September 11, 2001. The short story is that my name is Jeremy Glick and I was a computer programmer. However, I had left my regular world in 1999 and people who have lost track of me remembered me when 9/11 happened. About seven months after I ordained as a Buddhist Monk in 2001, the famous 9/11 or September 11th event happened.
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Is Collecting Alms (Piṇḍapāta) Legal?
That is me going for alms on Aalona Street Kilauea. Collecting alms, also known as piṇḍapāta by Theravāda Buddhists, is a legal activity in the USA. There are some restrictions though. I spoke with a lawyer who seemed to know civil liberties quite well, but there are no guarantees with what I say. However, this information should make sense and seem legal to you. It is legal to ring the doorbell of any house and preach to them or talk to them about politics under the freedom of speech rights.
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Should We Be Nice To Muslims?
Muslim Imam giving dana. The short answer is, “Yes.” Of course we should be nice to Muslims, Christians, Atheist, animals, snakes and all beings. Sabbe Satta means all beings. In this long winded article, I speak about how the Muslims will win a majority in Myanmar and how Buddhism is already falling down in quality and quantity. Any “evil” actions like parochial schools, or large families were actually practiced in Myanmar by Buddhists only 20 or 30 years ago.
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Should We Be Nice To Muslims?
Muslim Imam giving dana. The short answer is, “Yes.” Of course we should be nice to Muslims, Christians, Atheist, animals, snakes and all beings. Sabbe Satta means all beings. In this long winded article, I speak about how the Muslims will win a majority in Myanmar and how Buddhism is already falling down in quality and quantity. Any “evil” actions like parochial schools, or large families were actually practiced in Myanmar by Buddhists only 20 or 30 years ago.
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An Open Letter to Ma Ba Tha
Top: Ma Ba Tha conference Bottom: Reaching out to Muslims to show loving-kindness. Recently, I was convinced to go to a “seminar on peace” this past Saturday. Some of you may have seen my picture on Facebook in regards to a Ma Ba Tha conference I attended. I was told that I should not pay attention to the negative press and that they are a peaceful organization and the gathering was about peace.
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Should We Be Nice To Muslims?
Muslim Imam giving dana. The short answer is, “Yes.” Of course we should be nice to Muslims, Christians, Atheist, animals, snakes and all beings. Sabbe Satta means all beings. In this long winded article, I speak about how the Muslims will win a majority in Myanmar and how Buddhism is already falling down in quality and quantity. Any “evil” actions like parochial schools, or large families were actually practiced in Myanmar by Buddhists only 20 or 30 years ago.
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Should We Be Nice To Muslims?
Muslim Imam giving dana. The short answer is, “Yes.” Of course we should be nice to Muslims, Christians, Atheist, animals, snakes and all beings. Sabbe Satta means all beings. In this long winded article, I speak about how the Muslims will win a majority in Myanmar and how Buddhism is already falling down in quality and quantity. Any “evil” actions like parochial schools, or large families were actually practiced in Myanmar by Buddhists only 20 or 30 years ago.
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A Different Love Trumps Hate

Monk's Needle Case
This is a small video on how to make a monk’s needle case from a used up disposable pen. It is one of the 8 requisites of a Buddhist monk. It is mostly intended for monks to view, but lay people might find it interesting.
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Monk's Needle Case
This is a small video on how to make a monk’s needle case from a used up disposable pen. It is one of the 8 requisites of a Buddhist monk. It is mostly intended for monks to view, but lay people might find it interesting.
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Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism
Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism I have been asked to write a little something on vegetarianism and Theravāda Buddhism. I am qualified to be quite objective, and to see both sides of the issue because I was a vegetarian for a total of ten years as a lay person and I had vegetarian eyes. That meant that when I looked at meat, cooked or not, I saw a dead animal in front of me.
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Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism
Vegetarianism and Theravada Buddhism I have been asked to write a little something on vegetarianism and Theravāda Buddhism. I am qualified to be quite objective, and to see both sides of the issue because I was a vegetarian for a total of ten years as a lay person and I had vegetarian eyes. That meant that when I looked at meat, cooked or not, I saw a dead animal in front of me.
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Possessed! A Halloween Special
There were a few times when I have seen some yogis and or monks go crazy. One time I saw a possession case when I went to a Kandy forest monastery called, Ulpathkandha. It means Sprint Hill Monastery.
I think it was 2010 when I went there. I wanted to use the Internet for the first time in a few years. I wanted to see what this Facebook thing was.
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The Dark Side of Ajahn Mun's Biography
Ajahn Mun dark
Did Ajahn Mun say the Buddha congratulated him on the night he attained arahant? His biography books says it for sure.
Venerable Ācariya Mun Būridatta Thera is one of the most revered forest masters of the 20th century. He is the root guru of both the Dhammayut and Ajahn Chah monasteries. He popularized the monastic practice of living under an umbrella in the forest and his relentless energy is fascinating and inspiring.
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The Dark Side of Ajahn Mun's Biography
Ajahn Mun dark
Did Ajahn Mun say the Buddha congratulated him on the night he attained arahant? His biography books says it for sure.
Venerable Ācariya Mun Būridatta Thera is one of the most revered forest masters of the 20th century. He is the root guru of both the Dhammayut and Ajahn Chah monasteries. He popularized the monastic practice of living under an umbrella in the forest and his relentless energy is fascinating and inspiring.
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I Finally Did It!
I Finally Did It! This Rainy Season (Vassa) I was able to learn the Pātimokkha (227 Rules) by heart. It is the first round and it takes me a long time to do it, and there are mistakes. Never the less, it is considered “learned” and “memorized” at this stage. I will hopefully recite the Pātimokkha for the full moon November 3rd if all goes well. I need to get my 2+ hours of recitation down to at least 1:15 minutes.
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How Do Monks Say Grace Before Eating?
How Do Monks Say Grace Before Eating? Do Theravāda monks say anything before they eat? Do they give thanks? Who do they say thanks to? Or is it something else?
Buddhist monks generally do a reflection and chant something before eating. In fact it is said that the monks incurs debt if they doe not reflect before eating. Actually, there are 4 reflections concerning the Four Requisites:
1. Robes
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How Do Monks Say Grace Before Eating?
How Do Monks Say Grace Before Eating? Do Theravāda monks say anything before they eat? Do they give thanks? Who do they say thanks to? Or is it something else?
Buddhist monks generally do a reflection and chant something before eating. In fact it is said that the monks incurs debt if they doe not reflect before eating. Actually, there are 4 reflections concerning the Four Requisites:
1. Robes
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Racism in Asia, Myanmar, and Monasteries
Racism in Asia, Myanmar and Monasteries I remember when I came to Sri Lanka, in 2007 and I met a monk who said he was from Slovenia. “Slovenia? What kind of country is that?” I told him that I had memorized the world map in school, but I didn’t remember any “Slovenia.” There happened to be a large world map in the other room and he called me over to see it.
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Racism in Asia, Myanmar, and Monasteries
Racism in Asia, Myanmar and Monasteries I remember when I came to Sri Lanka, in 2007 and I met a monk who said he was from Slovenia. “Slovenia? What kind of country is that?” I told him that I had memorized the world map in school, but I didn’t remember any “Slovenia.” There happened to be a large world map in the other room and he called me over to see it.
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Donation to Sangha or Individuals?
When should you give to Saṅgha?
When should you give to individual monks?
This is a question that is not addressed very often and it can cause lots of trouble for monks knowingly and unknowingly. Quite often, many monks blindly prompt donors to recite a line of pāḷi before they offer anything to them. “Bhikkhu Saṅghassa demi.” There are some variations, but that is the generic formula. It means, “I give to the community of monks.
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Making A Foot-Rug From Old Robes
Here is an instructional video on how to make a foot-rug from old and discarded monk’s robes. If you are a monk, perhaps you will be very interested in this. I made the video as I was making my very first rug. Ven. Khemavamsa is the one who helped in the end. It was his idea and I have never seen this before. The story from the texts is below:
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General Update Pre-Vassa 2017
Update Aug 5: I am back at Varansi Monastery , Mingaladone as pictured.
This is a general update. There are many sublinks to look at. Enjoy!
I have passed all of my exams and finished my Diploma Course at ITBMU and have elected not to continue further. I wish to do meditation and if I study, want to focus on Pali and the memorization of the 45 page Patimokkha rules in Pali.
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General Update Pre-Vassa 2017
Update Aug 5: I am back at Varansi Monastery , Mingaladone as pictured.
This is a general update. There are many sublinks to look at. Enjoy!
I have passed all of my exams and finished my Diploma Course at ITBMU and have elected not to continue further. I wish to do meditation and if I study, want to focus on Pali and the memorization of the 45 page Patimokkha rules in Pali.
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General Update Pre-Vassa 2017
Update Aug 5: I am back at Varansi Monastery , Mingaladone as pictured.
This is a general update. There are many sublinks to look at. Enjoy!
I have passed all of my exams and finished my Diploma Course at ITBMU and have elected not to continue further. I wish to do meditation and if I study, want to focus on Pali and the memorization of the 45 page Patimokkha rules in Pali.
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Inspiration, move me brightly
Alms Inspiration is like a bright star that shines among the dim. In Monastic life, there are few monasteries or monks that really inspire people. Following the vinaya (or rules) inspires people. It is tried and tested.
This was an old picture when I was in a vinaya monastery that follows all of the rules including the “basic ten rules” that a 7 year old beginner monk is supposed to follow.
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Shining The Inner Core
To receive this by email, sign up at https://americanmonk.org/subscribe/
Last year, this picture (without the writing) went viral. The viral post seems to makes its rounds from time to time and every so often, someone tells me they saw my picture. It started when I was in Bagan for an 8 day trip with my friend Ashin Pannyagavesaka. We did a slow and thorough excursion and walked a good chunk of Bagan when rides were not provided.
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Spoken Metta Mix by One Voice
This is a spoken English version of the Discourse on Loving-Kindness (Metta Sutta), mixed with the Pāi chanting of One Voice (EkaSara). I like it and I think you will too. Enjoy! If you get a chance, It is best listened with headphones. There is quite a bit of stereophonic separation included. Feedback welcome. The audio is uploaded here.
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Spoken Metta Mix by One Voice
This is a spoken English version of the Discourse on Loving-Kindness (Metta Sutta), mixed with the Pāi chanting of One Voice (EkaSara). I like it and I think you will too. Enjoy! If you get a chance, It is best listened with headphones. There is quite a bit of stereophonic separation included. Feedback welcome. The audio is uploaded here.
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Inspiration, move me brightly
Alms Inspiration is like a bright star that shines among the dim. In Monastic life, there are few monasteries or monks that really inspire people. Following the vinaya (or rules) inspires people. It is tried and tested.
This was an old picture when I was in a vinaya monastery that follows all of the rules including the “basic ten rules” that a 7 year old beginner monk is supposed to follow.
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Inspiration, move me brightly
Alms Inspiration is like a bright star that shines among the dim. In Monastic life, there are few monasteries or monks that really inspire people. Following the vinaya (or rules) inspires people. It is tried and tested.
This was an old picture when I was in a vinaya monastery that follows all of the rules including the “basic ten rules” that a 7 year old beginner monk is supposed to follow.
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Throwing Rice at Weddings and Birds

Throwing Rice at Weddings and Birds

Throwing Rice at Weddings and Birds

Throwing Rice at Weddings and Birds

Throwing Rice at Weddings and Birds

Buddhism and Abortion

No TV Huh? Part I
[. I was also near the train station which would take me to Manhattan if I wanted. I could run to the beach park and back as part of my 4 mile exercise route.
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No TV Huh? Part I
[. I was also near the train station which would take me to Manhattan if I wanted. I could run to the beach park and back as part of my 4 mile exercise route.
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No TV Huh? Part I
[. I was also near the train station which would take me to Manhattan if I wanted. I could run to the beach park and back as part of my 4 mile exercise route.
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No TV Huh? Part I
[. I was also near the train station which would take me to Manhattan if I wanted. I could run to the beach park and back as part of my 4 mile exercise route.
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No TV Huh? Part I
[. I was also near the train station which would take me to Manhattan if I wanted. I could run to the beach park and back as part of my 4 mile exercise route.
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Making Helmut Schmidt’s Day
A Story from 1993 from my college days, before the Internet was around.
I remember all the way back in ‘93, when I was in college and I had just spent a few weeks in China for an academic scholarship. Because I was now some type of “International” student, I was asked to attend a “lunch hour” question and answer session with Helmut Schmitt. Although I had international travel experience, I was hardly experienced in “international issues,” and I did not even know who or what he was.
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Learning to Fly

Making Helmut Schmidt’s Day
A Story from 1993 from my college days, before the Internet was around.
I remember all the way back in ‘93, when I was in college and I had just spent a few weeks in China for an academic scholarship. Because I was now some type of “International” student, I was asked to attend a “lunch hour” question and answer session with Helmut Schmitt. Although I had international travel experience, I was hardly experienced in “international issues,” and I did not even know who or what he was.
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Lucky-Draw and Devas
Calculation of odds. Do you believe in devas?
Devas are the Buddhist equivalent to angels. Ok .. Here is the story. I was on alms round two weeks ago and a regular supporter invited us to ask for anything for our studies at school. I needed some pens, so I asked for some pens. He told me to wait and showed up with a huge pen gift-box. He opened it up for me and there was a fat and expensive Cross pen inside.
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Lucky-Draw and Devas
Calculation of odds. Do you believe in devas?
Devas are the Buddhist equivalent to angels. Ok .. Here is the story. I was on alms round two weeks ago and a regular supporter invited us to ask for anything for our studies at school. I needed some pens, so I asked for some pens. He told me to wait and showed up with a huge pen gift-box. He opened it up for me and there was a fat and expensive Cross pen inside.
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Learning to Fly

Learning to Fly

Make The Best Free Meditation Seat: The Samadhi-Sausage
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Tutorial on How to Sit Many times I have given advice to yogis on how to sit properly and I have received raving success. In fact, I asked one fellow student to model for the pictures you will see in this article and he was absolutely amazed at how comfortable he was as soon as he sat down. He spoke loudly with joy and excitement as soon as he was seated in the Samādhi-Sausage, which prompted other people to peek inside the room to see what all of the commotion was about.
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Make The Best Free Meditation Seat: The Samadhi-Sausage
Download Free A4 format PDF
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Tutorial on How to Sit Many times I have given advice to yogis on how to sit properly and I have received raving success. In fact, I asked one fellow student to model for the pictures you will see in this article and he was absolutely amazed at how comfortable he was as soon as he sat down. He spoke loudly with joy and excitement as soon as he was seated in the Samādhi-Sausage, which prompted other people to peek inside the room to see what all of the commotion was about.
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Make The Best Free Meditation Seat: The Samadhi-Sausage
Download Free A4 format PDF
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Tutorial on How to Sit Many times I have given advice to yogis on how to sit properly and I have received raving success. In fact, I asked one fellow student to model for the pictures you will see in this article and he was absolutely amazed at how comfortable he was as soon as he sat down. He spoke loudly with joy and excitement as soon as he was seated in the Samādhi-Sausage, which prompted other people to peek inside the room to see what all of the commotion was about.
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Make The Best Free Meditation Seat: The Samadhi-Sausage
Download Free A4 format PDF
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Tutorial on How to Sit Many times I have given advice to yogis on how to sit properly and I have received raving success. In fact, I asked one fellow student to model for the pictures you will see in this article and he was absolutely amazed at how comfortable he was as soon as he sat down. He spoke loudly with joy and excitement as soon as he was seated in the Samādhi-Sausage, which prompted other people to peek inside the room to see what all of the commotion was about.
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Make The Best Free Meditation Seat: The Samadhi-Sausage
Download Free A4 format PDF
Download Free A5 format PDF
Tutorial on How to Sit Many times I have given advice to yogis on how to sit properly and I have received raving success. In fact, I asked one fellow student to model for the pictures you will see in this article and he was absolutely amazed at how comfortable he was as soon as he sat down. He spoke loudly with joy and excitement as soon as he was seated in the Samādhi-Sausage, which prompted other people to peek inside the room to see what all of the commotion was about.
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Make The Best Free Meditation Seat: The Samadhi-Sausage
Download Free A4 format PDF
Download Free A5 format PDF
Tutorial on How to Sit Many times I have given advice to yogis on how to sit properly and I have received raving success. In fact, I asked one fellow student to model for the pictures you will see in this article and he was absolutely amazed at how comfortable he was as soon as he sat down. He spoke loudly with joy and excitement as soon as he was seated in the Samādhi-Sausage, which prompted other people to peek inside the room to see what all of the commotion was about.
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Kauai Propagation Presentation
A 2 part Powerpoint presentation about what two monks did in Kauai, Hawaii during June to December 2015. The theme was propagation, but the propagation was done just from being monks who do not touch money, and collect their food the traditional Buddhist monk way. The vision, how it got started, stories and experiences were shared. About 50 people were in the audience. Running time is about 1 hour total for both.
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Kauai Propagation Presentation
A 2 part Powerpoint presentation about what two monks did in Kauai, Hawaii during June to December 2015. The theme was propagation, but the propagation was done just from being monks who do not touch money, and collect their food the traditional Buddhist monk way. The vision, how it got started, stories and experiences were shared. About 50 people were in the audience. Running time is about 1 hour total for both.
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A Different Love Trumps Hate

The Coolest Incense Holder
Here is a sample video and written instructions for making a self-contained incense holder made from a plastic bottle. It is the coolest incense holder I have ever used. The idea is not mine. An American lay person had one at his dorm room and I thought it was the coolest thing since sliced bread. I made mine in minutes.
The Problem: No matter how you slice it, incense holders often let the ashes fall outside of the “catching-base.
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The Coolest Incense Holder
Here is a sample video and written instructions for making a self-contained incense holder made from a plastic bottle. It is the coolest incense holder I have ever used. The idea is not mine. An American lay person had one at his dorm room and I thought it was the coolest thing since sliced bread. I made mine in minutes.
The Problem: No matter how you slice it, incense holders often let the ashes fall outside of the “catching-base.
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The Coolest Incense Holder
Here is a sample video and written instructions for making a self-contained incense holder made from a plastic bottle. It is the coolest incense holder I have ever used. The idea is not mine. An American lay person had one at his dorm room and I thought it was the coolest thing since sliced bread. I made mine in minutes.
The Problem: No matter how you slice it, incense holders often let the ashes fall outside of the “catching-base.
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The Coolest Incense Holder
Here is a sample video and written instructions for making a self-contained incense holder made from a plastic bottle. It is the coolest incense holder I have ever used. The idea is not mine. An American lay person had one at his dorm room and I thought it was the coolest thing since sliced bread. I made mine in minutes.
The Problem: No matter how you slice it, incense holders often let the ashes fall outside of the “catching-base.
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The Coolest Incense Holder
Here is a sample video and written instructions for making a self-contained incense holder made from a plastic bottle. It is the coolest incense holder I have ever used. The idea is not mine. An American lay person had one at his dorm room and I thought it was the coolest thing since sliced bread. I made mine in minutes.
The Problem: No matter how you slice it, incense holders often let the ashes fall outside of the “catching-base.
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When It Rains It Pours
[, then I will skip it and find another one or stay with the shack village alone. After 3 weeks of only one donor in that village, I finally got some edible food….
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The Benefits of Faith Alms
[, you can learn a lot about yourself and the real Buddhist teachings.
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An Open Letter to Ma Ba Tha
Top: Ma Ba Tha conference Bottom: Reaching out to Muslims to show loving-kindness. Recently, I was convinced to go to a “seminar on peace” this past Saturday. Some of you may have seen my picture on Facebook in regards to a Ma Ba Tha conference I attended. I was told that I should not pay attention to the negative press and that they are a peaceful organization and the gathering was about peace.
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The Benefits of Faith Alms
[, you can learn a lot about yourself and the real Buddhist teachings.
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An Open Letter to Ma Ba Tha
Top: Ma Ba Tha conference Bottom: Reaching out to Muslims to show loving-kindness. Recently, I was convinced to go to a “seminar on peace” this past Saturday. Some of you may have seen my picture on Facebook in regards to a Ma Ba Tha conference I attended. I was told that I should not pay attention to the negative press and that they are a peaceful organization and the gathering was about peace.
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License to Spill (Myanmar Thingyan, New Year)
In the eight plus years that I have lived in Myanmar, I have never seen the Thingyan Water Festival festivities happening in the street. I normally spend my time in the monastery and normally, if I went on alms, it would be early in the morning. However, our Kyownpine monastery goes out on alms round a little later so we can collect real food to actually eat a little bit easier (so the donors have time to cook).
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An Open Letter to Ma Ba Tha
Top: Ma Ba Tha conference Bottom: Reaching out to Muslims to show loving-kindness. Recently, I was convinced to go to a “seminar on peace” this past Saturday. Some of you may have seen my picture on Facebook in regards to a Ma Ba Tha conference I attended. I was told that I should not pay attention to the negative press and that they are a peaceful organization and the gathering was about peace.
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Visit to Varanasi Monastery, Mingaladon
Sima of Varanasi Monastery. A Brief Visit to Varanasi Monastery, Mingaladon
I had a few more days before I was allowed to arrive at ITBM University (I am there now). Very close by is one of my favorite monasteries in the Yangon District. Actually, there are very few choices for monks who follow the monk’s rules (Vinaya) if you want to live with like minded vinaya monks. Even though Pa-Auk is a vinaya monastery, there is not the same consistency of monks who have vinaya in their hearts.
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Homeless and Living Out of a Box.

Homeless and Living Out of a Box.

Homeless and Living Out of a Box.

Homeless and Living Out of a Box.

Why Are The Monks Fighting Over Food?
I cannot believe that I am writing an article that explains how the monks are fighting over food. It is very awkward to hear isn’t it? On the other hand human nature is human nature. We have six monks who sit at each table and sometimes there is not enough of the special items to go around. And that is when the fighting begins…
But it is not what you think.
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Why Are The Monks Fighting Over Food?
I cannot believe that I am writing an article that explains how the monks are fighting over food. It is very awkward to hear isn’t it? On the other hand human nature is human nature. We have six monks who sit at each table and sometimes there is not enough of the special items to go around. And that is when the fighting begins…
But it is not what you think.
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Pa-Auk Monastery in Mudon
Kyownpine Pa-Auk Branch Monastery in Mudon, Myanmar. I have moved to Yorgo Sayadaw ’s new monastery called Kyownpine. The Yorgo Sayadaw read my first ordination transaction 15 years ago and invited me to come. He speaks no English, but we have fun together. Such a lovely place, lots of Metta here. Good views, cool at night (75 degrees), nice kuti.
This place is suitable for foreigners to live at complete with proper vinaya (monks’ rules).
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License to Spill (Myanmar Thingyan, New Year)
In the eight plus years that I have lived in Myanmar, I have never seen the Thingyan Water Festival festivities happening in the street. I normally spend my time in the monastery and normally, if I went on alms, it would be early in the morning. However, our Kyownpine monastery goes out on alms round a little later so we can collect real food to actually eat a little bit easier (so the donors have time to cook).
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License to Spill (Myanmar Thingyan, New Year)
In the eight plus years that I have lived in Myanmar, I have never seen the Thingyan Water Festival festivities happening in the street. I normally spend my time in the monastery and normally, if I went on alms, it would be early in the morning. However, our Kyownpine monastery goes out on alms round a little later so we can collect real food to actually eat a little bit easier (so the donors have time to cook).
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License to Spill (Myanmar Thingyan, New Year)
In the eight plus years that I have lived in Myanmar, I have never seen the Thingyan Water Festival festivities happening in the street. I normally spend my time in the monastery and normally, if I went on alms, it would be early in the morning. However, our Kyownpine monastery goes out on alms round a little later so we can collect real food to actually eat a little bit easier (so the donors have time to cook).
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License to Spill (Myanmar Thingyan, New Year)
In the eight plus years that I have lived in Myanmar, I have never seen the Thingyan Water Festival festivities happening in the street. I normally spend my time in the monastery and normally, if I went on alms, it would be early in the morning. However, our Kyownpine monastery goes out on alms round a little later so we can collect real food to actually eat a little bit easier (so the donors have time to cook).
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License to Spill (Myanmar Thingyan, New Year)
In the eight plus years that I have lived in Myanmar, I have never seen the Thingyan Water Festival festivities happening in the street. I normally spend my time in the monastery and normally, if I went on alms, it would be early in the morning. However, our Kyownpine monastery goes out on alms round a little later so we can collect real food to actually eat a little bit easier (so the donors have time to cook).
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Pa-Auk Monastery in Mudon
Kyownpine Pa-Auk Branch Monastery in Mudon, Myanmar. I have moved to Yorgo Sayadaw ’s new monastery called Kyownpine. The Yorgo Sayadaw read my first ordination transaction 15 years ago and invited me to come. He speaks no English, but we have fun together. Such a lovely place, lots of Metta here. Good views, cool at night (75 degrees), nice kuti.
This place is suitable for foreigners to live at complete with proper vinaya (monks’ rules).
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Pa-Auk Forest Monastery HD
I made this video from 55 minutes of nearly silent footage. I cut it us and added a script to it. The titles in English are from the original and are misspelled in some areas. The monastery is more or less the same except a new health clinic which i had posted pictures of earlier. I finally got a higher resolution copy uploaded (in full) to YouTube, thanks to a wonderful Bhante who helped me upload it from the DVD Version.
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Kauai Slideshow
I recently made a Hawaii video slideshow. Here is the link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DjEHWNTHQ0
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Back in Myanmar Headed to Pa-Auk Meditation Center
From the pamc lookout. I am back in Myanmar from Kauai, Hawaii. I will begin the Bus trip to Pa-Auk Meditation Center this morning. What a long transit back that was. Here is a picture taken from Pa-Auk Lookout point that friends and I had fun taking a while back. I will begin the Bus trip to Pa-Auk Meditation Center this morning.
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Back in Myanmar Headed to Pa-Auk Meditation Center
From the pamc lookout. I am back in Myanmar from Kauai, Hawaii. I will begin the Bus trip to Pa-Auk Meditation Center this morning. What a long transit back that was. Here is a picture taken from Pa-Auk Lookout point that friends and I had fun taking a while back. I will begin the Bus trip to Pa-Auk Meditation Center this morning.
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The Blue Room Session and Update

The Blue Room Session and Update

The Blue Room Session and Update

Loving Kindness Wins The Race
Last week we encountered a disturbing event while we were going for Alms in village in Kauai. There was a lady on a bicycle who approached us and asked us what we were doing. Her tone of voice was not so happy, but we enjoy telling people what we are doing because it does not happen so often and that is one of our goals when we stand in front of each house.
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Pa-Auk Forest Monastery HD
I made this video from 55 minutes of nearly silent footage. I cut it us and added a script to it. The titles in English are from the original and are misspelled in some areas. The monastery is more or less the same except a new health clinic which i had posted pictures of earlier. I finally got a higher resolution copy uploaded (in full) to YouTube, thanks to a wonderful Bhante who helped me upload it from the DVD Version.
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Our Bodhi Tree
There is a Bodhi Tree on our property and we sometimes do a vandana (chanting) in front of this tree rather than at the gazebo. We did one tonight until a passing rain cloud sprinkled on us.
From Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bodhi_Tree The Bodhi Tree, also known as Bo (from Sinhalese: Bo) and “peepal tree” in Nepal and Bhutan, was a large and very old sacred fig tree (Ficus religiosa[1])[2] located in Bodh Gaya, India, under which Siddhartha Gautama, the spiritual teacher later known as Gautama Buddha, is said to have attained enlightenment, or Bodhi.
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Getting Alms At Pa-Auk
My father asked me what the food was like. Here is a small video going through the alms-line at Pa-Auk
I’m not sure what year this was. I think sometime around 2015
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Getting Alms At Pa-Auk
My father asked me what the food was like. Here is a small video going through the alms-line at Pa-Auk
I’m not sure what year this was. I think sometime around 2015
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Getting Alms At Pa-Auk
My father asked me what the food was like. Here is a small video going through the alms-line at Pa-Auk
I’m not sure what year this was. I think sometime around 2015
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Getting Alms At Pa-Auk
My father asked me what the food was like. Here is a small video going through the alms-line at Pa-Auk
I’m not sure what year this was. I think sometime around 2015
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Getting Alms At Pa-Auk
My father asked me what the food was like. Here is a small video going through the alms-line at Pa-Auk
I’m not sure what year this was. I think sometime around 2015
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For those of you who do not know what an Asian Shower is
For those of you who do not know what an Asian shower room looks like! This one is luxurious with a stainless steel water bowl! Ahhh! I often prefer this method over a shower head (This shower room does not have one, but if it did I would still prefer this method). A long time ago, Westerners did this too. The toilet is inside the same room too, not shown.
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