Our bus passes start on July 1.
[![kauai-bus-information](/images/kauai-bus-information.webp" >}}](/images/2015/07/kauai-bus-information.webp" >}}
Our bus passes start on July 1. However, Kauai is easy to hitchhike on. To make things difficult, I do not want to use my thumb and just let people guess. The result?
It is really easy and I regret having passes, although it is easy that way.
Today we got a ride from someone who went to Kula High School where I used to teach in 2000. She knew our road and drove us door to door. She had mentioned that this road has beautiful places behind the gates and that she wanted to live on this road. I told her she might freak out when she sees our place. When she pulled into our driveway she said, “This is ridiculous!”
We move into the kuti tomorrow.
Princeville Food land is temporarily cancelled until we speak with the property manager. The store manager was cool about us being there.
We have a green light from the “big save” manager and the shopping center owner in Hanalei.
We have been going into Kilauea village almost every day and we are working out different routes.
We are getting some food already. The locals think we are only blessing them. We are doing that. I wish them loving kindness on the road in front of each house for about 20 seconds…but we are also looking for our meal.
The people have been very friendly. And some people know who we are. It is wonderful.
Some other people think our bowls are drums.
There are 3 food banks per week in our area alone and we have emergency food at the place. There is usually someone to help us offer if needed.
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