New Belt And Pocket
Ven Beralihela Upali Thero made me a pocket and belt today. The story goes like this. I sent him a message asking him about a monk who was wearing rag robes that looked like a Westerner but was actually a native Sinhala monk. He knew about this monk, but not very much. Afterwards, I told him about my lower robe I once kept going for four years and it had many patches on it. However, not many people knew about it since it was covered by my upper robe. Afterwards, I don’t know why, but he asked if I needed any help with anything. Initially I said “nope” but then told him about my belt and pocket project that needed replacing.

My belt was surely from 2012 or older. My pocket was from 2018 or older and had a large it. The belt was ripped and falling apart (a cloth cover over a used seat-belt from a car). Both were worn out and needed replacing, especially for my upcoming trip to Florida, USA.
I asked him if he knew how to sew or if he knew anyone else who knew how to so. He kindly volunteered to help me.
I’m so very happy because I really needed this to get done and I was thinking about this for a month or two. The belt is one of the 8 requisites of a monk:
- Robe for covering the upper body (saṅghāti)
- Robe for covering the lower body (uttarāsaṅga)
- Inner robe (antaravāsaka)
- Alms bowl (patta)
- Razor (sharp knife) (satthakaṃ)
- Sewing kit (needle) (sūci)
- Water filter (parissāvana)
- Waistband (kāyabandhana)
I had my old belt for over 12 years. This new belt will probably last another 10 or more years. It will outlive several sets of robes and will get used daily under normal circumstances. While the bowl can last the lifetime of a monk. I have never considered how long a belt would last for a monk. My friend has made a lot of good merit indeed.

It is quite common for us to use robes as cloth for various projects. We cut up a lower robe that was too small to wear to make the pocket and belt. I still have the rest of the robe if I need it for something else.
I’m so very happy! We agreed that in ten years if I’m still alive and working on my 28th vassa, Ven. Beralihela Upali Thero will make me a new set. We both put an entry in our Google calendars ten years from now making it my most advanced entry for September 1, 2034 which will give him one week to make me a new set.

May Ven Beralihela Upali Thero gain great merits from his act of kindness and may he also share in the merit of this blog post which might inspire those who read. Sādhu Sādhu Sādhu!
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