Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “meditation”

Choosing Your Awareness With Selective Attention
Training the Mind to not notice things: It seems strange that mindfulness would be used to not notice things. However, there’s a famous psychological experiment—one that’s only 1 minute and 21 seconds long—that has surprised people for years. I won’t spoil it for you, but if you haven’t seen it yet, watch it first and let me know how many times the ball was passed by the players wearing the white shirts:
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Pa-Auk Forest Monastery and Pa-Auk Sayadaw Shared Names
Pa-Auk Main Gate (cc-by-sa)
Pa-Auk Forest Monastery and Pa-Auk Sayadaw share the same names. Why is that?
Some people might question why Pa-Auk Forest Monastery and Venerable Pa-Auk Sayadaw have the same names. Did the Pa-Auk Sayadaw name his monastery after himself to immortalize his name? Is this an ego trip? What is the who, what, were, when, why, and how of this story?
Who? Venerable Pa-Auk Sayadawgyi (cc-by-sa)
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Ajahn Brahm's Dark Jhāna
Does Ajahn Brahm Jhāna Have a Nimitta? Ajahn Brahm (“Ajahn Brahmavamso”) teaches about a samādhi nimitta. However, during jhāna, he says that there is no perception of light. He says that “The nimitta is the gateway to jhāna, but not the object of jhāna itself. Pīti or sukha are the objects of jhāna”.
If you follow Ajahn Brahm, this article will help you follow his teachings better. If you follow another method, this article will help you distinguish the difference.
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The Mantra of Loving-Kindness
This video is an instruction on how to practice loving-kindness meditation. The simplest way is to repeat the Loving-Kindness phrases (mantras). The discussion goes into the details. I hope you enjoy this.
May you be happy!
May you be happy!
May you be happy!
Repeat “May I be happy” over and over again (in your mind) until the timer goes off.
Repeat “May you be happy” over and over again (in your mind) until the timer goes off.
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Walking Meditation Inside The Home
There are many people who are inside their homes, so I thought it would be good to make a small 10 minute video on how to do basic walking meditation inside the home. Here it is.
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Interview: Monk Meditates for 24 Hours
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Interview 1 of 2 Note: Some edits have been made afterwards to make things clear or to protect the anonymity of people.
I am sitting here now with one anonymous monk. He has sat for more than 24 hours in 4th jhāna and I wanted to interview him anonymously to inspire others. So we are here with Bhante (Note: All monks can be called “Bhante”).
I want to ask a few questions.
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Meditation or Religious Visas
New Update and Summary: Myanmar Visas in the USA now only take 4 business days (It used to be of 3 Months). See Religious Visa application for USA Embassy: Visa cost is $50 valid for 3 months (arrive before 3 months) and stay permit of 70 days Sponsor letter, Payment, application form, work history, and passport are needed. Verify all of this at the Myanmar Embassy in DC at +1 202-238-9332 http://www.
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Fingernail Meditation
 as a subject of meditation. Although this has probably never been taught before by anyone as a standalone meditation subject, it is a subsection of a meditation instruction that all monks are given on their ordination day. That is called, “The First Five Body Parts,” Yes, it is that well known, but rarely ever or even never taught.
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Free 10-Day Meditation Course
I often recommend a free 10-day vipassana meditation course found at . Is it possible that there would be a 10-day meditation retreat that gives you food and lodging for free? Not only that, but would they refuse to accept money prior to taking such a 10-day meditation course? Is that possible? Of course it is possible! You see, they refuse to accept payments before you attend the course but allow you to donate for the next group after you finish.
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MP3 of Princeville Dhamma Talk September 2, 2018
mp3 Dhamma Talk September 2, 2018 Another mp3 recording of a happy Guided meditation and discussion at Princeville, Kauai, Hawaii. Expect about 35 minutes discussion, 40 minutes of guided meditation. Topics included discussion on samadhi, chanting of the loving-kindness sutta, anapana guided meditation, loving-kindness guided meditation.
For those who missed it and want to hear, here it is. It is best to use head/ear-phones to improve clarity. 128 kb/s
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Dhamma Talk Princeville August 19 2018
Image not found.
With only 5 minutes left before we were supposed to start, the security guard told us that someone else had the room booked and we would need to move to a smaller amd inferior room. It was a mistake on their part, and while I did ask to see the schedule book, I opted out because we were running out of time and needed to setup the room again.
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The Concept in Breath Meditation
The Concept in Breath Meditation The concept of the breath as it is used in meditation is not well understood. We will discuss this matter in this small article. There are many methods concerned with the breath, but The Ancient Theravāda Commentaries say that one should focus at one area above the upper lip and at the exit of the nostrils. However, if one just limited himself to that one single method, things can still get complicated.
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A Tale of Love and Samādhi Explained: A'capella Inertia
A Tale of Love and Samādhi Explained: A’capella Inertia A little Valentines story for all of you. The topside title is just a description of what the story is generally about. However, the real title of the story is called, “A’capella Inertia.” This is not a short one, but I think you will like this one very much. It has received high marks and it will take about 30 minutes to read.
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Maymo Pa-Auk (Pyin Oo Lwin)
Drone View. A Brief Return to Pa-Auk Maymyo (pyin oo lwin).
In 2012 I had left my home at Nauyana, Sri Lanka to reconnect with my teacher Pa-Auk Saydawgyi in his spank’in new meditation center. It was built by a Myanmar Billionaire, and was still being finished as we were coming to the grand opening retreat.
The climate was nice and cool and the food was exceptional. However one of the faults was that it was really close to a major road, in a spot where the truck shift gears and accelerate.
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Make The Best Free Meditation Seat: The Samadhi-Sausage
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Tutorial on How to Sit Many times I have given advice to yogis on how to sit properly and I have received raving success. In fact, I asked one fellow student to model for the pictures you will see in this article and he was absolutely amazed at how comfortable he was as soon as he sat down. He spoke loudly with joy and excitement as soon as he was seated in the Samādhi-Sausage, which prompted other people to peek inside the room to see what all of the commotion was about.
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License to Spill (Myanmar Thingyan, New Year)
In the eight plus years that I have lived in Myanmar, I have never seen the Thingyan Water Festival festivities happening in the street. I normally spend my time in the monastery and normally, if I went on alms, it would be early in the morning. However, our Kyownpine monastery goes out on alms round a little later so we can collect real food to actually eat a little bit easier (so the donors have time to cook).
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Bagan Slideshow
Here is a video slideshow of my Bagan trip. We had scheduled 8 full days to travel around, and mostly on foot. We had a limited budget and it was a real joy. Basically, the less transportation you have, the more you can take in. However, you need time to do that. Ven Pannyagavesaka went with me. He likes to take pictures and I like to wander around. It was a good match.
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Back in Myanmar Headed to Pa-Auk Meditation Center
From the pamc lookout. I am back in Myanmar from Kauai, Hawaii. I will begin the Bus trip to Pa-Auk Meditation Center this morning. What a long transit back that was. Here is a picture taken from Pa-Auk Lookout point that friends and I had fun taking a while back. I will begin the Bus trip to Pa-Auk Meditation Center this morning.
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The Blue Room Session and Update

Mangala Sutta Dhamma Talk

Loving Kindness Wins The Race
Last week we encountered a disturbing event while we were going for Alms in village in Kauai. There was a lady on a bicycle who approached us and asked us what we were doing. Her tone of voice was not so happy, but we enjoy telling people what we are doing because it does not happen so often and that is one of our goals when we stand in front of each house.
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It's Only Half The Story
Yesterday, I had spoken about how someone took our pictures and who said something like, “I just wanted to tell you (her hand was now over her heart) how much …what you do means to me. I really want to thank you for what you are doing!”
She drove off in her electric car that sounded like a vacuum cleaner. A few moments later, the same vacuum cleaner showed up again, and then she asked if she could take our picture.
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New Dhamma Talk November 28
This might be the last Dhamma Talk for Kauai.???? [

Mahamangala Dhamma Talk 2
HERE IS AN UNEDITED version of the Dhammatalk on the Mahamangala Sutta #2. There is quite a bit of silence in the beginning, so please be patient. Download here

Pa-Auk Forest Monastery HD
I made this video from 55 minutes of nearly silent footage. I cut it us and added a script to it. The titles in English are from the original and are misspelled in some areas. The monastery is more or less the same except a new health clinic which i had posted pictures of earlier. I finally got a higher resolution copy uploaded (in full) to YouTube, thanks to a wonderful Bhante who helped me upload it from the DVD Version.
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A Useful Quote from "Free Spirit"

New Dhamma Talk Location
My friend Nikita (x ven Kippabinnya) made this flyer for our new location. There was a request to move to Kapaa which is more central. Golden Lotus seems like a nice place and they have cushions and chairs available.

Kauai Dhamma Talk September
Here are links to the two parts of a Dhamma Talk on the Mahamangala Sutta givin at Princeville Community Center in Kauai. September 27th.
The first part has Loving kindness
The second part starts the main subject. (First 3 minutes were not recorded)
The talk will be a series on the Sutta. This talk covered the introductory verses.
The files are unedited and the breaks are recorded. Feel free to edit and resend them to me.
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Unedited Kauai talk August
Here is an unedited file from the dhamma talk I gave. The first section on Loving kindness is missing. Soon I will add the first talk which has a similar first section.
The two hours consists of:
Chanting and loving kindness meditation
5 minute break
An introduction and general overview of the Sabbasava Sutta.
5 minute break
A brief meditation session, followed by Q/A and sharing of merit.
The talk can be downloaded Here.
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Inclination for Meditation
[![grassmeditation~01](/images/grassmeditation01.webp" >}}](/images/2015/08/grassmeditation01.webp" >}}
These days, most meditators meditate inside buildings on flat and hard surfaces. One should try to meditate outside on a nice grassy area that has a 20 to 30° angle. It does not take much to find such a place and if you do, you might feel there is no need for pillows or other bulky equipment for your comfort. Go ahead and give it a *try!
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